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BLOG POSWEĆEN 8.a RAZREDU ((2006./2007))
°°DakLe: KriStiNi, IwaNi, aNi, SiMoNi, Iw0ni, MaRiji, NikoLini, IneS, MaRiji, MaRiNi, MarijaNi, SaNji, DajaNi, izaBeL, JoSiPu, mLaDenu, NeweNu, đuRi, MaRKu, JosiPu, MarKu°°

..ko waM to piŠe oWe gLupoSTi?::-.,:

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..°°yo soy~doroteja ((:
..°°2. razz jedne gimn. [kad prijee?!]
..°°iz malog, ali njoj dragog gradića u slavoniji (:
..°°šta voliii?!..aff.. poprilično dugačak popis..probat će skratit..
..~život :D
..~zvijezdeee obožava,, slaba je na to (: ..°mogla bi cijelu noć ostati budna i samo gledati u nebo..
..~koLuu..aaa..maj laaaav (: [..ovisnaaa]
..~broj 23 ((:
..~plavu i zelenu boju..o da..
..~glazbu [..music = LIFE] ..ahaa
..~izlaske, rođendanee..i slično :D
..~istinu [..podnijet će bilo kakvu istinu, laži ne dolaze u obzir..nikada, nikako, ni u kojem slućaju]
..~smijeh [..ipak je to glazba duše:))]
..~obožava leoparde, tigrove, lavove, jaguare, pume, pantere x)) mm..
..~sve što je šareno
..~svoju obitelj ..naravno
..~spavati ..°hrk, hrk x))
..~kakao ((:
..~i šećer na kraju,, život bi dala za svoje PRIJATELJE!!! ..bez njih, ona kao da ne postoji..bez njih je nitko i ništa,,
..°°a ne voliiii..
..~kišu..[osim ako se ne radi o pljusku -> e to obožava:D]
..~kad se ljudi prave da su nešto što nisu [..odbojno]
..~tmuran dan i tugu
..~divlje svinje
..~tužne smajliće..hmm -> :(( °alergična je na takve stvari..voli samo fine smiješke ((: hehh..a to znači da ne voli kada je neko tužan, ubediran..
..~umišljene osobe koje misle da su bolje od drugih,, a naravno,, nisu
..°°hmm..još neke sitnice..((: komplicirana osoba,, tvrdoglava jaako, kada za nešto zapne to tako mora biti i gotovo,, neuredna, sretna, optimistična,. ponosi se time što je ljevak (: [..jer čak oko 13% ljudi u svijetu su ljevaci,, hh].. smatra da ništa nije nemoguće, vjeruje u sve i svašta,, osiiim u to da postoje dobri dečki..hihi..
..°°najdraže knjige..stineove,, te: p.s.volim te [cecelia ahren]
..°°ne treba se uzrujavati i tugovati zbog glupih stvari,, život je jedan..treba ga proživjeti onako kako spada..((: ..ne treba sjediti i čekati da se nešto dogodi,, ljudi..u akciju..mora se iskoristit svaka minuta ovog života!
..°°kontakt: msn i mail:: teja231@hotmail.com

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..PjeSMiCeeEeeEEe..(: (: (:

˘°..tamo gdje si ti, tu je najteže, tamo tuga počinje..

˘°..da ukradu te, srušio bi zidowe, razbio swe mangupe, al wratio bi tebe..da ukradu te prošao bi pustinje, rijeke, mora, gradowe, al našao bi tebe..

˘°..zagrli, sad me jako zagrli, kaži mi, nešto lepo slaži mi, da još ima me u srcu twom..zaplači, samo jako zaplači, zaplači ili bar odglumi mi..ti si jedini, u srcu mom ostani..

˘°..nisi me bio wrijedan ti, nijedne noći niti jednog dana moje ljubawi, ni swega onog što sam tebi dala, nisi wrijedan ti, nisi me bio wrijedan ti..

˘°..šumi šumi jawore..neka grane gowore, pa nek čuje zemlja swa..kako ljubaw bolit zna

˘°..što učinio si ti, od života mog..od života mog,, od života mog..zašto dao si mi ti samo pran bol?!..

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˘°..bube su u glawi to su godine, bube su u glawi stotine..bube su u glawi proći će i to jer nije ništa opasno

˘°..dajem ti srce i odlazi, dajem ti srce, ma što ću ja s njim..

˘°..moj mali je opasan kada je mjesec mlad..moj mali je opasan kada krene u grad..on nosi jaknu sa nitnama i pije piwo bez pjene..on nosi tugu u očima, a woli samo mene..wolim ga dirati i maziti i ljubiti i swi mi kažu glawu ću izgubiti..
..moj mali je opasan, a tako je drag, on je nemiran i nestašan ko crni wrag..jedna ruka druga ruka ispod haljine, e moj mali tako ne ide..

˘°..oo dragi moj, ja nisam biser, al zato nisam ni lažna..

˘°..now i know you're not a fairytale, and dreams were meant for sleeping..and wishis on a star just don't come true..couse now ewen i can tell that i confused my feelings with the true..because i liked the wiew when there was me and you..

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˘°..ewo zakleću se tu pred swima, swima na swijetu i swime što imam da je nikad nisam htio, da je nisam wolio i da ne bolujem..

˘°..bolje biti pijan nego star, bolje biti pijan nego star..wino ne zna da smo nekad biti sretni par..bolje biti pijan..nego star..

˘°..i don't need a man to make it happen..i get off being free..i don't need a man to make me feel good, i get off doing my thing ..i don't need a ring around my finger, to make me feel complete..

˘°..be my bad boy, be my man, be my weekend lover, but don't be my friend..

˘°..everytime we touch i get this feeling and everytime we kiss i swear i could fly, can't you feel my heart beat fast, i want this to last..cause everytime we touch i feel this static, and everytime we kiss i reach for the sky, can't you feel my heart beet so, i can't let you go, want you in my life..

˘°..does it hurt, to know i'll newer be there, bet it sucks, to see my face ewerywhere, it was you, who chose to end it like you did, i was the last to know, you knew exactly what you do, and don't say..you simply lost your way..she may beliewe you, but a newer will..newer again..

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˘°..jer sutra možda ne postoji, proživi ovaj tren ko da je posljednji..ne traži milijun razloga, možda smo ti i ja samo iluzija..nek te nose valove, niko ne zna gdje te more može odnjeti..ne traži milijun razloga, shvati život je samo luda zabava

˘°..i need a miracle, i wanna be your girl, give me a chance to see that you are made for me..

˘°..if you lowe me-than thank you, if you hate me than fuck you..

˘°..ne, ne, ne daj da te rade..biraj najbolje komade, poljubi ih pa ih baci..igraj se sa swima..što su tebi sad ti radi njimaaa!!!

˘°..pogledaj prawo pod obrwe, oči swe gowore, u watri ljubawi gorim swa od ljubomore..

˘°..da dobri momci ne postoje makar to sam shwatila..pa zato praštam grijehe twoje jer mi nema boljega..mnogo wode sawom znam mora proteći, da bih ja od tebe mogla pobjeći..

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˘°..wjeruj u ljubaw jer ljubaw je swe, wjeruj u ljubaw ne žiwi bez nje..wjeruj u ljubaw i sačuwaj nju, wjeruj u ljubaw u dobru i ZLU..

˘°..pogledom me miluje, k'o da me dodiruje i swaki put kao da je prwi..ja stalno mislim prestat će iz čista mira nestat će
al' požuda ne prestaje..ti si mi u krwi..

˘°..zapalio si watru koja se sad ne gasi, a onda nestao kao da nikad te nije ni bilo tu..

˘°..al neće moći, neće moći da ti se posreći owe noći, jer kod mene s tim ne možeš proći, nisam pijana i neće moći, nisam ni luda, neće moći, dobro te znam, neće moći..sedmi sprat i mrak u stanu, znam da imaš to u planu da mi pokažeš kolko si jak, baš se widi da si lak..

˘°..show the ones that you love that you care, let them know that you always be there, trough the good and the bad everyday, everyday..

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˘°..jer pobjede i porazi bez tebe na isto swode se, a konac owe naše ljubawi prwi sam odmotao ja..

˘°..zatwori me i baci ključ, da wiše niko ne može uć, osuđen na godina sto, ljubawi twoje je premalo, biću twoj štit od čelika, od mene swe nek se odbija, daj mi da potpišem, za ljubaw kriw sam najwiše..

˘°..ewery day i wake up i hope i'm dreamin, i can't beliewe this shit, can't beliewe you aint here..
..ewery step i take, ewery mowe i make, ewery single day, ewery time i pray, i'll be missing you, thinkin of the day, when you went away, what a life to take, what a bond to break i'll be missing you..

˘°..što me sada tražiš pored njih toliko, gdj si bila kad sam bio niko..kako da ti wjerujem sada kad sam nekooo..??

˘°..uđi mi duboko, tu u srce moje, jer za prawu ljubaw najbolje to je, uđi mi duboko, pa ostani dugo i woli me woli, kad nisam ja za drugo..

˘°..žiwot swoj ne wolim ko tebe ja, žiwot moj bez tebe samo stwar je prolazna, bez tebe se na mom dlanu ne widi žiwot moj i zato nikad ne idi..

˘°..među nama stalno neka luda kemija, tako si sladak dok te moja ljubaw ubija

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˘°..ja ponosna jesam, al nije me sram..što swe..suze teku za tebe..i nema riječi jer ne mogu reći na glas, da otkad te nema nema ni nas..al swe..suze teku za tebe..

˘°..Niko nije kriv za to
što te volim toliko
al' osmijeh tvoj je kriv da znaš
što me osvajaš

Volim osmijeh tvoj baš dobro ti stoji
još ti bolje stoje poljupci moji
ma kriv je meni svako
kom smiješ se ti, moja ljubavi

Volim osmijeh tvoj i nosi ga uvijek
smij se samo, dušu mi grij' zauvijek
i krivi su mi svi, i krivo mi je sve
kad sam bez tebe

˘°..u oči me gledaš, opako a to mi prija, gledaš me a ne daš, to je prowokacija..kaži šta bi htjela, koji dio moga tijela...

˘°..I hope you know, I hope you know
That this has nothing to do with you
It's personal, myself and I
We've got some straightenin' out to do
And I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket
But I've got to get a move on with my life
It's time to be a big girl now
And big girls don't cry

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˘°..I never promised you a ray of light,
I never promised there'd be sunshine everyday,
I'll give you everything I have, the good, the bad.
Why do you put me on a pedestal,
I'm so up high that I can't see the ground below,
So help me down you've got it wrong, I don't belong there.
..I always said that I would make mistakes,
I'm only human, and that's my saving grace,
I fall as hard as I try
So don't be blinded
See me as I really am, I have flaws and sometimes I even sin,
so pull me from that pedestal,
I don't belong there.

˘°..dodirni me, prstom po tijelu imaj me cijelu, opusti se..

˘°..I would hold you in my arms
I would take the pain away
Thank you for all you've done
Forgive all your mistakes
There's nothing I wouldn't do
To hear your voice again
Sometimes I wanna call you
But I know you won't be there

Ohh I'm sorry for blaming you
For everything I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself by hurting you

˘°..obrati pažnju, tu sam pored tebe, mala je odrasla nema wiše tremu..obrati pažnju, u prawome smijeru, razbi barijeru, woli me ko ženu..

˘°..kad je woljena, žena zna, kad je prewarena žena zna..

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˘°..još jednom nije ti jasno, da tvoje glupe fraze više ne vrijede
..uvijek si bio samo loš glumac, uvijek su laži odavale te..


nemoj nikada nikome reći da postojala je jedna mala, da je bila tvoja
i sve ti dopuštala, sve ti dala..
nemoj nikome nikada reći da si otišao iz njenog života kao tama.. nemoj im
priznati nikad da je mala ostala sama..
nemoj nikome nikada reći da je plakala i patila, da si maloj značio, al nije
te vratila!
nemoj nikada nikome reći da je ponos uništio sve, ko zna hoće li opet biti
nemoj nikome reći molim te..
nemoj nikome nikada reći da je mala trebala te i da je mala bojala se svega
čega bojiš se..
i kad gledaš malu ona gleda te I kad druge te žele ona neda te.!
nemoj nikada nikome reći da govorili su ti da za tu malu nisi i nemoj im nikada reći da su je pitali: Zaljubljena ti si??
nemoj nikada nikome reći da im je morala reći: Ne!
nemoj nikada nikome reći da bio si joj sve..
i nemoj im reći kako bile su teške noći te kad si maloj ulazio u sne.

kada je bila sigurna da trebaš je, a ti si bio sretan nisi znao za puteve
nemoj nikada nikome reći da njene noći bile su duge..
nemoj im reći da je mala sve zbog tebe izgubila, jer bila je sretna kad te je
i nemoj nikada nikome reći da si malu bar malo volio, i da si je za oprost
samo im reci Žaliti neću, al nemoj nikada nikome reći da nakon svega, mala ti želi sreću!
i želi te bar kao prijatelja, želi da joj kažeš sve.
nemoj nikada nikome reći da mala nije mogla tebi reći Ne!!!
i nemoj im reći da mala još uvijek zbog tebe diše..
da mala zbog tebe umire, i stihove piše!!!!
nemoj nikada nikome reći da mala zbog tebe sja....
i nemoj im reći da ta mala sam JA..!

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°°zašto plačeš malena?? čemu oči vlažne?? zar da mladost svoju gubiš zbog ljubavi lažne?? nemoj prijo da te tužnu ikad gledam, JER ON TE NIKAD NIJE BIO VRIJEDAN!!!

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°°ako nekog voliš, voli ga polako. sve što ide brzo ide naopako. ljubav koja brzo plane, brzo se i gasi. ljubav koja tiho teče, vječno život krasi! :)

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°°Jedini način da izbjegnemo greške je steći iskustvo.
Jedini način da steknemo iskustvo je činiti greške.!,

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°°..ne osuđuj drugoga, već ga pokušaj razumijet!....
°°nikad ne radi drugima ono što ne želiš da drugi rade tebi!!!!!

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°°ako ti život pruži tisuću razloga za plač, ti dokaži da imaš tisući-jedan za smijeh (:

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°°ne žali za onim što je prošlo! ne čezni za onime što ne može biti! ne boj se onog što treba doći! ako je tužno jednom će proći.-!

..naše sLike,, puuunoo sLikaaa ((:

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"Is It You?"

I'm looking for a lover not a friend
Somebody who can be there when I need someone to talk to
I'm looking for someone who won't pretend
Somebody not afraid to say
The way they feel about you

And I'm looking for someone who understands
How I feel
Someone who can keep it real
And who knows the way
The way I like to have it my way
And I'm looking for someone who takes me there
Wants to share
Shows he cares
Thinkin' you're the one that I've been waiting for

[chorus: 2x]
Is it you? Is it you?
Maybe you're the one I've been waiting for
Could you be the one for me?
Could you be the one I need?

I'm looking for someone to share my pain
Someone who I can run to
Who will stay with me when it rains
Someone who I can cry with through the night
Someone who I can trust whose heart is right
And I'm looking for someone

And I'm looking for someone who understands
How I feel
Someone who can keep it real
And who knows the way
The way I like to have it my way
And I'm looking for someone who takes me there
Wants to share
Shows he cares
Thinking you're the one that I've been waiting for

[chorus 2x]

Take for granted how much I care (how much I care)
Appreciates that I'm there
Someone who listens
And someone I can call who isn't afraid of love to share

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Ne želim biti dio ničega..ja sam cjelina.
Ne želim pripadati nikome..ja nisam stvar.
Ne želim se pokoriti tuđim uvjerenjima..ja imam svoja.
Ne želim prihvatiti da nešto ne mogu..ja mogu sve.
Ne želim slijepo slijediti druge..ja želim biti vođa.
Ne želim gaziti po nikome..mjesta ima za sve.
Ne želim čekati da nešto dođe k meni..ja dolazim do željenog.
Ne želim stajati na mjestu..ja trčim naprijed.
Ne želim da me pogreške slome..one su samo pokazatelj sto trebam ispraviti.
Ne želim biti opterećena porazima..želim se usredotočiti na pobjedu.
Ne želim gledati u prošlost..želim biti okrenuta budućnosti....

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..mrziti sve ruže
jer si se ogrebao na jedan trn..

..odustati od svojih snova
jer se jedan nije ostvario..

..izgubiti nadu u molitve
jer jedna nije uslišana..

..odustati od svojih napora
jer je jedan bio uzaludan..

..okriviti sve prijatelje
jer te jedan iznevjerio..

..ne vjerovati u ljubav
jer ti je netko bio nevjeran
ili ti nije uzvratio ljubav..

..odbaciti svaku mogućnost da budeš sretan,
jer nisi uspio u prvom pokušaju..

..nadam se da se na svom putu
ne predaješ tom bezumlju!

..zapamti da se uvijek može..
..pojaviti druga šansa!
..novi prijatelj!
..nova ljubav!
..obnoviti snaga!

Budi uporan...
Traži sreću u svakom danu...

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sjećam se svake sitnice, mirisa mora i vina. sve što smo sanjali i kako smo zamišljali sina.

ponekad malo plačem jer me rastanak naš boli. zašto se mora otići kad se najviše voli??

al doviđenja, zaboravi me, sve dane nježne i grube. mi nismo imali sreće, neka se drugi ljube!

al doviđenja, zaboravi me, srce je skitnica stara. druge češ ljubiti sutra, al ne s tolko žara....

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°°ti si mi svjetlost u tami života, ti si mojoj pjesmi jedina nota. ti si beskrajna tema za moje sne, ti si moj život i moje sve!

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°°i zato kad ti tuga zakuca na vrata jednom, poželi tajno opet jedne noći da sretneš moje smeđe oči.. ako me nekad poželiš na jastuku novog jutra.. za mene nema jučer, za mene sve je sutraa!!

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Rekao si da me voliš i da ljubav nećeš kriti. Mislila sam nema toga što nas može rastaviti. A sad zbogom, nevjerniče, nek ti moja ljubav sudi, ti si ljubav dao drugoj i ljubav joj budi. A za mene bit će lako, tužan mi se život sprema. Ja ću tiho u grob leći jer u grobu tuge nema. Na grob dođi, poljubi me i na grob spusti lice, a iz gorba ćeš čuti: JOŠ TE VOLI NEVJERNIČE!!

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..hmm..vako..moji najdražii..:))

..~marina~ehh..luda cura,, nea šta..uvijeeek za zaebansiju i niš više..kakva ozbiljnost?!..ne zna ona šta je to..marinche je jedna od onih osoba koje vole druge laaagano živcirat dok, znate, ne puknete od bijesa :)) odlična frendica..iako..ako ju nešto muči..neće to priznati..ni pokazati na bilo koji način..takve stvari inače drži za sebe..jbg..super super super cura :))
..~simona~joj..ta budalja..od svih najbrže smisli neku glupost,, ispali rečenicu koja nema veze s vezom i naravno -ne možete se ne smijati na takve stvari!..odlična osoba..šašava moa :)
..~ana~ta je i za glupiranje i za ozbiljnost..od svih s njom najviše mogu popričat kako spada..onak..ozbiljno ozbiljno..hehe..ali kada se zeza onda se zeza..na pravi način :)) bolje se ne kačite s njom..možda ne izgleda vrlo opasno, ali mala je jaka..sve nas istuče..cc..
..~sanja~ee..ta je (sa izabel) jedna od najluđih osoba..sve mora biti tako kako ona želi..inače se živcira :) ne započinjite joj neš pričat ak ne mislite reć i najmanji detalj..ispitivat će vas i gnjavit sve dok ne sazna ono što hoće..uvijek spremna na svakake gluposti..
..~valentina~nju znam otkad smo bile bebe :)) ..skoro.. kuL cura..ima svojih trenutaka kad je živčana..al kad je nešta pukne..onda nije ni blizu normalee..blesaČa mala :)
..~ines~ima smiješan smijeh..hihh..tak da..kad počne..ja se smijem njoj, ona meni..pa nas maaalo boli trbuh i maalo ostanemo bez zraka, al jbg..ne moš protiv toga..odlična osoba..obožava buljiti u mene zato što zna koliko to mene živcira..grr.. (:
..~izabel~jaooo..ludo, ludo, ludo, ludo, ludo, ludo, ludo..i to nije dovoljno da vam se opiše kolko je ovo biće..LUDO!!..:)) ako vam se nešta radi, negdje ide a nemate s kim..zovite nju..njoj se uvijek sve da..ima i previše energije:)
..~marija~naša savjest..cura koja uvijek misli na posljedice i koja se uvijek za sve brine..preedobra osoba..uvijek spremna udijeliti koji savjet..vrlo pametno dijete :) pozitivna..(samo da se malo manje opterećuješ i brineš nekim manje važnim stvarima..uživaj u životu)
..~katarina~s njom sam se zbližila tek sad u 1. razredu..prekrasna osoba..sve joj mogu reći!..imam puno povjerenje u nju..uvijek nekako vesela, nasmijana, draga :))
..~dajana~ah..nju ni ne viđam često..nema je baš s nama zadnjih..paa..dosta..kad čujete najluđi i najsmješniji smijeh..to je ona..i bolje da joj se ne zamjerate..uvijek se osvećuje :))
..~anja..šećer na kraju..:) moja kumaa..vesela, draga, luckasta, brbljava..sve važno i manje važno u mom životu zna.. ~''kumo, a šta je to pom fri?!'' -hehe, anjoo to ti nikad neću zaboravit :))
..uglavnom..znate da su sve dobre sure..i da imam povjerenja u svaku..ali et..nisam sa svima jednako dobra, pa ne pričam svima sve..da..ugl..eto..to su moje frendice..koje puno voljam :)

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°°kad bi znao da te volim, da slomio si srce jedno, bi li tada učinio isti, bi li ti i tada bilo svejedno?? moji su dani obojani tugom, ni život mi ne znači ništa više. dok se ti negdje zabavljaš s drugom, meni bez tebe loše se piše..

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°°wrijeme je predugo za one koji čekaju, a prekratko za one koji wole!!!
°°woli jer samo hrabri wole, a kukawice čekaju da budu woljene!

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°°zaslijepi mi vid - opet ću te gledati, oduzmi mi sluh - opet ću te slušati, rani mi srce - opet ću te voljeti!

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°°to što imaš danas čvrsto zagrli....
..jer možda već sutra to ćeš izgubiti-!

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°°teško je mrziti onoga kome si srce dao. teško je nastaviti kad si jednom stao. teško je proći pored nekog tko ti je bio sve..teško je voljeti i reći Ne!

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McFly LYRICS:)))) viiii..:)

It's all about you

[Danny:] :)
It's all about you
([Tom:] It's about you)
It's all about you, baby
([Tom:] It's all about you)
It's all about you
([Tom:] It's about you)
It's all about you

Yesterday, you asked me something I thought you knew.
So I told you with a smile 'It's all about you'
Then you whispered in my ear and you told me to,
Say 'If you make my life worthwhile, it's all about you'

[Danny:] :)
And I would answer all you're wishes, if you asked me to.
But if you deny me one of your kisses, don't know what I'd do.
So hold me close and say three words, like you used to do.
Dancing on the kitchen tiles, it's all about you.


[Danny & Tom:]
And I would answer all you're wishes, if you asked me to.
But if you deny me one of your kisses, don't know what I'd do.
So hold me close and say three words, like you used to do.
Dancing on the kitchen tiles,
Yes you make my life worthwhile,
So I told you with a smile...
It's all about you.

[Danny:] :)
It's all about you
([Tom:] It's about you)
It's all about you, baby
([Tom:] It's all about you)
It's all about you
([Tom:] It's about you)
It's all about you

"Five Colours In Her Hair"

Do do do do do doo [x3]

She's got a lip ring and 5 colours in her hair,
Not into fashion but I love the clothes she wears,
Her tattoo's always hidden by her underwear.
She don't care.

Everybody wants to know her name,
I threw a house party and she came
Everyone asked me
Who the hell is she?
That weirdo with 5 colours in her hair.

She's just a loner with a sexy attitude,
I'd like to phone her cos she puts me in the mood.
The rumours spreading round that she cooks in the nude.
But she don't care, she don't care.

Everybody wants to know her name,
How does she cope with her new found fame?
Everyone asks me,
Who the hell is she?
That weirdo with 5 colours in her hair.

She was all I thought about,
The girl I couldn't live without.
But then she went insane,
She couldn't take the fame
She said I was to blame
She'd had enough
And shaved five colours off
And now she's just a weirdo with no name.

Everybody wants to know her name.
How does she cope with her new found fame?
Everyone asks me,
Who the hell is she,
That weirdo with 5 colours in her hair.

Do do do do do doo [x3]

"I Wanna Hold You"

Tell me that you want me baby
Tell me that it's true
Say the magic words
And I'll destroy the world for you (..and i would change the..?)

An army for the broken hearted
Marching through the streets
And every city's burning to the ground under your feet

I wanna hold you
My skies are turning black
(feels like a heart attack)
And I'd do anything you ask
I wanna hold you bad

I'd melt the polar icecaps baby
Watch them flood the earth
I'd do anything to show you
What your love is worth

So won't you show me your devotion
To heal my aching heart?
It's like a neutron bomb explosion
Tearing me apart.


Attention please
We interrupt this program
With some disturbing news
Worldwide evacuation
We're going to lose
They've pulverised the nation
I guess it shows us just what love can do.

I wanna hold you
My skies are turning black
(feels like a heart attack)
And I'd do anything you ask
I wanna hold you bad, bad, bad, bad
And I'd do anything you ask
I wanna hold you bad

"I've Got You"

The world would be a lonely place
Without the one that puts a smile on your face
So hold me 'til the sun burns out
I won't be lonely when I'm down

'Cause I've got you to make me feel stronger
When the days are rough and an hour feels much longer

I never doubted you at all
The stars collide, will you stand by and watch them fall? (by and watch them fall)
So hold me 'til the sky is clear
And whisper words of love right into my ear

'Cause I've got you to make me feel stronger
When the days are rough and an hour feels much longer
Yeah when I got you
Oh to make me feel better
When the nights are long they'll be easier together

Looking in your eyes
Hoping they won't cry
And even if they do
I'll be in bed so close to you
Hold you through the night
And you'll be unaware
But if you need me I'll be there

Yeah I got you
Oh to make me feel stronger
When the days are rough and an hour feels much longer
Yeah when I got you to make me feel better
When the nights are long they'll be easier together

"Sorry's Not Good Enough"

Good, good, good, good enough.
Good, good, good enough.
Good, good, good enough.
Good, good

I can't stop, I can't stop loving you.
You're a dreamer and dreaming's what you do,
I won't stop believing that this is the end, there must be another way.
Cos I couldn't handle the thought of you going away, woah yeah.

Sorry's not good enough, why are we breaking up?
Cos I didn't treat you rough so please don't go changing.
What was I thinking of?
You said you're out of love, baby don't call this off because sorry's not good enough.

Don't stop, all those things you do.
I'm a believer and that's what gets you through,
I can't fight this feeling that this is the end,
We're in the thick of it, where will this ever end? Woah, woah.

Sorry's not good enough, why are we breaking up?
Cos I didn't treat you rough so please don't go changing.
What was I thinking of?
You said you're out of love, baby don't call this off because sorry's not good enough.

Oh, you said you'd never leave me be there, to hold and please me.
Sorry's just not good enough for you,
Everybody makes mistakes and that's just what we do.

Good, good, good, good enough.
Good, good, good enough.
Good, good, good enough.
Good, good.

Don't go changing, [X8]
Don't go changing (sorry's not good enough),
Don't go changing (sorry's not good enough),
Don't go changing (sorry's not good enough),
Don't go changing.

Sorry's not good enough, why are we breaking up?
Cos I didn't treat you rough so please don't go changing.
What was I thinking of?
You said you're out of love, baby don't call this off because sorry's not good enough.
Sorry's not good enough.
Sorry's not good enough

"The Heart Never Lies" ~ PRELIJEPA PJESMA

Some people laugh, some people cry
Some people live, some people die
Some people run, right into the fire
Some people hide their every desire

But we are the lovers
If you don't believe me
Then just look into my eyes
'cause the heart never lies

Some people fight, some people fall
Others pretend they don't care at all
If you wanna fight I'll stand right beside you
The day that you fall I'll be right behind you

To pick up the pieces
If you don't believe me
Just look into my eyes
'cause the heart never lies



Another year over, and we're still together
It's not always easy, but I'm here forever

We are the lovers
I know you believe me
When you look into my eyes
'cause the heart never lies

"Too Close For Comfort"

I never meant the things I said
To make you cry
Can I say I'm sorry

It's hard to forget

And yes I regret
All these mistakes
I don't know why you're leaving Me
But I know you must have your reasons
There's tears in your eyes
I watch as you cry
But it's getting late

Was I invading in on your secrets
Was I too close for comfort
You're pushing me out
When I'm wanting in
What was I just about to discover
When I got too close for comfort
Driving you home
Guess I'll never know

Remember when we scratched our names into the sand
And told me you loved me
But now that I find
That you've changed your mind
I'm lost for words
And everything I feel for you
I wrote down on one piece of paper
The one in your hand
You won't understand
How much it hurts to let you go

Was I invading in on your secrets
Was I too close for comfort
You're pushing me out
When I'm wanting in
What was I just about to discover
I got too close for comfort
Driving you home
Guess I'll never know

All this time you've been telling me lies
Hidden in bags that are under your eyes
And when I asked you I knew I was right

But if you turn your back on me now
When I need you most
But you chose to let me down

Won't you think about what you're about to do to me
And back down...

Was I invading in on your secrets
Was I too close for comfort
You're pushing me out
When I'm wanting in
What was I just about to discover
I got too close for comfort
You're pushing me out
When I'm wanting in
(Yeh yeh yeh)

What was I just about to discover
When I got too close for comfort
Driving you home
I guess I'll never know...


Tell me how I’m supposed to breathe with no air?

If I should die before I wake
It's cause you took my breath away
Losing you is like living in a world with no air, oh

I’m here alone, didn’t wanna leave
My heart won’t move, it’s incomplete
Wish there was a way that I can make you understand

But how
Do you expect me, to live alone with just me?
‘Cause my world revolves around you
It’s so hard for me to breathe

Tell me how I’m supposed to breathe with no air?
Can’t live, can’t breathe with no air
That’s how I feel whenever you ain’t there
There’s no air, no air
Got me out here in the water so deep
Tell me how you gon be without me?
If you ain’t here, I just can’t breathe
There’s no air, no air
No air air, No air air
No air air, No air air

I walked, I ran, I jumped, I flew,
Right off the ground to flow to you
There’s no gravity to hold me down, for real

But somehow I’m still alive inside
You took my breath but I survived
I don’t know how but I don’t even care

So how do you expect me, to live alone with just me?
‘Cause my world revolves around you
It’s so hard for me to breathe

Tell me how I’m supposed to breathe with no air?
Can’t live, can’t breathe with no air
That’s how I feel whenever you ain’t there
There’s no air, no air
Got me out here in the water so deep
Tell me how you gon be without me?
If you ain’t here I just can’t breathe
There’s no air, no air
No air air, No air air
No air air, No air air

No more

No air


There's no air, no air

Hey, oOoOo


Tell me how I’m supposed to breathe with no air?
Can’t live, can’t breathe with no air
That’s how I feel whenever you ain’t there
There’s no air, no air
Got me out here in the water so deep
Tell me how you gon be without me?
If you ain’t here I just can’t breathe
There’s no air, no air
(Do you expect me, to live alone with just me
Cause my world revolves around you, It's so hard for me to breathe)

Tell me how I'm supposed to breath with no air?
Can't live, can't breathe with no air
That's how I feel whenever you ain't there
There's no air, no air

Got me out here in the water so deep

Tell me how you gonna be without me?

If you ain’t here I just can’t breathe

There’s no air, no air
No air air, No air air
No air air


You tell me you're in love with me
Like you can't take your pretty eyes away from me
It's not that I don't want to stay
But every time you come too close I move away

I wanna believe in everything that you say
'Cause it sounds so good
But if you really want me, move slow
There's things about me you just have to know

Sometimes I run
Sometimes I hide
Sometimes I'm scared of you
But all I really want is to hold you tight
Treat you right
Be with you day and night
Baby all I need is time

I don't wanna be so shy
Every time that I'm alone I wonder why
Hope that you will wait for me
You'll see that you're the only one for me

I wanna believe in everything that you say
'Cause it sounds so good
But if you really want me, move slow
There's things about me you just have to know

Sometimes I run
Sometimes I hide
Sometimes I'm scared of you
But all I really want is to hold you tight
Treat you righ
Be with you day and night
Baby all I need is time

Just hang around and you'll see
There's nowhere I'd rather be
If you love me, trust in me
The way that I trust in you

Sometimes I run
Sometimes I hide
Sometimes I'm scared of you
But all I really want is to hold you tight
Treat you right
Be with you day and night
Baby all I need is time


I fall asleep by the telephone
It's 2 O'clock and I'm waiting up alone
Tell me where have you been?
I found a note with another name
You blow a kiss, but it just don't feel the same
Cause I can feel that you're gone

I can't bite my tongue forever
While you try to play it cool
You can hide behind your stories
But don't take me for a fool

You can tell me that there's nobody else
(But I feel it)
You can tell me that you're home by yourself
(But I see it)
You can look into my eyes and pretend all you want
But I know
Your love is just a lie
It's nothing but a lie

You look so innocent
But the guilt in your voice gives you away
Yeah you know what I mean
How does it feel when you kiss when you know that i trust you
And do you think about me when he fucks you?
Could you be more obscene?

So dont try to say you're sorry
Or try to make it right
Don't waste your breath because it's too late, it's too late.

You can tell me that there's nobody else
(But I feel it)
You can tell me that you're home by yourself
(But I see it)
You can look into my eyes and pretend all you want
But I know, I know,
Your love is just a lie
It's nothing but a lie
You're nothing but a lie

You can tell me that there's nobody else
(But I feel it)
You can tell me that you're home by yourself
(But I see it)
You can look into my eyes and pretend all you want
But I know, I know
Your love is just a lie
I know you're nothing but a lie

Your love is just a lie


I dreamed I was missing
You were so scared
But no one would listen
Cause no one else cared

After my dreaming
I woke with this fear
What am I leaving
When I'm done here

So if you're asking me
I want you to know

When my time comes
Forget the wrong that I've done
Help me leave behind some
Reasons to be missed

And don't resent me
And when you're feeling empty
Keep me in your memory

Leave out all the rest
Leave out all the rest
[End Chorus]

Don't be afraid
I've taken my beating
I've shared what I made

I'm strong on the surface
Not all the way through
I've never been perfect
But neither have you

So if you're asking me
I want you to know

When my time comes
Forget the wrong that I've done
Help me leave behind some
Reasons to be missed

Don't resent me
And when you're feeling empty
Keep me in your memory

Leave out all the rest
Leave out all the rest
[End Chorus]

All the hurt inside
You've learned to hide so well

Someone else can come and save me from myself
I can't be who you are

When my time comes
Forget the wrong that I've done
Help me leave behind some
Reasons to be missed

Don't resent me
And when you're feeling empty
Keep me in your memory

Leave out all the rest
Leave out all the rest

All the hurt inside
You've learned to hide so well

Someone else can come and save me from myself
I can't be who you are


How 'bout a round of applause
Standing ovation
Oohhhh... yeah
Yeah yeah yeah yeah...

You look so dumb right now
Standing outside my house
Trying to apologize
You're so ugly when you cry
Please, just cut it out

Don't tell me you're sorry cause you're not
Baby when I know you're only sorry you got caught
But you put on quite a show
You really had me going
But now it's time to go
Curtain's finally closing
That was quite a show
Very entertaining
But it's over now
Go on and take a bow

Grab your clothes and get gone
You better hurry up before the sprinklers come on
Talkin' about, girl, I love you, you're the one
This just looks like the re-run
Please, what else is on


And don't tell me you're sorry cause you're not
Baby when I know you're only sorry you got caught
But you put on quite a show
You really had me going
But now it's time to go
Curtain's finally closing
That was quite a show
Very entertaining
But it's over now
Go on and take a bow

And the award for the best liar goes to you
For making me believe that you could be
Faithful to me
Lets hear your speech ohh

How about a round of applause
A standing ovation

But you put on quite a show
You really had me going
But now it's time to go
Curtain's finally closing
That was quite a show
Very entertaining
But it's over now
Go on and take a bow
But it's over now


I've lied to you
The same way that I always do
This is the last smile
That I'll fake for the sake of being with you

(Everything falls apart
Even the people who never frown
Eventually break down)
The sacrifice of hiding in a lie
(Everything has to end
You'll soon find we're out of time left
To watch it all unwind)
The sacrifice is never knowing

Why I never walked away
Why I played myself this way
Now I see you're testing me pushes me away
Why I never walked away
Why I played myself this way
Now I see your testing me pushes me away

I've tried like you
To do everything you wanted too
This is the last time
I'll take the blame for the sake of being with you

(Everything falls apart
Even the people who never frown
Eventually break down)
The sacrifice of hiding in a lie
(Everything has to end
You'll soon find we're out of time left
To watch it all unwind)
The sacrifice is never knowing

Why I never walked away
Why I played myself this way
Now I see you're testing me pushes me away
Why I never walked away
Why I played myself this way
Now I see you're testing me pushes me away
(We're all out of time
This is how we find how it all unwinds)
The sacrifice of hiding in a lie
(We're all out of time
This is how we find how it all unwinds)
The sacrifice is never knowing
Why I never walked away
Why I played myself this way
Now I see you're testing me pushes me away
Why I never walked away
Why I played myself this way
Now I see you're testing me pushes me away
Pushes me away


I been watching you for a minute
Come through here so sweet scented
In life girl you need me in it
IM determined to win it
I know what you need
I know what's wrong
I know how to make it tight
Everything will be all right
If ya
And Introduce you to my world
And Introduce you to the better side of life that you aint been seeing girl
Ima show you where its at
And Ima show you how to get it
All you got do is be wit it and
Down like a real mans supposed to
I never would have approached you
If I aint have intentions on doing good
See dude you wit is so fooled
To me girl your so cool
And all Im asking you to do is
Down like a best friend, two homies in the game
When you cry I wanna feel your pain
No Secrets, No Games
All Excitement, Nothing Plain
Keep you happy
That's my aim
And all you gotta do girl is

In My arms In my mind all the time I wanna keep you right by my side till I die im gonna hold you down and make sure everything is right wit you
You can never go wrong if you
Down like a real friends supposed to im trying to show you the life of somebody like you should be living
OOOooHHhh Baby Baby
You could never go wrong If you let me hold you

[Bow Wow]
Ima Keep you up on whats popping and shake you fresh to death
When we hit the mall we can ball till theres no more left
I know you aint used to it but you gon get used to it
'Cause that's the only way im a do you and just
All my hommies think Im tripping cause I got you a pad
See they just mad cause they aint get you
They aint get you
SCORPIO is your sign and girl your so fine
And i would do whatever in no time
No Shine
Its what your coming with but Ima change all that
Rearrange that
Put you in the range all black
With the rims to match
Phone attached
TVs in the back
How you gon say no to that? Huh
Niggas Look at me like now here you go
Really bout to blow some doe
But ain't nobody did it before so why is you so go hold it
Cause I believe this was meant to be
I just gotta work at it
Like a crack addict up in rehab

In My arms In my mind all the time I wanna keep you right by my side till I die im gonna hold you down and make sure everything is right wit you
You can never go wrong if you
Down like a real friends supposed to im trying to show you the life of somebody like you should be living
OOOooHHhh Baby Baby
You could never go wrong If you let me hold you

[Bow Wow]
Down down around
Atlanta Lanta
Fah Found
And everybody know now what Im tryna do
I say
Down down around
Atlanta Lanta
Fah Found
Im just tryna get you to

[Bow Wow]
Down down around
Atlanta Lanta
Fah Found
And everybody know now what Im tryna do
I say
Down down around
Atlanta Lanta
Fah Found
Im just tryna get you to

In My arms In my mind all the time I wanna keep you right by my side till I die im gonna hold you down and make sure everything is right wit you
You can never go wrong if you
Down like a real friends supposed to im trying to show you the life of somebody like you should be living
OOOooHHhh Baby Baby
You could never go wrong If you let me hold you


Eyes are feeling heavy but they never seem to close
The fan blades on the ceiling spin but the air is never cold
And even though you're next to me I still feel so alone
I just can't give you anything for you to call your own

And I can feel you breathing
And it's keeping me awake
Can you feel it beating?
My heart's sinking like a weight

Something I've been keeping locked away behind my lips
I can feel it breaking free with each and every kiss
I couldn't bear to hurt you but it's all so different now
Things that I was sure of they have filled me up with doubt

And I can feel you breathing
And it's keeping me awake
Can you feel it beating?
My heart's sinking like a weight
I can feel you breathing (your breathing)
It's keeping (keeping) me awake
Could you stop my heart? It's always beating (its beating)
Sinking (sinking) like a weight

How am I supposed to feel about the things I've done?
I don't know if I should stay or turn around and run
I know that I hurt you things will never be the same
The only love I ever knew I threw it all away

And I can feel you breathing
And it's keeping me awake
Can you feel it beating?
My heart's sinking like a weight
I can feel you breathing (your breathing)
It's keeping (keeping) me awake
Could you stop my heart? It's always beating (its beating)
Sinking (sinking) like a weight

četvrtak, 21.06.2007.

....-> NoćaS $e RaSTaju PRijaTeLji, SuZa je SuZi DRuG....

((Pretpostavljam da će ovaj post biti dug, no ako svaki dan dođete na moj blog i svaki dan pročitate po dio stići ćete i cijeli post pročitati do kraja))
Eto… Došao je kraj još jedne školske godine… Drugima je sve isto, ali meni ne! Na jesen se moj razred više neće okupiti… Svako će ići u drugu školu s drugim ljudima…
Sjećam se prvog dana škole kao da je bilo jučer… Išli smo u onu staru školu na Šećeranu! Nastavnice su nas prozivale… Meni su od uzbuđenja, straha i veselja zasuzile oči. Bile su ogromne… Učiteljica nas je sve odvela u razred. S vremenom smo upoznali školu i jedni druge, opuštali se polako…
U 2. razredu smo se puno bolje upoznali i više družili…
U 3. smo bili uzbuđeni zbog exurzije. Išli smo u Karlobag i bilo je prepredobro… Ja u sobi s Marijom, Simonom i Dajanom. Još se i danas rado sjetim trenutaka od onda…
U 4. smo bili najstariji od nižih razreda pa smo se osjećali posebno. Ali bilo nam je i teško jer smo se rastajali od naše drago nastavnice…
U 5. smo skoro kao u 1. bili malo uplašeni, no ipak nam je bilo fora što smo iz prizemlja došli na gornji kat… Upoznali smo nove nastavnike i ostalo…
U 6. smo već znali kakav je tko od učitelja i što točno traže od nas…
U 7. smo opet bili najstariji u smjeni… I tu godinu nam je obilježila exurzija u Neum. I tamo je bilo odlično, svi smo se zabavili. Neke ima je taj razred bio najteži, bilo je i više gradiva jer smo dobili sva nova predmeta, no neko je vrijeme sve to bilo olakšano budući da nam je dnevnik nestao.... Tj. dva dečka su ga ukrala i bacila.... :)
A 8… Na početku se nismo mogli naviknuti na taj broj. Bilo je čudno. Dugo nam je trebalo da se naviknemo da samo 8. RAZRED. Ono, nije nam bila mala stvar. Tad smo se sto postotno uživjeli jer smo bili stariji od svih. Osjećali smo se kao gazde, jače i snažnije, kao da nam niko ništa ne može… Gledajući male prvačiće rado sam se prisjećala naših prvih dana… Ova godina mi je najbrže prošla…
Ovako šta nikad više se neće ponoviti… Školski su dani najljepši…

JUČER… kao što većina znate bila je oproštajna i roditeljski. Na roditeljskom kad su moj razrednik i raska be razreda pričali o nama i tako malo je falilo da se rasplačem. No bilo mi nekako glupo. Ali kad sam vidjela Mariju kako roni suze, znala sam da mogu i ja zaplakat. Zatim je počela Ivona, pa ja, pa Izzy… I svi ostali… Bilo je 3 cure koje nisu plakale… A dečki su nas stalno ispitivali zašto plačemo! Ma jednom će i njima doći do mozga da više nećemo bit zajedno. Očito to još nisu shvatili. Mi smo se grlili, pjevali, skakali i ronili suze ko nikad u životu…
Kasnije… Hehe… Imali smo kolača i jednu tortu. I došli na loodu ideju da se gađamo tortom. Nismo stigli ni trepnut, a učionica je bila skroz prljava… Mi smo imale torte po licu, kosi, stvarima, nogama, neki čak i u ušima :) razrednik nas je prvo odveo sve da se očistimo, a zatim je na red došlo čišćenje učionice… Be razred i naši dečki samo su nas gledali otvorenih očiju i govorili 'Vi niste normalni' :)
U 9 smo morali ići iz škole pa smo ošli do centra… Pa ja sam malo popila i zazujala tamo!! Hihi, sjećam se da kad smo išli kući da sam se zabila u onaj prometni znak ili šta već… Pukla glavom malo… :) Kod kuće sam pokušala bit što normalnija, jako brzo sam legla i vrtjelo mi se nekako dok sam ležala. Zatim sam odlučila spavati na podu, pa sam se samo onak srušila sa kreveta, tresnula od pod, povukla si jastuk i to i na spavanjac… :)
DANAS… glava me rasturala užasno! Kao smo imali nastavu, ali je bio Dan škole. Iz našeg razreda niko knjige nosio. A ni nismo imali nastave. Svi razredi bili su u jutarnjoj smjeni. Mi smo cijelo vrijeme slušali pjesme, pjevali, skakali, plesali… Malo smo igrali badmintom u dvorani. U pola 11 su nas OTJERALI iz škole. Mi ošle kod Daje i žderale. I da pohvalim Daju: sami smo sve morali tražit. SVE ((za žderat))… Malo izvrpali po kući :) E i njen komentar na sve je ,Koje seljačine, niste stavili stoljnjak!' U 12 smo morali bit u školi mi koji smo sve razrede prošli s 5. I dobili smo digitrone… Wow… :)
I danas sam pustila malo suza… Mislim da je i Ana koju…
Još mi nije došlo do mozga da su praznici počeli, a posebno da ćemo na jesen u srednju.

Eto, ovaj post je za najjaču, najbolju, najluđu, najposebniju ekipu iz razreda :)

OPROSTITE…((neke se stvari ne odnose na sve, samo na poneke))
…jer sam se znala ponašati razmaženo
…jer sam ponekada možda bila bezobrazna
…ako sam nekada nekog povrijedila
…jer sam nekada gledala samo sebe i svoje probleme
…jer sam možda nekad bila i previše sebična
…ako sam katkad bila živčana pa se bez razloga iskalila na vama
…ako kada nisam bila ili napravila ono što sam trebala

A HVALA…((neke se stvari odnose na sve, a neke samo na najbliže frendice :) ))
…hvala za smijeh, radost, tugu i suze
…hvala što ste mi pomagali
…hvala vam na glupostima kojima ću se kasnije smijati kad se sjetim šta smo radili
…hvala na svemu dobrom i lošem ((loše stvari bile su samo nova iskustva :) ))
…hvala vam na tome što ste mi bili podrška i bodrili me
…hvala vam što ste me poticali u nekim stvarima
…hvala vam što ste me vraćali na pravi put ako bi krivo skrenula
…hvala vam što ste me trpjeli kad sam bila ljuta, tužna, kada sam pretjerivala u nekim stvarima
…hvala vam što ste me prihvatili takvu kakva jesam
…hvala vam što ste mi šaptali kad sam odgovarala :)
…hvala vam što ste mi govorili neke odgovore na pitanja iz testova
…hvala vam na lijepim trenutcima
…hvala vam što ste me izvlačili iz depri
…hvala vam što ste bili uz mene kad mi je bilo najteže
…hvala vam što ste me razumijevali kad bi malo poludila
…hvala vam i na svađama, jer bez njih ne bi ojačala
…hvala vam što ste imali povjerenja u mene
…hvala vam što ste me zadirkivali ((bez tog bi bilo dosadno, hihi))
…hvala vam što ste moj život učinili ljepšim i potpunim
…hvala vam što ste mi svih 8. godina bili prijatelji
…i još jednom hvala vam na svemu ovome navedenom


Eo samo da wam se još jednom jawim.... Idem sutra u 5 ujutro u Rogoznicu. Ne mogu wam opisati koliko jedwa čekam!!!! Aaaa, sunčajne, kupanje, zabawa i samo zabawa.... Nadam se da me nećete zaborawiti za to wrijeme i da ćete me posjećiwati. Neće me biti samo 10 dana. Hm, treba izdržati toliko bez neta :( Eto pozz swim mojim frendicama koje idu....=)
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