Glitter Photos
[ - *Glitter Photos*]

RBD - album Celestial
Glitter Photos
[ - *Glitter Photos*] - Glitter Graphics

RBD - Dulce, Anahi i Ucker - Glitter Graphics

RBD - Dulce i Anahi - Glitter Graphics - Glitter Graphics - Glitter Graphics

Dulce y Ucker (u Rebelde Roberta i Diego)
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Any & Poncho... <3<3<3
Image and video hosting by TinyPic - Glitter Graphics - Glitter Graphics

Članovi RBD-a!!

Dulce Maria Espinza Savinon
Datum rođenja: 6.12.1985.
Mjesto rođenja: Ciudad De Mexico

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

dulce Pictures, Images and Photos

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Anahi Giovanna Puente Portillo
Datum rođenja: 14.51983.
Mjesto rođenja: Ciudad De Mexico

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rbd Pictures, Images and Photos

anahi Pictures, Images and Photos

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

anahi puente Pictures, Images and Photos

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Christopher Alexander Luis Casillas Von Uckernam
Datum rođenja: 21.10.1986.
Mjesto rođenja: Ciudad De Mexico

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Maite Perroni Beorigeul
Datum rođenja: 9.3.1983.
Mjesto rođenja: Ciudad De Mexico

Maite Perroni Pictures, Images and Photos

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Maite Pictures, Images and Photos

Alfonso Herrera Rodriquez
Datum rođenja: 28.8.1983,
Mjesto rođenja: Ciudad De Mexico

poncho Pictures, Images and Photos

Alfonso Herrera Pictures, Images and Photos

Jose Christian Chavez Garza
Datum rođenja: 7.8.1983.
Mjesto rođenja: Reynosa

christian chavez Pictures, Images and Photos

christian chavez Pictures, Images and Photos

Slike iz serije Rebelde:

Roberta Pardo:

Roberta Pardo Pictures, Images and Photos

ROBERTA PARDO Pictures, Images and Photos

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Roberta Pardo Pictures, Images and Photos

Mia Colluci:
Mia Colluci Pictures, Images and Photos

anahi puente Pictures, Images and Photos

Anahi Giovanna Puente Portillo Pictures, Images and Photos

Lupita Fernandez:

lupita fernandez Pictures, Images and Photos

lupita Pictures, Images and Photos

Miguel Arango:

Miguel Arango =) Pictures, Images and Photos

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Diego Bustamante:
Diego Bustamante Pictures, Images and Photos

Lindu!!! Pictures, Images and Photos

Giovanni Lopez:
Christian Chavez Pictures, Images and Photos

  svibanj, 2009 >
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Kolovoz 2009 (1)
Lipanj 2009 (2)
Svibanj 2009 (8)

Yap / Nope

by ~Dizajni & Avatari by !w@~

Opis bloga

Nešto o meni, rbd i svemu po malo... =))

AboUt mE:
Ime: dobila po vas sam ReBelDe FaNiKa...=)))
Prezime: ...totalno nebitno...
Godine: pogodite... :D
Živim: u hrvatska...Zg...
Kakva sam: dobra (moš mislitdead), umišljena (IL NE!!!), pametna (haha)...ugl uvijek sam JA!!! hehe...naughtynaughty

I like: - RBD, Rebelde
- Twilight
- Muziku općenito
- dečke =))))
- tv (serie Rebelde, Uvod u Anatomiju, Kućanice i Mentalist)
- vikende
- ljeto
- papati =)))

I don't like: -školu
- debile koi mi u busu ili tramvaju sjednu na mjesto
- profesore
- jesen

Moa mawa Piggiyca!!! <3<3<3

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Eo nekih kvizeka...!!! :D

Koa vam je naj pjesma od RBD?!?
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Tu dulce voz
Aun hay algo
Santa no soy
Solo qudate en silencio
Carino mio free polls

Ko vam je naj chlan rupe RBD?
Dulce Maria
Anahi Porrtilo
Maite Perroni
Cristopher Uckerman
Alfonso Herrera
Cristian Chavez free polls

Kakav vam je moj blog?? :D
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Najbolji!! free polls

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rbd..chica..para siempre
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REBELDE Pictures, Images and Photos
rebelde Pictures, Images and Photos

Rebelde Pictures, Images and Photos
Rebelde Pictures, Images and Photos

rebelde Pictures, Images and Photos

rebelde Pictures, Images and Photos

Rebelde! Pictures, Images and Photos

rebelde Pictures, Images and Photos

rbd Pictures, Images and Photos

srijeda, 20.05.2009.


Za one koji neznaju RBD je popularna Meksička grupa (bila) jer se nedavno raspala...cry Neki kažu da je to zbog toga što su svi članovi grupe : Dulce Maria, Anahi, Poncho (ALfonso), Ucker, Maite i Cristian otišli u solo karieru, a neki kažu da je to zbog toga što je Chris Morena (žena koa je smislila seriu Rebelde) htjela 50% zarade sa svih koncerata. Svejedno meni je RBD još uvijek naj naj naj!! sretan Onda...da krenem od početka:
Rebelde je Meksička serija (koa se nedavno počela emitirati kod nas u hrv) u kojoj se radi o glazbi (i puno drugih stvari, ali rađe gledajte seriju pa čete saznat) i tako su kada je snimanje serije završilo glavni glumci su osnovali istoimeni bend (RBD)!! Objavili su nekoliko albuma :
- Rebelde
- Nuestro Amor
- Celestial
- Rebels (na eng)
- Empezar Desde Cero
i još dva za koa ja nezz točan naziv... :S
Meni su sve njihove pjesme zakon i evo jedne od meni omiljenih:
RBD- Santa no soy:

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