"Last night as I lay dreaming of pleasant days gone by
My mind was spent on rambling to Boston I did fly
I stepped on board a vision and I followed with the wind
When next I came to anchor at the rocks on Fairmount Hill
It was on the 23rd of June the day before the fair
When Boston sons and daughters and friends assemble there
The young, the old, the brave, and the bold
Came there till they took their fill
At the parish church of Thatcher, a mile from Fairmount Hill
I went to see old friends there, to see what they might say
The old ones were all dead and gone, the young ones turning gray
I met the broken hills, hazes on as ever still
See I used to crash at his mother's house, when I hung on Fairmount Hill
I paid a fly and visit to my first and only love
She's as white as any lily, and as gentle as a dove
She threw her arm around me saying Andy I love ya still
Oh, she's one Miss Fayes O'Bailey, the pride of Fairmount Hill
I dreamt I fought a violent war for the hand of this darling gal
Against an angry jealous fool by the name of Danny Gill
The clock it rang in the morning, it rang both loud and shrill
When I awoke in California, many miles from Fairmount Hill"
i tako je i to završilo... lagao bih kad bih rekao da mi nije žao, ali eto... valjda je ovako bolje. bila su ovo lijepa dva mjeseca i sjećat ću ih se rado.... falit će mi sve to, navikao sam se i navukao, ali nema sad smisla previrati po tome. lijepe stvari je bolje ostaviti lijepima i takve uramiti negdje u galeriji sjećanja, i nastaviti dalje svojim putem... ha.. to sam valjda uvijek i radio..
mačiću, pazi na sebe, pazi šta radiš, a ako nešto ode krivo, bit ću tu da ti pomognem. sjeti me se.
otkako sam prestao biti kolumnist na jednom lokalnom sajtu, izgubio sam prostor za ispucavanje frustracija... i na kraju sam se ipak odlučio za ovo... valjd će pomoći... jbg...
Čini mi se kako ću uvijek biti sretan tamo gdje nisam. Gdje god da nisam, mjesto je gdje sam to što jesam. Bilo gdje izvan ovog svijeta.
A rolling stone gathers no moss.
narodna engleska
olovke izlomljenog srca
by six pack
još jedan tužan dan i sve podseća na san
nek probudi me netko, ovo stvarno boli,
al nema nikoga, osim hladnog odjeka,
i čudnih mirisa u mojoj sobi.
i niko nije kriv, da li kriv sam što sam živ?
voleo bih samo da smo jednaki pred bogom
u ljubav verujem, možda i preterujem,
možda trebalo je ranije da popričam sa tobom...
da zajurim u strah, kako uplašiti mrak?
moje oružje su olovke izlomljenog srca
no prevarit ću sve, kad stavim cvikere,
u grudima mi bomba sporije kuca!!!
oči ko u psa, to sam kao novi ja,
tužan, bevezan i veran svojim željama,
al ne dodiruj dno, pazi, bit će prekasno,
ako čekanje me pretvori u nekog drugog!! Morningstar
by AFI
I saw a star beneath the stairs glowing through the melting
Who will be the first to begin their fall?
Or will we become one?
Am I the star beneath the stairs?
Am I a ghost upon the stage?
Am I your anything?
I saw a star beneath the stairs glowing bright before descent,
And in the morning there is nothing left but what's inside of
Am I the star beneath the stairs?
Am I a ghost upon the stage?
Am I your anything?
And I don't want to die tonight,
Will you believe in me?
And I don't want to fall into the light.
Will you wish upon?
Will you walk upon me?
I don't want to die tonight.
Will you believe in me tonight?
Am I the star beneath the stairs?
Am I a ghost upon the stage?
Am I your anything? Crno Nebo
by six pack
kao u lutkarskoj predstavi
razdešenih udova sa očima bez sjaja
ljudi teturaju u gomili,
s neba padaju paketi humanitarne pomoći.
ne mogu da verujem da se ovo nama dešava
da li se neko krivim oseća?
zovu me pašnjaci, krda slonova:
"što pre!"
da odem odavde i da ne gledam
kako isforsirano bratstvo propada
ruske mećave, možda Afrika, bilo gde!
gde je dovoljno daleko pobeći da zaboravim sve grobove
i crno nebo, delo nepoznatog majstora.
vreme bogatih i ubogih - carstvo lopova
kradi da bi imao, ubij ako je potrebno
ponekad stvarno poželim da nisam tu,
u zemlji divljaka na Balkanu prokletom...
i dok lažem sebe da je sve ovo
samo ružan san
vetar donosi daleke glasove...