~˘°.˛.G!RŁ$ DQN`T Ł!K3 BQY$, G!RŁ$ ŁłK3 C@R$ @ND MQN3Y.¸.°˘~

subota, 18.02.2006.

Pjesma koju sam ja napisala

One day I started (sorry zbog lošeg engleskog)
moving in a disco
and one guy retarded
said me "hy you lesco"!

He was cute
and he was fine
I liked him wery much
so we started a line!

That were good days
when we go out
you were so happy
and nobody shaut! OOOOOOOO YEEEEEEEEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dont bother
Il be fine(fine,fine)
you loved a nother
so you broke our line!

Dont bother
il be fine
I respect you
you broke our line!

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