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16.12.2019., ponedjeljak

Primum non nocere… (Hippocrates – “First, do no harm”) Activity for November/December 2019.

In the plan and program of the project it is advised that students analyze the chemical compounds which are
beneficial, and which are harmful to the human health.
Description of the activity:
At the beginning of the workshop students present all the food they have consumed the day before through a
digital tool Mentimeter. Participants of the activity are then divided into four groups. Three of the groups,
according to the given list of food, with the help of a computer connected to the Internet, analyze which of
them are beneficial and which of them are harmful for the health of a human being. The fourth group
calculates the body mass index for every student and the amount of proteins, carbs and fats necessary for
maintaining body weight, losing weight and muscle growth. After that they make a poster and present their
Aim of the activity: raise awareness of the participants of the activity about a healthy diet

Motivation for the activity comes out of the fact that many of the information we get in the media
nowadays give out a wrong or corrupted idea about a health and a balanced diet. Children often find
incorrect information about a balanced diet through various recommendations of dietetic food and

Modern methods: Encourage students’ reflection about the healthy and balanced diet by collecting data
with the help of the digital tool Mentimeter
Learning outcomes: After the workshop, each student will be able to distinguish good from the bad food,
make a comparison of different types of food and describe an example of a healthy diet.

Results of the workshop: Posters which present the students’ findings and conclusions
Evaluation of the activity: Students expressed their feelings of the workshop by raising their thumbs in the

The activity is created and accomplished by Chemistry teacher Ksenija Lisjak in cooperation with Math
teacher Denis Vujanović and English teacher Dražena Vujanović.
The activity is accompanied by making a short film in English which will be released on a transnational
meeting in Romania and Poland 2020. In purpose of making this kind of a film, the activity is translated in
English and leading actors are students who present their knowledge through the activity. For documenting
the activity we are going to use multimedia equipment, photo camera, camera, internet, You Tube channel
and Adobe Premiere Pro program.