


Uživanje u čarima čaja i sjećanja s prijateljima

Danas sam se s nekoliko prijatelja iz djetinjstva odlučio posjetiti čajdžinicu u parku i popiti šalicu čaja. Svi smo se prisjetili zabavnih trenutaka iz djetinjstva i bili smo iznimno sretni. Park je bio prekrasan, okružen zelenilom i cvijećem. Miris svježe pokošene trave i cvjetova donio nam je osjećaj smirenosti i opuštenosti.tenosti.

Čim smo ušli u čajdžinicu, osjetili smo ugodnu atmosferu koja nas je obuzela. Uživali smo u mirnom ambijentu i toplom osvjetljenju. Na stolu su se nalazile razne vrste čaja koje smo pažljivo birali prema svojim preferencijama. Miris biljaka i začina širio se prostorijom i činio nas još više zainteresiranima za čarobni svijet čaja.

Sjedili smo za stolom, s čajnim šalicama u rukama, i prepričavali nevjerojatne zgode iz našeg djetinjstva. Smijeh je ispunjavao prostoriju, dok smo se prisjećali nestašnih avantura i ludih poduhvata. Bilo je divno vidjeti kako se svi sjećaju tih trenutaka s toliko topline i osmijeha na licima.

Dok smo pijuckali čaj, promatrali smo ljude u parku kako prolaze pored nas. Djeca su trčkarala, roditelji su se opuštali na klupama, a stariji parovi su šetali držeći se za ruke. Bio je to prizor koji je naglašavao važnost zajedništva i ljubavi među ljudima. Osjećajnost je preplavila naša srca dok smo uživali u trenucima s prijateljima.

Vrijeme je brzo prolazilo, a mi smo nastavili razgovarati, podijeliti sretna sjećanja i planirati buduće susrete. Čaj nam je donio osjećaj topline i bliskosti, koji smo dijelili kao djeca i sada kao odrasli. Zahvalni smo na ovim trenucima koji su nas povezali i podsjetili na važnost prijateljstva.

Napustili smo čajdžinicu s osmijehom na licima i srećom u srcima. Park nas je ispratio svojom ljepotom i mirom. Zahvalni smo što smo imali priliku provesti ovaj predivan dan u društvu dragih ljudi i uz čaroliju čaja.





Kišno poslijepodne: Čaj s kišom - Osjećaj mira i nostalgija

Još jedno kišno poslijepodne ljeti. Sam sam sjedio u dvorištu, mirno slušajući kišu dok sam pio čaj.

Kapi kiše su neumorno padale na tlo, stvarajući ritmički zvuk koji je ispunjavao zrak. Miris svježe kiše se širio, donoseći sa sobom svježinu i čistotu. Osjećao sam se smireno i uronjen u trenutak, dok sam bio okružen zelenilom dvorišta.

U rukama sam držao šalicu vrućeg čaja, koji se lagano pari i širi svoje očaravajuće arome. Svaki gutljaj je donosio toplinu u moje tijelo i umirujući okus na mojim ustima. Kroz čaj, osjetio sam duboki spoj sa prirodom i samim sobom.

Kroz kapljice kiše, primijetio sam kako se priroda budi. Cvijeće je procvjetalo u svim bojama, a lišće drveća je postalo još zelenije. Svijet je bio osvježen, obnovljen kišom koja mu je donijela novi život. U tom trenutku, osjetio sam povezanost sa svim živim bićima oko mene i shvatio koliko je priroda nevjerojatna.

Dok sam sjedio i promatrao kišu, moje misli su lutale. Sjećanja na prošle ljetne dane su se vraćala, donoseći osjećaj nostalgije. Sjetio sam se veselih trenutaka provedenih s prijateljima na suncu, trčanja kroz kišu i smijeha koji je ispunjavao zrak. Iako sam bio sam ovog popodneva, osjećao sam bliskost sa svojim prijateljima i dragim uspomenama koje smo zajedno stvorili.

Dok je kiša još uvijek padala, zatvorio sam oči i uživao u trenutku. Osjećaj mira i spokoja me obuzimao dok sam se potpuno predavao ovom jedinstvenom iskustvu. Bila je to tiha i jednostavna ljepota kišnog poslijepodneva, ispunjena toplinom čaja i blagostanjem koje je donosila priroda.

Nakon što je kiša napokon prestala, ostao sam sjedeći još neko vrijeme, zahvaljujući se prirodi na ovom posebnom trenutku. Iako je bio još jedan kišni dan, shvatio sam da svaki trenutak nosi svoju jedinstvenu ljepotu i da vrijedi biti u sadašnjem trenutku.
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Priča o meni i bivšoj djevojci

Prije deset godina, upoznao sam je tokom ljeta. Nije bila visoka, ali je imala prekrasno lice i kratku kosu. Smatrao sam je izuzetno slatkom. Prvi put kad sam je vidio, sjajila je poput zvijezde, puna energije. Bio je to prvi put da sam sreo takvu djevojku. Bila je poput ljiljana, donoseći radost svakome tko je gleda. Sjećam se da je bio sunčan dan kada smo se dogovorili putem interneta da idemo zajedno u čajdžinicu sljedećeg dana.

Prvog jutra, osjećao sam uzbuđenje i nervozu dok sam čekao njen dolazak. Konačno, na vratima se pojavila ona, nasmiješena i vesela. Nosila je haljinu u nježnoj boji i imala miris svježeg cvijeta. Sjeli smo za stol, a naša razgovor se lako pretvorio u prijateljsko druženje. Njena toplina i vedrina su me osvojile.

Tijekom toga dana, dijelili smo priče, smijali se i upijali miris čaja. Svaki trenutak s njom bio je kao čaroban san. Zajedno smo razmjenjivali ideje, dijelili strasti i snove. Osjećao sam kako se naše veze polako razvijaju, kao cvijet koji se otvara pod suncem.

Nakon toga, naša prijateljstvo se nastavilo i svaki dan postajao poseban. Svaki susret s njom bio je poput osvježenja i inspiracije. Njen osmijeh je bio moja snaga, a njen smijeh je obasjavao moje dane.

Deset godina su prošla, a naša veza se razvila u nešto posebno. Ona je moja srodna duša, osoba koja mi donosi sreću i ljubav. Svaki put kad se sjetim tog ljeta prije deset godina, srce mi ispunjava toplina. Ta čarobna veza, koja je počela u čajdžinici, još uvijek traje i neizmjerno sam zahvalan što sam je upoznao toga dana.

Ta ljupka djevojka s krilima leptira i ljiljanima u kosi ostavlja trag u mom srcu. Deset godina kasnije, ona je i dalje moja najveća radost i sreća.





Android now making more money than iPhone on ad network

Android became more profitable for at least one ad network than then iPhone today as Millenial Media today reported that Google's platform was generating more revenue than the iPhone. A 26 percent boost to calls for ads, along with a slight jump to 29 percent in traffic, pushed it past the iPhone in September. The gain was helped by Motorola, whose original Droid and combined effect pushed it past Samsung to become the second-most popular phone maker on the network at 15.3 percent, behind Apple's 30.22 percent.
There has been a lot of media coverage lately on the extent to which dodgy traders, predominantly (but not exclusively) based in China are selling poor quality ugg imitation shoes and uggs, passing them off as genuine ugg boots . Avoiding these products is not as easy as you would imagine; many of the websites look okay and don’t give the impression of having been knocked together by a conman in five minutes. However, a bit of common sense and there is no reason to fall foul of the scamsters. The platform didn't overtake iOS for revenue as a whole, since the iPad and iPod touch combined still outweighed what Android could manage. Apple's tablet saw a rapid rise over the summer, growing 63 percent just in raw traffic from month to month but more than tripling revenue with a 316 percent boost
RIM had five of the top 20 smartphones in the roster, but its combined effort only got it 12.6 percent of share on Millenial's network. Sony Ericsson was notable, as while it was still a bit player with just 1.6 percent had enough share to reach eighth place in device share: the Xperia X10 has been in the top 20 for two months.
The share doesn't represent a recreation of market share but does suggest that Android has been continuing to make gains in share and has become a successful enough app platform that developers can expect significant ad revenue. Android Market has often had a heavy bias towards free apps over paid but has also been a relatively poor ad market due to a lack of exposure. The rise of the platform has led to more significant advertisers and more professional-quality apps.





Meditation You Can Actually Perform

Meditation helps. Meditation heals. And we all know that. But the problem arises when we realize we must meditate but don’t have time enough for that. Get up at seven, quick bath, get ready, breakfast, run for job, return late, parties with friends – everything tires us, and by the end of the day we’re too tired to concentrate on anything. We know meditation will help us relax more, but we don’t have time for that.

This meditation technique is a very simple and easy technique and is subtly a part of almost all types of traditional and ‘commercial’ meditation systems like ‘Art of Living’ and ‘Transcendental Meditation’. You just need to separate twenty minutes from your daily schedule – at a fixed time every day. These twenty minutes must be ‘reserved’ for meditation. No phone calls, no unwanted guests at home, and no worries about works you’ve to do yet. Just meditation.

How to Proceed :Below, you will find a link to a (very) long list of websites that are known to be selling fake ugg boots . Occasionally some of uggs go offline, but their addresses remain on the list for a very good reason: they often disappear for a while and then come back when nobody's looking. It would not be too hard to police the list and remove the dead addresses, but it makes for a lot better consumer protection if they're left in. Most of these, though, will be very much alive and trading right now.Type ‘uggs’ or ‘Ugg Boots’ into Google and you will find a multitude of websites claiming to sell UGG products. The problem is, only a minority of these websites are selling genuine ugg productsSeclude yourself. No one should disturb you for 20-30 minutes. If you are at home or have some roomies, make them responsible to preserve your peace.
Sit or lie comfortably in any easy posture.
Close your eyes, and take a long-deep breath.
Exhale as much as you can – exhale enough to kill yourself – keep breathing out till at least five seconds.
Let the air flow in naturally without any applied pressure.
Now control your breath. Keep eyes closed and notice how relaxed you are.
Now follow following breathing pattern:-
Take a long, deep and controlled breath in counting to four in mind [Inhale]
Hold breath, count to four again [Hold]
Exhale with same count [Exhale]
Hold breath for half the count – here, two counts [Hold]
One count may be somewhere around a second. Keep counting till you can keep track of. Repeat three-four times. Let all other thoughts come and go – they themselves won’t engage you when your concentration would be in controlling your breath.Now increment the counting limit, say five. Repeat the pattern with same count three-four times, and keep incrementing the count limit.
Once you feel breath is saturated, stop at the limit. Say, you keep going up till seven (7), and you realize it’s getting harder to hold the breath, decrement it to 6 and continue. Let the process be all natural, and you’ll be guided by your mind itself.
10. After ten-fifteen minutes, stop counting and let the breathing be instinctive. Your closed eyes will start seeing some soothing color in the dark, which will spread and give you a strange feeling. Notice that, but don’t try to think. Yes, everything will be instinctive.

11. You’ll observe relaxation and serenity of mind. Let it be. Everything will come naturally.

12. Once you feel saturated, open your eyes. Don’t get up immediately. Keep sitting quiet and calm. Hold for two minutes and then get up to get back to your chores with more vigor and joy.

Benefits of this Meditation:

This meditation is actually standard traditional Indian method of meditation for beginners and intermediates. It begins with initial states of sitting in postures, and then combines ‘pranayama’ and ‘meditation’. Let us discuss major benefits you’ll encounter.

You can reduce your breathing rate from about fifteen breaths a minute to 5-6 breaths a minute, which amounts to reducing the breathing rate by one third
Heart rate slows down as more oxygen can be pumped even with less number of breaths. Your blood pressure will be controlled.
Body tensions are relaxed and nerves are quieted.
Blood circulation improves because of better performance of breathing mechanisms and heart, and lead to improvement in health of inner organs.
Functioning of autonomic system improves.
Lethargy, fatigue and tiredness vanish.
vii. Anger, depression and mental evils diminish.

Benefits are too many to point out. In this meditation, there is no one external to guide you. You do it all by yourself and inspiration from inner voice. You can perform it easily whenever you wish.

Last Words

It’d be beneficial if you meditate regularly at a same place at same time every day. Don’t repeat this exercise more than two times a day in the beginning. Keep meditating, stay healthy.


Farmers and gardeners have turned the soil for centuries. But many now believe in no-till or reduced tillage, a method also called conservation tillage. The Conservation Technology Information Center says forty percent of American cropland used this method at last report.

Tilling can remove weeds and the waste from last season's crops and help break down old plant material into fertilizer. But it can also increase the risk of soil erosion by rain or wind.

Tilling also releases carbon dioxide from the soil into the atmosphere. No-till keeps carbon in the soil and avoids the release of heat-trapping gases from motorized equipment. It also keeps water in the soil and protects helpful organisms like earthworms. And it saves money on labor, machinery and fuel.

A recent study reported on almost twenty years of different tillage methods in the American states of Colorado, Kansas and Nebraska.

The researchers say tillage makes soil less resistant to being broken apart by raindrops than plowed soil. They say no-till stores more soil carbon, which helps the soil particles stick together. They found that the first two and a half centimeters of topsoil are up to seven times stronger against rain than plowed soil.

The study also noted that when tilled soil particles come in contact with air, soil organic matter is lost through the process of oxidation.

The findings appeared in the Soil Science Society of America Journal. Humberto Blanco-Canqui from Kansas State University and Maysoon Mikha from the Agricultural Research Service led the study.

Another recent study found that a single tillage does not harm yield or soil structure in land that is normally not tilled. Charles Wortmann at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln says a one-time tillage may be used to correct a problem like aggressive weeds. His five-year study appeared in the Agronomy Journal.

Fabian Fernandez, a soil and plant nutrition expert at the University of Illinois, says no-till means less intensive labor. But he also says it does not mean an end to preparing the ground for planting.

Jimmy Wagner works at the American Plant garden center in Bethesda, Maryland. He says hand tools like tilling forks, shovels and thatching rakes require more work than a rotary tiller, but they work well and cost less.

And that's the VOA Special English Agriculture Report, written by Jerilyn Watson. I'm Jim Tedder.

STEVE EMBER: It takes a lot of work to produce a good planetarium movie. Experts at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science made the "Black Holes" movie. They worked with movie producers, computer experts, astronomers, astrophysicists and other professionals. Their film is scientifically correct and also a lot of fun to watch. Many images in the movie are based on complex mathematical calculations about space gathered by scientists.


BARBARA KLEIN: Next week, the ‘Imiloa Astronomy Center in Hawaii will host a six-day ‘Imiloa Fulldome Film Festival. Museum and planetarium professionals from around the world will be able to watch some of the latest movies available for digital planetarium theaters.

The ‘Imiloa Astronomy Center is part of the University of Hawaii at Hilo. The center's planetarium has the world's first three-dimensional planetarium system. Viewers wear special glasses to experience this effect. The Astronomy Center is an example of how technologies will continue to change and improve experiencing the night sky in planetariums of the future.

STEVE EMBER: This program was written and produced by Dana Demange. I'm Steve Ember.

maintains foot temperature in warm or cold climates with the fleece constantly taking away moisture to keep feet dry and comfortable. BILL DEDMOND: "See, that's how night sky is supposed to look. You can see thousands of stars when you are away from the city light pollution. You can even see this bright band of light here all the way across the sky. What is that bright band of light?"

KIDS: "The Milky Way!"

BILL DEDMOND: "OK, Excellent!"

STEVE EMBER: Bill Dedmond talked about the groups of stars or constellations in the night sky. He pointed out an important constellation, the Big Dipper. If you can find this group of stars, you can easily find the North Star, or Polaris. Mr. Dedmond also gave viewers a tour of the planets.

BILL DEDMOND: "Our galaxy contains a couple hundred billion stars and we know there are about one hundred twenty-five billion other galaxies. Just incredible how many stars there are."
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