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27.08.2005., subota

pank poveznice

"Stevo" Jensen RIP
Reader Submitted reports: Former Vandals lead singer Steven "Stevo" Jensen passed away at his home on the island of Maui last weekend due to causes as yet unknown. Jensen sang for the Vandals from 1980 through 1984, appearing on the band's first two full-lengths, Peace Through Vandalism and When In Rome Do As The Vandals before being replaced by current vocalist Dave Quackenbush.

Guitarist Jan Nils Ackermann had the following to say: "First as his friend and then as his bandmate, I noticed that whoever met Stevo was touched by his unique sense of humor and talent for entertaining. Trust me...there was nothing he wouldn't do for a laugh. I was constantly surprised and entertained by Stevo, even at our own shows. Stevo was a great friend and an outstanding entertainer. Anybody who came to our shows knew that.

"The Vandals of the Stevo years (1980-84) stood for nothing more than having a good time and poking a little fun at such a serious and confusing world. Stevo's Vandals had no dogma, no agenda, no anger, and no greed... Stevo was an inspiration to me and was always our friend...always. On behalf of myself and Vandals bassist Steve "Human" Pfauter, we extend our sincere condolences to Stevo's parents and family.Long Live Stevo...Anarchy Burgers for everyone!"

Punk Rock Is Dead

(Blabbermouth) Former MISFITS frontman Michale Graves has announced the following dates in support of his recently released CD on Horror High Records, "Punk Rock Is Dead":

Sep. 02 - Middle Village, NY - Red Zone
Sep. 07 - Nashville, TN - Hair Of The Dog
Sep. 08 - Atlanta, GA - Mulligans
Sep. 09 - Savannah, GA - The Jinx
Sep. 10 - Miami, FL - Kaffe Krystal

[see full story for more] - Click here for the Full Story

L.A.'s Wives strip down to their punk essence

There were only 13 people at the start of the show, but that didn't stop Wives frontman Dean Spunt from doing what comes naturally at the Hi-Dive on Tuesday. The self-proclaimed informal mayor of Los Angeles and Seth Green stunt double got down to his skinny skivvies just a few noisy songs into a liberating salvo of bombastic, hilarious chain-saw rock. With an intentional static through-line playing throughout, the near-naked Spunt even took a detour into the men's room while guitarist Randy Randall crowd-surfed, sans crowd. (And I would swear he was sort-of sampling Stevie Nick's "Edge of Seventeen.") The all-too-brief breakneck set, opening the Magicyclops CD re-

release party and Devo afterparty, climaxed with Randall lodging two guitars in the Hi-Dive's ceiling light tree as Spunt conducted a performance-art re-dressing. The set blissfully fulfilled the punkers' mantra, "I'm much too young to be unimportant."

- 18:44 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

26.08.2005., petak


Nalazite se na 117. mjestu od ukupno 33005 blogova po broju objavljenih postova.

vauu! ma biche bolje
- 22:46 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

jebenica links

Scissors+Paper+Stone shkare/kamen/papir flash game

http://catsinsinks.com/ machichi u sudoperu

crop_of_the_pops kolkoznate o bendovima

http://www.crazymum.com/index.php pleshi s kozom

plavi papa
Vibrating Pope Barometer - Gone, but not forgotten - the memory of
Pope John Paul II lives on in the form of this lovely colour-changing barometer.

A Comfort Pet is a pet urn or a stuffed animal pet urn in the likeness of your beloved deceased pet. It has a zippered pocket pet urn in it for you to place your pet's cremains (cremated remains)to use as a pet memorial urn. Rather than a hard wooden, plastic or ceramic box for a pet urn , dog urn or cat urn, a Comfort Pet is 'an urn alternative' that is soft and lovable.

- 21:36 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

restarts video

timewaster ;-)

- 16:34 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

25.08.2005., četvrtak

konachno je pochelo


SRIJEDA 31.08. • V 20:00 K 21:30

BLACKFIRE čine tri člana i to iste obitelji indijanskog plemena Navajo. Ova dvojica braće i sestra izvode punk-rock pod snažnim tradicionalnim utjecajem, nabijen visokim energetskim potencijalom, a pozadinom njihova rada dominira socijalno politički angažman usmjeren prema opresiji, ekocidu, genocidu, kućnom nasilju i ljudskim pravima. Glazba ovih izvornih Amerikanaca odražava nadu u budućnost i težnja slobodi. Svoj prvi koncert održali su 1989. i od tada na brojnim turnejama i gostovanjima širom svijeta svojim radom promiču jednakost kultura. U svoje koncertne nastupe ugrađuju često performativne elemente domorodačkog plesa u izvedbi the Jones Benally Family, a često održavaju i radionice. Album iz 2001. "One Nation Under" producirao je Don Fleming, čovjek koji je od '80tih važan nositelj suvremene underground rock scene (član grupe Velvet Monkeys; producirao je između ostalih i Alicea Coopera i Sonic Youth). Na istom albumu dvije pjesme otpjevao je slavni pjevač Ramonesa Joey Ramone, kojega je te godine zaustavila smrt.

Garažni punk'n'roll trio najavljuje izlazak novog albuma i ovim koncertom započinje evropsku turneju te predstavlja po prvi put u Zagrebu novu basisticu.

Pop punk rock četvorka iz Međimurja promovira svoj novi, još nesnimljeni materijal.

upad: 25 KN
- 21:39 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

23.08.2005., utorak


je u kurcu! (bar za nas prek karneta)


Your client does not have permission to get URL

- 14:04 - Komentari (3) - Isprintaj - #

22.08.2005., ponedjeljak

Banda Bassotti - Amore E Odio

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usFree Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us
- 14:01 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

eh, peh!

FT Cittadella [3 - 2] Livorno
15' [1 - 0] Giacobbo
26' [1 - 1] C. Lucarelli
40' [2 - 1] Colussi
47' [3 - 1] Riberto
90' [3 - 2] M. Pfertzel


livorno je ispal iz kupa od cittadelle kluba iz c1 lige. i tak spushil priliku da igra s omiljenim nam feLacijom.

Coppa Italia, Livorno eliminato
CITTADELLA (Pd), 21 agosto 2005 - Si ferma al terzo turno il cammino del Livorno in coppa Italia: la squadra di Donadoni č stata sconfitta per 3-2 dal Cittadella (serie C1).Nonostante la differenza di due categorie, un'altra vittima illustre per i granata di Foscarini dopo Modena e Ternana nei primi due turni eliminatiri. Padovani in vantaggio al 15' con una splendida punizione di Giacobbo che batte Amelia. Immediata la reazione degli uomini di Donadoni che pareggia con Lucarelli al 25' risolvendo una mischia in area, dopo un gran tiro di Morrone. Al 38', perň, il Cittadella passa nuovamente in vantaggio con Colussi che di testa trova la deviazione vincente sugli sviluppi di un corner. Ad inizio ripresa Riberto si inventa il 3-1 con un bel tiro a girare che batte ancora Amelia. Livorno in difficoltŕ, al 10' il Cittadella sfiora il 4-1 ma Amelia č bravo a neutralizzare il rigore di Amore concesso per l'atterramento dello scatenato Riberto. Al 90' l'inutile gol di Pfertzel. Negli ottavi, Cittadella-Lazio.


- 00:10 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

21.08.2005., nedjelja


nemama bash puno vvremena za zajebanciju, pa ono...

http://www.operaceartaban.wz.cz cheshki oj bend

http://www.punkomania.ru/music/music.htm manki/panki mp3z

http://www.strangereaction.com/ nisam bash puno proshtudiraval, al zgleda obechavajuche, da!

http://www.punkvinyl.com/ ==//==

pa pa

- 23:57 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

19.08.2005., petak

plavi tići

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

edit:e, bash sam ga zacopral.

Miljenko Kovačić izgubio život na motoru

KRALJEVAČKI NOVAKI/KOPRIVNICA - Strašnu vijest potvrdila je Policijska uprava zagrebačka: u 15 sati u prometnoj nesreći na autocesti blizu Kraljevačkih Novaka kraj Svete Helene poginuo je bivši nogometaš Slavena Belupa Miljenko Kovačić (32).

Prema informaciji što smo je dobili od rukovoditelja smjene spomenute PU Kovačić je, vozeći motocikl Kawasaki ZX zagrebačkih registracija 9255 AU izgubio kontrolu nad motorom i zaletio se i zauvijek zaustavio na zaštitnoj ogradi. Miljenko Kovačić bio je sam na motoru i na mjestu je poginuo.

"Sin vjetra", kako su ga zvali zbog njegove brzine na nogometnom terenu, poginuo je u brzini i na brzinu, prebrzo za ionako kratki ljudski život.

Dinamovo dijete nakon karijere u Dinamu, Bresci i Hapoel Petah Tikvi u Slavenu je našao drugo rođenje, jer je dio karijere zapostavio zbog vjerskih nazora, a i obitelji. Njegov novi početak bilježi sjajnu utakmicu u Intertoto kupu 14. srpnja 2001. godine u dresu Slavena u Koprivnici i pobjeda nda Aston Villom od 2:1.

Iz Slavena je otišao i opet napustio nogomet iz svojih osobnih razloga, odselio se iz Koprivnice. Igrao je malo za svoje zadovoljstvo nižerazredni nogomet, a živio je na osebujni način. Bio je nogometaš s kojim se moglo razgovarati, a da se ne spomene nogomet.

Sasvim osebujan život prekinut je također na neobičan način. Vijest je teško primljena među njegovim bivšim suigračima, a i u sportskoj i ne samo sportskoj javnosti.

Sin vjetra otišao je s vjetrom u nebeske prostore kojima je vjerovao i sa sigurnošću tvrdio da smo i dalje na neki način zajedno. I najprozaičnije može se reći: moramo biti zajedno, takvu osobu teško je zaboraviti i ne oplakati.

Zbogom, Miljac.

Ovu vijest objavljujemo u suradnji sa KCinfo.net

- 01:28 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

17.08.2005., srijeda


Srce, ruke i lopata

Izvodjac Pjesme: Zabranjeno pusenje

Domovina naša je rodila
Hiljade i hiljade junaka
Jedan od tih delija
To je moj komšija Avdija

Nije bio on niti bombaš
Nije bio on niti sportista
Sve što je imao od oružja
To su srce, ruke i lopata

Zemlja je bila srušena
Valjalo se dizati iz pepela
Radio je tada Avdija
K’o što radi deset armija

Jednog je dana, 23. oktobra
Zlatna značka udarna
Zasjala na njegovim grudima

Dugo će se sjećati Avdija
Tog jesenjeg podneva
Dugo će se sjećati
Riječi jednog od drugova:

’’Ti si naš ponos, Avdija,
Ti si naš ponos k’o zastava’’
Našla se i slika njegova
Usred fabričkih novina

Njegov je dan udaran
A njegov san je
Hiljadu tona za jedan dan

Dođoše nova vremena
Izgubi se negdje Avdija
Zaboravili smo svi na njega
Imamo dovoljno bagera

Samo ponekad
Pred prvi maj
Zovne ga direktor osnovne
Da uveliča proslave
Priča anegdote i podvige

Tog dana Avdija
Pokupi plakete i ordenje
U okičenom razredu
Počasno mjesto zauzme

Prije nego pred klince izađe
Koju ljutu popije
Kao pjesnik što ne vjeruje
U vlastite stihove

Njegov je dan...
- 02:58 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

15.08.2005., ponedjeljak

who's the boss

tony fucking danza
- 15:46 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

14.08.2005., nedjelja

sudija je peder!

Arsenal [2 - 0] Newcastle United
31' J. Jenas
33' J. Boumsong
81' [1 - 0] T. Henry (pen.)
87' [2 - 0] R.v. Persie

Cripple Bastards - Vaffanculo (Blue Vomit cover)
- 18:17 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

13.08.2005., subota

sretan rochkas

mom starom(56.) i alanu sheareru (35.) Image hosted by Photobucket.com Image hosted by Photobucket.com Image hosted by Photobucket.com
- 13:08 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

12.08.2005., petak



is a Giant Ape that cowers from Fire, looks like a Man in a Rubber Suit, and is Blind, in League with Dark Forces and Susceptible to Electrical Damage.

Strength: 7 Agility: 2 Intelligence: 6

To see if your Giant Battle Monster can
defeat jura, enter your name and choose an attack:

fights jura using

- 21:12 - Komentari (5) - Isprintaj - #

11.08.2005., četvrtak

CBGBs wins in court!

Ruling rocks for CBGB


One, two, three, four: Looks like CBGB can rock some more.

A Manhattan Civil Court judge ruled yesterday that the music mecca on the Bowery hasn't been stiffing its landlord for rent in the past few years and can't be evicted for that reason.

Judge Joan Kenney's decision appears to clear the way for negotiations on a new lease. The current one expires Aug. 31.

"We're thrilled with the ruling," said Ken Frydman, of Source Communications, consultant to Save CBGB. "CBGB has always been a good tenant, and this issue of nonpayment of back rent has been shown to be completely false. Now there is no reason why talks on a new lease should remain stalled."

The Bowery Residents Committee, which aids the homeless and occupies 315 Bowery with CBGB, alleged that the club owed nearly $100,000 in unpaid rent going back three years. But CBGB said it was improperly billed over that period and unfairly slapped with various penalties.

In her ruling, Kenney questioned whether the committee, "with suspect accounting, intentionally orchestrated a scenario that precluded CBGB" from meeting its financial obligations.

She also rejected the committee's claim that it suffered when CBGB, whose rent is $19,000 a month, made payments late.

Because the committee accepted all payments regardless of when they were made for years, its "own conduct demonstrates that time was never of the essence," she said.

In her decision, Kenny described CBGB, which opened in 1973 and showcased groundbreaking rock acts like the Ramones, Talking Heads, Patti Smith and Blondie, as "a major cultural institution that provides a venue and a voice for a unique and original genre of music."

She said the club is "credited with being the anchor of what has become the 'renaissance' of the Bowery and has proven itself worthy of being recognized as a landmark."

The decision doesn't prevent the Bowery Residents Committee from trying to evict the club for other reasons.

But she said the committee will have to come back to court and convince her those reasons are valid.

Originally published on August 11, 2005

- 21:58 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

10.08.2005., srijeda

brawa bOy!s

u pauzi od uchenja, zajebavam se sa paintshop proom, radim neki kvazi grb za svoju virtualnu hattrick momchad

Image hosted by Photobucket.com
- 11:28 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

09.08.2005., utorak

World-Inferno Friendship Society - Just the Best Party

Just the Best Party
one time i went to just the best party.
the music was good. the girls were pretty.
the booze flowed and it lasted so long that
i got a part time job around the corner telemarketing.
it evolved as the months went by.
it involved no hierarchy.
it moved and grew to a pitch so fine,
sometimes encompassing several houses at a time.
impressive. extensive.
who paid the expenses?
denizens of the party all knew a special code.
for how to get in, and where to go.
it was changed twice a day.
On weekends 6 times.
'cause any good party should be
a little hard to find.
you could wander in by luck,
you could be invited in.
it could move into your place when you weren't looking.
all full of subletters and incidental tourists.
part time posers and full time purists.
the just wandering in.
the already spoken for.
the "this reminds me of berlin"
the should have held out for more.
the stares the pairs the affairs of the heart.
the smiles the piles of dirty black clothes.
the flocking the knocking on strangers' doors
asking if they wanted to come along.
it was inclusive. intrusive.
resisting it was useless.
maybe that's why it lasted.
i couldn't see past it 'till
i hooked up with this skirt
who crashed it.

- 15:56 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

08.08.2005., ponedjeljak

fak! e'o me nazad s mora

bil sam na paradisu (u petak) pa evo par slika

monte paradiso 2005 pictures

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

krlja (not sori abaut dresden)
Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

protest mozga
Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us


Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

filji di bruno atomiko
Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

- 19:57 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

01.08.2005., ponedjeljak

odoh na morje

ak neko ide na Monte, morti se vidimo

- 13:00 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

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