
nedjelja, 31.12.2023.

Sretna nam Nova godina! :)

Novogodišnji EDIT:

Allie Sherlock pjeva 'In my life' od Beatlesa

jer je divan tekst i sviđa mi se njezin glas

U2 pjevaju 'New Year's day' od U2 :))

što puštam jer me automatski transportira u tamo neku osamdesetineku
kad sam bila mlađi teenager
i kad je svijet bio nabrijano zanosno čaroban

i ovi Steklovata pjevaju 'Novi god' od , također, Steklovate
koju su moj muž i negov bestie svaku godinu slušali iz *****ancije.

pa puštam za uspomenu na to

Love ya all,
nije potrebno kruha preko pogače.

Još jednom, svima,
sve samo na bolje! :)

31.12.2023. u 11:19 • 16 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 30.12.2023.

Divno, divno! :)

Skoro svi su nekaj napisali
i nadam se da neće dobiti potrebu blogoubiti se do predvečer kad ću moći u miru sjesti i pročitati sve.

30.12.2023. u 08:01 • 14 KomentaraPrint#

petak, 29.12.2023.

Naše jaslice

nalaze se, jasno, pod borom,
složene su na knjizi Cosmos,
koja se činila jako prikladna za tu potrebu, u nekoliko smislova.
Kao prof.Baltazar; mislila sam, mislila, i smislila. :D.....

Dobila sam ih na poklon od prijateljice,
to su njihove obiteljske koje više nisu koristili,
i ja sam više nego počašćena da su došle meni u ruke.
Hvala! :)
Autor Jaslica je gospodin Vladimir Pecić
Svaka figurica je priča za sebe, svaka, a naročito sveti trojac,
Otac, Majka, Dijete
ima nepogrešivo pokazanu emotivnu pozadinu,
smjernost, nježnost, zabrinutost, malost, nemoćnost, prepuštenost.................
apsolutno su prekrasne, ja sam apsolutno zahvalna da sam ih dobila.
Eto, to je storija o jaslicama kod mene
(zapravo, htjela sam naručiti kod gospodina Pecića da mi napravi nove,
ali je bio prezauzet poslovima, izložbama i sličnim,
i moja narudžba se zapravo baš divno za mene riješila...)


image hosting

image hosting




upload images

upload images


Eto, nadam se da su vam se svidjele,
moram vam skrušeno priznati da mi je ovo objavljivanje fotografija preko trećeg uslužitelja nesnosno :))
nit znam koja će veličina fotke biti, megabajte srezuje,
slike slikane mojim mobitelom su loše,
ovako su još lošije,
ali, eto, pristajem na lošije u ovom času,
dok ne ustanovim bolje.

Znam da mnogima od vas to ne znači ništa,
meni to znači puno,
i jako je iritantno.

Sad kad sam se požalila,
nadam se da sam vam barem kako tako
uspjela približiti to mini čudo pod našim borom. :)))
Također, ako ima interesenata,
mogla bih možda otpuhati prašinu sa fotića,
izmisliti neko osvjetljenje,
i učiniti malo suvisliji fotosešn, no o tom potom.

ovom prilikom pozdravljam:
@Y, nemam gdje drugdje,
@Dvi, tri riči, nemam gdje drugdje
@Jelena, koji se je javio, no nemam gdje na blogu,

a svima vama @drugima koji jeste na blogu :))****

29.12.2023. u 13:47 • 7 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 27.12.2023.

29:00 treći stavak

27.12.2023. u 15:21 • 2 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 25.12.2023.

Anonymous 4

'Ecce quod natura
mutat sua jura:
virgo parit pura
dei filium. '

25.12.2023. u 20:34 • 17 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 23.12.2023.

a ma daj

za poluditi :)))))

Edit na Badnje jutro:
ajme, majčice, mali ZNA!! :))))

23.12.2023. u 23:16 • 8 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 21.12.2023.


Dobar vam dan.
Danas je najkraći dan u godini, zimski suncostaj,
ajd dobro, nije danas nego, točno astronomski ove godine,
sutra/noćas u 4 ujutro
- petak 22. prosinca,12.2023. 04:27,
Zima nam kalendarski počinje noćas....
Nekima bitno, nekima ne,
Mjesec raste - prije 2 dana je bila prva četvrt,
Uštap pada na 27.12., malo nakon Božića...

Ipak, evo nas usred Zime.
Ja ovaj tren nikako ne doživljavam kao njezin početak,
već ona dugo pada, a danas je dospjela dolje.
Dosegli smo dno, mrak je najduži,
dan najkraći,
priroda se zaustavila,
i sad takva mirna i na nuli biti će još neko vrijeme.
Moramo gurnuti kotač u novi krug, novi ciklus.

Osjećam se kao da ronim po mračnim i mutnim dubinama.
I prema onom kako mi priroda izgleda izvana,
stagnacija, zadivljanje i smrznutost u pokretu i trenutku,
i prema onom iznutra; preslagivanje unutar bića,
vrijednosti, prioriteta, mogućnosti, preispitivanje želja, opcija,
postavki, učenja, odnosa, SVEGA,
kopanje po dubokom, još nikad prizvanom i iznesenom na svjetlost.
Pri tome kao da to nije izbor,
to ronjenje po blatu, glibu, mraku i hladnoći,
nego kao da je zadatost, i ona traje, traje i traje.......

Defolt je da se mijena mora dogoditi , i ona će se dogoditi.
Mislim, mijena na bolje.
Na lakše, jasnije, bistrije,
a jednom , vjerujem,
i na nešto što bi se moglo zvati i osjetiti lijepim, lakim,
pazi sad - radosnim, pazi još i više - slobodnim!!!

Kada, ne znam.
Jedno je sigurno.
Osjećam kao da još nikad nisam živjela.
Osjećam da nemam iskustva,
točnije, imam silnog iskustva, ali nisam sigurna kakvog,
sve je to jako nedefinirano u mentalnoj sferi,
tek se osjeća kao energetska masa, moja masa,
ne sjećam se ničega iza sebe, a ispred mene se tek sad polako i uz velike otpore,
kao da sidrom orem po dalekom dnu,
nešto pokreće, nesigurno u smjer,
cilj se tek zamišlja, život se tek ustrojava .....
nešto polako i sa velikim naporom uzima zamah.
O moj blagi Bože.

Dobro,otišla sam predaleko s ovim,
bar kaj se prvozamišljene teme posta tiče.

Pozdrav/čestitku Yule je cool! je izmislio @Jelen,
a sad mi je sinulo da se on više ne bi trebao zvati @Jelen, nego @Svemir,
ne znam zakaj,
i red je da to uskliknemo najbolje kaj se može, jel Yule ili nije!? :))

Yule je cool!
Svima vam sve izašlo na dobro!! :))

Evo malo informacija, meni se ne da pisati,

Yule blagdan Zimskij solsticij

a onda i par prigodnih pjesmi Došašća:

Jamie Cullum - In The Bleak Midwinter

Pentatonix - 12 Days Of Christmas

Padaj s neba roso sveta - adventska pjesma

Visom leteć ptice male - adventska pjesma

te jedna meni za dušu:
Elizabeta Toplek i Cinkuši - Vuprem oči

Svima pozdrav! :)

21.12.2023. u 14:41 • 12 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 20.12.2023.

jedan divni mash-up

20.12.2023. u 22:03 • 20 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 16.12.2023.

16.12.2023. u 00:47 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 12.12.2023.

12.12.2023. u 17:27 • 8 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 11.12.2023.

hahaha :)))

na žalost,
shortse ne možeš drugačije staviti :)))


11.12.2023. u 17:13 • 8 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 09.12.2023.

Nekoliko Stingovih pjesama

@Galaksijina molba da joj napišemo po desetak pjesama da si napravi blogersku plejlistu za dugačko putovanje doma
baš me razveselila; ima toliko, TOLIKO dobre muzike da je ludo pokušavati se sjetiti odjednom, kao na pritisak gumba, svega što (ti) je dobro.......

Napisala sam joj neku opću best of ljubavnu listu,
ali, zapravo,
to je tako nepravedno prema svim onim divnim pjesmama koje postoje uz to a nisu spomenute. :)

Neš ti top listu na kojoj nema Arsena Dedića, ili Stinga, ili još milijun drugih odličnih autora.

ovo ovdje bi bio moj neki izbor top Stingovih popjevki,
sasvim nasumice, kako su mi padale na pamet.

Everybody Laughed But You

Everybody laughed when I told them
I wanted you, I wanted you
Everybody grinned they humoured me
They thought that someone had spiked my tea
Everybody screamed they told me you
Would cost the moon, we'll be there soon
Everybody laughed 'til they were blue
They didn't believe my words were true
Everybody laughed but you

It's easy to lose touch with all the friends
You like so much or liked so much
Everybody laughed they couldn't take me seriously
Abandoned me
Sometimes I would read of things they'd done in magazines
They made the scene
Everybody left with such important things to do
But I'm not blue

Everybody left but you
Everybody left but you

Many years have passed
And some have fallen by the way I heard them say
Everybody dreamed but those who fell
Are sleeping now, they're sleeping now
Everybody climbed like ivy to the top most branch
It was their chance
Everybody grasped 'til they were through
It's all they thought that they could do

'Cause everybody fell
Everybody fell
Everybody fell but you

I Was Brought To My Senses

Alone with my thoughts this evening
I walked on the banks of Tyne
I wondered how I could win you
Or if I could make you mine
Or if I could make you mine

The wind it was so insistent
With tales of a stormy south
But when I spied two birds in a sycamore tree
There came a dryness in my mouth
Came a dryness in my mouth

For then without rhyme or reason
The two birds did rise up to fly
And where the two birds were flying
I swear I saw you and I
I swear I saw you and I

I walked out this morning
It was like a veil had been removed from before my eyes
For the first time I saw the work of heaven
In the line where the hills had been married to the sky
And all around me
Every blade of singing grass
Was calling out your name
And that our love would always last
And inside every turning leaf
Is the pattern of an older tree
The shape of our future
The shape of all our history
And out of the confusion
Where the river meets the sea
Came things I'd never seen
Things I'd never seen

I was brought to my senses
I was blind but now that I can see
Every signpost in nature
Said you belong to me

I know it's true
It's written in a sky as blue
As blue as your eyes
As blue as your eyes
If nature's red in tooth and claw
Like winter's freeze and summer's thaw
The wounds she gave me
Were the wounds that would heal me
And we'd be like the moon and sun
And when our courtly dance had run
Its course across the sky
Then together we would lie
And out of the confusion
Where the river meets the sea
Something new would arrive
Something better would arrive

I was brought to my senses
I was blind but now that I can see
Every signpost in nature
Said you belong to me
I was brought to my senses
I was blind but now that I can see
Every signpost in nature
Said you belong to me
I was brought to my senses
I was blind but now that I can see
Every signpost in nature
Said you belong to me

A Thousand Years

A thousand years, a thousand more
A thousand times a million doors to eternity
I may have lived a thousand lives, a thousand times
An endless turning stairway climbs
To a tower of souls
If it takes another thousand years, a thousand wars
The towers rise to numberless floors in space
I could shed another million tears, a million breaths
A million names but only one truth to face

A million roads, a million fears
A million suns, ten million years of uncertainty
I could speak a million lies, a million songs
A million rights, a million wrongs in this balance of time
But if there was a single truth, a single light
A single thought, a singular touch of grace
Then following this single point, this single flame
The single haunted memory of your face

I still love you
I still want you
A thousand times the mysteries unfold themselves
Like galaxies in my head

I may be numberless, I may be innocent
I may know many things, I may be ignorant
Or I could ride with kings and conquer many lands
Or win this world at cards and let it slip my hands
I could be cannon food, destroyed a thousand times
Reborn as fortune's child to judge another's crimes
Or wear this pilgrim's cloak, or be a common thief
I've kept this single faith, I have but one belief

I still love you
I still want you
A thousand times the mysteries unfold themselves
Like galaxies in my head
On and on the mysteries unwind themselves
Eternities still unsaid
'Til you love me


Inside the doors are sealed to love
Inside my heart is sleeping
Inside the fingers of my glove
Inside the bones of my right hand
Inside it's colder than the stars
Inside the dogs are weeping
Inside the circus of the wind
Inside the clocks are filled with sand
Inside she'll never hurt me
Inside the winter's creeping
Inside the compass of the night
Inside the folding of the land

Outside the stars are turning
Outside the world's still burning

Inside my head's a box of stars I never dared to open
Inside the wounded hide their scars, inside this lonesome sparrow's fall
Inside the songs of our defeat, they sing of treaties broken
Inside this army's in retreat, we hide beneath the thunder's call

Outside the rain keeps falling
Outside the drums are calling
Outside the flood won't wait
Outside they're hammering down the gate

Love is the child of an endless war
Love is an open wound still raw
Love is a shameless banner unfurled
Love's an explosion
Love is the fire of the world
Love is a violent star
A tide of destruction
Love is an angry scar
A violation, a mutilation, capitulation, love is annihilation

Inside the failures of the light, the night is wrapped around me
Inside my eyes deny their sight, you'd never find me in this place
Inside we're hidden from the moonlight, we shift between the shadows
Inside the compass of the night, inside the memory of your face

Outside the walls are shaking
Inside the dogs are waking
Outside the hurricane won't wait
Inside they're howling down the gate

Love is the child of an endless war
Love is an open wound still raw
Love is a shameless banner unfurled
Love's an explosion
Love is the fire at the end of the world
Love is a violent star
A tide of destruction
Love is an angry scar
The pain of instruction
Love is a violation, a mutilation, capitulation
Love is annihilation

I climb this tower inside my head
A spiral stair above my bed
I dream the stairs don't ask me why
I throw myself into the sky

Love me like a baby, love me like an only child
Love me like an ocean; love me like a mother mild
Love me like a father, love me like a prodigal son
Love me like a sister, love me like the world has just begun
Love me like a prodigy, love me like an idiot boy
Love me like an innocent, love me like your favorite toy
Love me like a virgin, love me like a courtesan
Love me like a sinner, love me like a dying man

Annihilate me, infiltrate me, incinerate me, accelerate me, mutilate me, inundate me, violate me, implicate me, vindicate me, devastate me

Love me like a parasite, love me like a dying sun
Love me like a criminal, love me like a man on the run

Radiate me, subjugate me, incubate me, recreate me, demarcate me, educate me, punctuate me, evaluate me, conjugate me, impregnate me, designate me, humiliate me, segregate me, opiate me, calibrate me, replicate me

Soul Cake

A soul cake, a soul cake
Please, good missus, a soul cake
An apple, a pear, a plum or a cherry
Any good thing to make us all merry
A soul cake, a soul cake
Please, good missus, a soul cake
One for Peter, two for Paul
And three for Him that made us all
A soul cake, a soul cake
Please, good missus, a soul cake
An apple, a pear, a plum or a cherry
Any good thing to make us all merry

God bless the master of this house
And the mistress also
And all the little children
That round your table grow
The cattle in your stable
The dogs at your front door
And all that dwell within your gates
We'll wish you ten times more

A soul cake, a soul cake
Please, good missus, a soul cake
An apple, a pear, a plum or a cherry
Any good thing to make us all merry
A soul cake, a soul cake
Please, good missus, a soul cake
One for Peter, two for Paul
And three for Him that made us all

Go down into the cellar
And see what you can find
If the barrels are not empty
We'll hope that you'll be kind
We'll hope that you'll be kind
With your apple and your pear
And we'll come no more a-souling
'Til Christmas time next year

A soul cake, a soul cake
Please, good missus, a soul cake
An apple, a pear, a plum or a cherry
Any good thing to make us all merry
A soul cake, a soul cake
Please, good missus, a soul cake
One for Peter, two for Paul
And three for Him that made us all
Made us all

The streets are very dirty
Me shoes are very thin
I have a little pocket
To put a penny in
If you haven't got a penny
A half penny will do
If you haven't got a half penny
God bless you

A soul cake, a soul cake
Please, good missus, a soul cake
An apple, a pear, a plum or a cherry
Any good thing to make us all merry
A soul cake, a soul cake
Please, good missus, a soul cake
One for Peter, two for Paul
And three for Him that made us all
For Him that made us all
For Him that made us all

The Snow It Melts The Soonest

Oh, the snow it melts the soonest when the winds begin to sing
And the corn it ripens fastest when the frost is settling in
And when a woman tells me my face she'll soon forget
Before we'll part, I'll wage a croon, she's fain to follow't yet

Oh, the snow it melts the soonest when the winds begin to sing
And the swallow skims without a thought as long as it is spring
But when spring goes, and winter blows, my lassie you'll be fain
For all your pride, to follow me across the stormy main

Oh, the snow it melts the soonest when the winds begin to sing
And the bee that flew when summer shone, in winter cannot sting
I've seen a woman's anger melt betwixt the night and morn
Oh it's surely not a harder thing to tame a woman's scorn

Oh, never say me farewell here, no farewell I'll receive
And you shall set me to the stile and kiss and take your leave
I'll stay until the curlew calls and the martlet takes his wing
Oh, the snow it melts the soonest when the winds begin to sing

Practical Arrangement (Full Original Duet)
(feat. Jo Lawry)

Am I asking for the moon?
Is it really so implausible?
That you and I could soon
Come to some kind of arrangement?

I'm not asking for the moon
I've always been a realist
When it's really nothing more
Than a simple rearrangement

With one roof above our heads
A warm house to return to
We could start with separate beds
I could sleep alone or learn to

I'm not suggesting that we'd find
Some earthly paradise forever
I mean, how often does that happen now?
The answer's probably never

But we could come to an arrangement
A practical arrangement
And you could learn to love me, given time

[Jo Lawry:]
Well, I like my independence
I get by, I'm not greedy
Do you see yourself as Galahad?
Do I really look that needy?

I brought a child up on my own
Takes me all my strength to face him
The father upped and left me
And I'm not desperate to replace him

Tell me what kind of catch
Is a struggling single mother
I respect you and I like you
But I won't accept another
Empty promise when some grey
And stormy rain cloud hangs above me
When I've heard it all a hundred times
From a man who said he loved me

But if we came to an arrangement
A practical arrangement
Then perhaps I'd learn to love you given time

I'm not promising the moon
I'm not promising a rainbow
Just a practical solution
To a solitary life

I'd be a father to your boy
A shoulder you could lean on
How bad could it be
To be my wife?

With one roof above our heads
A warm house to return to
You wouldn't have to cook for me
You wouldn't have to learn to

I'm not suggesting that this proposition
Here could last forever
I've no intention of deceiving you
You're far too clever
But we could come to an arrangement
A practical arrangement
And perhaps you'd learn to love me given time

[Sting & Jo Lawry:]
It may not be the romance that you had in mind

But you could learn to love me
Given time

Fields Of Gold

You'll remember me when the west wind moves
Upon the fields of barley
You'll forget the sun in his jealous sky
As we walk in fields of gold

So she took her love for to gaze awhile
Upon the fields of barley
In his arms she fell as her hair came down
Among the fields of gold

Will you stay with me? Will you be my love?
Among the fields of barley
We'll forget the sun in his jealous sky
As we lie in fields of gold

See the west wind move like a lover so
Upon the fields of barley
Feel her body rise when you kiss her mouth
Among the fields of gold

I never made promises lightly
And there have been some that I've broken
But I swear in the days still left
We'll walk in fields of gold
We'll walk in fields of gold

Many years have passed since those summer days
Among the fields of barley
See the children run as the sun goes down
Among the fields of gold

You'll remember me when the west wind moves
Upon the fields of barley
You can tell the sun in his jealous sky
When we walked in fields of gold
When we walked in fields of gold
When we walked in fields of gold


Sleeping child, on my shoulder
Those around us, curse the sea
Anxious mother turning fearful
Who can blame her, blaming me?

Inshallah, Inshallah
If it be Your will, it shall come to pass
Inshallah, Inshallah
If it be Your will...

As the wind blows, growing colder
Against the sad boats, as we flee
Anxious eyes, search in darkness
With the rising of the sea

Inshallah, Inshallah
If it be Your will, it shall come to pass
Inshallah, Inshallah
If it be Your will

Sea of worries, sea of fears
In our country, only tears
In our future there's no past
If it be Your will, it shall come to pass

Inshallah, Inshallah
If it be Your will, it shall come to pass
Inshallah, Inshallah
If it be Your will...

I za kraj,
postoji The Empty chair,
meni premučna da bih kopirala tekst ili je puštala da svira,
mučna pozadina pjesme,
mučne asocijacije......

Rekla bih da je to to,
iako samo kap u moru,
meni možda najdraža kap

09.12.2023. u 16:53 • 12 KomentaraPrint#

Ypsilonka je željela

da napišem nešto o sebi,
ja kažem da ne mogu, nek se strpi , imam blokadu,
nek istrpi uz mene dok ne prođe,
no ništa,
ona ne istrpi
neg se pobijeli.
E, moja Ypsilonka.

Subota je, nadam se da si trčala danas,
čak i ako kod vas sniježi.
Sigurno je još divnije,još tiše, jošsamije.


Da neš napišem o sebi,
pa idem,
imam deset minuta.

jel i vas iritira/čudi/zaustavi u trenutku
kad vam se dogodi ovakvo što;?
jučer odmah poslije posla
dok je još bilo suho i sunčano
žurim doma oprati i očistiti auto.
registracija danas.
Pomolite se da prođe uspješno od prve.
Gladna sam, ali ne mogu jesti bilo što,
nego baš sam se namjerila na pošećerenog račića,
to vam je ono pecivo u obliku mašne/raka
obilno posipano kristal šećerom,
relikt iz djetinjstva kojeg se rijetko više nalazi po pekarnicama
a,srećom, u pekarnici blizu mene je opstao.
Skrenem s najkraćeg puta
(jer se,jasno,poslovično žurim)
nađem parking
ukaskam u pekarnicu
i zamolim ženu jedan kruh i jedan račić.
Ali štoviše pošećeren.
Da bude onak kak treba, ne.
žena dodaje kruh i izgovara:
tu su vam račići, ravno ispred vas.
I fakat, jesu. :)
Ali nisu pošećereni.
Kažem: ali nisu pošećereni!?
Ona će nato da naravno da nisu: pa mi nikada nismo imali pošećerene račiće!
Ženu znam sto godina, tamo je već inventar,
valjda je i vlasnikova žena, ili kćer, kaj ja znam,
i godinama tamo jedem samo kruh, prstiće i dobro pošećerene račiće.
I kaj sad.
ja joj to kažem.
Ona gleda mene, ja gledam nju.
I na kraju,niš, odem.
nebitno što nisam jela rečić taj dan, ni pošećereni, ni goli,
ali to da se čovjek sjeća nečega na jedan način, a ispadne da to nije uopće bilo tako,
ti paralelni nivoi nostojanja,
ti Zonosumračni momenti življenja,
ne znam,
ostale smo u čudu i ona i ja,

i niš.

Imate li i vi takovih iskustava!?

ne nužno s račićem :))


puse svima,
a najviše onima koji me ne vole.


09.12.2023. u 09:25 • 23 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 07.12.2023.

Božiću, o Božiću


Visom leteć ptice male
našem domu zapjevale:
srca gore,
evo Zore!

07.12.2023. u 17:25 • 15 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 06.12.2023.

hippopotamus for Christmas

06.12.2023. u 07:55 • 7 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 02.12.2023.

And but for the sky there are no fences facing

Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me
I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to

Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me
In the jingle jangle morning I'll come following you

Though I know that evening's empire has returned into sand
Vanished from my hand
Left me blindly here to stand, but still not sleeping

My weariness amazes me, I'm branded on my feet
I have no one to meet
And the ancient empty street's too dead for dreaming

Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me
I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to
Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me
In the jingle jangle morning I'll come following you

Take me on a trip upon your magic swirling ship
My senses have been stripped
My hands can't feel to grip
My toes too numb to step
Wait only for my boot heels to be wandering

I'm ready to go anywhere, I'm ready for to fade
Into my own parade
Cast your dancing spell my way, I promise to go under it

Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me
I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to
Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me
In the jingle jangle morning I'll come following you

Though you might hear laughing, spinning, swinging madly across the sun
It's not aimed at anyone
It's just escaping on the run
And but for the sky there are no fences facing

And if you hear vague traces of skipping reels of rhyme
To your tambourine in time
It's just a ragged clown behind
I wouldn't pay it any mind
It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing

Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me
I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to
Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me
In the jingle jangle morning I'll come following you

And take me disappearing through the smoke rings of my mind
Down the foggy ruins of time
Far past the frozen leaves
The haunted frightened trees
Out to the windy beach
Far from the twisted reach of crazy sorrow

Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky
With one hand waving free
Silhouetted by the sea
Circled by the circus sands
With all memory and fate
Driven deep beneath the waves
Let me forget about today until tomorrow

Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me
I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to
Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me
In the jingle jangle morning I'll come following you

02.12.2023. u 11:31 • 10 KomentaraPrint#

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Morao bi biti čarobnjak
sa svim znanjima spremnim u rukavu
čitač misli i njegovatelj rana
onaj koji želi da sve suze budu isplakane
koji se ne boji najcrnijeg mraka
nego ima lampu u pripremi
i koji smije čuti najveće gluposti i najbahatije izjave
i znati da one ne znače ništa
baš nimalo ništa
trebao bi biti onaj koji zna
i kojem je sve jasno
koji ne sumnja nego samo pruža, pruža i pruža
trebao bi biti čarobnjak.
Trebao bi biti vidar
pun poezije i lijepih slika
pun munja i olujnog neba
pun kiše i pun vrućine sunca
sve u jednom.
Trebao bi stvarno biti čarobnjak.

'Radi uvijek kako misliš da treba.
Nemoj osjećati grižnju savijest.
Radi po svome.
Ali potiho, nemoj to bacati drugima u lice.
Sada nije vrijeme da se puštaš svojoj senzibilnosti.
Nemoj se slabiti,
Očvrsni svoju matičnu ploču.
Ako ništa, zbog djeteta.
Rekao je Damir ' ne brini se kako će im biti bez tebe. Snaći će se.
Možda će im biti i bolje bez tebe. Naučit će što treba, naučit će se na drugo.'.

Kad umrem reći ćeš djetetu
'Tata je bio postariji, obolio je i umro.
I ti ćeš umrijeti, i ja, i svi.
Svaki u svoje vrijeme, a njemu je sad bilo vrijeme.
Sad ćemo ga lijepo pokopati, a mi moramo lijepo živjeti bez njega dalje.'
(Nasmijava me, smijemo se)
Nastavlja ozbiljno:
'Dolazit ćemo na grob. Donjeti ćemo mu cvijet.
Ali naš život ići će dalje.
Mi moramo živjeti dalje.'
Prihvati što je. Nemoj se gložiti u sebi.
Prihvati što je taj čas.'
Vedran, 11.9.18.

Što znači spavati, u duhovnom smislu?
Znači živjeti nesvjestan duhovne stvarnosti.
Što je grijeh?
Biti svjestan duhovne stvarnosti
a ipak ljudskim razlozima i društvenim konstruktima vremena
nalaziti opravdanja za djela koja krše opće duhovne zakone.
Što znači da nastupa Duhovna Zora Čovječanstva?
Buđenje dovoljnog broja pojedinaca u svjesnost o duhovnoj stvarnosti,
u praktično življenje osobne duhovne stvarnosti,
i posljedičnu promjenu dosadašnje materijalističke paradigme
u neku koja je prožetija Istinom, i nije tako krnja kao ova sadašnja,materijalistička.

'...take a sad song and make it better...'

David Arrendo MD

spiritual warefare be like :)))

Master Key Society YouTube