Where Is My Mind

Drunken Lullabies

boli me glava i imam potrebu napisati post. ne znam zašto al eto. nabavila sam ska-p. predobro je i više nego dobro. sad ću bar španjolski malo bolje naučit jerbo ću se trudit skidat lyricse :).. bijah u boogaloo-u jučer. meni taj boogaloo nikako da sjedne. neću više pit. al stvarno. definitivno. dobro, možda samo malo(iako se i radi svaki put o malim količinama,a jebiga onda :)). nakon što je moj želudac izbacio nepotrebnu tekućinu bila sam ko nova.(iako mislim da su za sve krivi vegetarijanski sendviči s neidentificiranim sastojcima) ma super je bilo na kraju,al svejedno nikad više tako. moram se samo zahvalit dragoj prijateljici kojoj su marte patile najviše :). hvala.
trebala sam matematiku učit za danas al meni je mioc uništio mozgovne sposobnosti za zbrajanje i oduzimanje. 6 i 3 NIJE 10!! to je lekcija koju moram zapamtiti :).. sad bih morala ić ljermontova čitat ali mislim da ću ipak na spavanje.
bio je neki dan rođendan ..ajmo ju nazvati pepica :). sad je i ona pametna klinka. :) proslavili ga na ribnjaku. i došli do znanja da su određeni lolobrigida fanovi saznali za podosta blogova(vječni misterij će ostati odkud ?! :)). nisam sigurna je li se zna za moj al baš me briga. nije da pišem nešto od velike životne važnosti tako da...
sad moram da se obrazujem :)…

02.10.2005. u 20:56 | 6 Komentara | Print | # | ^

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Komentari da/ne?

rekao balzac- kava klizi niz grlo, ideje nasrću kao bojene velike vojske na bojištu. Laka konjica razvija se u jurišni galop. Duhovite misli hvataju jedna drugu kao jurušnici u borbi prsa u prsa. Papir se prekriva slovima pa se prava bitka na polju utapa u opojnom mirisu i čarobnom okusu crnog praha
ilitiga u mom slučaju uzrokuje hiperaktivnost, nekontrolirano pomicanje desne noge, strahovito lupanje srca,dekoncentraciju, prazan papir, vidljivo nenaviranje bilokakvih ideja,opću zatupljenost i ponekad jako čvrst i predobar san,pad tlaka(??!) što me ne sprečava u ovisnosti..
Ali najvjerojatnije sam Balzacova reinkarnacija koja samo čeka dan kada će potisnuti talent navrijeti van i zadiviti svijet svojom briljatnošću. Zasad nam je jedino kava zajednička, ali doći će i taj dan

mail: fabrickagreska@gmail.com

adopt your own virtual pet!

Čitam ili barem pokušavam:
h.miller- sexus

u zadnje vrijeme opsesija- ska muzika..

astrološki znak-BLIZANCI

Vrline Vi imate pregršt vrlina. Svestranost, nadahnuće, kozmopolitizam, sposobnost timskog rada, ali i samostalnost. Kada odrastete, smijati ćete se nekim svojim mladenačkim površnostima, zbog kojih niste uspjeli produbiti ili sačuvati svoje teorije, studije i poneku ljubav. Zodijak vam propisuje nekoliko kapi vjernosti na dan, jer ćete jedino tako doseći savršenstvo, jedino kada vi sami budete potpuno odlučili, tada će vaš partner konačno biti onaj pravi

novopečeni lollobrigida fan :)

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All around me are familiar faces
Worn out places, worn out faces
Bright and early for their daily races
Going nowhere, going nowhere
Their tears are filling up their glasses
No expression, no expression
Hide my head I want to drown my sorrow
No tomorrow, no tomorrow

And I find it kinda funny
I find it kinda sad
The dreams in which I'm dying
Are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you
I find it hard to take
When people run in circles
It's a very, very mad world mad world

Children waiting for the day they feel good
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday
Made to feel the way that every child should
Sit and listen, sit and listen
Went to school and I was very nervous
No one knew me, no one knew me
Hello teacher tell me what's my lesson
Look right through me, look right through me

And I find it kinda funny
I find it kinda sad
The dreams in which I'm dying
Are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you
I find it hard to take
When people run in circles
It's a very, very mad world ... world
Enlarge your world
Mad world
-gary jules

Lou Reed
Transformer (1972)
Perfect Day

Just a perfect day,
Drink Sangria in the park,
And then later, when it gets dark,
We go home.
Just a perfect day,
Feed animals in the zoo
Then later, a movie, too,
And then home.

Oh it's such a perfect day,
I'm glad I spent it with you.
Oh such a perfect day,
You just keep me hanging on,
You just keep me hanging on.

Just a perfect day,
Problems all left alone,
Weekenders on our own.
It's such fun.
Just a perfect day,
You made me forget myself.
I thought I was someone else,
Someone good.

Oh it's such a perfect day,
I'm glad I spent it with you.
Oh such a perfect day,
You just keep me hanging on,
You just keep me hanging on.

You're going to reap just what you sow,
You're going to reap just what you sow,
You're going to reap just what you sow,
You're going to reap just what you sow...

To Youth (My Sweet Roisin Dubh)"-
flogging molly
Tell me why must a man be of service
To his lord and the god seldom high
From the grave spring the name of our fathers
But there's no glint in a dead man's eye
Tell me why are our fields filled with hunger
And fruitless the crop bitter soil
So I say my farewell to a nation
As the leaf waves goodbye to it's son

So it's to youth I sing you this story
And it's of youth I sing it now
Like the train that derails without warning
I must leave what I left far behind
So goodbye, sweet Roisin Dubh
I say goodbye

Tell me why must our peace be this puzzle
That fractures the land, splinters war
The last nails cite the shame in our coffin
But in the end we must all die alone

So it's to youth I sing you this story
And it's of youth I sing it now
Like the train that derails without warning
Some must leave what they left far behind
So goodbye, sweet Roisin Dubh
I say goodbye

And the bark fell from tree
To the ground that they'll bleed
On the anguish that never learned to shout
With the clash of the drum
We'll surrender the gun
and on this sadness we shall no longer speak

Until time can live on our all forgotten songs
That's when I and we will sing again
So goodbye to my love, my sweet Roisin Dubh
Goodbye now until we meet again

Tell me why must our grief still be greiving
For a language that never spoke it's loss
But this tongue speak with fire will tear down the barb wire
And Rip the belly from the waxy ghost

So it's to youth I sing you this story
And it's of youth I sing it now
Like the train that derails without warning
We must leave what we left far behind

So it's to youth I sing you this story
And it's of youth I sing it now
Like the train that derails without warning
We must leave what we left far behind
So goodbye, sweet Roisin Dubh, I say goodbye

So goodbye, sweet Roisin Dubh, I say goodbye
Until we meet again
Until we meet again
Until we meet again, she arrives to beautify
But slumber now must rest
Oh my Roisin Dubh
I'll forever love
The youth you once possessed

against me
baby i`m an anarchist
Through the best of times,
Through the worst of times,
Through Nixon and through Bush,
Do you remember '36?
We went our seperate ways.
You fought for Stalin.
I fought for freedom.
You believe in authority.
I believe in myself.
I'm a molotov cocktail.
You're Dom Perignon.
Baby, what's that confused look in your eyes?
What I'm trying to say is that
I burn down buildings
While you sit on a shelf inside of them.
You call the cops
On the looters and piethrowers.
They call it class war,
I call it co-conspirators.

'Cause baby, I'm an anarchist,
You're a spineless liberal.
We marched together for the eight-hour day
And held hands in the streets of Seattle,
But when it came time to throw bricks
Through that Starbucks window,
You left me all alone.

You watched in awe at the red,
White, and blue on the fourth of july.
While those fireworks were exploding,
I was burning that fucker
And stringing my black flag high,
Eating the peanuts
That the parties have tossed you
In the back seat of your father's new Ford.
You believe in the ballot,
Believe in reform.
You have faith in the elephant and jackass,
And to you, solidarity's a four-letter word.
We're all hypocrites,
But you're a patriot.
You thought I was only joking
When I screamed "Kill Whitey!"
At the top of my lungs
At the cops in their cars
And the men in their suits.
No, I won't take your hand
And marry the State.

'Cause baby, I'm an anarchist,
You're a spineless liberal.
We marched together for the eight-hour day
And held hands in the streets of Seattle,
But when it came time to throw bricks
Through that Starbucks window,
You left me all alone.


Želim nestati s tišinom
Pobjeći od crne tame
Živjeti sa nekim smislom
Dočekat' bolje dane
Dosta mi je ovog svijeta
Dosta mi je ovih ljudi
Kao da im ne pripadam
Pa da mi neki od njih sudi
Zaboraviti sve želim
Uništit' tu bjesnoću
Koja živi sad u meni
Koja javlja mi se noću
Želim opet biti čovjek
Da sam svoj i da sam ne'ko
Blizu sunca moram doći
Al tol'ko je daleko
Život moj polako puca
Želim biti blizu sunca
Da me voli, da me grije
Da mi bude kao prije
Blizu sunca moram doći
Hoću to, al' dal' cu moći
Borit ću se sa srcem svim
Da sa suncem se zavolim

iz pijeska vire krunisane glave
sto to rade
prde u prasinu
cini mi se rodjace
da je standard pokvario ljude
jedu govna i sanjare
bit ce bolje rodjace
skini medalje i napuni sale
ulici trofeja ponestaje snage
ostavljene djevojke
narkomani i bludnice
uzdaju se u tebe
blindirani brodovi
vozili te na cetiri strane
zbilja si bio dosljedan
i velikodusan rodjace
raspolagati tudjom mukom
nije mala zajebancija


Kad prodjem starim kvartom kestena
Na bivsoj granici Zagreba
Osjetim se sasvim nespreman
Za to sto vidim tu

Kako je samo lako nestala
Stara slika stvari
Ova boja nije moja
Ja drugoj tajnu znam

U drugom dvoristu pila svira
Kad ostanemo sami
I plove brodovi od papira
U neku zanosnu noc
Nad nama pronicu krosnje kestena
Skriveni u tami
A ruska vojna glazba svira
Sa televizora

Tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr
Kupit cu si trubu
I k k k k k k
Otici na Kubu

Tamo nema bajnih dama
S ogromnih reklama
Nitko kruha gladan nije
I nema demokracije

Tamo je bogat koji ima
Vremena i dima
Tamo se srcem prima
I dijeli sa svima

Tamo ima ruma puno
Da nas mine sumnja
-darko rundek-

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Slušaj ovu etidu sa izlizane matrice života mog
Akvarel klasike nevešto uramljen urbanim zakonom

Ne tražim skupog producenta da od mene stvori genijalnog dirigenta
Krojača sudbine,lucidne uloge uvek odbijem.

U ovom orkestru limenih truba do korozije promuklih i pospanih
Ja samo želim da sam stidljiva tuba koja ponekad progovori
A to je sad,o muči me glad za megafonom jakim 200 hiljada vati
Nek stanu vozovi,nek puknu prozori
Dosta sam čutao,bre,nek popuca sve!Ja hoću da govorim!

Dvogled za svet,preko ramena let pogledu se oteo
A tamo detinjstvo,da li jesmo il nismo generacija za preokret?
Crnih barjaka marš putem promena baš negde ispred cilja zastao
Pominju zapadna vrata..pre bi raku žirafa poklonila svoj divlji cvet.

Ma dajte mikrofon,pa nek popuca sve
Ja bar ne brinem ni zbog kakve etike
Da čutim ko zid dok me nagriza stid
Ja sam lajavi pas,meni se jebe za vas!Ja hoču da govorim!