
petak, 10.11.2023.

tko o čemu

ja o sebi
točnije, o stvarima koje mene zanimaju
kako su dolazile redom
prekjučer - jučer -danas




Then God brought down a stupor on the man, who fell asleep; He removed one of his ribs and locked the flesh in place. God molded with the rib, which He had taken from the man, a woman and led her to the man.

(Genesis, 21:22)
In Jewish and Christian culture, the rib is symbolic of Eve’s creation. Genesis, in fact, relates that God put Adam to sleep, opened his side and pulled out a rib. From this, he fashioned the woman so that the man was no longer alone.
It is interesting to consider that in Hebrew “Adam” indicates not only the masculine man, but also humanity. Before Eve, in short, man and woman were one, until they were separated by a single body.
Why, though, just a rib? Because it is central to the body and because it evokes the act of standing by each other’s side.
The real reason, however, is intertwined with Sumerian mythology and language. It all began with the very powerful female deity of Ninhusrag, the “Majestic Lady,” mother of all creatures and the Earth. In a beautiful episode of Sumerian myth, the god Enki goes to Dilmun’s paradise and takes a big gorge of the 8 plants forbidden by Ninshurag, thus poisoning himself in eight different parts of his body, including his ribs. After forgiving Enki, to heal him, Ninshurag generates Ninti, the Rib Goddess and Goddess of Life.

Why is the Mesopotamian deity Nin-ti, called the Lady of the Rib, also the Lady of Life? Because in Sumerian “rib” and “life” are said in the same way and form one word: “ti.” Here is how the rib, thanks to a noble and forgotten language, takes on a deep and ancient meaning. Indeed, the rib cage, expanding to fill the lungs with air, is the most visible evidence of breathing and the living body.
Later, the Hebrew people were inspired by Mesopotamian myth, in which we also find references to the forbidden fruit, and they retained the rib as the life-giving element. Moving from Sumerian to Hebrew, however, the double meaning rib-life was lost.

The rib cage guards vital organs. In fact, ribs not only play a structural role in the skeleton, but also serve to protect the heart and lungs.
The beating heart, beyond its anatomical function, has always been associated with memories, emotions, and the soul. The lungs, with their eternal expansion, summon breath and the breath of life. The rib cage, therefore, represents the chest that protects and contains life.

Ribs are part of the skeleton and also inevitably evoke death. In particular, it is the rib cage that evokes death: depictions of the Grim Reaper, in fact, always feature the skull and ribs as distinctive features.
A few times, in medieval representations as well as in seventeenth-century paintings, the corpses in the Macabre Danze have wrinkled, fleshless skin, revealing ribs. In the New Testament, it is written that the crucified Jesus, now dead, is pierced in the side by the spear of the soldier Longinus, and blood and water come out of the wound.


'...The ribs symbolize the family members (family tree). Upper ribs: T1-2-3-4 = They symbolize the ascending (parents, grandparents, great-grandparents). Central ribs: T5-6-7-8 = They represent the collateral (brothers, cousins, etc.)...'




Kako rekoh,
ne očekujem da ovo itko čita ili se time bavi,
to je meni za daljnju upotrebu.

10.11.2023. u 22:46 • 8 KomentaraPrint#

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Morao bi biti čarobnjak
sa svim znanjima spremnim u rukavu
čitač misli i njegovatelj rana
onaj koji želi da sve suze budu isplakane
koji se ne boji najcrnijeg mraka
nego ima lampu u pripremi
i koji smije čuti najveće gluposti i najbahatije izjave
i znati da one ne znače ništa
baš nimalo ništa
trebao bi biti onaj koji zna
i kojem je sve jasno
koji ne sumnja nego samo pruža, pruža i pruža
trebao bi biti čarobnjak.
Trebao bi biti vidar
pun poezije i lijepih slika
pun munja i olujnog neba
pun kiše i pun vrućine sunca
sve u jednom.
Trebao bi stvarno biti čarobnjak.

'Radi uvijek kako misliš da treba.
Nemoj osjećati grižnju savijest.
Radi po svome.
Ali potiho, nemoj to bacati drugima u lice.
Sada nije vrijeme da se puštaš svojoj senzibilnosti.
Nemoj se slabiti,
Očvrsni svoju matičnu ploču.
Ako ništa, zbog djeteta.
Rekao je Damir ' ne brini se kako će im biti bez tebe. Snaći će se.
Možda će im biti i bolje bez tebe. Naučit će što treba, naučit će se na drugo.'.

Kad umrem reći ćeš djetetu
'Tata je bio postariji, obolio je i umro.
I ti ćeš umrijeti, i ja, i svi.
Svaki u svoje vrijeme, a njemu je sad bilo vrijeme.
Sad ćemo ga lijepo pokopati, a mi moramo lijepo živjeti bez njega dalje.'
(Nasmijava me, smijemo se)
Nastavlja ozbiljno:
'Dolazit ćemo na grob. Donjeti ćemo mu cvijet.
Ali naš život ići će dalje.
Mi moramo živjeti dalje.'
Prihvati što je. Nemoj se gložiti u sebi.
Prihvati što je taj čas.'
Vedran, 11.9.18.

Što znači spavati, u duhovnom smislu?
Znači živjeti nesvjestan duhovne stvarnosti.
Što je grijeh?
Biti svjestan duhovne stvarnosti
a ipak ljudskim razlozima i društvenim konstruktima vremena
nalaziti opravdanja za djela koja krše opće duhovne zakone.
Što znači da nastupa Duhovna Zora Čovječanstva?
Buđenje dovoljnog broja pojedinaca u svjesnost o duhovnoj stvarnosti,
u praktično življenje osobne duhovne stvarnosti,
i posljedičnu promjenu dosadašnje materijalističke paradigme
u neku koja je prožetija Istinom, i nije tako krnja kao ova sadašnja,materijalistička.

'...take a sad song and make it better...'

David Arrendo MD

spiritual warefare be like :)))

Master Key Society YouTube