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''Bolje biti peder nego sa ženskom iz kvarta''
''Jeba te bog,tebe i Blog''
''Vidi kuja,ima šire bokove od mene, a ja sidim 19 godina.''
by: Grzi
Kutija za textove...pisama,naravno

Pink Floyd - Set the controls for the heart of the sun

Little by little the night turns around.
Counting the leaves which tremble at dawn.
Lotus's lean on each other in yearning.
Over the hills where a swallow is resting.
Set the controls for the heart of the sun.

Over the mountain watching the watcher.
Breaking the darkness waking the grapevine.
Morning to birth is born into shadow
Love is the shadow that ripens the wine.
Set the controls for the heart of the sun.
The heart of the sun, the heart of the sun. - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service
who is the man who arrives at the wall?
Making the shape of his questions at asking.
Thinking the sun will fall in the evening.
Will he remember the lesson of giving?
Set the controls for the heart of the sun.
The heart of the sun, the heart of the sun.

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I live uptown
I live downtown
I live all around
I had money, and I had none
I had money, and I had none
But I never been so broke
That I couldn't leave town
I'm a Changeling
See me change
I'm a Changelin'
See me change
I'm the air you breath
Food you eat
Friends your greet
In the sullen street, wow
See me change
See me change...


Well, I've been down so Goddamn long
That it looks like up to me
Well, I've been down so very damn long
That it looks like up to me
Yeah, why don't one you people
C'mon and set me free

I said, warden, warden, warden
Won't you break your lock and key
I said, warden, warden, warden
Won't ya break your lock and key
Yeah, come along here, mister
C'mon and let the poor boy be

Baby, baby, baby
Won't you get down on your knees

Baby, baby, baby
Won't you get down on your knees
C'mon little darlin'
C'mon and give your love to me, oh yeah - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge


nije li šik bit mlad i hetero
gladni umjetnik
jer tlaka ti se dignit narezat parizer
Provjeravam mikrofon Jen dva prođi metar
u mojim cipelama , ja cu iljadu u tvojim
nemoj ni pokusavat usporedit me s icim svojim
ako mislis visit sa mnom stegni taj pojas
i kad izvadim ovo sidro iz đepa tezi sam od vas
Mediteran sa crveno okupanim zgradama
U zalascima sunca , nemamo sadama
I nemamo busha, mislim ima i ovdi
Dovoljno budala da ti se krv zgruša
Ali klima je povoljna i cure su dovoljno
Opasne da izgubis glavu , pricam ja sa zenskom
i ona prica i prica i nastavlja pricat a meni
dosadilo glumit klauna pa sam je pustija da prica
a kad sam dosa doma napisa pricu o njoj
gradim grad od slova u zagrade nista novo
jer ovo sta se događa pod nebeskim krovom
postaje zbunjuce Katalenic zlostavlja vozace
katalenicu dođi u moj kvart, bit cemo jaci
i ko gleda frasiera osim impotentnih pedera
sumnjam u barem trideset i jednog emija
Reklame za banke sperme, reklame bez stanke
Za pastu za zube, za najnovije zvake
Da jedino hladnije od zamrznutih dusa
Bude ledeno svjez dah iz vasih usta
Demokracija 21. stoljeca reci naglas
Sve sta ti smeta i tako nikog nije briga
Moj savjet ti je: zavezi pojas prije leta
I bez obzira di stiga ne skidaj te Puma patike
Jer manje te se boje kad misle da si jedan od njih
Upoznaj dugine boje prije nego napises
Crno bijeli stih , u radnu memoriju stavi
Sve sta znas jer 21 gram duse mos
izgubit svaki cas, zato prestani bit seronja
i izađi iz te ljuske, imam betonski humanizam
za sve pljuske sta ih primam, repam
za casne sestre sta ne brinu crne macke
i ljestve, nisu praznovjerne, prazna je vjera
punih kesa dok u mercedesu od karitasa do
samostana rade dobra djela
reklame za sat s autenticnim pticjim pjevom
cisti as na Sacramento, 1x na Chievo
ljudi stoje u koloni od kladionice do lutrije
jedina sansa kraj poluprazne glasacke kutije
trebas imat srece, rap radio dj-evi
sta ne znaju engleski sta cete zavrtit sljedece...
Niko ne želi bit niko jer niko nije savršen
Niko ne želi da ga iko gleda ko da manje je vrijedan,
svi imamo svoj kut upada moj je okomit
na previse toga tesko mi je primit dar
a ne znam ni poklonit ga
birokracijsko doba postindustrijska kriza
sivi oblaci, a ljudi ruzni iz bliza
od cvika voditelja Tarika do reklame za Pasiju
ako imas jos koju mrvu ponosa baci ju
o moj boze zbog vas se anđeli znoje
a ovi stitovi ispod koze postaju sve tvrđi
dok se gusim u mrznji i kad budem
zivija u zivotu na sjeveru pitat cu eda da
mi posudi kameru, ako umrem maggie,
znam da nisi imala namjeru,
i samo me odvedi tamo di zrak je cist
stvarno ne znam di je to, ali znam da nije tu
od crvenih cvika tarika do reklame za pasiju
your are born alone, and believe me you'll die alone
jebi se, dokazi mi da nisam Metatron
pazi sta ti kazem
kad sunce zađe svi cemo na isti tron
jen,dva jen dva provjera mikrofona
bacamo bombe i u diktafon ako treba

Bankrupt mama

do you know how she kisses
do you know how she's skinning me
it doesn't matter mama

what i earn i spend
what i get i lose
i'm totally bankrupt

there're days when i'm alone
there're days when i wander
when i'm sad

i look for her at the station
i look for her in the street
but i'm not successful

my nights are long and heavy
my nights are especially hard
nights are just like her face
full of desire

...par stihova pink floyda...

For millions of years mankind lived just like the animals

Then something happenend which unleashed the power of our imagination

We learned to talk ...

It doesn't have to be like this

All we need to do is make sure we keep talking -

Pink Floyd, "Keep Talking"


These streets remind me of quicksand
When your on it you'll keep goin down
And there's noone to hold on too
And there's noone to pull you out
You keep on fallin And no one can here you callin
So you end up self destructing
On the corner with the tuli on the waist tight
just got outta the bing doin stay time Teeth marks on my back from the canine
Dark Memories of when there was no sunshine
Cause they said that I wouldn't make it
(I remember like yesterday)
Holdin on to what god gave me - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge

...tako vam je to...

tako vam je to kad ste u kvartu,
bez novaca,
tražite način,
bilo koji da se sjebete

i da se opustite
uz litni povjetarac
na vrhu gjure...

i nek sve ide
u kurac
al nama je

by: Šice - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge

The Pogues - Heroin

Heroin, be the death of me
Heroin, it's my wife and it's my life
Because a mainer to my vein
Leads to a center in my head
And then I'm better off than dead
Because when the smack begins to flow
I really don't care anymore
About all the Jim-Jim's in this town
And all the politicians makin' busy sounds
And everybody puttin' everybody else down
And all the dead bodies piled up in mounds - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge

Labyrinth - The Night of Dreams

Close your eyes, can you see?
It's the land of Secret Dreams Take my hands.
Follow me where Time escapes from Reality
Can you feel the loneliness burning in my heart?
I would need an Angel to teach me again to fly

Fly to me and save me
Heal my broken wings
Close your eyes and kiss me
'cause tonight

It's The night of Dreams
and your crystal - eyes could drive me to the light
It's The night of Dreams
and I can finally dream to fly

higher, till the sky

Every day and every night I look up for your eyes
rain is falling from the sky like tears and I don't like - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge

Ićo - Iz Moje Duše

Ka uvenija cvit
što je isprid tebe život prosuja,
poželija san ti bit
samo da bi kraj
tvojeg tila usnija.

A kada zaspem ti ja,
škerac u kostima me
odma probudi
i više ne da mi sna,
pa me tira,da mislim o tebi.

Iz moje duše,sad izvadi trnje
jer ja po njemu hodati ne mogu,
nisam dostojan
tvojeg imena na mojim usnama. - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge


24.05.2006., srijeda

Nema nas dugo...

Pa evo, da ne odugovlačimo, prodajem vam malo spike...uživajte! - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service

- 15:14 - Baci nam komentar (6) - Printaj ovo - #

(reci sto oces,psuj po nama ako triba. al ne spominji nam mater)

15.05.2006., ponedjeljak

Bloka je onaj chatbox sa strane...

...točnije, istekla je domena hosta pa jebiga, morat ću stavit novi. Ako budem ima volje. Nekako mi i nije baš iteresantan bija. Ne znam, šta vi kažete, a? Ma boli vas kurac...

pozdrav od pekkija

- 18:53 - Baci nam komentar (14) - Printaj ovo - #

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10.05.2006., srijeda

Anketa je zabrinjavajuća smo je morali maknuti. Od 32 glasa ukupno 20 ''nije nikad''

Majko mila, pa to je strašno...sad će neki zlobnici reći da se u takvim anketama svi zajebavaju i da nisu mjerodavne, ali ja mislim da ljudi nemaju razloga lagati. Pa to je samo jedan 'click&vote'...

Pa evo, nova anketa za vas, malo manje stresna za nas, prava zajebantska... - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service

by: Šice&Pekki

- 14:18 - Baci nam komentar (6) - Printaj ovo - #

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07.05.2006., nedjelja

Šice, Pekki, pun kurac pijanih/drogiranih/znojnih likova i fotoaparat

Evo, sinoć se malo bengalo po Forumu...nekako mi se ne da pisat. Još sam sjeban od sinoć, slabo mi je, boli me drob i sva ostala alkoholna sranja...zadnje 3-4 slike su moje vizije, tj. zapažanja zore...nikad u životu je nisan doživija bolje. Neka ptica je pivala, igrala neku igru sa mnom i šicom...čak smo je uspili i na mobitel snimiti koliko je glasna bila. A kad smo joj pustili to...pobigla je.
Inače, ovo su najpristojnije slike koje sam naš mislim po kvaliteti nego po sadržaju. Stvarno, drogiranih ka u priči, excesnih ništa nisan tija stavljat...uživajte.

P.S. plesačice su opet katastrofa.... - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge

pogledajte ovu prvu sliku, točnije, zamjetite ono u donjem livom kutu slike...strava - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge

by: Pekki

- 20:32 - Baci nam komentar (7) - Printaj ovo - #

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06.05.2006., subota

Šice ne kuži neke stvari


Ovako, sidimo šice i ja kod mene, malo surfamo po netu i sranja. Cilo vrime je samo jedan izvođač u winampu. Seatbelts. Sad bi vam triba objasnit ko su oni...ali nije lako...japanski blues/jazz/funk/rock/progressive band. Sviraju sve živo i imaju elemente svega živoga...od saksofonskih maestralnih izvedbi do onih pravih blueserskih veslica, šporkog basa i genijalnih vokala. Ima tu i čisto vokalnih izvedbi, malo bacaju na one barokno-renesansne fuzije...čak imaju i heavy metal pismu. A da stvar bude bolja, vodi ih žena...Yoko Kanno...uređuje sve stvari i vrlo je cijenjena u ovom ''jazz-blues'' miljeu...njihove stvari opuštaju, njihove stvari rastužuju, njihove stvari su jednostavno dobre.

I sad Šice, nakon najmanje uru i po slušanja Seatbeltsa kaže da mu se gade i da ih maknem. A objašnjenje nije ni njemu jasno...kaže(kad je čua saksofon) da je to glazbe za sprovode. I što ću ja njemu sad reć evo, nek vam on kaže par riči...


ka što vam je peki reka kod njega sam več nekih uru ipo i on me cilo vrime pila sa ovim jazzom i tvrdi mi da je to super glazba a ja to jedostavno nemogu slusati!samo to poslusajte pa mi molivas recite ko je upravu!ma peki je izgorija otkada se vratija iz vojske neki čudni filmovi mu se vrte po glavi! - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service

- 18:16 - Baci nam komentar (4) - Printaj ovo - #

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04.05.2006., četvrtak

Zdenka više nije oldskul!

Jutros, nakon ne znan koliko dugo(ne bi tija lagat pa reć 10 godina, ali pošto ne znan točno, reći ću ''ima
100 godina da je nisan ija'') sam kupija Zdenku sir. I gle mog iznenađenja, nema više onog starog pakovanja, ni unutra nije isto...a i okus...hmm...nije ni to isto. Dovraga. šta se dešava sa ovim svitom....

jutros: - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge

ovako je izgledala nekoć: - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service

by: Pekki

- 12:02 - Baci nam komentar (6) - Printaj ovo - #

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01.05.2006., ponedjeljak

Evo vam slike

Stvarno sam loše volje i stvarno mi se ne da pisat o izlasku. Neki ljudi su me zamolili da bacin ove slike i radim to samo zbog njih. Depresivno sranje me nekad baš baca iz takta...uglavnom na slikama su dvije moje prijateljice iz zagreba, a ostali će sami sebe prepoznati...nemam pojma jesam li ih poreda kronološki, masu slika nisan ni stavija, možda nekom drugom prilikom... - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge

jelo sorry ako sam te pila sa konstantnim blicanjem... - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge

loše su posložene, isprika dubrovčanki jeli, zadnja slika pijana mutna zora

by: Pekki

- 23:03 - Baci nam komentar (11) - Printaj ovo - #

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Malo ćemo srati o jednom kvartu u zadru za koji nitko ni ne zna da postoji...o zadru općenito,događanjima u gradu,postat cemo dosta slika da popunimo prostor itd. - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge

gornje slike pucane by: Pekki
doli ćemo trpat slike
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