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wellcome to matterial world...
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ponude matterial@net.hr

Matterial world
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You`re wellcome:
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Matterial world... total hedonism...
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Don`t be lost:
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& d link goes to...
kronološkim slijedom (op. a. redom pojavljivanja na blogu mome):

lola u žurbi (cam bak!!)
pixie the sedmi
Grady daughter
the bride
parah dox
secret temple
plava mala
lovely rita
crkveni miš

D number
:: Ovoliko posjeta imam ::


evo, ovdje lupam svoj copyright (zato jer je to sada in):
KOPIRAJT (r u krugu)
dakle, copy/paste- NE!
zašto ne?
jer te ja tužim i dobijem masu love.
....hm.... u stvari... zašto ne!?

ubijaju me u pojam....

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IDLEWILD: I never wanted
I created myself to be on my own
But I didn't expect to be alone
Did you create yourself to be on your own?
These are the reasons things should be unknown

The days won't let you know
Days won't let you know

That all I never wanted was to be there with you
All I ever wanted to know anywhere with you

No one creates themself unless they try to
Shut up the caution that made them lie to
All this talk but no one will tell me
Where and when I need to go

The days won't let you know
Days won't let you know

That all I never wanted was to be there with you
All I ever wanted to know anywhere with you

There is no reason, there is no reason, there is no reason,
For that now
There is no reason, there is no reason, there is no reason,
For that

All I never wanted was to be there with you
All I ever wanted to know anywhere with you
(it's with you so)
All I never wanted was to be there with you
All I ever wanted to know anywhere
Ever wanted to know anywhere with you


I'm a boomerang
In the outback
Keep your throwing arm steady
So I get home
I'm a vampire bat
Out in Shanghai
Haven't eaten in four days
I've ordered in a Chinese takeaway

I show more than I hide
I care more than I cry
I'm a phonograph baby
My wires are live
And I'm in crisscross

Fine. I feel fine.

I'm a fortune cookie
Full of cheap advice
I'm a suicide rookie
Blowing last call

Show more than I hide
Care more than I can cry
I'm a phonograph baby
My wires are live
And I'm in crisscross

Fine. I feel fine.

travis: driftwood

Everything is open
Nothing is set in stone
Rivers turn to oceans
Oceans tide you home
Home is where the heart is
But your heart had to roam
Drifting over bridges
Never to return
Watching bridges burn

You're driftwood floating underwater
Breaking into pieces, pieces, pieces
Just driftwood, hollow and of no use
Waterfalls will find you, bind you, grind you

Nobody is an island
Everyone had to go
Pillars turn to butter
Butterflying low
Low is where your heart is
But your heart has to grow
Drifting under bridges
Never with the flow

And you really didn't think it would happen
But it really is the end of the line
So I'm sorry that you've turned to driftwood
But you've been drifting for a long, long time

Everywhere there's trouble
Nowhere's safe to go
Pushes turn to shovels
Shovelling the snow
Frozen you have chosen
The path you wish to go
Drifting now forever
And forever more
Until you reach your shore

You're driftwood floating underwater
Breaking into pieces, pieces, pieces
Just driftwood, hollow and of no use
Waterfalls will find you, bind you, grind you

And you really didn't think it would happen
But it really is the end of the line
So I'm sorry that you've turned to driftwood
But you've been drifting for a long, long time
You've been drifting, for a long, long
Drifting for a long, long time

interpol: obstacle 1
We can cap the old times
Make playing only logical harm
We can top the old lines
Clay-making that nothing else
Will change
But she can read
She can read
She can read
She can read
She's bad!
She can read
She can read
She can read
She's bad!
Oh, she's bad

It's different now
That I'm poor and aging
I'll never see this face again
You go stabbing
Yourself in the neck

We can find new ways of living
Make playing only logical harm
And we can top the old times
Clay-making that nothing else
Will change

starsailor: Alcoholic

Don't you know you've got your Daddy's eyes
And your Daddy was an alcoholic
But your mother kept it all inside
Threw it all away

I was looking for another you
And I found another one
I was looking for another you
When I looked round you were gone

Stay by my side
And the pipe dream is yours now
Stay by my side
And the singer won't get in our way

Don't you know you've got your Daddy's eyes
And your Daddy was an alcoholic
But your mother kept it all inside
Threw it all away

I was looking for another you
And I found another one
I was looking for another you
When I looked round you were gone

Stay by my side
And the pipe dream is yours now
Stay by my side
And the cynics won't get in our way

Don't you know you've got your Daddy's eyes
And your Daddy was an alcoholic
But your mother kept it all inside
Threw it all away
I was looking for another chance
To see your blue eyed problem

radiohead: black star
I get home from work and you're still standing in your dressing gown
Well what am I to do?
I know all the things around your head and what they do to you
What are we coming to?
What are we gonna do?

Blame it on the black star
Blame it on the falling sky
Blame it on the satellite that beams me home

The troubled words of a troubled mind I try to understand what is eating you
I try to stay awake but its 58 hours since that I last slept with you
What are we coming to?
I just don't know anymore

Blame it on the black star
Blame it on the falling sky
Blame it on the satellite that beams me home

I get on the train and I just stand about now that I don't think of you
I keep falling over I keep passing out when I see a face like you
What am I coming to?
I'm gonna melt down

Blame it on the black star
Blame it on the falling sky
Blame it on the satellite that beams me home
This is killing me
This is killing me

placebo: without you I`m nothing
Strange infatuation seems to grace the evening tide
I'll take it by your side
Such imagination seems to help the feeling slide
I'll take it by your side
Instant correlation sucks and breeds a pack of lies
I'll take it by your side
Oversaturation curls the skin and tans the hide
I'll take it by your side

Tick tock
Tick tock
Tick tick
Tick tock

I'm unclean, a libertine
And every time you vent your spleen
I seem to lose the power of speech
You're slipping slowly from my reach
You grow me like an evergreen
You've never seen the lonely me at all

Take the plan, spin it sideways
Without you I'm nothing
Without you I'm nothing
Without you I'm nothing
Take the plan, spin it sideways
Without you I'm nothing at all

spiritualized: i think i`m in love
Sun so bright that i'm nearly blind
Cool cos i'm wired and i'm out of my mind
Warms the dope running down my spine
But i don't care 'bout you and i've got nothing to do
Free as the warmth in the air that i breathe
Even freer than dmt
Feel the warmth of the sun in me
But i don't care 'bout you and i've got nothing to do
Love in the middle of the afternoon
Just me, my spike in my arm and my spoon
Feel the warmth of the sun in the room
But i don't care 'bout you
And i've got nothin'

I think i'm in love
Probably just hungry
I think i'm your friend
Probably just lonely
I think you got me in a spin now
Probably just turning
I think i'm a fool for you babe
Probably just yearning
I think i can rock and rool
Probably just twisting
I think i wanna tell the world
Probably ain't listening
Come on

I think i can fly
Probably just falling
I think i'm the life and soul
Probably just snorting
I think i can hit the mark
Probably just aiming
I think my name is on your lips
Probably complaining
I think i have caught it bad
Probably contagious
I think i'm a winner baby
Probably las vegas
Come on

I think i'm alive
Probably just breathing
I think you stole my heart now baby
Probably just thieving
I think i'm on fire
Probably just smoking
I think that you're my dream girl
Probably just dreaming
I think i'm the best babe
Probably like all the rest
I think that i could be your man
Probably just think you can
Come on

I think i'm in love

like NjuJork, babe!
10.02.2006., petak
... jučer... sutra... onda...

Navijem alarm u 7.00h.
Probudim se u 9.0h.

Ništa od autoriteta, čak ni vlastitog.

Zatim, ja + susjedi odemo na ispit, na fax.
Ha ha.
Ja uživam u moru, suncu, tišini.
Susjed ne razumije kako se mogu diviti moru kad ga vidim svaki dan.
E jebiga. Mogu.

Stojim na fax- u.
Super raspoložena.
Prolaze sati, 2h, 3h… tako vam je to na mom faxu.

Na kraju uđem u predavaonu… tralalalala… ispit odgođen. U pon u 12h!
Meni odgovara, jer ionako nisam učila.

Sjedam na bus.
Idem potrošiti dan… i lovu.

cimerR mi je otišla doma, tako da izbjegavam veliku i praznu kuću. Čisto da se ne zbediram.

Dolazim u Ri.

Osjećam se izvrsno.
Ljudi šibaju, svatko svojim putem.
Ja s rukama duboko u džepovima, vučem se… nigdje mi se ne žuri.
Smijem se.
Malo mi je neugodno. Jer se cerim bez ikakva razloga. Nadam se da me ljudi ne primjećuju, jer vjerujem da izgledam prilično drogirano. Ali nisam.
Osjećam se izvrsno.

Kupila sam najjebeniju majicu, među najebenijim.
Ima otvorena leđa, plus lanac na leđima…. Ne znam kako da je baš opišem.
Ispred je uska, pripijena uz moje sise i trbuh… koji bi trebalo malo istrenirati za ovu majicu. Toliko je uska.
Jesam rekla da je bijela??


Šteta što nisam imala koga povući u garderobu i… ma, ništa.
Valjda je dovoljno to što se sama sebi divim.

Nadahnuta tom majicom, speglam karticu u još par trgovina, a onda knjige…
Prije nikad nisam mogla ići u tu trgovinu, jer bi svih ulovila panika od toliko knjiga, ali sad sam sama, nitko mi ne puše za vratom…

Vidjela sam neku knjigu, «jedem dakle mršavim».
Ta knjiga bi mogla poslužiti.
Cura nikad ne može biti dovoljno mršava… haahaaa.
Pogledam cijenu.
Ako kupim knjigu, neću imati love za hranu… i definitivno će dijeta biti djelotvorna.

Odem na stanicu. Sretnem curu koju nisam vidjela 100 god.
To je bilo lijepo.

Bakule u busu.

Susjed mi je kuhao večeru. Mislim, ne meni. Nego nama. Ja + 3 dečka. Odličan omjer.
Onda smo počeli cugati.
Pa sam ja napravila 2 ogromne gluposti, kakve samo ja mogu.
1. je da sam zvala Davida, on me naravno skužio da sam malo nacugana i nije htio raspravljat sa mnom, tralalaala…. Poznavajući mene sada smo posvađani, ne znam, ne sjećam se.
I druga glupost. A 1. glupost je 0 prema ovoj.
Naravno da je neću napisati.

Znate, ono kad vam ostanu izderana koljena, nakon jebeno dobre ševe??
I dok se seksate, ta bol koju osjećate vas samo još više napaljuje?? Ako je uopće osjetite??
E, pa ja vam imam takva koljena. Sada. Ali, ja se nisam seksala. Ja sam jednostavno pala.

cimeR mi je otišla, tako da sam ostala sama.
Tj. imamo još jednog cimera, ali on nije nikad doma. I doselio se prije 8 dana.

Tužno mi je.

Pogotovo kad moram izbjegavati neke ljude.

To je najtužnije.

Ali, ja imam najjebeniju majicu na cijelom svijetu.
Koja mi jebeno dobro stoji.
Idem sad doma.

Ja, 2 pive i 2 helaxa.
Jebena smo ekipa.

- 17:07 - no comment?! (35) - uništi šumu! - urokaj se još jednom!

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