20.04.2007., petak


Slough – Chelmsford OVER 2.5 (1.57 @Stanleybet) 7/10
Slough – Chelmsford 4-6 GOALS (2.90 @Stanleybet) 2/10
Slough – Chelmsford 7+ GOALS (19.8 @Stanleybet) 1/10

Nakon što je zadnji, vec odavno relegirani Slough iznenadio remizirajuci s 6. Margateom (koji je kraj tekme docekao sa samo 9 igraca, tako da je Margateu to zbilja bio dan iz najgorih nocnih mora – pazi, oni bi u play-off, a ne mogu pobjediti jadne luzere iz Slougha...), a onda i s losim Ashfordom, u proslom su se kolu vratili starim navikama i na vlastitom terenu izgubili od 2. Bromleyja 0:8 (koji je u drugom poluvremenu navodno igrao s pola snage – citat s foruma navijaca Slougha: 'To be honest you really dread to think what would happen if they really went for it in the second half. Could have had 10 plus easily.').

Chelmsford nije u nekoj bajnoj seriji, imaju samo dvije pobjede u posljednjih 8 tekmi, ali u ovom trenutku si ne smiju dozvoliti jos jedan kiks. Cetvrti su na tablici Ryman Premier lige, ali 6. Margate i 7. Boreham Wood imaju samo jedan, odnosno dva boda manje i iskoristit ce svaki eventualni kiks Chelmsforda, naravno i 5. Wimbledona (isti broj bodova kao i Chelmsford, no losija gol razlika – Chelmsford ima najbolju gol razliku u ligi).

Cuda kakav je bio remi Slougha i Margatea otprije nekoliko tjedana ne dogadjaju se svaki dan. Chelmsford protiv najslabijih momcad ipak najcesce uzme sva tri boda i zabije nekoliko golova, a klince iz Slougha su na svom terenu ove sezone pobjedili 5:0. Slough je, otkako su jos prosle godine upali u probleme i bili prisiljeni prodati vecinu igraca, uvjerljivo (s barem tri gola razlike) izgubio od svih kandidata za play-off (Boreham Wood u gostima 0:6, Hampton doma 0:3, Chelmsford u gostima 0:5, Billericay u gostima 0:5, Wimbledon u gostima 0:9, pa onaj bizarni remi s Margateom, i na kraju Bromley doma 0:8).

Slough doma ima omjer 1-3-15 uz nevjerojatno katastrofalno gol razliku 8:52, dok Chelmsford u gostima igra dovoljno dobro – omjer im je 7-4-9, a gol razlika 29:28.

Gostujuci poraz Slougha kod Wimbledona 31. ozujka (0:9) fino smo unovcili, steta sto su nas prije tekme s Bromleyjem (0:8, prosle subote) iznenadili dvaput remizirajuci zaredom (takva dva pozitivna rezultata nisu im se dogodila jos od listopada prosle godine), pa nitko nije ocekivao novi bizarno gadan poraz. OVER 2.5 bi morao proci, a tko zna, mozda Chelmsford stvarno zabije koliko i Bromley ili, khm khm, jos vise. Zasto ne?

Od zadnjih 10 utakmica Slougha, samo jedna nije otisla u OVER 2.5 (gol razlika u zadnjih 9 tekmi im je 3:41) i to ona gostujuca kod Ashforda (1:1), a i Chelmsford je, bas kao i Slough, ove sezone odigrao vec dvije 7+ tekme. 24. ozujka doma su pobjedili Stainesa cak 7:3, a ja se nadam da ce i ovo biti slicna tekma.

Sloughu ce od ove tekme nedostajati suspendirani prvotimac Moleski (koji je bio jedan od boljih u proslotjednom porazu 0:8 od Bromleyja – btw, najvise ofenzivnih ideja prosle je subote doslo od stopera Millsa, toliko o njihovim napadacima), prosli tjedan im se ozljedio standardni napadac Davies, a Chelmsfordu vec neko vrijeme fali suspendirani Glover koji nece igrati do kraja regularnog dijela sezone, tako da je trener Chelmsforda to vec stigao posloziti, a i u pocetni sastav se vraca glavni napadac Boylan (najvjerojatnije i drugi napadac Ibe).

FT 0:4

Burscough – Grantham OVER 2.5 (1.56 @Stanleybet) 7/10
Burscough – Grantham 4-6 GOALS (2.85 @Stanleybet) 2/10
Burscough – Grantham 7+ GOALS (19.8 @Stanleybet) 1/10

Burscough je trenutno na drugom mjestu tablice Unibond Premier lige, imaju isti broj bodova, istu gol razliku (+39), ali i utakmicu vise od prvoplasiranog Wittona. Uvjerljivo su najbolja domacinska momcad, omjer im je 14-5-1 uz gol razliku 47:14 (vise golova na svom terenu zabio je samo Witton).

Grantham je na uvjerljivo zadnjem mjestu, vec odavno su u nizoj ligi, a gostujuci omjer im je 0-5-15 (gol razlika 23:47, nitko u gostima nije primio vise golova). Za razliku od Burscougha koji je u sjajnoj formi (zadnji su put izgubili jos 3. veljace, a nakon toga imaju 5 remija i 8 pobjeda, s tim da su doma zadnji put izgubili jos 2. prosinca, a u zadnjih 7 domacinskih tekmi imaju 6 pobjeda i jedan remi), igraci Granthama se ne sjecaju kad su zadnji put pobjedili. No zato se ja sjecam – bilo je to jos 25. studenog prosle godine, a nakon toga imaju 3 remija i 18 poraza (!).

Grantham je u proslom kolu doma izgubio od Fleetwooda 0:2, no to im je bio prvi UNDER nakon sest tekmi na kojima je padalo najmanje 5 golova. Fleetwood je ionako u losoj formi, nedavno ih je bas Burscough pobjedio 4:1. I Burscough i Grantham su ove sezone po dvaput odigrali 7+ tekme, i jedni i drugi su jos po par puta bili blizu.

Burscoughu je to zadnja domacinska tekma sezone i mislim da ce navijacima uspjeti priustiti golijadu i pobjedu od barem nekoliko golova razlike. Sredinom listopada na livadi Granthama (koji je tad imao puno jacu ekipu) bilo je 3:0 za goste iz Burscougha.

FT 3:0

Leyton – Hampton & Richmond 2 (1.67 @Bet365) 7/10

Leyton je na demotiviranom 14. mjestu Ryman Premier lige, dakle manje-vise se opusteno ceka kraj sezone, a u skladu s tim su im i recentni rezultati. U zadnjih 10 tekmi imaju samo jednu pobjedu i jedan remi, ostalo su sve porazi. U zadnje tri tekme gol razlika im je 1:6, izgubili su od solidnog Boreham Wooda, ali i od loseg East Thurrocka i jos losijeg, vec relegiranog Worthinga. Domacinski omjer im je 8-4-8 uz negativnu gol razliku 30:37, no veliku vecinu tih domacinskih pobjeda ostvarili su u prvoj polovici sezone. Leytonu ce nedostajati dvojica suspendiranih igraca, Sophocleous i Alderton, dok Hampton nema problema sa suspenzijama.

Hampton je najizgledniji kandidat za titulu prvaka, imaju bod vise i utakmicu manje od Bromleyja i Billericayja, a protivnici do kraja sezone su im idealni – Leyton, Slough i Heybidge. Bromley i Billericay za vrijeme ove tekme igrat ce svoj veliki derbi, tako da je Hampton stvarno u najboljoj mogucoj situaciji. Hampton ima 6 pobjeda u zadnjih 8 tekmi (izgubili su samo od jakog Chelmsforda, a remizirali s dobrim Stainesom), a i najbolja su gostujuca momcad u ligi – omjer im je 12-4-4 (gol razlika 35:21).

FT 0:3

Radcliffe – Guiseley 2 (1.60 @Bwin) 7/10
Radcliffe – (-1) Guiseley 2 (2.48 @Stanleybet) 2/10

Radcliffe je predzadnja, takodjer vec relegirana momcad Unibond Premier lige. U zadnjih 8 tekmi skupili su 7 poraza (samo ih Whitby nije pobjedio s hendikepom) i pobjedu nad posustalim Fleetwoodom, a prosle su subote kod Ossetta izgubili 0:4. Domacinski omjer im je 4-5-11 uz gol razliku 18:34 i imaju 4 domacinska poraza s hendikepom zaredom.

Guiseley je na 6. mjestu i ova pobjeda im treba kako ne bi umrla nada glede zadnjeg play-off mjesta (posto imaju puno bolju gol razliku od Marinea, uci ce u play-off ako pobjede Radcliffe i Leek i ako Marine ne pobjedi u oba dvije svoje preostale tekm). U gostima su vrlo dobri, omjer im je 8-5-7, a zadnji su put u gostima izgubili jos 20. sijecnja od tada nepobjedivog Telforda. U zadnjih pet tjedana imaju 4 uzastopne pobjede, pa 4 uzastopna remija, no sada bi trebala pasti opet jedna pobjeda (remizirali su sa solidnim Whitbyjem te s tri momcadi koje se ili bore za play-off mjesto ili su vec 'unutra' – s Burscoughom, Gatesheadom i Hednesfordom).

FT 1:2

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The official website (launched in May 2008). All the previews from 2006/2007 and 2007/2008 seasons are still archived here on the blog though, be sure to check it out if you want to see how my previews look like.


2007/2008 SEASON


LONG-TERM: Barrow to promote to Blue Square Premier (13.00 @Blue Square) 2 units semi-finals: Barrow - Telford 2:0 FT, Telford - Barrow 0:2 FT / final: Barrow - Stalybridge 1:0 FT (+24 units)


Eastbourne to win the play-off's (3.00 @StanJames) 4 units semi-finals: Braintree - Eastbourne 0:2 FT, Eastbourne - Braintree 3:0 FT / final: Eastbourne - Hampton 2:0 FT (+8 units)


Wimbledon to win the play-off's (2.88 @StanJames) 4 units semi-final: Wimbledon - Hornchurch 3:1 FT / final: Staines - Wimbledon 1:2 FT (+7.52 units)

Gateshead to win the play-off's (2.75 @Skybet) 4 units semi-final: Gateshead - Eastwood 4:0 FT / final: Gateshead - Buxton 2:0 FT (+7 units)


Barrow – Telford 1 (2.25 @StanJames) 5 units FT 2:0 (+6.25 units)


Braintree – (0) Eastbourne 2 (1.92 @Pinnacle) 5 units FT 0:2 (+4.6 units)


CONF NORTH DOUBLE: Barrow – Worcester 1 @1.50 & Vauxhall – Southport 2 @1.50 (2.25 @Betway) 4 units FT 1:0 / 1:2 (+5 units)

SOUTHERN/UNIBOND DOUBLE: King's Lynn to win Southern Premier @1.33 & Fleetwood – Frickley 1 @1.30 (1.73 @Bet365) 4 units FT yes / 1:1 (-4 units)

Hayes & Yeading – Bognor Regis 1 (2.00 @Skybet) 4 units FT 0:2 (-4 units)

Kettering – Gainsborough 1 (1.67 @Bet365) 4 units FT 2:1 (+2.68 units)


(-1) Newport – Thurrock 1 (1.90 @Bet365) 5 units FT 1:4 (-5 units)


Newport – Eastbourne 1 (2.63 @Skybet) 5 units FT 1:1 (-5 units)

Vauxhall – Hinckley 2 (1.80 @StanJames) 4 units FT 0:1 (+3.2 units)

Hayes & Yeading – Cambridge OVER 3.5 (2.87 @Blue Square) 4 units FT 3:1 (+7.48 units)

CONF NORTH/RYMAN DOUBLE: Barrow – Tamworth 1 @1.60 & Wimbledon – Harlow 1 @1.55 (2.48 @Sportingbet) 4 units FT 2:0 / 1:2 (-4 units)


Havant & Waterloovile – Weston-super-mare 1 (1.60 @Expekt) 8 units FT 1:1 (-8 units)


Bromley – Havant & Waterloovile 2 (2.63 @StanJames) 5 units FT 2:1 (-5 units)

Bromley – Havant & Waterloovile HT/FT 2 (5.50 @StanJames) 1 unit HT 0:1 / FT 2:1 (-1 unit)

Redditch – Barrow 2 (2.40 @Blue Square) 5 units FT 0:5 (+7 units)

RYMAN/CONF SOUTH DOUBLE: Leyton – Margate 2 @1.25 & Basingstoke – Lewes 2 @1.67 (2.0875 @StanJames) 5 units FT 2:4 / 1:1 (-5 units)


Mangotsfield – Cirencester 1 (1.57 @StanJames) 7 units FT 1:0 (+3.99 units)

Heybridge – Staines 2 (1.83 @StanJames) 4 units FT 2:2 (-4 units)

UNIBOND DOUBLE: Stamford – Gateshead 2 @1.60 & Lincoln – Fleetwood 2 @1.35 (2.16 @Bwin) 4 units FT 1:1 / 0:3 (-4 units)


Fisher – Bognor Regis 2 (5.00 @Blue Square) 3 units & X (4.00 @BoyleSports) 2 units (ad-hoc draw-no-bet) FT 3:1 (-5 units)

RYMAN/CONF SOUTH DOUBLE: Boreham Wood – Leyton HT/FT 1 @1.44 & Havant – Sutton HT/FT 1 @1.61 (2.3184 @Bet265) 4 units HT 1:0 FT 3:0 / HT 1:0 FT 2:0 (+5.2736 units)

CONF SOUTH DOUBLE: Bishop's Stortford – Basingstoke 1 @1.55 & Hampton – Dorchester 1 @1.45 (2.2475 @Sportingbet) 4 units FT 0:0 / 4:0 (-4 units)

Barrow – Alfreton 1 (1.75 @Expekt) 4 units FT 2:1 (+3 units)


Dorchester – Maidenhead 2 (2.60 @Blue Square) 5 units FT 2:1 (-5 units)


Tamworth – Vauxhall 1 (1.73 @StanJames) 6 units FT 1:1 (-6 units)

UNIBOND/RYMAN DOUBLE: Gateshead – Matlock 1 @1.45 & Leyton – Carshaton 2 @1.55 (2.2475 @Bet-at-home) 4 units FT 2:0 / 1:4 (+4.99 units)

Basingstoke – Hayes & Yeading OVER 3.5 (2.62 @Blue Square) 4 units FT 1:1 (-4 units)


RYMAN DOUBLE: Billericay – Carshalton 1 @1.70 & Leyton – Ramsgate 2 @1.40 (2.38 @Sportingbet) 4 units FT 4:2 / 0:3 (+5.52 units)

Workington – Vauxhall Motors 1 (1.75 @Sportingbet) 5 units FT 1:0 (+3.75 units)


Marine – Witton 2 (1.90 @Sportingbet) 5 units FT 0:2 (+4.5 units)


Eastbourne – Hayes & Yeading OVER 3.5 (2.75 @Blue Square) 4 units FT 3:1 (+7 units)


Basingstoke – Braintree 2 (2.25 @Bet365) 5 units FT 2:2 (-5 units)

Eastleigh – Hayes & Yeading OVER 3.5 (2.75 @Blue Square) 5 units FT 1:4 (+8.75 units)

Bromsgrove – King's Lynn 2 (1.80 @Sportingbet) 5 units FT 1:1 (-5 units)


Billericay – Folkestone 1 (1.91 @Coral) 5 units FT 4:1 (+4.55 units)


St Albans – Basingstoke 1 (3.50 @Skybet) 4 units & X (3.60 @Skybet) 2 units (ad-hoc draw-no-bet) FT 4:1 (+8 units)

Havant & Waterloovile – Bishop's Stortford 1 (1.91 @Coral) 5 units FT 1:2 (-5 units)

Hendon – Wimbledon 2 (2.10 @StanJames) 4 units FT 0:2 (+4.4 units)

RYMAN/SOUTHERN DOUBLE: Tonbridge – Leyton 1 @1.25 & Cirencester – Halesowen 2 @1.60 (2.00@Sportingbet) 4 units FT 3:0 / 2:3 (+4 units)


Thurrock – Havant & Waterloovile 2 (2.63 @Bet365) 4 units & X (3.60 @StanJames) 2 units (ad-hoc draw-no-bet) FT 0:2 (+4.52 units)

Barrow – Boston 1 (2.30 @Betway) 3 units FT 1:0 (+3.9 units)


Leyton – Heybridge 2 (1.73 @StanJames) 7 units FT 0:3 (+5.11 units)

Havant & Waterloovile – Eastbourne 1 (2.70 @Betway) 4 units & X (3.60 @StanJames) 2 units (ad-hoc draw-no-bet) FT 2:1 (+4.8 units)

Leigh RMI – Barrow 2 (2.20 @Skybet) 4 units FT 1:2 (+4.8 units)

Fisher – Dorchester OVER 3.5 (2.75 @Blue Square) 4 units FT 1:1 (-4 units)

Gateshead – Eastwood 1 (1.80 @Bwin) 4 units FT 1:1 (-4 units)


Basingstoke – Bromley OVER 3.5 (2.62 @Blue Square) 6 units FT 1:1 (-6 units)

Hampton – Fisher OVER 3.5 (2.75 @Blue Square) 4 units FT 0:2 (-4 units)

Heybridge – Wimbledon 2 (1.80 @Sportingbet) 5 units FT 2:1 (-5 units)

TROPHY/RYMAN DOUBLE: Tamworth – Aldershot 2 @1.67 & Ramsgate – Wealdstone 1 @1.62 (2.7054 @Bet365) 3 units FT 1:2 / 2:2 (-3 units)


Vauxhall – Hyde 2 (2.10 @Blue Square) 3 units FT 3:4 (+3.3 units)

St Albans – Bishop's Stortford 2 (1.97 @10Bet) 3 units FT 1:2 (+2.91 units)


Sutton – Eastleigh OVER 3.5 (2.38 @Blue Square) 5 units FT 0:0 (-5 units)

Basingstoke – Havant OVER 3.5 (2.63 @Blue Square) 5 units FT 2:3 (+8.15 units)

Billericay – Harrow 1 (2.20 @Skybet) 5 units FT 1:1 (-5 units)

Kendal – Buxton 2 (2.00 @Bet365) 4 units FT 1:1 (-4 units)


Braintree – Hampton & Richmond 2 (2.50 @Skybet) 3 units FT 3:0 (-3 units)

Horsham – Wimbledon 2 (2.30 @Coral) 3 units FT 0:2 (+3.9 units)

Dorchester – Bishop's Stortford 2 (2.00 @StanJames) 3 units FT 0:4 (+3 units)


Fisher – Eastleigh OVER 3.5 (2.88 @Blue Square) 6 units FT 1:4 (+11.28 units)

NORTH/SOUTH DOUBLE: Hyde – Leigh RMI 1 @1.50 & Dorchester – Eastbourne 2 @1.75 (2.625 @Betway) 4 units FT 1:1 / 0:4 (-4 units)

Harrow – Wimbledon 2 (2.38 @StanJames) 4 units FT 0:2 (+5.52 units)

Hemel Hempstead – Team Bath 2 (1.83 @StanJames) 4 units FT 1:3 (+3.32 units)

Sutton – Thurrock 1 (3.00 @Blue Square) 3 units FT 1:0 (+6 units)


SETANTA/RYMAN DOUBLE: St Albans – Aldershot 2 @1.55 & Leyton – Staines 2 @1.40 (2.17 @Bwin) 5 units FT 0:4 / 2:2 (-5 units)


Basingstoke – Fisher 2 /DRAW NO BET (2.00 @Betway) 7 units FT 1:5 (+7 units)

Wimbledon – Torquay 2 (1.72 @StanJames) 6 units FT 0:2 (+4.32 units)

Gainsborough – Hinckley 1 (1.75 @Bwin) 4 units FT 2:2 (-4 units)

Barrow – Redditch 1 (2.10 @Betway) 4 units FT 2:0 (+4.4 units)

(-1.5) Lewes – Bognor 1 (1.92 @10Bet) 4 units FT 0:1 (-4 units)

Eastleigh – Dorchester OVER 3.5 (2.75 @Blue Square) 3 units FT 3:1 (+5.25 units)


Liverpool – Havant & Waterloovile OVER 3.5 (1.60 @Gamebookers) 8 units FT 5:2 (+4.8 units)

Eastbourne – Basingstoke 1 (1.73 @StanJames) 6 units FT 6:0 (+4.38 units)

CONF SOUTH/RYMAN DOUBLE: Welling – Lewes 2 @1.65 & Leyton – Maidstone 2 @1.60 (2.64 @Bwin) 4 units FT 0:4 / 0:1 (+6.56 units)

Kendal – Ossett 1 (2.38 @StanJames) 2 units FT 0:2 (-2 units)

Hemel Hempstead – Bromsgrove X2 (2.00 @Bet-at-home) 2 units FT 0:2 (+2 units)


AD-HOC DRAW-NO-BET: Billericay – Wimbledon 1 (3.25 @Skybet) 3 units & X (3.50 @StanJames) 2 units FT 2:2 (+2 units)

Wealdstone – East Thurrock 1 (2.00 @Gamebookers) 5 units POSTPONED


Eastleigh – St Albans OVER 3.5 (2.63 @Blue Square) 6 units FT 1:1 (-6 units)

Bishop's Stortford – Welling OVER 3.5 (2.88 @Blue Square) 5 units POSTPONED

Newport – Havant 1 (1.85 @Betway) 5 units POSTPONED

Hyde – Alfreton OVER 3.5 (2.88 @Blue Square) 3 units FT 0:2 (-3 units)

Hucknall – Southport 2 (2.00 @Skybet) 3 units FT 1:2 (+3 units)


Havant & Waterloovile – Swansea OVER 2.75 (2.05 @Pinnacle) 5 units FT 4:2 (+5.25 units)

Havant & Waterloovile – Swansea OVER 4 (4.80 @Bet365) 1 unit FT 4:2 (+3.8 units)


Hampton & Richmond – Bath City OVER 3.5 (3.10 @Blue Square) 3 units POSTPONED

East Thurrock – Staines 2 (2.20 @Sportingbet) 3 units POSTPONED


Billericay – Folkestone 1 (1.85 @Sportingbet) 8 units POSTPONED

RYMAN/CONF-SOUTH DOUBLE: Leyton – Harrow 2 @1.57 & Hampton & Richmond – Thurrock 1 @1.53 (2.4021 @Bet365) 4 units FT 0:3 / 2:3 (-4 units)

Ramsgate – Hendon 1 (2.40 @StanJames) 3 units FT 2:1 (+4.2 units)

Barrow – Gainsborough 1 (2.00 @Bwin) 3 units FT 4:1 (+3 units)

Stalybridge – Harrogate 1 /DRAW NO BET (2.10 @Betway) 3 units FT 3:2 (+3.3 units)


Bishop's Stortford – Havant & Waterloovile 1 (2.05 @Sportingbet) 4 units FT 4:1 (+4.2 units)


Redditch – Vauxhall 1 (1.91 @StanJames) 7 units FT 2:0 (+6.37 units)

Chasetown – Cardiff OVER 2.75 (2.07 @10Bet) 5 units FT 1:3 (+5.35 units)

Chasetown – Cardiff OVER 4 (5.10 @Bet365) 1 unit FT 1:3 (+0 units)

Eastleigh – Bath City 1 /DRAW NO BET (1.88 @10Bet) 5 units FT 4:4 (+0 units)

Dorchester – Cambridge City 2 /DRAW NO BET (1.81 @10Bet) 5 units FT 3:2 (-5 units)

CONF SOUTH/RYMAN DOUBLE: Hampton & Richmond – Welling 1 @1.62 & Chelmsford – Hastings 1 @1.25 (2.025 @Skybet) 5 units FT 4:0 / 1:1 (-5 units)

Hemel Hempstead – King's Lynn 2 (2.20 @Sportingbet) 4 units FT 4:2 (-4 units)

RYMAN DOUBLE: Folkestone – Leyton 1 @1.40 & Hendon – Carshalton 1 @1.50 (2.10 @Sportingbet) 3 units FT 2:0 / 0:5 (-3 units)

CONF NORTH DOUBLE: Hyde – Blyth 1 @1.45 & Boston – Leigh RMI 1 @1.60 (2.32 @Bwin) 3 units FT 2:4 / 5:1 (-3 units)


St Albans – Cambridge City 1 /DRAW NO BET (1.70 @Betway) 6 units FT 0:2 (-6 units)

RYMAN DOUBLE: Leyton – Hornchurch 2 @1.40 & Wimbledon – Carshalton 1 @1.60 (2.24 @Bwin) 4 units FT 2:5 / 2:0 (+4.98 units)

Eastleigh – Basingstoke 1 (2.05 @Bwin) 4 units FT 1:1 (-4 units)

AD-HOC DRAW NO BET: Weston Super Mare – Newport 2 (2.40 @Betway) 3 units & X (3.60 @StanJames) 1 unit FT 2:2 (-0.4 units)

AD-HOC DRAW-NO-BET: Tonbridge – Horsham 1 (2.38 @StanJames) 3 units & X (3.60 @StanJames) 1 unit FT 1:5 (-4 units)

Heybridge – Chelmsford 2 (2.05 @Sportingbet) 3 units FT 1:2 (+3.15 units)

Swindon – Cirencester 1 (2.00 @StanJames) 3 units FT 1:1 (-3 units)


Merthyr – Team Bath 2 (2.00 @Skybet) 5 units FT 1:1 (-5 units)

SOUTHERN/RYMAN DOUBLE: King's Lynn – Mangotsfield 1 @1.62 & Chelmsford – Margate 1 @1.67 (2.7054 @Bet365) 5 units FT 1:1 / 5:1 (-5 units)

Wealdstone – Folkestone 1 (2.05 @Bwin) 5 units FT 3:2 (+5.25 units)

Ramsgate – Wimbledon 2 (2.50 @Bet365) 5 units FT 1:1 (-5 units)

Marine – Buxton 1 (1.83 @Bet365) 5 units FT 0:1 (-5 units)

Gainsborough – Solihull 1 (1.91 @StanJames) 5 units FT 0:2 (-5 units)

Workington – Hyde 2 (2.25 @Blue Square) 5 units POSTPONED


Hemel Hempstead – Merthyr Tydfil 1 (1.62 @StanJames ) 5 units FT 0:0 (-5 units)

Guiseley – Kidderminster 2 (1.83 @Ladbrokes) 4 units FT 1:2 (+3.32 units)


Billericay – Hornchurch 1 (2.30 @Bwin) 5 units FT 0:2 (-5 units)

AD-HOC DRAW-NO-BET: Swindon – Chippenham 1 (2.90 @Bwin) 4.5 units & X (3.55 @Digibet) 1.5 unit FT 0:2 (-6 units)

Worcester – Boston 1 (2.20 @StanJames) 4 units FT 2:1 (+4.8 units)

Boreham Wood – Chelmsford 2 (2.20 @Sportingbet) 4 units FT 4:2 (-4 units)

Folkestone – Horsham 2 (2.20 @Sportingbet) 4 units FT 4:1 (-4 units)

Harrow – Staines 2 (2.20 @Gamebookers) 4 units FT 1:3 (+4.8 units)

Gainsborough – Barrow 2 /DRAW NO BET (2.06 @10Bet) 4 units FT 1:1 (0 units)

Fisher – Havant 2 (2.50 @Expekt) 3 units FT 4:2 (-3 units)


Bromley – Lewes OVER 3.5 (3.25 @Blue Square) 3 units FT 1:2 (-3 units)


(-2) Swansea – Horsham 1 (2.00 @Gamebookers) 3 units FT 6:2 (+3 units)


Yate - Team Bath 2 (2.10 @StanJames) 4 units FT 0:2 (+4.4 units)


Staines – Peterborough 2 (1.60 @Gamebookers) 7 units FT 0:5 (+4.2 units)

Bognor Regis – Welling 1 (2.25 @StanJames) 6 units FT 0:0 (-6 units)

St Albans – Bromley OVER 3.5 (2.88 @Blue Square) 5 units FT 1:0 (-5 units)

Lewes – Bath City 1 (1.95 @Betway) 4 units FT 1:0 (+3.8 units)

Worcester – Barrow 2 /DRAW NO BET (3.20 @Betway) 3 units FT 1:1 (0 units)

Guiseley – Fleetwood 2 (2.50 @Sportingbet) 2 units FT 0:2 (+3 units)

Solihull – Stalybridge 2 (2.50 @Skybet) 2 units FT 0:4 (+3 units)


Bath City – Hayes & Yeading 1 (1.73 @Blue Square) 4 units FT 2:2 (-4 units)


Eastleigh – Weston-super-Mare 1 (1.85 @Sportingbet) 6 units FT 4:2 (+5.1 units)

FA TROPHY/UNIBOND DOUBLE: Wimbledon – Northwood 1 @1.44 & Fleetwood - Ashton 1 @1.50 (2.15 @Gamebookers) 5 units FT 2:1 / 3:0 (+5.75 units)

Staines – Chelmsford 2 (1.83 @Skybet) 4 units FT 2:2 (-4 units)

Matlock – Marine 2 (2.63 @StanJames) 3 units FT 2:3 (+4.89 units)

Billericay – Margate 1 (2.30 @Sportingbet) 3 units FT 0:1 (-3 units)

Vauxhall – Hyde 2 (2.10 @Gamebookers) 3 units FT 1:0 (-3 units)


Dorchester – Hampton & Richmond 2 (2.25 @Coral) 7 units FT 0:1 (+8.75 units)

Hastings – Wimbledon 2 (2.10 @Bwin) 6 units FT 1:3 (+6.6 units)

Weston-super-Mare – Lewes 2 (2.25 @StanJames) 5 units FT 1:2 (+6.25 units)

Bromley – Newport OVER 3.5 (3.25 @Blue Square) 5 units FT 2:2 (+11.25 units)

Barrow – Telford 2 (2.10 @Coral) 5 units FT 4:0 (-5 units)

Ilkeston – Gateshead 2 (2.00 @StanJames) 5 units FT 2:0 (-5 units)

Basingstoke – St Albans 2 /DRAW NO BET (3.20 @Betway) 1 unit FT 3:1 (-1 units)

Braintree – Bognor Regis 2 /DRAW NO BET (3.20 @Betway) 1 unit FT 3:2 (-1 unit)

Hayes & Yeading – Sutton 2 /DRAW NO BET (3.20 @Betway) 1 unit FT 3:3 (0 unit)


Boston – Hucknall OVER 3.5 (2.88 @Blue Square) 3 units FT 2:3 (+5.64 units)


SOUTHERN PREMIER DOUBLE: King's Lynn – Corby 1 @1.40 & Chippenham – Cirencester 1 @1.65 (2.31 @Sportingbet) 3 units FT 0:1 / 2:0 (-3 units)


(-0.75) Team Bath – Chasetown 1 (2.00 @Bet365) 6 units FT 0:2 (-6 units)

Eastleigh – Bromley OVER 3.5 (3.25 @Betway) 6 units FT 1:4 (+13.5 units)

RYMAN DOUBLE: Wimbledon – Hornchurch 1 @1.65 & Chelmsford – Ashford 1 @1.40 (2.31 @Sportingbet) 4 units FT 1:0 / 4:0 (+5.24 units)

AD-HOC DRAW-NO-BET: Bognor Regis – Hayes & Yeading 1 (2.50 @Blue Square) 3 units & X (3.60 @StanJames) 1 unit FT 3:0 (+3.5 units)

AD-HOC DRAW NO BET: Chippenham – Hemel Hempstead 1 (2.38 @StanJames) 3 units & X (3.60 @StanJames) 1 unit FT 1:2 (-4 units)

Hucknall – Solihull Moors 1 (2.25 @StanJames) 2 units FT 2:2 (-2 units)

CONF NORTH DOUBLE: Alfreton – Leigh RMI 1 @1.65 & Boston – Vauxhall 1 @1.70 (2.805 @Betway) 2 units FT 1:0 / 5:1 (+3.61 units)


AD-HOC DRAW-NO-BET: Billericay – King's Lynn 1 (2.63 @Skybet) 6 units & X (3.60 @StanJames) 2 units FT 1:3 (-8 units)

FA TROPHY DOUBLE: Marine – Bamber Bridge 1 @1.65 & Maidstone – Abingdon 1 @1.65 (2.7225 @Bwin) 5 units FT 2:2 / 5:3 (-5 units)


Nuneaton – Hyde AD-HOC DRAW-NO-BET: 2 (2.40 @Expekt) 4 units & X (3.60 @StanJames) 2 units FT 1:0 (-6 units)


Havant & Waterloovile – Hampton & Richmond 1 (2.20 @StanJames) 6 units FT 0:3 (-6 units)

Hayes & Yeading – Eastleigh AD-HOC DRAW-NO-BET: 2 (2.50 @Blue Square) 6 units & X (3.60 @StanJames) 2 units FT 2:4 (+7 units)

CONF SOUTH DOUBLE: Newport – Dorchester 1 @1.60 & Lewes – Sutton 1 @1.40 (2.24 @Sportingbet) 3 units FT 3:2 / 4:0 (+3.72 units)

CONF NORTH/FA TROPHY DOUBLE: Kettering – Blyth 1 @1.57 & Stocksbridge – Witton 2 @1.57 (2.4649 @Skybet) 2 units FT 1:0 / 2:5 (+2.9298 units)


Fisher – Newport 2 /DRAW NO BET (2.10 @Betway) 5 units FT 1:3 (+5.5 units)

FA CUP DOUBLE: Histon – Bamber Bridge 1 @1.30 & Weymouth – Hitchin Town 1 @1.40 (1.82 @Sportingbet) 5 units FT 4:1 / 1:1 (-5 units)

UNIBOND PREMIER DOUBLE: Guiseley – North Ferriby @1.36 & Whitby – Witton X2 @1.25 (1.70 @Paddy Power) 5 units FT 2:1 / 1:6 (+3.5 units)

Ramsgate – Chelmsford 2 (2.25 @Bwin) 4 units & Ramsgate – Chelmsford X (3.50 @StanJames) 1 unit FT 2:0 (-5 units)

Hornchurch – Team Bath 2 (2.63 @Skybet) 3 units & Hornchurch – Team Bath X (3.60 @William Hill) 1 unit FT 0:1 (+3.89 units)

Lincoln – Marine 2 (2.50 @Skybet) 3 units & Lincoln – Marine X (3.60 @Skybet) 1 unit FT 0:2 (+3.5 units)

FA CUP DOUBLE: Southport – Hitchin 1 @1.83 & Havant – Leighton 1 @1.53 (2.7999 @Skybet) 2 units FT 1:3 / 3:0 (-2 units)

Eastleigh – Forest Green 1 (4.33 @Coral) 2 units & Eastleigh – Forest Green X (3.50 @Gamebookers) 1 unit FT 3:3 (+0.5 units)


Maidstone – Bury Town 1 (1.73 @Bet365) 5 units FT 3:1 (+3.65 units)


Thurrock – Sutton 1 (1.80 @StanJames) 5 units FT 2:1 (+4 units)

(-1) Thurrock – Sutton 1 (3.10 @Blue Square) 1 unit FT 2:1 (-1 unit)

FA TROPHY DOUBLE: Kings Lynn – Sudbury 1 @1.33 & Abingdon – Staines 2 @1.47 (1.9551 @10Bet) 4 units FT 2:1 / 5:2 (-4 units)

Bromley – St Albans OVER 3.5 (2.88 @Blue Square) 2 units FT 3:4 (+3.76 units)

Hampton & Richmond – Bishop's Stortford OVER 3.5 (3.25 @Blue Square) 2 units FT 1:1 (-2 units)


Havant & Waterloovile – Basingstoke 1 (1.91 @Blue Square) 7 units FT 1:1 (-7 units)

Weston-super-Mare – Eastleigh 2 /DRAW NO BET (2.30 @Betway) 4 units FT 0:3 (+5.2 units)


FA TROPHY DOUBLE: Billericay – Ilford 1 @1.33 & Team Bath – Taunton 1 @1.43 (1.90 @10Bet) 3 units FT 2:1 / FT 1:0 (+2.7057 units)


Bath City – Basingstoke 1 (1.75 @Betway) 8 units FT 0:1 (-8 units)

CONF SOUTH DOUBLE: Bath City – Basingstoke 1 @1.73 & Eastbourne – Sutton 1 @1.44 (2.49 @Blue Square) 4 units FT 0:1 / FT 3:0 (-4 units)

CONF NORTH DOUBLE: Hyde – Barrow 1 @1.57 & Burscough – Hinckley 1 @1.57 (2.46 @StanJames) 4 units FT 2:1 / FT 1:1 (-4 units)

Dorchester – Bromley 2 (2.40 @Betway) 1 unit FT 2:3 (+1.40 units)


Eastwood – Matlock 1 (2.10 @Skybet) 2 units FT 2:3 (-2 units)

Prescot Cables – Marine 2 (2.15 @Gamebookers) 2 units FT 1:1 (-2 units)


Chelmsford – Hendon 1 (1.75 @Sportingbet) 4 units FT 5:1 (+3 units)


Havant & Waterloovile – Fleet 1 (1.62 @Skybet) 8 units FT 2:1 (+4.96 units)

Leek – Witton 2 (1.60 @ Bwin) 6 units FT 2:2 (-6 units)

Marine – North Ferriby 1 (1.67 @StanJames) 6 units FT 3:0 (+4.02 units)

Maidstone – Leyton 1 (1.90 @Gamebookers) 5 units FT 2:1 (+4.5 units)

Brentwood – Staines 2 (2.00 @Skybet) 3 units FT 0:3 (+3 units)


Corby – Team Bath 2 (2.10 @StanJames) 3 units FT 1:2 (+3.3 units)


Leyton – Chelmsford 2 (1.80 @Bwin) 7 units FT 1:2 (+5.6 units)


Ashton – Whitby OVER 2.75 (1.82 @Pinnacle) 6 units FT 0:0 (-6 units)


Wimbledon – Maidstone 1 (1.55 @Sportingbet) 7 units FT 2:0 (+3.85 units)

Bognor Regis – Fisher OVER 2.75 (1.91 @Pinnacle) 5 units FT 0:1 (-5 units)

Bognor Regis – Fisher 2 (2.30 @Expekt) 1 unit FT 0:1 (+1.30 units)

(-1.5) Gateshead – Ilkeston 1 (1.92 @Pinnacle) 5 units FT 1:2 (-5 units)

Gainsborough – Alfreton OVER 2.5 (1.85 @Pinnacle) 4 units FT 2:2 (+3.4 units)

Maidenhead – Newport 2-3 GOALS (1.95 @Betway) 3 units FT 2:3 (-3 units)

Maidenhead – Newport 1:1 FT (7.00 @Blue Square) 1 unit FT 2:3 (-1 unit)

Kettering – Hyde 1 (1.87 @Pinnacle) 3 units FT 0:2 (-3 units)

King's Lynn – Chippenham 1 (1.78 @Pinnacle) 3 units FT 2:0 (+2.34 units)


Wimbledon – Heybridge 1 (1.65 @Bwin) 6/10 FT 1:0 (+3.9 units)

Margate – Hendon 1 (2.50 @Stanleybet) 5/10 FT 0:2 (-5 units)

Cheshunt - Team Bath 2 (3.40 @StanJames) 3/10 FT 1:2 (+7.2 units)


St Albans – Thurrock 1 (1.83 @StanJames) 6/10 FT 0:5 (-6 units)

(-1) St Albans – Thurrock 1 (3.00 @Digibet) 1/10 FT 0:5 (-1 unit)


Eastbourne – Welling 1 (1.73 @Coral) 6/10 FT 1:0 (+4.38 units)


Hinckley – Kettering 2 (1.80 @Blue Square) 7/10 FT 0:0 (-7 units)


Hyde – Burscough OVER 2.5 (1.50 @Stanleybet) 7/10 FT 1:0 (-7 units)

Hyde – Burscough OVER 3.5 (2.88 @Blue Square) 2/10 FT 1:0 (-2 units)

Welling – Hayes & Yeading 1 (1.91 @Skybet) 4/10 FT 1:2 (-4 units)

Maidenhead – Havant & Waterloovile 2 (2.20 @Blue Square, Skybet) 3/10 FT 3:3 (-3 units)


North Ferriby – Gateshead 2 (1.91 @Stanleybet) 7/10 FT 1:4 (+6.37 units)

Witton – Matlock 1 (1.80 @Stanleybet) 4/10 FT 2:0 (+3.2 units)


Chelmsford – Wealdstone 1 (1.57 @Stanleybet) 7/10 FT 3:1 (+4 units)

Havant & Waterloovile – Bromley 1 (2.20 @Blue Square) 5/10 FT 1:0 (+6 units)

(-1) Havant & Waterloovile – Bromley 1 (4.22 @Stanleybet) 1/10 FT 1:0 (-1 unit)

Hendon – Maidstone 1 (1.62 @Skybet) 5/10 FT 2:1 (+3.1 units)

Kettering – Boston OVER 2.5 (1.83 @Pinnacle) 5/10 FT 3:0 (+4.1 units)

Kettering – Boston OVER 3.5 (2.63 @Blue Square) 1/10 FT 3:0 (-1 unit)


Bath City – Newport UNDER 2.5 (2.05 @Pinnacle) 7/10 FT 1:1 (+7.3 units)

Bath City – Newport 1:0 FT (8.00 @Blue Square) 1/10 FT 1:1 (-1 unit)

Bath City – Newport 0:0 FT (11.00 @Blue Square) 1/10 FT 1:1 (-1 unit)


Gateshead – Frickley 1 (1.67 @StanJames, Paddy Power) 8/10 FT 5:2 +5.3 units


Fleetwood – Marine 1 (1.80 @Stanleybet) 5/10 FT 2:3 -5 units

Buxton – Witton 2 (2.00 @StanJames) 4/10 FT 0:2 +4 units

Leyton – Horsham 2 (2.30 @Gamebookers) 4/10 FT 4:3 -4 units

Heybridge – Billericay 2 (2.38 @StanJames) 2/10 FT 2:2 -2 units


Billericay – Leyton 1 (1.62 @StanJames) 8/10 FT 4:0 +4.9 units

Havant & Waterloovile – Thurrock 1 (1.67 @Stanleybet) 7/10 FT 3:0 +4.7 units

(-1) Havant & Waterloovile – Thurrock 1 (2.70 @Stanleybet) 2/10 FT 3:0 +3.4 units

Bromley – Hayes & Yeading 1 (1.62 @Blue Square) 6/10 FT 2:1 +3.7 units

Eastleigh – Sutton 1 (1.70 @Bwin) 5/10 FT 1:2 -5 units

Leigh RMI – Kettering OVER 2.5 (1.71 @Stanleybet) 5/10 FT 1:4 +3.5 units

Leigh RMI – Kettering 2 (2.10 @StanJames) 2/10 FT 1:4 +2.2 units


Gateshead - Whitby 1 (1.80 @Primebet) 8/10 FT 2:1 +6.4 units


Horsham - Folkestone Invicta 1 (1.91 @Skybet) 5/10 FT 1:0 +4.5 units

Hornchurch - Billericay OVER 2.5 and 3 (1.93 @Pinnacle) 4/10 FT 0:2 -4 units


Chelmsford - Boreham Wood 1 (1.73 @Paddy Power) 6/10 FT 4:1 +4.3 units


Wimbledon - Ramsgate 1 (1.67 @StanJames, Paddy Power) 7/10 FT 2:0 +4.7 units

Hyde - Tamworth OVER 2.5 (1.71 @Stanleybet) 6/10 FT 1:2 +4.2 units

Hyde - Tamworth 4-6 GOALS (3.20 @Stanleybet) 1/10 FT 1:2 -1 unit

Hyde - Tamworth 7 GOALS (22 @Stanleybet) 1/10 FT 1:2 -1 unit

Fisher - Weston-super-Mare OVER 2.5 (1.63 @Stanleybet) 6/10 FT 3:1 +3.7 units

Fisher - Weston-super-Mare 4-6 GOALS (2.95 @Stanleybet) 1/10 FT 3:1 +1.9 units

Fisher - Weston-super-Mare 7 GOALS (21.8 @Stanleybet) 1/10 FT 3:1 -1 unit


Newport - Maidenhead 1 (1.83 @Coral, StanJames, Blue Square) 5/10 FT 1:1 -5 units


Bognor Regis - Hampton & Richmond 1 (2.15 @Sportingbet) 3/10 FT 2:4 -3 units

Thurrock - Lewis 2 (2.45 @Sportingbet) 2/10 FT 2:3 +2.9 units

Redditch - Tamworth 2 (2.10 @Sportingbet) 3/10 FT 3:1 -3 units


Kettering - Hucknall 1 (1.91 @Blue Square) 6/10 FT 3:2 +5.4 units

(-1) Kettering - Hucknall 1 (2.89 @Stanleybet) 1/10 FT 3:2 -1 unit

Hyde - Vauxhall 1 (1.80 @Betway) 4/10 FT 6:3 +3.2 units


Lewes - Hayes & Yeading United 1 (1.73 @Sportingbet) 7/10 FT 2:1 +5.1 units

Maidenhead - Fisher 1 (2.10 @StanJames) 3/10 FT 2:3 -3 units

Tamworth - Burscough 1 (1.73 @Sportingbet) 5/10 FT 4:2 +3.6 units

2006/2007 SEASON


Hampton & Richmond - Slough OVER 2.5 (1.56 @Stanleybet) 8/10 FT 4:2 4.5 units

Hampton & Richmond - Slough 4-6 GOALS (2.85 @Stanleybet) 3/10 FT 4:2 5.5 units

Hampton & Richmond - Slough 7 GOALS (19.8 @Stanleybet) 1/10 FT 4:2 -1 unit

Billericay - Leyton 1 (1.45 @Stanleybet) 7/10 FT 2:0 3.1 units

(-1) Billericay - Leyton 1 (2.15 @Stanleybet) 2/10 FT 2:0 2.3 units


Maidenhead - Banbury 1 (1.73 @Stanleybet) 7/10 FT 2:0 5.1 units

(-1) Maidenhead - Banbury 1 (2.89 @Stanleybet) 2/10 FT 2:0 3.7 units


Fleetwood - Mossley 1 (1.30 @StanJames) 9/10 FT 0:1 -9 units

Histon - Thurrock X2 (1.95 @Stanleybet) 3/10 FT 3:1 -3 units

Slough - Staines OVER 2.5 (1.63 @Stanleybet) 6/10 FT 0:2 -6 units

Slough - Staines OVER 3.5 (2.69 @Stanleybet) 2/10 FT 0:2 -2 units


Slough - Chelmsford OVER 2.5 (1.57 @Stanleybet) 7/10 FT 0:4 4 units

Slough - Chelmsford 4-6 GOALS (2.90 @Stanleybet) 2/10 FT 0:4 3.8 units

Slough - Chelmsford 7 GOALS (19.8 @Stanleybet) 1/10 FT 0:4 -1 unit

Burscough - Grantham OVER 2.5 (1.56 @Stanleybet) 7/10 FT 3:0 3.9 units

Burscough - Grantham 4-6 GOALS (2.85 @Stanleybet) 2/10 FT 3:0 -2 units

Burscough - Grantham 7 GOALS (19.8 @Stanleybet) 1/10 FT 3:0 -1 unit

Leyton - Hampton & Richmond 2 (1.67 @Bet365) 7/10 FT 0:3 4.7 units

Radcliffe - Guiseley 2 (1.60 @Bwin) 7/10 FT 1:2 4.2 units

Radcliffe - (-1) Guiseley 2 (2.48 @Stanleybet) 2/10 FT 1:2 -2 units


Havant & Waterlooville - Yeading 1 (1.50 @Bet365) 7/10 FT 4:0 3.5 units

Hednesford - Guiseley X2 (1.63 @Stanleybet) 7/10 FT 2:2 4.4 units

Hednesford - Guiseley 2 (3.25 @Stanleybet) 2/10 FT 2:2 -2 units


Droylsden - Moor Green 1 (1.55 @Bwin) 7/10 FT 1:0 3.8 units

(-1) Droylsden - Moor Green 1 (2.14 @Stanleybet) 2/10 FT 1:0 -2 units

Witton - Mossley OVER 2.5 (1.51 @Stanleybet) 8/10 FT 2:1 4.1 units

Witton - Mossley 4-6 GOALS (2.73 @Stanleybet) 3/10 FT 2:1 -3 units

Witton - Mossley 7 GOALS (17.7 @Stanleybet) 1/10 FT 2:1 -1 units


Burscough - Fleetwood 1 (1.75 @Bwin) 6/10 FT 4:1 4.5 units


Witton - Grantham 4-6 GOALS (2.66 @Stanleybet) 3/10 FT 4:4 -3 units

Witton - Grantham 7 GOALS (17.7 @Stanleybet) 1/10 FT 4:4 16.7 units


Slough - (-1) Margate 2 (1.58 @Stanleybet) 7/10 FT 2:2 -7 units

Slough - Margate OVER 3.5 (2.49 @Stanleybet) 2/10 FT 2:2 3 units

Newport - Bedford 1 (1.53 @Stanleybet) 7/10 FT 2:0 3.7 units

(-1) Newport - Bedford 1 (2.35 @Stanleybet) 2/10 FT 2:0 2.7 units


Hayes - Bedford 1 (2.00 @StanJames) 7/10 FT 3:1 7 units


Fisher - Braintree 2 (2.35 @Stanleybet) 3/10 FT 3:0 -3 units


(-1) Wimbledon - Slough (1.58 @Stanleybet) 8/10 FT 9:0 4.6 units

Wimbledon - Slough 4-6 GOALS (2.85 @Stanleybet) 2/10 FT 9:0 -2 units

Wimbledon - Slough 7 GOALS (19.8 @Stanleybet) 1/10 FT 9:0 18.8 units

Cirencester - Bath City 2 (1.50 @Stanleybet) 7/10 FT 0:1 3.5 units

Stalybridge - Lancaster X-1 HT/FT (6.00 @Stanleybet) 1/10 HT 1:0 / FT 3:1 -1 unit


Walton & Hersham - Slough 1 (1.40 @Bwin) 9/10 FT 3:0 3.6 units

(-1) Walton & Hersham - Slough 1 (1.95 @Stanleybet) 5/10 FT 3:0 4.75 units

Fleetwood - Grantham 1 (1.57 @Skybet) 6/10 FT 4:1 3.42 units

(-1) Fleetwood - Grantham 1 (2.14 @Stanleybet) 3/10 FT 4:1 3.4 units

Fleetwood - Grantham 4-6 GOALS (3.01 @Stanleybet) 1/10 FT 4:1 2 units

Fleetwood - Grantham 7 GOALS (21.8 @Stanleybet) 1/10 FT 4:1 -1 unit

Leyton - Wimbledon 2 (2.10 @Bwin) 3/10 FT 2:5 3.3 units

Salisbury - Hayes 1 (1.40 @StanJames) 6/10 FT 0:0 -6 units

(-1) Salisbury - Hayes 1 (1.95 @Stanleybet) 3/10 FT 0:0 -3 units


Slough - Ramsgate 2 (1.40@Stanleybet) 9/10 FT 0:3 3.6 units

Slough - (-1) Ramsgate 2 (2.01@Stanleybet) 2/10 FT 0:3 2 units


Scarborough - Worksop 1:0 (7.50 @Stanleybet) 1/10 FT 2:1 -1 unit


Maidenhead - Cirencester 1 (1.80 @Stanleybet) 8.5/10 FT 1:0 6.8 units

(-1) Maidenhead - Cirencester 1 (3.05 @Stanleybet) 2/10 FT 1:0 -2 units

Bedford - Eastbourne 2 (2.00 @Stanleybet) 5/10 FT 1:1 -5 units

Bedford - (-1) Eastbourne 2 (3.70 @Stanleybet) 1/10 FT 1:1 -1 units

Walton & Hersham - Billericay 2 (1.67 @Stanleybet) 5/10 FT 2:2 -5 units


Slough - Boreham Wood 2 (1.60 @Stanleybet) 5/10 FT 0:4 3 units


Lancaster - Worksop 2 (1.40 @Stanleybet) 9/10 FT 0:3 3.6 units

(-1) Billericay - Slough 1 (1.70 @Stanleybet) 8/10 FT 5:0 5.6 units

Billericay - Slough OVER 3.5 (2.49 @Stanleybet) 2/10 FT 5:0 3 units

Billericay - Slough 7 GOALS (19.8 @Stanleybet) 1/10 FT 5:0 -1 unit

Vauxhall - Scarborough X2 (1.49 @Stanleybet) 7/10 FT 1:1 3.4 units

Vauxhall - Scarborough 2 (2.65 @Stanleybet) 2/10 FT 1:1 -2 units


Lancaster - Redditch 2 (1.36 @Stanleybet) 9.5/10 FT 1:2 3.4 units

Lancaster - (-1) Redditch 2 (1.95 @Stanleybet) 6/10 FT 1:2 -6 units

Slough - Tonbridge Angels 2 (1.70 @Stanleybet) 8/10 FT 2:3 5.6 units

Slough - (-1) Tonbridge Angels 2 (2.80 @Stanleybet) 2/10 FT 2:3 -2 units

Worthing - Heybridge Swifts 1X (1.63 @Stanleybet) 7/10 FT 0:3 -7 units

Worthing - Heybridge Swifts 1 (3.05 @Stanleybet) 3/10 FT 0:3 -3 units

Chippenham - Banbury 1 (1.70 @Stanleybet) 7/10 FT 1:1 -7 units

(-1) Chippenham - Banbury 1 (2.80 @Stanleybet) 2/10 FT 1:1 -2 units


Farnborough - Basingstoke 1 (1.85 @Stanleybet) 7/10 FT 1:1 -7 units


Hendon - Slough 1 (1.90 @Stanleybet) 7/10 FT 2:0 6.3 units


Hinckley - Lancaster OVER 2.5 (1.50) 9/10 odgodjeno

Hinckley - Lancaster OVER 3.5 (2.35) 4/10 odgodjeno

Folkestone Invicta - Slough 1 (1.73) 8/10 FT 0:0 -8 units

(-1) Folkestone Invicta - Slough 1 (2.89) 3/10 FT 0:0 -3 units

Leek - Grantham 1 (1.70) 6/10 FT 4:2 4.2 units

Bedford Town - Thurrock 2 (2.20) 5/10 FT 3:1 -5 units

Bedford Town - (-1) Thurrock 2 (4.51) 1/10 FT 3:1 -1 unit

(-1) Havant & Waterloovile - Hayes 1 (1.95) 5/10 FT 6:0 4.75 units


Farnborough - Fisher 1X (1.51 @Bwin) 7/10 odgodjeno

Farnborough - Fisher 1 (2.65 @Bwin) 3/10 odgodjeno

Mangotsfield - Bath City 2 (1.80 @Stanleybet) 7/10 odgodjeno

Mangotsfield - (-1) Bath City 2 (3.05 @Stanleybet) 3/10 odgodjeno


(-1) Worcester - Lancaster 1 (1.43 @Stanleybet) 7.5/10 FT 4:1 3.2 units


East Thurrock - Slough 1 (1.80 @Stanleybet) 7/10 FT 4:1 5.6 units

(-1) East Thurrock - Slough 1 (3.05 @Stanleybet) 3/10 FT 4:1 6.1 units

Lancaster - Worksop 2 (1.50 @Stanleybet) 9/10 odgodjeno

Lancaster - (-1) Worksop 2 (2.28 @Stanleybet) 5/10 odgodjeno


Havant & Waterlooville - Bedford 1 (1.90 @Stanleybet) 7.5/10 FT 4:0 6.75 units

(-1) Havant & Waterlooville - Bedford 1 (3.38 @Stanleybet) 2.5/10 FT 4:0 5.95 units


Droylsden - Lancaster OVER 2.5 (1.50 @Stanleybet) 9.5/10 FT 6:1 4.75 units

Droylsden - Lancaster 4-6 GOALS (2.72 @Stanleybet) 2/10 FT 6:1 -2 units

Droylsden - Lancaster 7 GOALS (17.6 @Stanleybet) 1/10 FT 6:1 16.6 units

Hinckley United - Scarborough X2 (2.23 @Stanleybet) 2/10 FT 1:1 2.46 units


Hyde United - Leigh RMI 1 (1.65 @Stanleybet) 6/10 FT 2:0 3.9 units

(-1) Hyde United - Leigh RMI 1 (2.65 @Stanleybet) 3/10 FT 2:0 4.95 units


Merthyr Tydfil - Gloucester HT 2 (3.30 @Stanleybet) 2/10 odgodjeno


Team Bath - Clevedon 1 (1.60) 6/10 FT 3:1 3.6 units

(-1) Team Bath - Clevedon 1 (2.47) 3/10 FT 3:1 4.4 units

Hendon - Hampton & Richmond 2 (1.70) 7.5/10 odgodjeno

Hendon - (-1) Hampton & Richmond 2 (2.66) 4/10 odgodjeno


Lancaster - Moor Green 2 (1.40) 8.5/10 FT 0:3 3.4 units

Lancaster - (-1) Moor Green 2 (2.00) 7/10 FT 0:3 7 units

Heybridge Swifts - Billericay X2 (1.48) 8/10 odgodjeno

Heybridge Swifts - Billericay 2 (2.50) 5/10 odgodjeno


Hemel Hempstead - Banbury United 1X (1.35) @ Stanleybet 8/10 FT 2:0 2.8 units

Hemel Hempstead - Banbury United 1 (2.20) @ Stanleybet 5/10 FT 2:0 6 units

Eastleigh - Lewes 1X (1.41) @ Stanleybet 8/10 FT 0:0 3.28 units

Eastleigh - Lewes 1 (2.35) @ Stanleybet 5/10 FT 0:0 -5 units

(-1) Eastleigh - Lewes 1 (5.03) @ Stanleybet 3/10 FT 0:0 -3 units


Havant & Waterlooville - Fisher Athletic 1 (1.70) @Stanleybet 6/10 FT 1:3 -6 units


Weymouth - Burton Albion X2 (1.30) @Derby 9.5/10 FT 1:1 2.85 units

Weymouth - Burton Albion 2 (2.25) @Derby 8/10 FT 1:1 -8 units

Weymouth - (-1) Burton Albion 2 (4.07) @Stanleybet 6.5/10 FT 1:1 -6.5 units

Billericay - Walton & Hersham 1 (1.40) @Stanleybet 9/10 FT 3:1 3.6 units

(-1) Billericay - Walton & Hersham 1 (2.00) @Stanleybet 7.5/10 FT 3:1 7.5 units

Walton & Hersham ne daje gol (2.50) @Stanleybet 7/10 FT 3:1 -7 units


Weymouth - Northwich X2 (1.64) 8.5/10 FT 1:1 5.4 units

Weymouth - Nortwich 2 (3.00) 7/10 FT 1:1 -7 units

Lancaster - Scarborough 2 (1.57) 9.5/10 FT 1:5 5.4 units

Lancaster - Scarborough (-1) 2 (2.48) 8/10 FT 1:5 11.8 units

Salisbury - Bedford Town 1 (1.40) 8.5/10 FT 3:1 3.4 units

(-1) Salisbury - Bedford Town 1 (2.01) 7/10 FT 3:1 7.1 units


Walton & Hersham - Heybridge Swifts 2 @ 1.85 Stanleybet, 8.5/10 FT 1:0 -8.5 units


Walton & Hersham - Billericay Town 2 (2.20) @Stanleybet, 8.5/10 prekinuto

Walton & Hersham - (-1) Billericay Town 2 (4.47) @Stanleybet, 5/10 prekinuto


Kettering - Worksop 1 (1.55) @Stanleybet, 8/10 FT 2:2 -8 units


Havant & Waterlooville - Bedford Town 1 (1.45) 8/10 odgodjeno

Lancaster - Nuneaton 2 (1.50) 9/10 FT 0:4 4.5 units

Folkestone Invicta - Billericay Town X2 (1.35) 9/10 FT 3:3 3.2 units

Weymouth - Burton Albion 2 (2.85) 7/10 odgodjeno


Leigh Rmi - Workington 1 (2.30) @Stanleybet, 7/10 FT 2:0 9.1 units


Lancaster City - Leigh Rmi 2 (1.65) 9/10 odgodjeno

Horsham - Slough 1 (1.30) 9/10 odgodjeno

26.12.2006. (7.6)

Worthing - Horsham 2 (2.05) 7/10 FT 3:2 -7 units

Carshalton - Bromley X2 (1.30) 9/10 FT 1:1 2.7 units

Hendon - Harrow Borough 1 (2.40) 6/10 FT 1:1 -6 units

Chelmsford City - Heybridge Swifts 1 (2.00) 6/10 FT 1:1 -6 units

Barrow - Lancaster City 1 (1.60) 9/10 FT 3:0 5.4 units

Farsley Celtic - Harrogate X2 (1.62) 7/10 FT 1:0 -7 units

Workington - Leigh RMI 1 (1.65) 7/10 FT 1:1 -7 units


Ashford - Margate 2 (1.70) 7/10 FT 1:1 -7 units

Carshalton - Harrow 1 (2.15) 6/10 FT 3:1 6.9 units

Chelmsford - Slough 1 (1.33) 9.5/10 FT 5:0 3.1 units

East Thurrock - Walton & Hersham 1 (2.00) 6/10 FT 1:0 6 units

Hendon - Worthing 1 (2.25) 6/10 FT 2:1 7.5 units

Corby - Gloucester X2 (1.36) 8/10 FT 2:3 2.9 units

Hemel - Bath City 2 (2.00) 7/10 FT 1:0 -7 units


Slough - East Thurrock 2 @ 2.25 Stanleybet, 8/10 FT odgodjeno


Slough - Hampton & Richmond 2 @ 2.00 Stanleybet, 9.5/10 FT 0:3 9.5 units

Hednesford - Lincoln United 1 @ 1.55 Stanleybet, 8/10 FT 2:1 4.4 units


Frickley - Gateshead 1 @ 1.90 Stanleybet, 7/10 FT 1:1 -7 units

Billericay - Tonbridge 1 @ 1.90 Stanleybet, 8/10 FT 3:0 7.2 units