Znam da je opet pjesma ali nekad se naprosto ne znam drukčije izrazit. Nekako mi pristaje uz ovaj kišno-snježni dan...
"I cannot leave here, I cannot stay,
Forever haunted, more than afraid.
Asphyxiate on words I would say,
I'm drawn to a blackened sky as I turn blue..."
and I am?
odd descendent of some random Berserker Viking here in the middle of behind God's back ,in the utter darkness, strumming an acoustic and singing about forlorn love and pretending to be Baudelaire or whatever =)
"Love, sex, food, friendship, art, play, beauty and the simple pleasure of a cup of tea are all well and good, but never forget that God/the universe is determined to kill you by whatever means necessary."
Chuck Lorre
now I think I understand
how this world can overcome a man...