23.04.2007., ponedjeljak



Fleetwood – Mossley 1 (1.30 @StanJames) 9/10

je trenutno na 7. mjestu Unibond lige, no jos uvijek imaju realne sanse za play-off mjesto. Ako pobjede oba preostala protivnika, a Matlock i Guiseley izgube barem jednu, evo njih u borbi za ulazak u visu ligu.

Fleetwood je treca najbolja domacinska momcad u Unibondu, omjer im je 13-3-4 (gol razlika 41:20), imaju dvije hendi pobjede zaredom, a od posljednjih 8 domacinskih tekmi imaju 7 pobjeda i jedan sokantni poraz ciji je najvazniji razlog velika iscrpljenost (sesta utakmica u 14 dana, dogodilo se to 9. travnja).

Nakon toga su u gostima hendikepom izgubili i od prvog Burscougha, no nakon toga su se uspjeli dovoljno koncentrirati i pobjediti uvjerljivo zadnjeg Granthama u gostima, zatim su slavili u finalu lokalnog liga-kupa protiv rivala iz Matlocka, a onda su u subotu doma rasturili 11. Ilkestona 4:1. Odmorili se jesu, u zadnjem kolu idu u goste predpredpredzadnjem Ashtonu i jednostavno nemaju sto izgubiti.

Mossley je predpredzadnja, vec relegirana momcad. Gostujuci omjer im je otuzan, 4-3-12 uz gol razliku 23:37, imaju cetiri poraza zaredom (u subotu su doma izgubili 0:2 od 10. Ossetta koji ne moze niti gore niti dolje na tablici), takodjer i tri gostujuca poraza zaredom, tako da stvarno ocito pokazuju da im se ne da igrati za ponos kad su ionako vec u nizoj ligi. Jedine 4 pobjede iz 2007. godine ostvarili su protiv najlosijih momcadi u ligi – Granthama, Radcliffea i Leeka, uspjeli su remizirati doma s 15. Prescotom, a sve ostalo su porazi, velika vecina s hendikepom. Dakle, 2007. im je omjer 4-1-11, ali i taj im omjer laska kad su im jedine zrtve kolege jadnici.

Mossley ima i organizacijskih problema, iz uprave kluba nakon deset godina odlazi obitelj Rigby i trenutno je u tijeku rasprodaja klupskih dionica po popularnoj cijeni od 10 funti (sto kuna) po dionici.

Mossleyju ce nedostajati suspendirani branic Sheil, a Fleetwoodu Milligan. Ove dvije momcadi igrale su nedavno, 6. travnja – na livadi Mossleyja bilo je 0:1 za goste iz Fleetwooda.

Fleetwoodu je ovo posljednja domacinska tekma u sezoni i ocekuje se blizu tisucu promatraca. Puno je to za Unibond Premier ligu, a prije nego sto se nasmijete, sjetite se koliki je prosjek 1. HNL.

FT 0:1

Histon – Thurrock X2 (1.95 @Stanleybet) 3/10

je vec osigurao naslov prvaka Juzne konferencije, u subotu su takodjer na svom terenu izgubili s hendikepom od Bishop's Stortforda koji se bas kao i Thurrock, itekako ima za sto boriti. No za razliku od Bishop's Stortforda koji zeli ugrabiti posljednje play-off mjesto, Thurrock se bori za goli zivot.

Thurrock je trenutno u zoni smrti, na predpredzadnjem mjestu, ali s utakmicom manje od izravnih konkurenata za opstanak, 19. Hayesa i 18. Basingstokea. Obje te momcadi u zadnjem kolu gostuju kod kandidata za play-off, a imaju samo bod vise od Thurrocka, dok Thurrock ima znatno bolju gol razliku od Hayesa, a u zadnjem kolu ih ceka 12. Sutton koji ne moze ni gore ni dolje, a i igra se na livadi Thurrocka. Bod kod Histona dao bi im malo mirnoce, zbog gol razlike bi se pomaknuli tik iznad relegacijske zone i znali bi da u slucaju pobjede protiv Suttona u zadnjem kolu ostaju u ligi – bez obzira na rezultate Hayesa i Basingstokea, a ne bih se zacudio da obje te momcadi u subotu izgube ili osvoje samo bod.

Thurrock je nelosoj formi, u zadnjih 8 tekmi imaju samo dva poraza (doma protiv Hayesa i sad u subotu u gostima kod 3. Havanta kojem je ta pobjeda itekako trebala kako bi osigurali play-off), 4 remija (u gostima kod 2. Salisburyja, doma protiv rivala Basingstokea, doma protiv 13. Bognor Regisa, doma protiv 7. Newporta koji i dalje ima sanse za play-off zbog dvije utakmice manje) i dvije pobjede, obje gostujuce (kod 6. Wellinga i 4. Braintreeja).

Thurrockov gostujuci omjer 4-5-10, no ovo su specificne okolnosti. Histon ce barem djelomicno mislima biti u Mocnoj Nationwide Konferenciji, a Thurrock se bori za goli zivot i to uz pomoc nekih igraca na koje trener u zadnje vrijeme nije mogao racunati (zbog suspenzija, ozljeda i poslovnih obaveza).

Par zanimljivih komentara navijaca Histona nakon domacinskog poraza od Bishop's Stortforda:

'... Didn't look like we even wanted to play! Had a couple of chances but never really seemed to want to actually compete against stortford...'

'... Team looked like they'd lost the hunger and the crowd couldn't be got going - same old core choir were there trying, but the rest wouldn't join in. Suppose its understandable to lose the edge once you're past the winning line - just a shame we couldn't lift the trophy after a winning performance. Never mind, many congratulations to the team and club on an outstanding season...'

'... I too was disappointed but on the day the better, hungrier team got what they deserved and we didn't. Maybe they didn't want to risk injury with a holiday coming up but they were certainly second to the ball...'

FT 3:1

Slough – Staines OVER 2.5 (1.63 @Stanleybet) 6/10
Slough – Staines OVER 3.5 (2.69 @Stanleybet) 2/10

Ne da mi se opet pisati knjige o relegiranim luzerima iz Slougha. Ako uzivate citajuci o tudjoj nesreci, imate ovdje arhivu svih mojih tipova, pa se zabavljajte. Oprez, cesto sam se ove sezone kladio protiv Slougha, ima dosta stiva. Zajebali su me samo tri puta u malo manje od pet mjeseci i zato cu vjerovati i dalje, odnosno vjerovat cu da ce ostvariti jos jedan uvjerljivi poraz.

Gol razlika Slougha u zadnjih 10 tekmi je 3:44 (4.7 golova po tekmi u prosjeku, ovo sam izracunao bez kalkulatora!), svaka od tih tekmi je otisla u OVER 2.5 osim one gostujuce kod loseg Ashforda. Pa nece nas valjda razocarati u predzadnjem kolu.

Staines je na sigurnom 12. mjestu i ovu bi tekmu mogli odigrati bas za gust. Slough ih je pobjedio usred Stainesa sredinom listopada (tada je Slough imao puno jacu momcad) i osveta bi mogla biti slatka i obilna. Mami me i koeficijent 21.8 za 7+ opciju, mozda pokusam u zadnji cas s nekih pola unita...

Staines zabija i prima puno golova (3.1 gol po tekmi kroz cijelu sezonu, za ovo mi je vec trebao kalkulator), gostujuci omjer im je 6-4-9, a od posljednjih 8 tekmi, na njih 5 su pala barem 4 gola. Uvalit ce oni barem tri komada Sloughu skoro pa sigurno, a mogao bi i Slough konacno zabiti nekome...

Obje ce momcadi biti bez jednog suspendiranog igraca, Sloughu nedostaje Moleski, a Stainesu Newton.

FT 0:2


Maidenhead – Banbury 1 (1.73 @Stanleybet) 7/10
(-1) Maidenhead – Banbury 1 (2.89 @Stanleybet) 2/10

je trenutno na 7. mjestu Southern Premier lige, no imaju utakmicu manje od svih svojih konkurenata za zadnje play-off mjesto i to je upravo ova tekma. Ako dobiju, dolaze na 5. mjesto, dakle 'unutra su', imaju puno bolju gol razliku od 5. Halesowena i ako pobjede i u zadnjem kolu (kad ce ponovo igrati protiv Banburyja, ali u gostima), nitko ih ne moze izgurati iz play-off zone.

Maidenhead ima 10 pobjeda u zadnjih 12 tekmi, pobjedile su ih samo dvije najbolje momcadi, Bath City i Team Bath, a gol su im od svih tih 12 protivnika uspjele zabiti samo dvije vec spomenute ekipe i Clevedon (kod kojeg su gostovali, dakle domacinska gol razlika u zadnjih 8 tekmi im je 15:2, s tim da su ta dva dobili od sjajnog Team Batha). U subotu su na svojoj livadi slavili protiv 10. Mangotsfielda 3:0.

Banbury je na 9. mjestu, daleko od play-off zone i u principu mogu igrati samo za dojam. U subotu su u gostima pobjedili Cirencestera, no Cirencester je trenutno u velikim problemima i katastrofalnoj formi. Prije toga ubiljezili su jedan remi i dva hendi poraza (u te tri tekme nisu zabili niti jedan gol) i tada su shvatili da vise nemaju ni teoretske sanse za play-off mjesto. Jest da Banbury ove sezone u gostima igra vrlo dobro, no isto tako znaju izgubiti kod 19. Wealdstonea 0:4 (9. travnja). Da, bilo bi se lakse odluciti za ovaj tip kad bi Banbury bio nesto slabiji gost, ali ipak mislim da ce motivacija domacina presuditi. Banburyju ce nedostajati i standardni branic Blossom, a uprava kluba je ponovo upala u neke dugove...

Maidenhead kod kuce ima omjer 10-6-4 (gol razlika 29:17), dok je Banbury u gostima takodjer vrlo dobar (9-4-7, gol razlika 27:29), no domacin je ipak domacin - Maidenhead igra pred svojim navijacima koji zasigurno zele svoj klub vidjeti u Juznoj konferenciji. Ova domacinska pobjeda treba im i zbog bodova i zbog samopouzdanja.

Pogledajmo za kraj sto pisu navijaci Banburyja na svom forumu:

'... We have a Senior Cup Final on Tuesday perceived by the Club to be very important + we have a very small squad. Several of our players will struggle to play 4 games in 8 days - think it is sad that play-off positions might be decided in this way. We would struggle away to Maidenhead anyway if fresh - hope we can at least do something at home on Saturday to be fair to all...'

FT 2:0

- 16:39 - Komentari (12) - Isprintaj - #

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The official website (launched in May 2008). All the previews from 2006/2007 and 2007/2008 seasons are still archived here on the blog though, be sure to check it out if you want to see how my previews look like.


2007/2008 SEASON


LONG-TERM: Barrow to promote to Blue Square Premier (13.00 @Blue Square) 2 units semi-finals: Barrow - Telford 2:0 FT, Telford - Barrow 0:2 FT / final: Barrow - Stalybridge 1:0 FT (+24 units)


Eastbourne to win the play-off's (3.00 @StanJames) 4 units semi-finals: Braintree - Eastbourne 0:2 FT, Eastbourne - Braintree 3:0 FT / final: Eastbourne - Hampton 2:0 FT (+8 units)


Wimbledon to win the play-off's (2.88 @StanJames) 4 units semi-final: Wimbledon - Hornchurch 3:1 FT / final: Staines - Wimbledon 1:2 FT (+7.52 units)

Gateshead to win the play-off's (2.75 @Skybet) 4 units semi-final: Gateshead - Eastwood 4:0 FT / final: Gateshead - Buxton 2:0 FT (+7 units)


Barrow – Telford 1 (2.25 @StanJames) 5 units FT 2:0 (+6.25 units)


Braintree – (0) Eastbourne 2 (1.92 @Pinnacle) 5 units FT 0:2 (+4.6 units)


CONF NORTH DOUBLE: Barrow – Worcester 1 @1.50 & Vauxhall – Southport 2 @1.50 (2.25 @Betway) 4 units FT 1:0 / 1:2 (+5 units)

SOUTHERN/UNIBOND DOUBLE: King's Lynn to win Southern Premier @1.33 & Fleetwood – Frickley 1 @1.30 (1.73 @Bet365) 4 units FT yes / 1:1 (-4 units)

Hayes & Yeading – Bognor Regis 1 (2.00 @Skybet) 4 units FT 0:2 (-4 units)

Kettering – Gainsborough 1 (1.67 @Bet365) 4 units FT 2:1 (+2.68 units)


(-1) Newport – Thurrock 1 (1.90 @Bet365) 5 units FT 1:4 (-5 units)


Newport – Eastbourne 1 (2.63 @Skybet) 5 units FT 1:1 (-5 units)

Vauxhall – Hinckley 2 (1.80 @StanJames) 4 units FT 0:1 (+3.2 units)

Hayes & Yeading – Cambridge OVER 3.5 (2.87 @Blue Square) 4 units FT 3:1 (+7.48 units)

CONF NORTH/RYMAN DOUBLE: Barrow – Tamworth 1 @1.60 & Wimbledon – Harlow 1 @1.55 (2.48 @Sportingbet) 4 units FT 2:0 / 1:2 (-4 units)


Havant & Waterloovile – Weston-super-mare 1 (1.60 @Expekt) 8 units FT 1:1 (-8 units)


Bromley – Havant & Waterloovile 2 (2.63 @StanJames) 5 units FT 2:1 (-5 units)

Bromley – Havant & Waterloovile HT/FT 2 (5.50 @StanJames) 1 unit HT 0:1 / FT 2:1 (-1 unit)

Redditch – Barrow 2 (2.40 @Blue Square) 5 units FT 0:5 (+7 units)

RYMAN/CONF SOUTH DOUBLE: Leyton – Margate 2 @1.25 & Basingstoke – Lewes 2 @1.67 (2.0875 @StanJames) 5 units FT 2:4 / 1:1 (-5 units)


Mangotsfield – Cirencester 1 (1.57 @StanJames) 7 units FT 1:0 (+3.99 units)

Heybridge – Staines 2 (1.83 @StanJames) 4 units FT 2:2 (-4 units)

UNIBOND DOUBLE: Stamford – Gateshead 2 @1.60 & Lincoln – Fleetwood 2 @1.35 (2.16 @Bwin) 4 units FT 1:1 / 0:3 (-4 units)


Fisher – Bognor Regis 2 (5.00 @Blue Square) 3 units & X (4.00 @BoyleSports) 2 units (ad-hoc draw-no-bet) FT 3:1 (-5 units)

RYMAN/CONF SOUTH DOUBLE: Boreham Wood – Leyton HT/FT 1 @1.44 & Havant – Sutton HT/FT 1 @1.61 (2.3184 @Bet265) 4 units HT 1:0 FT 3:0 / HT 1:0 FT 2:0 (+5.2736 units)

CONF SOUTH DOUBLE: Bishop's Stortford – Basingstoke 1 @1.55 & Hampton – Dorchester 1 @1.45 (2.2475 @Sportingbet) 4 units FT 0:0 / 4:0 (-4 units)

Barrow – Alfreton 1 (1.75 @Expekt) 4 units FT 2:1 (+3 units)


Dorchester – Maidenhead 2 (2.60 @Blue Square) 5 units FT 2:1 (-5 units)


Tamworth – Vauxhall 1 (1.73 @StanJames) 6 units FT 1:1 (-6 units)

UNIBOND/RYMAN DOUBLE: Gateshead – Matlock 1 @1.45 & Leyton – Carshaton 2 @1.55 (2.2475 @Bet-at-home) 4 units FT 2:0 / 1:4 (+4.99 units)

Basingstoke – Hayes & Yeading OVER 3.5 (2.62 @Blue Square) 4 units FT 1:1 (-4 units)


RYMAN DOUBLE: Billericay – Carshalton 1 @1.70 & Leyton – Ramsgate 2 @1.40 (2.38 @Sportingbet) 4 units FT 4:2 / 0:3 (+5.52 units)

Workington – Vauxhall Motors 1 (1.75 @Sportingbet) 5 units FT 1:0 (+3.75 units)


Marine – Witton 2 (1.90 @Sportingbet) 5 units FT 0:2 (+4.5 units)


Eastbourne – Hayes & Yeading OVER 3.5 (2.75 @Blue Square) 4 units FT 3:1 (+7 units)


Basingstoke – Braintree 2 (2.25 @Bet365) 5 units FT 2:2 (-5 units)

Eastleigh – Hayes & Yeading OVER 3.5 (2.75 @Blue Square) 5 units FT 1:4 (+8.75 units)

Bromsgrove – King's Lynn 2 (1.80 @Sportingbet) 5 units FT 1:1 (-5 units)


Billericay – Folkestone 1 (1.91 @Coral) 5 units FT 4:1 (+4.55 units)


St Albans – Basingstoke 1 (3.50 @Skybet) 4 units & X (3.60 @Skybet) 2 units (ad-hoc draw-no-bet) FT 4:1 (+8 units)

Havant & Waterloovile – Bishop's Stortford 1 (1.91 @Coral) 5 units FT 1:2 (-5 units)

Hendon – Wimbledon 2 (2.10 @StanJames) 4 units FT 0:2 (+4.4 units)

RYMAN/SOUTHERN DOUBLE: Tonbridge – Leyton 1 @1.25 & Cirencester – Halesowen 2 @1.60 (2.00@Sportingbet) 4 units FT 3:0 / 2:3 (+4 units)


Thurrock – Havant & Waterloovile 2 (2.63 @Bet365) 4 units & X (3.60 @StanJames) 2 units (ad-hoc draw-no-bet) FT 0:2 (+4.52 units)

Barrow – Boston 1 (2.30 @Betway) 3 units FT 1:0 (+3.9 units)


Leyton – Heybridge 2 (1.73 @StanJames) 7 units FT 0:3 (+5.11 units)

Havant & Waterloovile – Eastbourne 1 (2.70 @Betway) 4 units & X (3.60 @StanJames) 2 units (ad-hoc draw-no-bet) FT 2:1 (+4.8 units)

Leigh RMI – Barrow 2 (2.20 @Skybet) 4 units FT 1:2 (+4.8 units)

Fisher – Dorchester OVER 3.5 (2.75 @Blue Square) 4 units FT 1:1 (-4 units)

Gateshead – Eastwood 1 (1.80 @Bwin) 4 units FT 1:1 (-4 units)


Basingstoke – Bromley OVER 3.5 (2.62 @Blue Square) 6 units FT 1:1 (-6 units)

Hampton – Fisher OVER 3.5 (2.75 @Blue Square) 4 units FT 0:2 (-4 units)

Heybridge – Wimbledon 2 (1.80 @Sportingbet) 5 units FT 2:1 (-5 units)

TROPHY/RYMAN DOUBLE: Tamworth – Aldershot 2 @1.67 & Ramsgate – Wealdstone 1 @1.62 (2.7054 @Bet365) 3 units FT 1:2 / 2:2 (-3 units)


Vauxhall – Hyde 2 (2.10 @Blue Square) 3 units FT 3:4 (+3.3 units)

St Albans – Bishop's Stortford 2 (1.97 @10Bet) 3 units FT 1:2 (+2.91 units)


Sutton – Eastleigh OVER 3.5 (2.38 @Blue Square) 5 units FT 0:0 (-5 units)

Basingstoke – Havant OVER 3.5 (2.63 @Blue Square) 5 units FT 2:3 (+8.15 units)

Billericay – Harrow 1 (2.20 @Skybet) 5 units FT 1:1 (-5 units)

Kendal – Buxton 2 (2.00 @Bet365) 4 units FT 1:1 (-4 units)


Braintree – Hampton & Richmond 2 (2.50 @Skybet) 3 units FT 3:0 (-3 units)

Horsham – Wimbledon 2 (2.30 @Coral) 3 units FT 0:2 (+3.9 units)

Dorchester – Bishop's Stortford 2 (2.00 @StanJames) 3 units FT 0:4 (+3 units)


Fisher – Eastleigh OVER 3.5 (2.88 @Blue Square) 6 units FT 1:4 (+11.28 units)

NORTH/SOUTH DOUBLE: Hyde – Leigh RMI 1 @1.50 & Dorchester – Eastbourne 2 @1.75 (2.625 @Betway) 4 units FT 1:1 / 0:4 (-4 units)

Harrow – Wimbledon 2 (2.38 @StanJames) 4 units FT 0:2 (+5.52 units)

Hemel Hempstead – Team Bath 2 (1.83 @StanJames) 4 units FT 1:3 (+3.32 units)

Sutton – Thurrock 1 (3.00 @Blue Square) 3 units FT 1:0 (+6 units)


SETANTA/RYMAN DOUBLE: St Albans – Aldershot 2 @1.55 & Leyton – Staines 2 @1.40 (2.17 @Bwin) 5 units FT 0:4 / 2:2 (-5 units)


Basingstoke – Fisher 2 /DRAW NO BET (2.00 @Betway) 7 units FT 1:5 (+7 units)

Wimbledon – Torquay 2 (1.72 @StanJames) 6 units FT 0:2 (+4.32 units)

Gainsborough – Hinckley 1 (1.75 @Bwin) 4 units FT 2:2 (-4 units)

Barrow – Redditch 1 (2.10 @Betway) 4 units FT 2:0 (+4.4 units)

(-1.5) Lewes – Bognor 1 (1.92 @10Bet) 4 units FT 0:1 (-4 units)

Eastleigh – Dorchester OVER 3.5 (2.75 @Blue Square) 3 units FT 3:1 (+5.25 units)


Liverpool – Havant & Waterloovile OVER 3.5 (1.60 @Gamebookers) 8 units FT 5:2 (+4.8 units)

Eastbourne – Basingstoke 1 (1.73 @StanJames) 6 units FT 6:0 (+4.38 units)

CONF SOUTH/RYMAN DOUBLE: Welling – Lewes 2 @1.65 & Leyton – Maidstone 2 @1.60 (2.64 @Bwin) 4 units FT 0:4 / 0:1 (+6.56 units)

Kendal – Ossett 1 (2.38 @StanJames) 2 units FT 0:2 (-2 units)

Hemel Hempstead – Bromsgrove X2 (2.00 @Bet-at-home) 2 units FT 0:2 (+2 units)


AD-HOC DRAW-NO-BET: Billericay – Wimbledon 1 (3.25 @Skybet) 3 units & X (3.50 @StanJames) 2 units FT 2:2 (+2 units)

Wealdstone – East Thurrock 1 (2.00 @Gamebookers) 5 units POSTPONED


Eastleigh – St Albans OVER 3.5 (2.63 @Blue Square) 6 units FT 1:1 (-6 units)

Bishop's Stortford – Welling OVER 3.5 (2.88 @Blue Square) 5 units POSTPONED

Newport – Havant 1 (1.85 @Betway) 5 units POSTPONED

Hyde – Alfreton OVER 3.5 (2.88 @Blue Square) 3 units FT 0:2 (-3 units)

Hucknall – Southport 2 (2.00 @Skybet) 3 units FT 1:2 (+3 units)


Havant & Waterloovile – Swansea OVER 2.75 (2.05 @Pinnacle) 5 units FT 4:2 (+5.25 units)

Havant & Waterloovile – Swansea OVER 4 (4.80 @Bet365) 1 unit FT 4:2 (+3.8 units)


Hampton & Richmond – Bath City OVER 3.5 (3.10 @Blue Square) 3 units POSTPONED

East Thurrock – Staines 2 (2.20 @Sportingbet) 3 units POSTPONED


Billericay – Folkestone 1 (1.85 @Sportingbet) 8 units POSTPONED

RYMAN/CONF-SOUTH DOUBLE: Leyton – Harrow 2 @1.57 & Hampton & Richmond – Thurrock 1 @1.53 (2.4021 @Bet365) 4 units FT 0:3 / 2:3 (-4 units)

Ramsgate – Hendon 1 (2.40 @StanJames) 3 units FT 2:1 (+4.2 units)

Barrow – Gainsborough 1 (2.00 @Bwin) 3 units FT 4:1 (+3 units)

Stalybridge – Harrogate 1 /DRAW NO BET (2.10 @Betway) 3 units FT 3:2 (+3.3 units)


Bishop's Stortford – Havant & Waterloovile 1 (2.05 @Sportingbet) 4 units FT 4:1 (+4.2 units)


Redditch – Vauxhall 1 (1.91 @StanJames) 7 units FT 2:0 (+6.37 units)

Chasetown – Cardiff OVER 2.75 (2.07 @10Bet) 5 units FT 1:3 (+5.35 units)

Chasetown – Cardiff OVER 4 (5.10 @Bet365) 1 unit FT 1:3 (+0 units)

Eastleigh – Bath City 1 /DRAW NO BET (1.88 @10Bet) 5 units FT 4:4 (+0 units)

Dorchester – Cambridge City 2 /DRAW NO BET (1.81 @10Bet) 5 units FT 3:2 (-5 units)

CONF SOUTH/RYMAN DOUBLE: Hampton & Richmond – Welling 1 @1.62 & Chelmsford – Hastings 1 @1.25 (2.025 @Skybet) 5 units FT 4:0 / 1:1 (-5 units)

Hemel Hempstead – King's Lynn 2 (2.20 @Sportingbet) 4 units FT 4:2 (-4 units)

RYMAN DOUBLE: Folkestone – Leyton 1 @1.40 & Hendon – Carshalton 1 @1.50 (2.10 @Sportingbet) 3 units FT 2:0 / 0:5 (-3 units)

CONF NORTH DOUBLE: Hyde – Blyth 1 @1.45 & Boston – Leigh RMI 1 @1.60 (2.32 @Bwin) 3 units FT 2:4 / 5:1 (-3 units)


St Albans – Cambridge City 1 /DRAW NO BET (1.70 @Betway) 6 units FT 0:2 (-6 units)

RYMAN DOUBLE: Leyton – Hornchurch 2 @1.40 & Wimbledon – Carshalton 1 @1.60 (2.24 @Bwin) 4 units FT 2:5 / 2:0 (+4.98 units)

Eastleigh – Basingstoke 1 (2.05 @Bwin) 4 units FT 1:1 (-4 units)

AD-HOC DRAW NO BET: Weston Super Mare – Newport 2 (2.40 @Betway) 3 units & X (3.60 @StanJames) 1 unit FT 2:2 (-0.4 units)

AD-HOC DRAW-NO-BET: Tonbridge – Horsham 1 (2.38 @StanJames) 3 units & X (3.60 @StanJames) 1 unit FT 1:5 (-4 units)

Heybridge – Chelmsford 2 (2.05 @Sportingbet) 3 units FT 1:2 (+3.15 units)

Swindon – Cirencester 1 (2.00 @StanJames) 3 units FT 1:1 (-3 units)


Merthyr – Team Bath 2 (2.00 @Skybet) 5 units FT 1:1 (-5 units)

SOUTHERN/RYMAN DOUBLE: King's Lynn – Mangotsfield 1 @1.62 & Chelmsford – Margate 1 @1.67 (2.7054 @Bet365) 5 units FT 1:1 / 5:1 (-5 units)

Wealdstone – Folkestone 1 (2.05 @Bwin) 5 units FT 3:2 (+5.25 units)

Ramsgate – Wimbledon 2 (2.50 @Bet365) 5 units FT 1:1 (-5 units)

Marine – Buxton 1 (1.83 @Bet365) 5 units FT 0:1 (-5 units)

Gainsborough – Solihull 1 (1.91 @StanJames) 5 units FT 0:2 (-5 units)

Workington – Hyde 2 (2.25 @Blue Square) 5 units POSTPONED


Hemel Hempstead – Merthyr Tydfil 1 (1.62 @StanJames ) 5 units FT 0:0 (-5 units)

Guiseley – Kidderminster 2 (1.83 @Ladbrokes) 4 units FT 1:2 (+3.32 units)


Billericay – Hornchurch 1 (2.30 @Bwin) 5 units FT 0:2 (-5 units)

AD-HOC DRAW-NO-BET: Swindon – Chippenham 1 (2.90 @Bwin) 4.5 units & X (3.55 @Digibet) 1.5 unit FT 0:2 (-6 units)

Worcester – Boston 1 (2.20 @StanJames) 4 units FT 2:1 (+4.8 units)

Boreham Wood – Chelmsford 2 (2.20 @Sportingbet) 4 units FT 4:2 (-4 units)

Folkestone – Horsham 2 (2.20 @Sportingbet) 4 units FT 4:1 (-4 units)

Harrow – Staines 2 (2.20 @Gamebookers) 4 units FT 1:3 (+4.8 units)

Gainsborough – Barrow 2 /DRAW NO BET (2.06 @10Bet) 4 units FT 1:1 (0 units)

Fisher – Havant 2 (2.50 @Expekt) 3 units FT 4:2 (-3 units)


Bromley – Lewes OVER 3.5 (3.25 @Blue Square) 3 units FT 1:2 (-3 units)


(-2) Swansea – Horsham 1 (2.00 @Gamebookers) 3 units FT 6:2 (+3 units)


Yate - Team Bath 2 (2.10 @StanJames) 4 units FT 0:2 (+4.4 units)


Staines – Peterborough 2 (1.60 @Gamebookers) 7 units FT 0:5 (+4.2 units)

Bognor Regis – Welling 1 (2.25 @StanJames) 6 units FT 0:0 (-6 units)

St Albans – Bromley OVER 3.5 (2.88 @Blue Square) 5 units FT 1:0 (-5 units)

Lewes – Bath City 1 (1.95 @Betway) 4 units FT 1:0 (+3.8 units)

Worcester – Barrow 2 /DRAW NO BET (3.20 @Betway) 3 units FT 1:1 (0 units)

Guiseley – Fleetwood 2 (2.50 @Sportingbet) 2 units FT 0:2 (+3 units)

Solihull – Stalybridge 2 (2.50 @Skybet) 2 units FT 0:4 (+3 units)


Bath City – Hayes & Yeading 1 (1.73 @Blue Square) 4 units FT 2:2 (-4 units)


Eastleigh – Weston-super-Mare 1 (1.85 @Sportingbet) 6 units FT 4:2 (+5.1 units)

FA TROPHY/UNIBOND DOUBLE: Wimbledon – Northwood 1 @1.44 & Fleetwood - Ashton 1 @1.50 (2.15 @Gamebookers) 5 units FT 2:1 / 3:0 (+5.75 units)

Staines – Chelmsford 2 (1.83 @Skybet) 4 units FT 2:2 (-4 units)

Matlock – Marine 2 (2.63 @StanJames) 3 units FT 2:3 (+4.89 units)

Billericay – Margate 1 (2.30 @Sportingbet) 3 units FT 0:1 (-3 units)

Vauxhall – Hyde 2 (2.10 @Gamebookers) 3 units FT 1:0 (-3 units)


Dorchester – Hampton & Richmond 2 (2.25 @Coral) 7 units FT 0:1 (+8.75 units)

Hastings – Wimbledon 2 (2.10 @Bwin) 6 units FT 1:3 (+6.6 units)

Weston-super-Mare – Lewes 2 (2.25 @StanJames) 5 units FT 1:2 (+6.25 units)

Bromley – Newport OVER 3.5 (3.25 @Blue Square) 5 units FT 2:2 (+11.25 units)

Barrow – Telford 2 (2.10 @Coral) 5 units FT 4:0 (-5 units)

Ilkeston – Gateshead 2 (2.00 @StanJames) 5 units FT 2:0 (-5 units)

Basingstoke – St Albans 2 /DRAW NO BET (3.20 @Betway) 1 unit FT 3:1 (-1 units)

Braintree – Bognor Regis 2 /DRAW NO BET (3.20 @Betway) 1 unit FT 3:2 (-1 unit)

Hayes & Yeading – Sutton 2 /DRAW NO BET (3.20 @Betway) 1 unit FT 3:3 (0 unit)


Boston – Hucknall OVER 3.5 (2.88 @Blue Square) 3 units FT 2:3 (+5.64 units)


SOUTHERN PREMIER DOUBLE: King's Lynn – Corby 1 @1.40 & Chippenham – Cirencester 1 @1.65 (2.31 @Sportingbet) 3 units FT 0:1 / 2:0 (-3 units)


(-0.75) Team Bath – Chasetown 1 (2.00 @Bet365) 6 units FT 0:2 (-6 units)

Eastleigh – Bromley OVER 3.5 (3.25 @Betway) 6 units FT 1:4 (+13.5 units)

RYMAN DOUBLE: Wimbledon – Hornchurch 1 @1.65 & Chelmsford – Ashford 1 @1.40 (2.31 @Sportingbet) 4 units FT 1:0 / 4:0 (+5.24 units)

AD-HOC DRAW-NO-BET: Bognor Regis – Hayes & Yeading 1 (2.50 @Blue Square) 3 units & X (3.60 @StanJames) 1 unit FT 3:0 (+3.5 units)

AD-HOC DRAW NO BET: Chippenham – Hemel Hempstead 1 (2.38 @StanJames) 3 units & X (3.60 @StanJames) 1 unit FT 1:2 (-4 units)

Hucknall – Solihull Moors 1 (2.25 @StanJames) 2 units FT 2:2 (-2 units)

CONF NORTH DOUBLE: Alfreton – Leigh RMI 1 @1.65 & Boston – Vauxhall 1 @1.70 (2.805 @Betway) 2 units FT 1:0 / 5:1 (+3.61 units)


AD-HOC DRAW-NO-BET: Billericay – King's Lynn 1 (2.63 @Skybet) 6 units & X (3.60 @StanJames) 2 units FT 1:3 (-8 units)

FA TROPHY DOUBLE: Marine – Bamber Bridge 1 @1.65 & Maidstone – Abingdon 1 @1.65 (2.7225 @Bwin) 5 units FT 2:2 / 5:3 (-5 units)


Nuneaton – Hyde AD-HOC DRAW-NO-BET: 2 (2.40 @Expekt) 4 units & X (3.60 @StanJames) 2 units FT 1:0 (-6 units)


Havant & Waterloovile – Hampton & Richmond 1 (2.20 @StanJames) 6 units FT 0:3 (-6 units)

Hayes & Yeading – Eastleigh AD-HOC DRAW-NO-BET: 2 (2.50 @Blue Square) 6 units & X (3.60 @StanJames) 2 units FT 2:4 (+7 units)

CONF SOUTH DOUBLE: Newport – Dorchester 1 @1.60 & Lewes – Sutton 1 @1.40 (2.24 @Sportingbet) 3 units FT 3:2 / 4:0 (+3.72 units)

CONF NORTH/FA TROPHY DOUBLE: Kettering – Blyth 1 @1.57 & Stocksbridge – Witton 2 @1.57 (2.4649 @Skybet) 2 units FT 1:0 / 2:5 (+2.9298 units)


Fisher – Newport 2 /DRAW NO BET (2.10 @Betway) 5 units FT 1:3 (+5.5 units)

FA CUP DOUBLE: Histon – Bamber Bridge 1 @1.30 & Weymouth – Hitchin Town 1 @1.40 (1.82 @Sportingbet) 5 units FT 4:1 / 1:1 (-5 units)

UNIBOND PREMIER DOUBLE: Guiseley – North Ferriby @1.36 & Whitby – Witton X2 @1.25 (1.70 @Paddy Power) 5 units FT 2:1 / 1:6 (+3.5 units)

Ramsgate – Chelmsford 2 (2.25 @Bwin) 4 units & Ramsgate – Chelmsford X (3.50 @StanJames) 1 unit FT 2:0 (-5 units)

Hornchurch – Team Bath 2 (2.63 @Skybet) 3 units & Hornchurch – Team Bath X (3.60 @William Hill) 1 unit FT 0:1 (+3.89 units)

Lincoln – Marine 2 (2.50 @Skybet) 3 units & Lincoln – Marine X (3.60 @Skybet) 1 unit FT 0:2 (+3.5 units)

FA CUP DOUBLE: Southport – Hitchin 1 @1.83 & Havant – Leighton 1 @1.53 (2.7999 @Skybet) 2 units FT 1:3 / 3:0 (-2 units)

Eastleigh – Forest Green 1 (4.33 @Coral) 2 units & Eastleigh – Forest Green X (3.50 @Gamebookers) 1 unit FT 3:3 (+0.5 units)


Maidstone – Bury Town 1 (1.73 @Bet365) 5 units FT 3:1 (+3.65 units)


Thurrock – Sutton 1 (1.80 @StanJames) 5 units FT 2:1 (+4 units)

(-1) Thurrock – Sutton 1 (3.10 @Blue Square) 1 unit FT 2:1 (-1 unit)

FA TROPHY DOUBLE: Kings Lynn – Sudbury 1 @1.33 & Abingdon – Staines 2 @1.47 (1.9551 @10Bet) 4 units FT 2:1 / 5:2 (-4 units)

Bromley – St Albans OVER 3.5 (2.88 @Blue Square) 2 units FT 3:4 (+3.76 units)

Hampton & Richmond – Bishop's Stortford OVER 3.5 (3.25 @Blue Square) 2 units FT 1:1 (-2 units)


Havant & Waterloovile – Basingstoke 1 (1.91 @Blue Square) 7 units FT 1:1 (-7 units)

Weston-super-Mare – Eastleigh 2 /DRAW NO BET (2.30 @Betway) 4 units FT 0:3 (+5.2 units)


FA TROPHY DOUBLE: Billericay – Ilford 1 @1.33 & Team Bath – Taunton 1 @1.43 (1.90 @10Bet) 3 units FT 2:1 / FT 1:0 (+2.7057 units)


Bath City – Basingstoke 1 (1.75 @Betway) 8 units FT 0:1 (-8 units)

CONF SOUTH DOUBLE: Bath City – Basingstoke 1 @1.73 & Eastbourne – Sutton 1 @1.44 (2.49 @Blue Square) 4 units FT 0:1 / FT 3:0 (-4 units)

CONF NORTH DOUBLE: Hyde – Barrow 1 @1.57 & Burscough – Hinckley 1 @1.57 (2.46 @StanJames) 4 units FT 2:1 / FT 1:1 (-4 units)

Dorchester – Bromley 2 (2.40 @Betway) 1 unit FT 2:3 (+1.40 units)


Eastwood – Matlock 1 (2.10 @Skybet) 2 units FT 2:3 (-2 units)

Prescot Cables – Marine 2 (2.15 @Gamebookers) 2 units FT 1:1 (-2 units)


Chelmsford – Hendon 1 (1.75 @Sportingbet) 4 units FT 5:1 (+3 units)


Havant & Waterloovile – Fleet 1 (1.62 @Skybet) 8 units FT 2:1 (+4.96 units)

Leek – Witton 2 (1.60 @ Bwin) 6 units FT 2:2 (-6 units)

Marine – North Ferriby 1 (1.67 @StanJames) 6 units FT 3:0 (+4.02 units)

Maidstone – Leyton 1 (1.90 @Gamebookers) 5 units FT 2:1 (+4.5 units)

Brentwood – Staines 2 (2.00 @Skybet) 3 units FT 0:3 (+3 units)


Corby – Team Bath 2 (2.10 @StanJames) 3 units FT 1:2 (+3.3 units)


Leyton – Chelmsford 2 (1.80 @Bwin) 7 units FT 1:2 (+5.6 units)


Ashton – Whitby OVER 2.75 (1.82 @Pinnacle) 6 units FT 0:0 (-6 units)


Wimbledon – Maidstone 1 (1.55 @Sportingbet) 7 units FT 2:0 (+3.85 units)

Bognor Regis – Fisher OVER 2.75 (1.91 @Pinnacle) 5 units FT 0:1 (-5 units)

Bognor Regis – Fisher 2 (2.30 @Expekt) 1 unit FT 0:1 (+1.30 units)

(-1.5) Gateshead – Ilkeston 1 (1.92 @Pinnacle) 5 units FT 1:2 (-5 units)

Gainsborough – Alfreton OVER 2.5 (1.85 @Pinnacle) 4 units FT 2:2 (+3.4 units)

Maidenhead – Newport 2-3 GOALS (1.95 @Betway) 3 units FT 2:3 (-3 units)

Maidenhead – Newport 1:1 FT (7.00 @Blue Square) 1 unit FT 2:3 (-1 unit)

Kettering – Hyde 1 (1.87 @Pinnacle) 3 units FT 0:2 (-3 units)

King's Lynn – Chippenham 1 (1.78 @Pinnacle) 3 units FT 2:0 (+2.34 units)


Wimbledon – Heybridge 1 (1.65 @Bwin) 6/10 FT 1:0 (+3.9 units)

Margate – Hendon 1 (2.50 @Stanleybet) 5/10 FT 0:2 (-5 units)

Cheshunt - Team Bath 2 (3.40 @StanJames) 3/10 FT 1:2 (+7.2 units)


St Albans – Thurrock 1 (1.83 @StanJames) 6/10 FT 0:5 (-6 units)

(-1) St Albans – Thurrock 1 (3.00 @Digibet) 1/10 FT 0:5 (-1 unit)


Eastbourne – Welling 1 (1.73 @Coral) 6/10 FT 1:0 (+4.38 units)


Hinckley – Kettering 2 (1.80 @Blue Square) 7/10 FT 0:0 (-7 units)


Hyde – Burscough OVER 2.5 (1.50 @Stanleybet) 7/10 FT 1:0 (-7 units)

Hyde – Burscough OVER 3.5 (2.88 @Blue Square) 2/10 FT 1:0 (-2 units)

Welling – Hayes & Yeading 1 (1.91 @Skybet) 4/10 FT 1:2 (-4 units)

Maidenhead – Havant & Waterloovile 2 (2.20 @Blue Square, Skybet) 3/10 FT 3:3 (-3 units)


North Ferriby – Gateshead 2 (1.91 @Stanleybet) 7/10 FT 1:4 (+6.37 units)

Witton – Matlock 1 (1.80 @Stanleybet) 4/10 FT 2:0 (+3.2 units)


Chelmsford – Wealdstone 1 (1.57 @Stanleybet) 7/10 FT 3:1 (+4 units)

Havant & Waterloovile – Bromley 1 (2.20 @Blue Square) 5/10 FT 1:0 (+6 units)

(-1) Havant & Waterloovile – Bromley 1 (4.22 @Stanleybet) 1/10 FT 1:0 (-1 unit)

Hendon – Maidstone 1 (1.62 @Skybet) 5/10 FT 2:1 (+3.1 units)

Kettering – Boston OVER 2.5 (1.83 @Pinnacle) 5/10 FT 3:0 (+4.1 units)

Kettering – Boston OVER 3.5 (2.63 @Blue Square) 1/10 FT 3:0 (-1 unit)


Bath City – Newport UNDER 2.5 (2.05 @Pinnacle) 7/10 FT 1:1 (+7.3 units)

Bath City – Newport 1:0 FT (8.00 @Blue Square) 1/10 FT 1:1 (-1 unit)

Bath City – Newport 0:0 FT (11.00 @Blue Square) 1/10 FT 1:1 (-1 unit)


Gateshead – Frickley 1 (1.67 @StanJames, Paddy Power) 8/10 FT 5:2 +5.3 units


Fleetwood – Marine 1 (1.80 @Stanleybet) 5/10 FT 2:3 -5 units

Buxton – Witton 2 (2.00 @StanJames) 4/10 FT 0:2 +4 units

Leyton – Horsham 2 (2.30 @Gamebookers) 4/10 FT 4:3 -4 units

Heybridge – Billericay 2 (2.38 @StanJames) 2/10 FT 2:2 -2 units


Billericay – Leyton 1 (1.62 @StanJames) 8/10 FT 4:0 +4.9 units

Havant & Waterloovile – Thurrock 1 (1.67 @Stanleybet) 7/10 FT 3:0 +4.7 units

(-1) Havant & Waterloovile – Thurrock 1 (2.70 @Stanleybet) 2/10 FT 3:0 +3.4 units

Bromley – Hayes & Yeading 1 (1.62 @Blue Square) 6/10 FT 2:1 +3.7 units

Eastleigh – Sutton 1 (1.70 @Bwin) 5/10 FT 1:2 -5 units

Leigh RMI – Kettering OVER 2.5 (1.71 @Stanleybet) 5/10 FT 1:4 +3.5 units

Leigh RMI – Kettering 2 (2.10 @StanJames) 2/10 FT 1:4 +2.2 units


Gateshead - Whitby 1 (1.80 @Primebet) 8/10 FT 2:1 +6.4 units


Horsham - Folkestone Invicta 1 (1.91 @Skybet) 5/10 FT 1:0 +4.5 units

Hornchurch - Billericay OVER 2.5 and 3 (1.93 @Pinnacle) 4/10 FT 0:2 -4 units


Chelmsford - Boreham Wood 1 (1.73 @Paddy Power) 6/10 FT 4:1 +4.3 units


Wimbledon - Ramsgate 1 (1.67 @StanJames, Paddy Power) 7/10 FT 2:0 +4.7 units

Hyde - Tamworth OVER 2.5 (1.71 @Stanleybet) 6/10 FT 1:2 +4.2 units

Hyde - Tamworth 4-6 GOALS (3.20 @Stanleybet) 1/10 FT 1:2 -1 unit

Hyde - Tamworth 7 GOALS (22 @Stanleybet) 1/10 FT 1:2 -1 unit

Fisher - Weston-super-Mare OVER 2.5 (1.63 @Stanleybet) 6/10 FT 3:1 +3.7 units

Fisher - Weston-super-Mare 4-6 GOALS (2.95 @Stanleybet) 1/10 FT 3:1 +1.9 units

Fisher - Weston-super-Mare 7 GOALS (21.8 @Stanleybet) 1/10 FT 3:1 -1 unit


Newport - Maidenhead 1 (1.83 @Coral, StanJames, Blue Square) 5/10 FT 1:1 -5 units


Bognor Regis - Hampton & Richmond 1 (2.15 @Sportingbet) 3/10 FT 2:4 -3 units

Thurrock - Lewis 2 (2.45 @Sportingbet) 2/10 FT 2:3 +2.9 units

Redditch - Tamworth 2 (2.10 @Sportingbet) 3/10 FT 3:1 -3 units


Kettering - Hucknall 1 (1.91 @Blue Square) 6/10 FT 3:2 +5.4 units

(-1) Kettering - Hucknall 1 (2.89 @Stanleybet) 1/10 FT 3:2 -1 unit

Hyde - Vauxhall 1 (1.80 @Betway) 4/10 FT 6:3 +3.2 units


Lewes - Hayes & Yeading United 1 (1.73 @Sportingbet) 7/10 FT 2:1 +5.1 units

Maidenhead - Fisher 1 (2.10 @StanJames) 3/10 FT 2:3 -3 units

Tamworth - Burscough 1 (1.73 @Sportingbet) 5/10 FT 4:2 +3.6 units

2006/2007 SEASON


Hampton & Richmond - Slough OVER 2.5 (1.56 @Stanleybet) 8/10 FT 4:2 4.5 units

Hampton & Richmond - Slough 4-6 GOALS (2.85 @Stanleybet) 3/10 FT 4:2 5.5 units

Hampton & Richmond - Slough 7 GOALS (19.8 @Stanleybet) 1/10 FT 4:2 -1 unit

Billericay - Leyton 1 (1.45 @Stanleybet) 7/10 FT 2:0 3.1 units

(-1) Billericay - Leyton 1 (2.15 @Stanleybet) 2/10 FT 2:0 2.3 units


Maidenhead - Banbury 1 (1.73 @Stanleybet) 7/10 FT 2:0 5.1 units

(-1) Maidenhead - Banbury 1 (2.89 @Stanleybet) 2/10 FT 2:0 3.7 units


Fleetwood - Mossley 1 (1.30 @StanJames) 9/10 FT 0:1 -9 units

Histon - Thurrock X2 (1.95 @Stanleybet) 3/10 FT 3:1 -3 units

Slough - Staines OVER 2.5 (1.63 @Stanleybet) 6/10 FT 0:2 -6 units

Slough - Staines OVER 3.5 (2.69 @Stanleybet) 2/10 FT 0:2 -2 units


Slough - Chelmsford OVER 2.5 (1.57 @Stanleybet) 7/10 FT 0:4 4 units

Slough - Chelmsford 4-6 GOALS (2.90 @Stanleybet) 2/10 FT 0:4 3.8 units

Slough - Chelmsford 7 GOALS (19.8 @Stanleybet) 1/10 FT 0:4 -1 unit

Burscough - Grantham OVER 2.5 (1.56 @Stanleybet) 7/10 FT 3:0 3.9 units

Burscough - Grantham 4-6 GOALS (2.85 @Stanleybet) 2/10 FT 3:0 -2 units

Burscough - Grantham 7 GOALS (19.8 @Stanleybet) 1/10 FT 3:0 -1 unit

Leyton - Hampton & Richmond 2 (1.67 @Bet365) 7/10 FT 0:3 4.7 units

Radcliffe - Guiseley 2 (1.60 @Bwin) 7/10 FT 1:2 4.2 units

Radcliffe - (-1) Guiseley 2 (2.48 @Stanleybet) 2/10 FT 1:2 -2 units


Havant & Waterlooville - Yeading 1 (1.50 @Bet365) 7/10 FT 4:0 3.5 units

Hednesford - Guiseley X2 (1.63 @Stanleybet) 7/10 FT 2:2 4.4 units

Hednesford - Guiseley 2 (3.25 @Stanleybet) 2/10 FT 2:2 -2 units


Droylsden - Moor Green 1 (1.55 @Bwin) 7/10 FT 1:0 3.8 units

(-1) Droylsden - Moor Green 1 (2.14 @Stanleybet) 2/10 FT 1:0 -2 units

Witton - Mossley OVER 2.5 (1.51 @Stanleybet) 8/10 FT 2:1 4.1 units

Witton - Mossley 4-6 GOALS (2.73 @Stanleybet) 3/10 FT 2:1 -3 units

Witton - Mossley 7 GOALS (17.7 @Stanleybet) 1/10 FT 2:1 -1 units


Burscough - Fleetwood 1 (1.75 @Bwin) 6/10 FT 4:1 4.5 units


Witton - Grantham 4-6 GOALS (2.66 @Stanleybet) 3/10 FT 4:4 -3 units

Witton - Grantham 7 GOALS (17.7 @Stanleybet) 1/10 FT 4:4 16.7 units


Slough - (-1) Margate 2 (1.58 @Stanleybet) 7/10 FT 2:2 -7 units

Slough - Margate OVER 3.5 (2.49 @Stanleybet) 2/10 FT 2:2 3 units

Newport - Bedford 1 (1.53 @Stanleybet) 7/10 FT 2:0 3.7 units

(-1) Newport - Bedford 1 (2.35 @Stanleybet) 2/10 FT 2:0 2.7 units


Hayes - Bedford 1 (2.00 @StanJames) 7/10 FT 3:1 7 units


Fisher - Braintree 2 (2.35 @Stanleybet) 3/10 FT 3:0 -3 units


(-1) Wimbledon - Slough (1.58 @Stanleybet) 8/10 FT 9:0 4.6 units

Wimbledon - Slough 4-6 GOALS (2.85 @Stanleybet) 2/10 FT 9:0 -2 units

Wimbledon - Slough 7 GOALS (19.8 @Stanleybet) 1/10 FT 9:0 18.8 units

Cirencester - Bath City 2 (1.50 @Stanleybet) 7/10 FT 0:1 3.5 units

Stalybridge - Lancaster X-1 HT/FT (6.00 @Stanleybet) 1/10 HT 1:0 / FT 3:1 -1 unit


Walton & Hersham - Slough 1 (1.40 @Bwin) 9/10 FT 3:0 3.6 units

(-1) Walton & Hersham - Slough 1 (1.95 @Stanleybet) 5/10 FT 3:0 4.75 units

Fleetwood - Grantham 1 (1.57 @Skybet) 6/10 FT 4:1 3.42 units

(-1) Fleetwood - Grantham 1 (2.14 @Stanleybet) 3/10 FT 4:1 3.4 units

Fleetwood - Grantham 4-6 GOALS (3.01 @Stanleybet) 1/10 FT 4:1 2 units

Fleetwood - Grantham 7 GOALS (21.8 @Stanleybet) 1/10 FT 4:1 -1 unit

Leyton - Wimbledon 2 (2.10 @Bwin) 3/10 FT 2:5 3.3 units

Salisbury - Hayes 1 (1.40 @StanJames) 6/10 FT 0:0 -6 units

(-1) Salisbury - Hayes 1 (1.95 @Stanleybet) 3/10 FT 0:0 -3 units


Slough - Ramsgate 2 (1.40@Stanleybet) 9/10 FT 0:3 3.6 units

Slough - (-1) Ramsgate 2 (2.01@Stanleybet) 2/10 FT 0:3 2 units


Scarborough - Worksop 1:0 (7.50 @Stanleybet) 1/10 FT 2:1 -1 unit


Maidenhead - Cirencester 1 (1.80 @Stanleybet) 8.5/10 FT 1:0 6.8 units

(-1) Maidenhead - Cirencester 1 (3.05 @Stanleybet) 2/10 FT 1:0 -2 units

Bedford - Eastbourne 2 (2.00 @Stanleybet) 5/10 FT 1:1 -5 units

Bedford - (-1) Eastbourne 2 (3.70 @Stanleybet) 1/10 FT 1:1 -1 units

Walton & Hersham - Billericay 2 (1.67 @Stanleybet) 5/10 FT 2:2 -5 units


Slough - Boreham Wood 2 (1.60 @Stanleybet) 5/10 FT 0:4 3 units


Lancaster - Worksop 2 (1.40 @Stanleybet) 9/10 FT 0:3 3.6 units

(-1) Billericay - Slough 1 (1.70 @Stanleybet) 8/10 FT 5:0 5.6 units

Billericay - Slough OVER 3.5 (2.49 @Stanleybet) 2/10 FT 5:0 3 units

Billericay - Slough 7 GOALS (19.8 @Stanleybet) 1/10 FT 5:0 -1 unit

Vauxhall - Scarborough X2 (1.49 @Stanleybet) 7/10 FT 1:1 3.4 units

Vauxhall - Scarborough 2 (2.65 @Stanleybet) 2/10 FT 1:1 -2 units


Lancaster - Redditch 2 (1.36 @Stanleybet) 9.5/10 FT 1:2 3.4 units

Lancaster - (-1) Redditch 2 (1.95 @Stanleybet) 6/10 FT 1:2 -6 units

Slough - Tonbridge Angels 2 (1.70 @Stanleybet) 8/10 FT 2:3 5.6 units

Slough - (-1) Tonbridge Angels 2 (2.80 @Stanleybet) 2/10 FT 2:3 -2 units

Worthing - Heybridge Swifts 1X (1.63 @Stanleybet) 7/10 FT 0:3 -7 units

Worthing - Heybridge Swifts 1 (3.05 @Stanleybet) 3/10 FT 0:3 -3 units

Chippenham - Banbury 1 (1.70 @Stanleybet) 7/10 FT 1:1 -7 units

(-1) Chippenham - Banbury 1 (2.80 @Stanleybet) 2/10 FT 1:1 -2 units


Farnborough - Basingstoke 1 (1.85 @Stanleybet) 7/10 FT 1:1 -7 units


Hendon - Slough 1 (1.90 @Stanleybet) 7/10 FT 2:0 6.3 units


Hinckley - Lancaster OVER 2.5 (1.50) 9/10 odgodjeno

Hinckley - Lancaster OVER 3.5 (2.35) 4/10 odgodjeno

Folkestone Invicta - Slough 1 (1.73) 8/10 FT 0:0 -8 units

(-1) Folkestone Invicta - Slough 1 (2.89) 3/10 FT 0:0 -3 units

Leek - Grantham 1 (1.70) 6/10 FT 4:2 4.2 units

Bedford Town - Thurrock 2 (2.20) 5/10 FT 3:1 -5 units

Bedford Town - (-1) Thurrock 2 (4.51) 1/10 FT 3:1 -1 unit

(-1) Havant & Waterloovile - Hayes 1 (1.95) 5/10 FT 6:0 4.75 units


Farnborough - Fisher 1X (1.51 @Bwin) 7/10 odgodjeno

Farnborough - Fisher 1 (2.65 @Bwin) 3/10 odgodjeno

Mangotsfield - Bath City 2 (1.80 @Stanleybet) 7/10 odgodjeno

Mangotsfield - (-1) Bath City 2 (3.05 @Stanleybet) 3/10 odgodjeno


(-1) Worcester - Lancaster 1 (1.43 @Stanleybet) 7.5/10 FT 4:1 3.2 units


East Thurrock - Slough 1 (1.80 @Stanleybet) 7/10 FT 4:1 5.6 units

(-1) East Thurrock - Slough 1 (3.05 @Stanleybet) 3/10 FT 4:1 6.1 units

Lancaster - Worksop 2 (1.50 @Stanleybet) 9/10 odgodjeno

Lancaster - (-1) Worksop 2 (2.28 @Stanleybet) 5/10 odgodjeno


Havant & Waterlooville - Bedford 1 (1.90 @Stanleybet) 7.5/10 FT 4:0 6.75 units

(-1) Havant & Waterlooville - Bedford 1 (3.38 @Stanleybet) 2.5/10 FT 4:0 5.95 units


Droylsden - Lancaster OVER 2.5 (1.50 @Stanleybet) 9.5/10 FT 6:1 4.75 units

Droylsden - Lancaster 4-6 GOALS (2.72 @Stanleybet) 2/10 FT 6:1 -2 units

Droylsden - Lancaster 7 GOALS (17.6 @Stanleybet) 1/10 FT 6:1 16.6 units

Hinckley United - Scarborough X2 (2.23 @Stanleybet) 2/10 FT 1:1 2.46 units


Hyde United - Leigh RMI 1 (1.65 @Stanleybet) 6/10 FT 2:0 3.9 units

(-1) Hyde United - Leigh RMI 1 (2.65 @Stanleybet) 3/10 FT 2:0 4.95 units


Merthyr Tydfil - Gloucester HT 2 (3.30 @Stanleybet) 2/10 odgodjeno


Team Bath - Clevedon 1 (1.60) 6/10 FT 3:1 3.6 units

(-1) Team Bath - Clevedon 1 (2.47) 3/10 FT 3:1 4.4 units

Hendon - Hampton & Richmond 2 (1.70) 7.5/10 odgodjeno

Hendon - (-1) Hampton & Richmond 2 (2.66) 4/10 odgodjeno


Lancaster - Moor Green 2 (1.40) 8.5/10 FT 0:3 3.4 units

Lancaster - (-1) Moor Green 2 (2.00) 7/10 FT 0:3 7 units

Heybridge Swifts - Billericay X2 (1.48) 8/10 odgodjeno

Heybridge Swifts - Billericay 2 (2.50) 5/10 odgodjeno


Hemel Hempstead - Banbury United 1X (1.35) @ Stanleybet 8/10 FT 2:0 2.8 units

Hemel Hempstead - Banbury United 1 (2.20) @ Stanleybet 5/10 FT 2:0 6 units

Eastleigh - Lewes 1X (1.41) @ Stanleybet 8/10 FT 0:0 3.28 units

Eastleigh - Lewes 1 (2.35) @ Stanleybet 5/10 FT 0:0 -5 units

(-1) Eastleigh - Lewes 1 (5.03) @ Stanleybet 3/10 FT 0:0 -3 units


Havant & Waterlooville - Fisher Athletic 1 (1.70) @Stanleybet 6/10 FT 1:3 -6 units


Weymouth - Burton Albion X2 (1.30) @Derby 9.5/10 FT 1:1 2.85 units

Weymouth - Burton Albion 2 (2.25) @Derby 8/10 FT 1:1 -8 units

Weymouth - (-1) Burton Albion 2 (4.07) @Stanleybet 6.5/10 FT 1:1 -6.5 units

Billericay - Walton & Hersham 1 (1.40) @Stanleybet 9/10 FT 3:1 3.6 units

(-1) Billericay - Walton & Hersham 1 (2.00) @Stanleybet 7.5/10 FT 3:1 7.5 units

Walton & Hersham ne daje gol (2.50) @Stanleybet 7/10 FT 3:1 -7 units


Weymouth - Northwich X2 (1.64) 8.5/10 FT 1:1 5.4 units

Weymouth - Nortwich 2 (3.00) 7/10 FT 1:1 -7 units

Lancaster - Scarborough 2 (1.57) 9.5/10 FT 1:5 5.4 units

Lancaster - Scarborough (-1) 2 (2.48) 8/10 FT 1:5 11.8 units

Salisbury - Bedford Town 1 (1.40) 8.5/10 FT 3:1 3.4 units

(-1) Salisbury - Bedford Town 1 (2.01) 7/10 FT 3:1 7.1 units


Walton & Hersham - Heybridge Swifts 2 @ 1.85 Stanleybet, 8.5/10 FT 1:0 -8.5 units


Walton & Hersham - Billericay Town 2 (2.20) @Stanleybet, 8.5/10 prekinuto

Walton & Hersham - (-1) Billericay Town 2 (4.47) @Stanleybet, 5/10 prekinuto


Kettering - Worksop 1 (1.55) @Stanleybet, 8/10 FT 2:2 -8 units


Havant & Waterlooville - Bedford Town 1 (1.45) 8/10 odgodjeno

Lancaster - Nuneaton 2 (1.50) 9/10 FT 0:4 4.5 units

Folkestone Invicta - Billericay Town X2 (1.35) 9/10 FT 3:3 3.2 units

Weymouth - Burton Albion 2 (2.85) 7/10 odgodjeno


Leigh Rmi - Workington 1 (2.30) @Stanleybet, 7/10 FT 2:0 9.1 units


Lancaster City - Leigh Rmi 2 (1.65) 9/10 odgodjeno

Horsham - Slough 1 (1.30) 9/10 odgodjeno

26.12.2006. (7.6)

Worthing - Horsham 2 (2.05) 7/10 FT 3:2 -7 units

Carshalton - Bromley X2 (1.30) 9/10 FT 1:1 2.7 units

Hendon - Harrow Borough 1 (2.40) 6/10 FT 1:1 -6 units

Chelmsford City - Heybridge Swifts 1 (2.00) 6/10 FT 1:1 -6 units

Barrow - Lancaster City 1 (1.60) 9/10 FT 3:0 5.4 units

Farsley Celtic - Harrogate X2 (1.62) 7/10 FT 1:0 -7 units

Workington - Leigh RMI 1 (1.65) 7/10 FT 1:1 -7 units


Ashford - Margate 2 (1.70) 7/10 FT 1:1 -7 units

Carshalton - Harrow 1 (2.15) 6/10 FT 3:1 6.9 units

Chelmsford - Slough 1 (1.33) 9.5/10 FT 5:0 3.1 units

East Thurrock - Walton & Hersham 1 (2.00) 6/10 FT 1:0 6 units

Hendon - Worthing 1 (2.25) 6/10 FT 2:1 7.5 units

Corby - Gloucester X2 (1.36) 8/10 FT 2:3 2.9 units

Hemel - Bath City 2 (2.00) 7/10 FT 1:0 -7 units


Slough - East Thurrock 2 @ 2.25 Stanleybet, 8/10 FT odgodjeno


Slough - Hampton & Richmond 2 @ 2.00 Stanleybet, 9.5/10 FT 0:3 9.5 units

Hednesford - Lincoln United 1 @ 1.55 Stanleybet, 8/10 FT 2:1 4.4 units


Frickley - Gateshead 1 @ 1.90 Stanleybet, 7/10 FT 1:1 -7 units

Billericay - Tonbridge 1 @ 1.90 Stanleybet, 8/10 FT 3:0 7.2 units