Objavljeno: nedjelja, 13.08.2006. ljeta Gospodnjeg


I am a terrorist while I believe freedom is still something far greater than that which I see.

I am a terrorist while I read material against that with which I'm taught.

I am a terrorist while I look for reason in those that have lost theirs.

I am terrorist while I question truths to which I'm not told, and nod to those I am.

I am a terrorist while I step in the darkness, looking for light where much is in shadow.

I am a terrorist while I talk to those who'll listen, and try with those who won't.

I am a terrorist while I voice to be heard amongst the many others who aren't.

I am a terrorist while I dream of change in all that I see, and long for that which I can't.

I am a terrorist while I see through the lies of those in whom I'm told I must believe.

I am a terrorist while I protest and shout for all I hold as being right.

I am a terrorist while I listen to those who others won't.

I am a terrorist while I cry in silence against the noise that's all around.

I am a terrorist while I follow a path not taken by others, but instead tread a path of my own.

I am a terrorist while I distrust the actions of many and applaud those of the few.

I am a terrorist while I sleep at the night, and dream of a better tomorrow.

I am a terrorist while I disagree with much which I am told and agree with what little I am.

I am a terrorist while I search in areas, others stay away from.

I am a terrorist while I look for answers to questions never

I am a terrorist while I refuse to adopt the masks, worn by so many, instead prefering none.

I am a terrorist while I suffer the pain of others, and seek to find a cure.

I am a terrorist while I sit and I think ... about what would be if I wasn't.

Are you a terrorist also?

Ovo sam natrkeljao 13.08.2006. u 14:08 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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