Mislim stvarno,majke mi moje,ovo je B*L*O*G

ponedjeljak, 23.01.2006.


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naravno da sam ovo ja dok crkavam i to u boravku

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subota, 21.01.2006.


Taj divni najkrasniji holiday(holiday?!?!:))..Uglavnom....Vino se pije,al ono kod nas ima svašta,glavno je deri deri s pićem.Naravno od svih se očekuje da piju odnosno da se napiju,a kamoli tek od mene.(Dakle večeras je lom)Krasno je kad vidiš mlade onak organizirane,našli se u nečijoj vikendici i prebili se ko stoke,da nemaju pojma ni tko su,ni šta su,a ni gdje su!Ma sve je to pozitivno,dok god sam ja tamo gdje ima pića,i u biti DOK IMA PIĆA!!!!!

- 07:44 - reci mi ajde reccci (1) - natjeraj printer da printa :) - #

četvrtak, 19.01.2006.


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- 08:36 - reci mi ajde reccci (1) - natjeraj printer da printa :) - #

petak, 13.01.2006.


To mi je stvaarno predobra serija a i predobri glumci,Michael Weatherly,ajmeeee da ti oči ispadnu,u seriji je totalni bahati šovinist,ali je perzgodan i predobro glumi!!!Ah.
A serija je stvarno prva liga,uvijek ju gledam,ful zanimljiva,jučer je bilo baš zakon.Ubili su nekog studoša na mornaričkom faxu i na kraju se ispostavi da ga je ubio njegov zapovjednik!!

- 08:14 - reci mi ajde reccci (2) - natjeraj printer da printa :) - #

četvrtak, 12.01.2006.


Nije mi jasno zašto na ovom glupom programu nema neki dobar film,rijetko kad bude..i to budu stari 10-ak godina,i već su ih prikazali najmanje 5 puta.A najbolje mi je kad nov@ TV nabavi neki film i odvrti ga,a za 2 dana na HTV-u vidiš taj isti film...Ma joj

- 08:16 - reci mi ajde reccci (0) - natjeraj printer da printa :) - #

srijeda, 11.01.2006.

Ljubavne porukice

Moja jedina želja
bila je
da budem malena zvijezdica na tvome dlanu,
ali ti mi nisi dopustio da zasjam.
Ljubav je kao sjena.
Ako za njom ideš nikada ju nećeš dostići.
No okreni joj leđa
i slijedit će te zauvijek.
Pogledaj na sat sve će ti biti jasno,nitko nikog ne traži ovako kasno,to rade samo oni kojima je do nekog stalo,a zašto ja to radim razmisli malo...:))

- 16:11 - reci mi ajde reccci (0) - natjeraj printer da printa :) - #


Ovo je jedna cura napisala na internetu,što misli o kršćanskoj vjeri...Mnogi su joj odgovarali i većina joj je rekla da nije normalna i dobrim argumentima ju "pokopala." Što vi mislite o tome...:

Protukršćanski logotip, lubanja s naopakim križem,
razlog je popularnosti CHEAP MONDAY TRAPERICA među
ŠVEĐANIMA! I nije riječ o marketinškom triku, CILJ
JE-NALJUTITI VJERNIKE! Prema dizajneru Bjornu Atldaxu "biblija je možda najopasnija ikad napisana knjiga, puna kontradikcija, a kršćanstvo sila zla koja je potakla mnoge ratove!"(ŠTO JE DAKAKO I ISTINA!)Ja se slažem s njim i isto tako
mislim da ORGANIZIRANA VJERA NIJE DOBRA ZA DRUŠTVO! Po ovome se vidi kako su sve najrazvijenije zemlje većinom ateističke i protiv vjere, a one siromašnije su dakle pune vjernika!
S jednim se svatko normalan može složiti, VJERA NIJE DOBRA ZA DRUŠTVO!!! Što mislite o tome?

- 08:35 - reci mi ajde reccci (0) - natjeraj printer da printa :) - #

utorak, 10.01.2006.


Medio tutissimus ibis. Sredinom ćeš ići najsigurnije.
Fortior in fulva novus est luctator arena. Nova metla dobro mete. A neki znaju prevesti i kao Novi borac hrabriji je u žutoj areni.
Levior pluma est gratia. Zahvalnost je lakša od pera.
Consuetudo est quasi altera natura. Navika je kao druga narav.
Alter ego. Drugo ja. Prisni prijatelj.
Alteri semper ignoscito,tibi ipsi numquam. Drugomu uvijek opraštaj,sebi samomu nikad.

- 16:22 - reci mi ajde reccci (0) - natjeraj printer da printa :) - #


Zavladala neka bolest?Kud baš sad?Joj nemogu vjerovati,grlo mi se raspada,i glava skupa s grlom,još mi i uši začepljene,nos mi curi...Hm,mogla bi ja kod otorinolaringologa...Al stvarno...I osjećam se tako,tako,,,klonulo???Ma ptičja gripa:))).....

- 15:56 - reci mi ajde reccci (0) - natjeraj printer da printa :) - #


Joj kak može bit vak dosadno,cijelo vrijeme nešto mrdarim po netu,a tak je dosadnooooo....ufff...Skidam si neke pjesme od Rammsteina al nikak da se skinu,joj joj,gadovi jedni spori.Kad ih ja istučem onda će njima bit sporo...grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

- 11:19 - reci mi ajde reccci (1) - natjeraj printer da printa :) - #


Evo samo za mog Jaru da malo prcamo Uška,odnosno Duška...JOš da mu smislimo neku pjesmicu,pih...........Hahaah...U moram Jari poslat poruku :)..
Jaro kad slijedi moja pjesmica??

- 10:57 - reci mi ajde reccci (0) - natjeraj printer da printa :) - #


Khm , kud bolje neg prvo o sebi...Eto imam nekih 16 i nešt godina...Idem u gimnaziju u požegi...Opću...Najbolje mi ide tjelesni i trčanje u dežu :))..Zovem se Mateja,al me svi zovu Hauba...Duga priča...:)))

- 10:48 - reci mi ajde reccci (0) - natjeraj printer da printa :) - #


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- 10:37 - reci mi ajde reccci (1) - natjeraj printer da printa :) - #


Ma deža,najbolji kafić na svijetu.
Najbolji konobari,Emil,Vlado ma kud ćeš bolje,a tu nam je još i Pavo!!
A tek ljudovi koji zalaze....UF....Kud ćeš bolje,pusa svima

- 10:37 - reci mi ajde reccci (2) - natjeraj printer da printa :) - #


Der Wahnsinn
ist nur eine schmale Brücke
die Ufer sind Vernunft und Trieb
ich steig dir nach
das Sonnenlicht den Geist verwirrt
ein blindes Kind das vorwärts kriecht
weil es seine Mutter riecht
Ich finde dich
Die Spur ist frisch und auf die Brücke
tropft dein Schweiß dein warmes Blut
ich seh dich nicht
ich riech dich nur Ich spüre Dich
ein Raubtier das vor Hunger schreit
wittere ich dich meilenweit
Du riechst so gut
du riechst so gut
ich geh dir hinterher
du riechst so gut
ich finde dich
- so gut
ich steig dir nach
du riechst so gut
gleich hab ich dich
Jetzt hab ich dich
Ich warte bis es dunkel ist
dann fass ich an die nasse Haut
verrate mich nicht
oh siehst du nicht die Brücke brennt
hör auf zu schreien und wehre dich nicht
weil sie sonst auseinander bricht
Du riechst so gut
du riechst so gut
ich geh dir hinterher
du riechst so gut
ich finde dich
- so gut
ich steig dir nach
du riechst so gut
gleich hab ich dich
Du riechst so gut
du riechst so gut
ich geh dir hinterher
du riechst so gut
ich finde Dich
- so gut
ich fass dich an
du riechst so gut
jetzt hab ich dich
Du riechst so gut
du riechst so gut
ich geh dir hinterher
„Suche gut gebauten 18-30jährigen zum Schlachten“
Der Metzgermeister
Heute treff' ich einen Herrn
Der hat mich zum Fressen gern
Weiche Teile und auch harte
stehen auf der Speisekarte
Denn du bist was du isst
und ihr wisst was es ist
Es ist mein Teil – nein
Mein Teil – nein
Da das ist mein Teil – nein
Mein Teil – nein
Die stumpfe Klinge gut und recht
Ich blute stark und mir ist schlecht
Muss ich auch mit der Ohnmacht kämpfen
ich esse weiter unter Krämpfen
Ist doch so gut gewürzt
und so schön flambiert
und so liebevoll auf Porzellan serviert
Dazu ein guter Wein
und zarter Kerzenschein
Ja da lass ich mir Zeit
Etwas Kultur muss sein
Denn du bist was du isst
Und ihr wisst was es ist
Es ist mein Teil – nein
Mein Teil – nein
Denn das ist mein Teil – nein
Yes it's mein Teil – nein
Ein Schrei wird zum Himmel fahren
Schneidet sich durch Engelsscharen
Vom Wolkendach fällt Federfleisch
auf meine Kindheit mit Gekreisch

[1] "Teil" means "part" or "piece", but can also be slang for "penis", similar to "thing" in English.
[2] Only present in the single version of the song: This is a direct quote from an online posting made by Armin Meiwes, a man in Germany who found a willing "victim" (Bernd Jürgen Brandes) to slaughter. Before the deed, Brandes wanted his penis cut off, and they ate it together.
[3] "Weiche Teile" is a pun on "Weichteile", which means "genitals" in German.
Do You Want To
When I woke up tonight I said I'm
Going to make somebody love me
I'm going to make somebody love me
Now I know
Now I know
Now I know
That it's you
You're lucky lucky you're so lucky
Well do you
Do you
Do you want to
Want to go where I'd never let you before
Well do you
Do you
Do you want to
Want a go of what I'd never let you before
Well he's a friend and he's so proud of you
He's a friend and I knew him before you
He's a friend and we're so proud of you
He's a friend and I blew him before you
Here we are at the Transmission party
I love your friends - they're all so arty
I swapped my innocence for pride
Crushed the end within my stride
Said I'm strong now I know that I'm a leaver
I love the sound of you walking away
Mascara bleeds a blackened tear
And I am cold
Yes, I'm cold
But not as cold as you are
I love the sound of you walking away
Why don't you walk away?
Why don't you walk away?
No buildings will fall down
Why don't you walk away?
No quake will split the ground
Why don't you walk away?
The sun won't swallow the sky
Why don't you walk away?
Statues will not cry
Why don't you walk away?
I cannot turn to see those eyes
As apologies may rise
I must be strong and stay an unbeliever
And love the sound of you walking away
Mascara bleeds into my eye
I'm not cold
I am old
At least
As old as you are
As you walk away?
As you walk away
My headstone crumbles down
As you walk away
The Hollywood wind's a howl
As you walk away
The Kremlin's falling
As you walk away
Radio Four is STATIC
As you walk away
The stab of stiletto
On a silent night
Stalin Smiles
Hitler laughs
Churchill claps
Mao Tse Tung
on the back
So If you re lonley
You know I'm here waiting for you
I'm just a crosshair
I'm just a shot away from you
And if you leave here
You leave me broken, shattered I lie
I'm just a crosshair
I'm just a shot then we can die
I know I won't be leaving here with you
I say don't you know?
You say you don't know
I say take me out
I say you don't show
Don't move, time is slow
I say take me out
I say you don't know
You say you don't go
I say take me out
If I move, this could die
Eyes move, this could die
I want you to take me out
I know I won't be leaving here
With you
I say don't you know?
You say you don't know
I say take me out
If I wait, this can die
If I wane, this can die
I want you to take me out
If I move, this could die
If eyes move, this could die
Come on, take me out
I know I won't be leaving here
With you
You take your white finger
Slide the nail under
The top and bottom buttons of my blazer
Relax the fraying wool, slacken ties
And I'm not to look at you in the shoe
But the eyes
Find the eyes
Find me and follow me through corridors
Refectories and files you must follow
Leave this academic factory
You will find me in the matinee, the dark of the matinee
It's better in the matinee
The dark of the matinee is mine, yes it's mine
I time every journey to bump into you accidentally
I charm you and tell you of the boys I hate
All the girls I hate, all the words I hate
The clothes I hate
How I'll never be anything I hate
You smile, mention something that you like
Oh, how you'd have a happy life
If you did the things you like
Find me and follow me through corridors
Refectories and files you must follow
Leave this academic factory
You will find me in the matinee, the dark of the matinee
It's better in the matinee
The dark of the matinee is mine, yes it's mine
So I'm on BBC2 now, telling Terry Wogan how I made it
And what I made is unclear now
But his deference is and his laughter is
My words and smile are so easy now
Yes, it's easy now, yes, it's easy now
Find me and follow me through corridors
Refectories and files you must follow
Leave this academic factory
You will find me in the matinee, the dark of the matinee
Well, find me and follow me through corridors
Refectories and files you must follow
Leave this academic factory
You will find me in the matinee, the dark of the matinee
It's better in the matinee
The dark of the matinee is mine, yes it's mine

- 10:37 - reci mi ajde reccci (5) - natjeraj printer da printa :) - #

  siječanj, 2006  
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Opis bloga

  • Mislim da ću u ovom blogu pisati o svemu i svačemo,pošto idem 2.razred opće gimnazije,a nas gimnazijalce zanimaju svakakve gluposti,ali i zanimljive stvari...Pisat ću o nekim postignućima moje škole,ali kako o postignućima tako i o totalnim promašenim slučajevima(kao što smo ja i moja ekipa).Svi znaju da gimnazijalci puno piju,e pa tako znači da ću pisat i o raznim pijankama....Uglavnom samo vi dođite na blog pa ćete vidjet o čemu ću pisat!
    Poželite mi sreću :)
