o u t s k i l l e d , 2. dio

13.03.2007., utorak

Chupa u redateljskim vodama? nije nemoguće...

Imao sam dovoljno slobodnog vremena pa sam napravio nekoliko filmova:

1. "Vic" - "The Joke" u originalu, spoj je napete akcije i elemenata melodrame. Jedan od mojih najboljih uradaka.

2. "Nasilnik" - nevjerojatna priča o patnji mlade žene koju proganja nasilni muškarac opsjednut igrom lovice.

3. "Trainspotting 2: Povratak droge" - pakao droge ponovno je prebačen na filmska platna, ovaj put pod mojom redateljskom palicom.

4. "Maroko Maroko" - film inspiriran istinitom pričom, smještena u predratni Maroko.

Trenutno snimam još puno filmova, a dok ih ne završim, slobodno pogledajte ove uratke. Uživajte!

p.s. ne odgovaram za nikakve štete prouzročene reakcijama na ove filmove. za vrijeme snimanja nije ubijena niti jedna životinja. strogo zabranjeno svim živim osobama.

- 18:45 - komentiraj (24) - baci na papir - link

06.03.2007., utorak

Memories, nothing more...

Where do the days go when they die?
I wonder if they`re up in the sky?

If they are i`m gonna try to get them back.
Since they died, everything is black.

Where do the days go when they`re done?
What if they`re forever gone?

If they are i`ll have to try to get them back.
Since they died, everything is black.

All that i have left are the memories of love,
All that i have left are the memories of you.
Now i feel like the sea without it`s shore,
Memories, and nothing more.

Where do the days go when they`re over?
Do they stil remember her?

If they do i`m gonna try to get them back.
Since they died, everything is black.

Where do the days go when they die?
I wonder if they`re up in the sky?

If they are i`m gonna try to get them back.
Since they died, everything is black.

All that i have left are the memories of love,
All that i have left are the memories of you.
Now i feel like the sea without it`s shore,
Memories, and nothing more.

If they`re dead i`m gonna try to get them back.
Since they died, everything is black.

Memories, and nothing more…

- 00:48 - komentiraj (8) - baci na papir - link

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