Mr. Fingers

Ove nebuloze pisane su 11.02.2006., to je subota

Davim vas o Singlovi

Prvi singlovi mog benda (potencijalno ime: Black light - ili latinska verzija), još nemaju glazbu, molio bih pomoć... moje vjerno čitateljstvo... Imat ćemo prilično dobar sopran, svirat ćemo gothic, malo power metal, klavijature, nepodivljale gitare (jer ih baš i nemamo :)... Here are they:

Sacred is decieving
What's left of me

Competing in lies
Defeating my arogance

I see your face
It's coming closer
I'm affraid of what I see

In your tears I smell doubt
Among your death- like breath

Swallowed the beast
You threw up

Ceased my existence
You came for me (2x)

Standing before you
Feeling your thoughts
Seeing you
Through the barrier

You use to hide yourself

Your eyes are blinding me
Your thoughts - disappointing me

Sensing your ethernal peace
I remain senseless
Your voice, your presence
Hastes surrounders death

Lost in lies
Small vs. the world

Proud to be fake

Making everyone happy
Everyone but yourself


Drawing your spotless smile
Hiding what's in your eyes

(dedicated to Bree van de Kamp)

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