Dečko koji obečava

utorak, 14.07.2009.

Najave filmova: 2012 i Haeundae

Dakle, 2012 nam u kina dolazi već u studenom ove godine!

Roland Emmerich (Independence Day, Godzilla, The Day After Tomorrow , ali i Moon 44) priprema možda i najkatastrofičniji film svih vremena! Scene razaranja izgledaju kul, nadam se da će patetika biti svedena na minimum, vidićemo, no kako god uživajte u ovom neslužbenom trejleru koji je daleko bolji od originalnog!

Izlazi: 13. studenog 2009.

imdb link:

Radnja (ako netko nije skužio iz trejlera):
An academic researcher leads a group of people in a fight to counteract the apocalyptic events that were predicted by the ancient Mayan calendar and other historical documents, astronomy, biblical and scientific data. It involves the passage of the Age of Pieces into the Age of Aquarius. It also involves the Destroyer, aka Wormwood, Planet X, Nibiru.
preuzeto s IMDb-a.


Inače uskoro izlazi i južno korejski film Haeundae, koji mi se čini zanimljivijim, mada ću svakako pogledati oba, jer sam se zaželio filmova katastrofe.


Izlazi: 23. srpnja 2009.

Located on the Southeast of the Korean peninsula is the international city of Busan. A popular vacation spot on the East Sea coast, Haeundae draws one million visitors to its beaches every year. Man-sik, a native of region, went deep-sea fishing four years before and lost a co-worker in a tsunami; he has never returned. He now leads a simple life running a small sushi shop and is preparing to propose to his long time girlfriend, Yeon-hee. While these seemingly banal domestic affairs unfold, geologist Kim-Hwi, an expert on tsunami research, discovers the East Sea is showing signs of activity similar to the Indian Ocean at the time of the 2004 tsunami. Despite his warnings, the Disaster Prevention Agency affirms that Korea is in no harm of being hit. When he discovers a super tsunami starting in Tsushima – Japan, is headed straight for the Korean peninsula, he quickly heads down to Haeundae. Eventually, KIM gets a call about a deadly oncoming wave, with only ten minutes to spare! While the vacationers and citizens of Busan are enjoying a peaceful, hot summer day, a super-tsunami is headed straight for Haeundae at 500 miles per hour.

The film is directed by Je-gyun Yun whose previous work seems to have mainly been romantic comedies (urgh) but Hans Uhlig (Perfect Storm, The Day After Tomorrow) will be supervising the FX, so we can expect great things in that dept. Haeundae is set to open Korean, in July.

Zanimljivo je da je prvi dio filma romantična komedija, a tek od polovice kreće katastrofa i to ne samo ona ljubavna kako to obično biva u romantičnim komedijama kada se dva glavna aktera privremeno odvoje da bi zamišljeno gledali u daljinu nego je tu i divovski plimni val! Živo me zanima kako će uspjeti ta kombinacija..

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