Download '4 Minutes' dostupan u ponedjeljak!

Madonnina izdavačka kuća je službeno objavila da će fanovi 17. ožujka moći skinuti Madonnin novi singl '4 Minutes' kada će i biti radijska premijera na svjetskim radio stanicama!

Novi 'Give It To Me' klip

Na ovom linku možete skinuti novi klip pjesme 'Give It To Me' s nadolazećeg albuma 'Hard Candy', klip je lošeg zvuka.

Vrtlar za režisera

Madonna je novi dokumentarac 'I Am Because We Are' režirala pomoću Nathana Rissmana koji je bio njezin privatni vrtlar. 'I Am Because We Are' je dokumentarac koji govori o siromaštvu u državi Malawiji.

"Nathan je bio moj vrtlar, nevjerojatan je, jako drag, on je jedan od tipova koji postanu dio tvog života i urade svaki posao. Nathan je bio trkač, vrtlar, također se brine o mojoj djeci. Uradi svaki posao, svatko ga je zavolio. Nathan je pravio kratke filmove o mojoj djeci i slao ih meni, također je pravio filmove od fotografija što je izgledalo jako kreativno. Jednog dana sam mu rekla da trebam nekog tko će režirati ovaj film, pogledala sam ga i rekla mu da je on zadužen za to. Odmah se primio posla, otišao je u Malawi gdje je proveo dosta vremena. Spavao je na podu kolibe i budio se pored životinja. Dobro se prilagodio takvom načinu života s otvorenim srcem i velikom zahvalnošću. Ljudi su mu otvorili svoja srca. Mislim da ja to ne bih mogla uraditi."

Novi tekstovi pjesama

Izašao je tekst pjesme 'She's Not Me' za kojeg se smatra da je ispravan. Službeno nije potvrđen.

She's Not Me

She's Not Me,
she doesn't have my name
You can tell she is not the same
Her attitude is lame

Well if you think of me, yeah,
The first thing that comes in to your mind is..
Well I know just what it is

But do you think about her?
Do you ever?
Tell me the truth

She is not me
She doesn't have the brains
You can tell she is not the same
She is so unaware

She is in the condition of ignorance
She doesen't know anything about the world (this world)
Her life is waste of dust
Don't waste your time
(Don't waste my time)

Unaware, or uninformed
Thats the words of being alone
In this world
Don't care
of anything about yourself
I was the same
(ok, not exactly the same)

She can love you in the shower
(She doesn't have my name)
She can sing you with her perfect voice
(She doesn't have my voice)
She can love you for the rest of life
(She doesn't have my passion)

She is not me
She doesn't have the passion
You can tell she is not the same
She is kind a boring (if you think)

She is not me
She doesn't have the brains
She will always be the same

She is not me
She doesn't have the passion
Everyone can tell she is not the same
She is very boring

She's Not Me,
she doesn't have my name
Everyone can tell she is not the same
Her attitude is very lame

She is not me
She doesn't have the brains
Everyone can tell she is not the same
She is very unaware

Pjesma 'Ring My Bell', koja je bonus pjesma na albumu za japansko tržište, započinje s tekstom - If you wanna talk to me, that's exactly what you have to do: Talk - To - Me!

Tick - Tock - Tick - Tock

13.03.2008. · Ostavi komentar (8) · Isprintaj · #