I feel good today
You can hear my heart sing
What I've done is not easy to say
I feel I was the air under the angel's wing
Most of the times, it makes me happy just knowing that I helped someone. Does that make me an altruist? No, it doesn't. There is a theory that there is no such thing as pure, absolute, unselfish altruism. It says that everything we willingly do - we do for our own benefit. At least, the benefit is the good feeling of helping others.
It's pretty damn good theory and I generally tend to agree with it. Mostly, because no matter how hard I would like to believe that I'm the world's greatest altruist, I just can not find a loop-hole in the theory, and it always turns out that I do everything just for my own good.
So - fine. I love feeling good by making others feel good too. It's lame, but it's still better than feeling good by making others feel miserable.