utorak, 15.03.2011.

Au nom de piratage, ?Wikileaks" cassé les nouvelles de la fraude alléguée des activités bancaires des états-Unis

Selon Hong Kong, "Wen Wei Po" site WebChristian Louboutin Plats indiqué fuite site ?Wikileaks? fondateur Julian - Un Sangqi encore extradé vers la Suède de faire appel de la décision, les pirates informatiques pro-E camp Sangqi "Anonymous" (Anonyme) Bouts ouvertsa cassé les nouvelles sur son nom, dans 14, ouvrir une des filiales de banques américaines ancien employé e-mail, accusé d'avoir tenté de dissimuler la vente d'informations Bank of America et suspicions de fraude.Bank of America porte-parole aBouts Ronds déclaré que les allégations ?pas vrai."Il est rapporté que le lot e-mail a été divulgué dernière Novembre au début du secteur de la U. S. Banque d 'assurance atteint un employé Balboa Insurance, tous sur le site bankofamericasuck.com, hier sur le site,Parfum YSL seulement un fonctionnement intermittent.International hacker organisation "Anonyme", a déclaré, ces messages apparaissent, Bank of America fraude, parce que les gens cherchent à changer un e-mail montre quelques "erreur" déposer un dossier de demande, le dossier et le général Finance Corporation (GMAC) le prêt-connexes. Enfin, les employés concernésBouts Ouverts ont été autorisés à supprimer les fichiers, "le nombre de prêts."Un Sangqi plus t?t cette année à accepter financière magazine "Forbes" visite, a déclaré un groupe de main, ?un certain nombre de compte bancaire des états-Unis à 10 millions de documents, mais n'a pas expliqué ce qu'est une banque.Escarpin-sandale Il a dit en 2009 qu'il avait ramassé au moins 5 Go de fichiers de Bank of America.Quant à "Anonyme" a été et E relations Sangqi sont amicaux, quand MasterCard (Mastercard) et Visa (Visa) et d'autres institutions de cesser de traiter avec ?Wikileaks" le don, le site Web "Anonyme" l'organisation a eu deux attaques.Soiree Christian Louboutin

15.03.2011. u 09:06 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 14.03.2011.

Real Madrid: Kaka prêt à filer chez le voisin madrilène?

Alors qu'il ne dispose plus que d'un très faibleGucci Femmes temps de jeu au Real Madrid, le Brésilien Kaka pourrait quitter le Casa Blanca très prochainement. Le modeste club de Getafe s'intéresserait de très près à sa venue.Un nouveau et étrange prétendant serait sur la piste Kaka ! Ce dernier devrait bouger du Real Madrid au mercato estival, son temps de jeu étant très réduit depuis son retour de blessure début janvier. Si de

  Bottes Gucci nombreuses équipes anglaises ainsi que le Milan AC seraient à l'aff?t pour récupérer le ballon d'or 2007, une formation espagnole pourrait faire son apparition dans la course au Brésilien. Selon la radio ibérique Cadena Ser, le club de Getafe serait très intéressé à l'idée de recruter le joueur, arrivé en Espagne en 2009 pour la somme de 67 millions d'euros.
  Chaussures Gucci LoisirMalgré les bonnes relations qui existent entre le Real et son voisin Getafe, difficile de croire que ce modeste club de la banlieue sud de Madrid puisse attirer un joueur du calibre de Kaka. Malgré une étonnante place de 6e de Liga en 2009-2010, les Bleus marines sont actuellement dans le ventre mou
  Mocassins Guccide la Liga (11e). Le Rubin Kazan a bien tenté sa chance, alors..

14.03.2011. u 08:07 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 12.03.2011.

Une enquête Sangqi explosion médiatique du viol est la demanderesse dans ami policier en Suède

Fuite site ?Wikileaks" l'avocat, fondateur de E Sangqi

  Mocassins Gucci10, révélé à la presse qui est chargé d'enquêter sur des violations présumées de A Sangqi le cas d'une femme officier de police de l'affaire, la relation personnelle du demandeur entre amis."Si cela est vrai, alors nous devons examiner l'objectivité de la justice de l'affaire, l'examen des cas
  Chaussures Gucci Loisirbien-fondé," Un Sangqi Hu Biao avocats en défense Teague dit."La Suède lettres" 10, rapporte que le viol E Sangqi investigation des cas et des preuves de collecte pour le demandeur est responsable de ces agents de police féminins aussi t?t que ao?t 2010 avant de déposer le cas avec un demandeur satisfaites et maintenues
  Chaussures Guccipendant au moins deux année de mise en réseau. Cependant, le journal n'a pas divulgué les noms des officiers de police féminins.Mais les avocats de la demanderesse a répliqué que Trent carats Rees Oxbow, "suédois Express" Il ya beaucoup de faux rapports liés à l'endroit. Il a dit, "Ce sont des problèmes insignifiants, n'affectera pas le déroulement de l'affaire."à cet égard, Hu Biao En Teague a dit qu'il essayait de confirmer
  Chaussures de Ville l'authenticité de ce rapport. Si le rapport est vrai, un Sangqi pour interrogatoire est clairement inappropriée. Cette affaire n'a pas été dès le début de clore une enquête, peut-être besoin de trier tous les faits. Il a également demandé que les liens entre les agents de police et de l'information du demandeur, y compris l'enregistrement des conversations téléphoniques et des messages texte."S'il s
  Bottes Gucciavère relation personnelle entre eux existe, alors aucune raison pour que les policiers continuent à participer à l'affaire, et il doit être avant le réexamen et la collecte de preuves pour renverser", at-Biao En Teague dit.Selon "l'Express suédois, a déclaré l'officier de police femme masque réseau (Facebook) sur les commentaires négatifs sur le Sangqi A et de la solidarité avec deux de l'avocat du plaignant. Ao?t 2010, les policiers dGucci Hommesoivent se rendre compte que les deux plaignants dans une de ses connaissances. Mais elle n'a pas éviter les soup?ons, mais pour rejoindre l'affaire sous examen.

12.03.2011. u 09:21 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

petak, 11.03.2011.

Colombie-fille de 11 ans, un QI de plus de 162 Einstein et Stephen Hawking.

International Online Zhuangao: Selon ?Daily Mail? Gucci Hommesa rapporté le 10 Mars, 11 ans, fillette britannique QI de 162, plus de physicien Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking et le fondateur de Microsoft Bill Gates. La jeune fille même si elle était encore

  Bottes Guccià l'école primaire, 5 collèges, mais a re?u une bourse d'études.La fille du nom de Victoria, test dimensions, vivant dans la ville de Wolverhampton en Angleterre centrale. Bien que seulement 11 ans, mais son QI est
  Chaussures de Ville plus qu'un grand scientifique Albert Einstein, Hawking, grand metteur en scène Quentin Tarantino, et le milliardaire Bill Gates, qui a le QI est de 160. Son QI est supérieur à l'ancien gouverneur de la Californie Arnold Schwarzenegger (135), U. S. secrétaire d'Etat Hillary Clinton (140), l'ancien président américain Bill Clinton (135) et l'actrice hollywoodienne Nicole Kidman (132).Test test d'entrée par Victoria en
  Chaussures Gucci Loisir Janvier à devenir la première au monde en matière de renseignement membres du club "Mensa" club. "Mensa" est d'être sage de construire un super club, il a plus de 10 millions de membres dans 100 pays à travers le monde.Test dimension a re?u Wolverhampton
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11.03.2011. u 09:17 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

èetvrtak, 10.03.2011.

Schalke qualifié

Après un match nul à l'aller en Espagne (1-1), Bouts Rondsles deux formations avaient une chance de se qualifier au retour à Gelsenkirchen. Mais c'est l'expérience des coéquipiers de Raul qui aura eu raison de la vista des Valencians. Le match démarrait sur un bon pressing de Schalke 04 devant son public. Mais rapidement, les Espagnols remettaient le pied sur le ballon, et le faisaient bienEscarpins Yves Saint Laurent mieux circuler. Sur un corner joué à terre par Joaquin, Mathieu croisait son tir du gauche, qui manquait de peu le cadre (9e). Sur l'occasion suivante, Valence ouvrait le score grace à Ricardo Costa, suite à un centre parfait de Topal (0-1, 17e). Les hommes de Felix Magath étaient alors obligés de réagir. Raul pla?ait un bon coup de tête, sans parvenir à égaliser (19e). Plus présent dans le jeu, Farfan profitait d'un coup franc bien placé aux 20 Double Plate-Formesmètres pour enrouler son ballon, et trouver la lucarne de Guaita (1-1, 40e). Un score plut?t flatteur pour les locaux à la pause.Le début de seconde période était bien plus favorable aux joueurs de Schalke 04, qui allaient même reprendre l'avantage. Sur un nouveau centre, la faiblesse Guaita profitait à Gavranovic qui marquait après avoir touché les deux poteaux (2-1, 53e). Menés au score, les Espagnols réagissaient rapidement. Mais laYves Saint Laurent Homme maladresse d'Aduriz, par deux fois, empêchait sa formation de marquer le deuxième but (57e et 59e). Tout juste entré en jeu, Tino Costa ratait lui aussi le cadre à bout portant sur un centre de Soldado (72e). En laissant des espaces, les Espagnols permettaient à Gavranovic de se retrouver en bonne position de tir, mais celui-ci trouvait le poteau de Guaita (81e). Peu après, l'attaquant tentait un lob astucieux qui rebondissait cette fois sur la barre (91e). A force de Yves Saint Laurent Sandalesse créer des occasions, les Allemands finissaient par tuer le match par Farfan, parti seul au but (3-1, 91e). Une qualification pleine de

10.03.2011. u 09:03 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 09.03.2011.

British think-tank says China's military development is quick but just military superpower

The web xinhua zhu surplus library reported,Christian Louboutin Boots AFP on March 8 report, British think-tank London international strategic research institute on March 8 issued its annual world military latest development report. Report shows that although China is rapidly expanding its military power, but it is still a "focus on the district affairs of regional powers".The think-tank in this entitled "the 2011 military balanceChristian Louboutin Sandals" annual report, says that although recent global financial crisis brought some effect, but China's defense budget in 2010 remain 7.5 per cent growth, a growth rate than most countries are high. Such a high growth "will continue to attract attention."However, the report says, that is the main focus of Chinese military still within area, its concerns in the Taiwan straits, and east and south China sea dispute. "Overall, China Yves Saint Laurent Shoesstill focused on district affairs area military powers in its 2010. This a series of military exercise, construction engineering and equipment purchase can figure it out."The report also notes, China began "tentatively in their broader in the field of action, prompting other world military powers are alert attention to China. As China announced last Friday in 2011 the defense budget will with 12.7 double-digit growth in China and the outside world attention immediatelyJimmy Choo Shoes greatly enhanced.

09.03.2011. u 08:40 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 08.03.2011.

International credit rating agencies another drop Greek sovereign credit rating

Xinhuanet Athens, March 7 report (reporter LiangYeQian)Yves Saint Laurent Shoes international credit rating moody's investors service 7 of Greek sovereignty credit rating from Ba1 drop to B1, prospects for negative. The Greek government expressed strong criticism.Moody's, says Jimmy Choo Shoesthe agency is according to the Greek government in 2010 to cope with debt crisis implementation plan of the stable growth progress made this decision. Although the Greek government made some progress, but the Greek government in consolidating financial, promoting Christian Louboutin Shoestightening and structural reform faces great difficulty, the current reform progress enough to show the Greek government can avoid debt restructuring. The Greek government may not be able to get the Christian Louboutin Sandalseu and the international monetary fund further financial support.Greek Treasury day, said in a statement that moody no objective fairly of Greek facing the situation assessment, and therefore moody another drop Greek sovereign credit rating is unjust. This explains again the internationalChristian Louboutin Pumps community needs to create better ratings agencies urgency.Since the end of 2009 newly-liberated Greece serious debt crisis, in the international financial market financing costs soaring. In order to help get into serious sovereignty debt crisis of Greece, the European Union and the international monetary fund 2010 May decide to Greece provide 11 billion euro loan rescue. The financial support to 2013 end.Christian Louboutin Boots

08.03.2011. u 09:23 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 07.03.2011.

U.S. warships oligomerization Mediterranean does not exclude the five military involvement in Libya

The situation has deteriorated with Libya, yad LiBingMoMa, Christian Louboutin Bootsunceasingly to the United States waters around, so far have Danube five U.S. warships gathered in the Mediterranean, Obama's President says beauty is considering include military intervention, "all options", and of great potential of the coming events cast their shadows before. But, Libya will become second Iraq?Christian Louboutin NewsAt present in the United States is still in whether to Libya military intervention debate. Support and dissenting voices are not small, including defense secretary Robert gates, military adopting a cautious. G: at the present, beauty will not take massive military action to Libya. Main reasons are five:First, the current policy is the preferred spelling economic, diplomatic global strategic still in the asia-pacific, although the Middle Christian Louboutin PumpsEast appear mess, but cannot alter beauty strategic situation. In the Middle East, beauty is in the current focus on steady basis for the pro-democracy, rather than waging war.Second, military, beauty flawless open after Afghanistan, Iraq after the "third battlefield". The current beauty is Mired in Iraq and Afghanistan, both investment company commanders battlefield castor 150,000, war funding has exceeded $1 trillion, beauty will not again in the large-scale military action. Besides the vast territory (land area around 176 square kilometers), Iraq is 4 times (about 44 million square kilometers),Christian Louboutin Sandals Afghanistan's nearly three times (about 65 million square kilometers). Territory so big, need many military deployment, even set up no-fly zones, also very difficult. U.S. defense secretary Robert gates also pointed out that the scale of countries like, a no-fly zones will need many aircraft.Third, Libya's Arabia - Christian Louboutin Shoesislamic nation identity goal and beauty. Long-term since, beauty in Arab countries garrison or for Arab countries typified always sensitive, often also by al qaeda use to anti-american. When U.S. troops to Iraq typified Saudi Arabia and twice caused not only Arab governments under huge pressure from the citizen, also make the beauty and the Arab world relations deteriorating, become "" al-qaeda manufacturing the sept. Jimmy Choo Shoes11 attacks and in the global beauty launched" jihad "main cleopatra. Therefore, Obama shortly after taking office in Cairo speeches, vowed to improve America and the islamic world relations, as soon as the end of the war in Iraq, public commitment in its watch won't again to islamic country to declare war. Now military intervention Libya, actually public break his promise, not only undermines its credibility, will also impact beauty and islamic countries relations.Yves Saint Laurent Shoes

07.03.2011. u 08:28 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 05.03.2011.

South Korea intends to jointly invested in Brazil rare metal giant ensure their supplies

The web reporter WangHuan kyodo Christian Louboutin Bottesnews agency reported on March 3, news, Japan and South Korea steel producer, invested and governments are considering common to Brazil rare metal mining company - Brazil, vol.39 company (CBMM) becoming shareholders 15 percent, at present this plan has entered the final adjustment stage.Report says, because China, India and other emerging market countries Christian Louboutin Sandalessteel requirement increasingly, including the two governments and private hope that through cooperation to ensure the steel needed for production of the precious metal stable supply. Japan is expected to CanZi about 1 billion to $8 billion yen ($RMB),Jimmy Choo La Cheville Bottes han2 fang is 500 billion yen.Specific CanZi have new Japan iron and steel, JFE ShuangRi, independent administrative legal person "oil and gas and metal mineral resource agencies" (JOGMEC) and in the south Korean steel magnate POSCO (POSCO) and national pension GongTuan will also participate. When the parties will sign a contract CBMM relevant personage obtained from stock.CBMM has produced rare metal niobiumJimmy Choo Sandales(Nb) of mines and refining plant. Future japan-korea enterprise can obtain according to the proportion of investment CBMM production. NiobiumReports analysis thinks, niobium in production vehicles by steel and pipe with steel pipes etc indispensable, outside the enterprise may be concerns japan-korea with the world'sManolo Blahnik Pompes largest steel producer - China's steelmakers between competition and competition will be increasingly fierce.

05.03.2011. u 08:13 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

petak, 04.03.2011.

The United Nations says belarus did not violate arms embargo

Xinhua UN 2 to belarus, admit formally apologize before about belarus Christian Louboutin Bottesin violation of international arms embargo, carrying the armed helicopter to the ivory coast that untrue.Lack of substantial evidenceU.n. secretary-general ban ki-moon 28 February Christian Louboutin D'orsaythe nikkei said in a statement published by the spokesman, "according to the report," belarus to ivory coast's los RON his interests delivery 3 attack helicopters.2, the United Nations recognized the relevant belarus to his interests, the phrase "delivered the armed helicopter untenable, lacking" substantial evidence ".Christian Louboutin Mary JanesThe u.n. peacekeeping affairs's deputy secretary Alan le Roy 2 day morning meeting with belarus a senior diplomats, bug report to damage to belarus "deep regret and government to extend apologies". Le Roy said. He is wrong, has ordered is responsible for error report the investigation.By Christian Louboutin Sandalesle Roy out belarus excuse, a face because of his high enough level, Second, because he competent peacekeeping affairs. This time incorrect news, from the u.n. ambassador to secco action group.However, le Roy has not publicly unmik sources identity. Previously, sources said unmik sanctions experts in obtaining source as notification, returned to the United Nations headquarters report. Reuters says, unmik sanctionsJimmy Choo La Cheville Bottes expert sources "is the United States".Not mention his interests campsThe United Nations has criticised statement accusing object for belarus and his interests, not even allude to apologize when faction his interests camps. AFP interpretation, the United Nations has not ruled out his interests faction violates the possibility of arms embargo import weapons.Until 2, some officials within the United Nations still to an unmik primitive source saidManolo Blahnik Bottes trust that news is correct, but news release time slightly early, earlier than "helicopter landing, prompting" check WuShiJu ".On February 28, unmik sanctions experts by minibus to YaMuSuKeLuo airport, trying to find the evidence, delivery helicopter but met his interests faction militants intercepted sniper, eventually failed to enter the airport.sfdfdfdsf

04.03.2011. u 09:00 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

èetvrtak, 03.03.2011.

Britain's defence minister strategic nuclear forces. Against cuts

[according to UK Manolo Blahnik Shoesgovernment news 2011 March reports] British defense secretary Fox says if Britain must continue to maintain nuclear deterrent, then it is not likely to reduce the number of strategic nuclear submarine trident.He said the current technology need to retain all four ship strategic nuclear submarine. The British navy currently in four ship "progressing" class strategic] and equipped with 58 commemorativeJimmy Choo Shoesnuclear ballistic missiles, about 200 nuclear warheads according to. He aimed at the existing four craft reduced to 3 ship made a comment. Britain want to maintain the Marine nuclear deterrent, this means that need to have equipped with nuclear missile submarines to remain in the Atlantic waters patrol. But fleet is currently aging, 2005 Labour government promised to build four ship new submarines, valued at Christian Louboutin Shoesapproximately 200 billion pounds. And former prime minister Gordon brown said 2009 will be shed strategic nuclear submarine quantity, from four ship is reduced to three ships, in order to save money and contribute to global arms reduction. In 2010 summer, ministry of defence Fox had also said that as long as the does not affect the British defense force, also can appropriately reducing nuclear capabilities.But the ministry of defence in accepting a BBC when interviewed, Christian Louboutin Pumpssaid after assessment, British still need four ship strategic nuclear submarine. If cuts in Britain, will increase the risk of continuous deployment of nuclear power. The government said it will reduce nuclear stockpiles, a new generation of nuclear warheads will reduce the number of equipment. And the development of new generation nuclear submarine was postponed until 2016. But heChristian Louboutin Boots says in another country in developing nuclear weapons, while Britain need maintain independent nuclear deterrent. Because "north Korea such countries are trying to develop nuclear weapons, thus Britain also cannot use future national security to the risk."

03.03.2011. u 09:26 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 02.03.2011.

Four Chinese participated in San Francisco mayor campaign

San Francisco parliament AIR MAX Terra Nietyspeaker QiuXin chinese-american blessing on February 28 officially announced will attend this November in San Francisco, the mayoral race, thus making the mayor of competition in Chinese candidate increased to 4 bits.QiuXinFu in speech special thank parents of earnestly teachings, "my parents are immigrants, they support for my brother and I sacrifice all, both of us today to obtain AIR MAX BWthese opportunities. They let me deeply understand the give and service meaning." QiuXinFu says if elected, he will take measures to solve huge deficits and high unemployment problems.The 41-year-old QiuXinFu is second-generation chinese-american immigrants, with harvard law doctoral degree. He initially in San Francisco community service organization hold leading in 2008, was elected in San Francisco, senator, 2009 elected city council speaker,AIR MAX 92 be regarded as San Francisco Chinese politics star.QiuXinFu is the California senator YuYin nanliang, San Francisco, real estate appraisal officer butyl right made and San Francisco municipal university teachers, after PengDeHui position 4 compete for San Francisco mayor throne of chinese-american candidate. There are currently 31 candidate announced his candidacy this position. The election will begin in early November, the new mayor held office next January.San Francisco LiMengXian is one of the city's current mayor 160 years history, but also the first chinese-americanAIR MAX 360 mayor first Asian city mayor. Although, 58, already said it would not LiMengXian re-election, but he was obviously greatly stimulated the local Chinese political enthusiasm. By 2010, Chinese participation become bright one scene. Zhao beautiful heart, WuZhenWei re-election in the U.S. house of representatives, California, New York has more Chinese at the state level parliament or important post office, GuanLiZhen elected west Auckland mayor metropolis... My American journey chinese-american wang gang, said his life in the United States for nearly 20 years, Chinese status of China have experience AIR MAX 2009greatly, "from the original play HeiGong, to run their own shops, again to participate in the election, Chinese begin to turn do master".According to the data, 2009 across the Chinese number exceeds 363 million accounting of the U.S. population 1.2%, is America's biggest Asian community. Analytic personage points out, chinese-american neighborhoods, Chinese voters votes have been made possible the election results about one of the key factors. In addition the improvement of China's international influence for Chinese participation provides strong backing.AIR MAX 180

02.03.2011. u 08:18 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 01.03.2011.

Preach New Zealand two weeks will have more earthquake overseas Chinese returned asylum

Living in Christchurch 3 million overseasChristian Louboutin Boots Chinese in quake disastrous. Due to the present, and more aftershocks has reportedly within two weeks will have more massive earthquake, so many overseas Chinese choose temporarily return asylum.To facilitate the majority returned overseas Chinese, Chinese embassy in New Zealand embassy emergency opening temporary Christian Louboutin Newsconsular service. The civilian act also got masses of overseas Chinese local enthusiasm of praise.Christchurch city Chinese association OuYangYu introduces to the reporter, said the Chinese living in New Zealand 70% is engaged in the service industry, earthquake to bring you the obvious effect. In Christchurch operation much home restaurant, I OuYangYu in quake suffered serious financial losses. His restaurant is located in the worst-hit city, two cars were also collapsed buildings smashed up.After an earthquake 1 weeks,Christian Louboutin Sandals Christchurch aftershocks continuing. Reporters yesterday obviously felt have 10 times more aftershocks, especially evening aftershocks more. Local rumours that two weeks still can have a devastating earthquake, so many overseas Chinese decided to bring children temporarily return asylum.Considering the overseas Chinese are the actual needs of Chinese embassy in New Zealand XuJianGuo demanded an immediate ambassador in Christchurch open temporary consular service. The overseas Chinese returned before here for visa, must go to the Auckland system, the program isJimmy Choo Shoes very complex.Now, LingShiBu director of the Chinese embassy JiangDianChang personally came to disaster areas provide consular service. Every consular service time is 12 hours.Yesterday, reporters at the Chinese embassy seismic command center saw, due to the embassy personnel shortages, ginger consular wife also personally stood up, go through formalities for overseas Chinese. According to information, yesterday is a temporary consular service opened the first day, ginger consul for more than 30 overseas Chinese in total provides visa services.Yves Saint Laurent Shoes He told the reporter, because consular service has just begun, believe the next few days will have more overseas Chinese come.

01.03.2011. u 08:11 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

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