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by MeNTaLkA :)

Opis bloga

Pozadina je posvecena zuli i meni...hahahaha

Zivot je avantura!
Samo jednom se zivi!
Onaj tko ljubi ima sve!

BOJA OCI: smede (zeleno)
BOJAKOSE:crvena (sa crnim pramenovima)
DATUM RODENJA: Halloween (31.10.)
NAJGRUPE: Nightwish, Metallica, Iron Maiden, Rammstein, Hammerfall, Heloween, Nirvana, die Ärtzte, Silbermond....
POSEBNI LJUDI:Dudo, Oliva, seka Sarah, Sime....
NAJDRZAVE: Hrvatska, Njemacka, Irska, Finska
NAJBOJE: crna, crvena, zelena(maslinasto)

MSN - black-daisy@net.hr
ljudi ako vas nes muci ili samo zelite pricat javite se na ovaj msn.... skoro sam uvijek online..... jedino ako nisam doma....

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blog trazilica i direktoriji...

Moj stup u Oluji
ome.... ljubav moja....
izgoretina moa....
prugasta pippica.... lol...
Velika (Adalia)
ma, velika moa.... uvik zna kad treba svratiti....
ako volite posteve "drugacije vrste" ovo morate obavezno citati...
nemam rijeci, procitajte pa zakljucite sami...

Linkovi ce se pomalo mijenjat, dok ne prode opasnost.... Nesto vreba iz mraka, a svi znate da ne volim mrak...

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"The Dirty Glass"

Murphy, Murphy, darling dear
I long for you now night and day
Your pain was my pleasure, your sorrow my joy
I feel now I've lost you to health and good cheer

Darcy, when I met you I was five years too young
A boy beyond his age, or so I'd tell someone
Anyone who'd listen and a few who couldn't care
Still I welcomed you with open arms, my love I did share

Darcy, Darcy darling dear,
You left me dying, crying there
In whiskey, gin, and pints of beer
I fell for you my darling dear

You shut me off and you showed me the door
But you always came crawling back begging me for more
I showed you kindness, a stool, and a tab
Then you poured me my pain in a dirty glass
(Yeah, you left him bloody, battered, penniless, and poor)
You know, I often stopped and wondered how you made it through my door
With my brother's new non-duplicate registry ID
Well you bit off more than you could chew the first day you met me.


You weren't the first to court me mister you won't be the last
Oh, I'm sure I wasn't honey, I know all about your past
Listen to the big shot with his pager on call
You spent most of those nights in my bathroom stall
(Yeah, you got him high, but you left him low)
Mind your own business, boy, how was I to know
That he was just a fiend and a no-good cheat
Well it's all in the past bitch 'cause now I've got it beat.

[Chorus x4]

My dear, my dear
Darcy, Darcy my darling dear.

"Boys On The Docks"

[Dedicated to the memory of John Kelly]

Say hey Johnny boy, the battle call.
United we stand, divided we fall.
Together we are what we can't be alone,
We came to this country, you made it our home.

This man so humble, this man so brave.
A legend to many, he fought to his grave.
Saved family and friends from the hardship and horror,
in a land of depression he gave hope for tomorrow.

Say Johnny me boy, this ones for you.
With the strength of many and the courage of few.
To what do we owe this man who's fight
was for the masses, he gave his life.

Say hey Johnny boy, the battle call
United we stand, divided we fall.
Together we are what we can't be alone,
We came to this country, you made it our home.

A friend to the locals who dabbled in crime.
He'd give you a job and he'd give you his time.
He wasn't a crook, but he couldn't be conned.
John knew the difference between right and wrong.

Say Johnny me boy, you live no longer,
Others forgotten, your memory's stronger.
Lets drink to the causes in your life:
Your family, your friends, the union, your wife.

Say hey Johnny boy, the battle call.
United we stand, divided we fall.
Together we are what we can't be alone.
We came to this country, you made it our home.

And the boys on the docks needed John for sure.
When they came to this country he opened the door.
He said "Man I'll tell ya, they don't like our kind.
Though it starts with a fist it must end with your mind."

Say hey Johnny boy, the battle call.
United we stand, divided we fall.
Together we are what we can't be alone.
We came to this country you made it our home.

"Never Alone"

You say its because we're boisterous
You hate us 'cause we got our dignity
There's a difference between the two of us
It's a sense of morality and what corrupts
We stand together so proud and strong
This is a place where we belong

We got loyal friends
We keep our heads held high,
We'll stick together you and I
Don't need no guns or no drugs on our streets
just a place to go and the boots on our feet.

Young skinhead they call you hooligan
Just because you don't make any sense to them
You're a hardworking man whose paid his dues
But they still call you racist on the evening news
But the blood that runs right down your wrist
Don't come from a knife, but the cuts on your fist

Your torn up knuckles and faded blue jeans
Are the colors you wear and the life that you've seen
You tell the truth look people in the eye
Don't live your life in no baggy disguise.

Never alone...
The city streets are where we roam.
Never alone...
This is Boston it's our home.
Never alone...
The city streets are where we roam.
Never alone...
This is Boston it's our home.

Don't need no gang to watch my ass
Just loyal friendship and a pint of Bass
In the midst of the chaos and insanity
I'm a member of the working class society
We'll sweat in the ring and bleed in the streets
But our will and spirit can never be beat

You can shoot and you can kick but together we'll stick
Through thick and thin not stick or stone
Can break the bond that has here grown
Arm and Arm We Fight As One.

Never alone...
The city streets are where we roam.
Never alone...
This is Boston it's our home.
Never alone...
The city streets are where we roam.
Never alone...
This is Boston it's our home.

"Walk Away"

So you say you fell in love
And you're gonna get married
Raise yourself a family
How simple life can be
Somewhere it all went wrong
And your plan just fell apart
And you aint got the heart
to finish what you started

Yeah you fell in love
And you went and got married
Had yourself a family
How simple life can be
Somewhere it all went wrong
And your plan just fell apart
And you aint got the heart
to finish what you started

The ones that you loved
The ones that you left behind
The ones you said you'd try to find
Are they tryin' to find you?

Somewhere it all went wrong
And your plan just fell apart
And you ain't got the heart
to finish what you started
You walked out that door
To find out where you belong
To fulfill your own selfish dreams
I think you might have forgotten

The ones that you loved
The ones that you left behind
The ones you said you'd try to find
Are they tryin' to find you?

"Worker's Song"

Yeh, this one's for the workers who toil night and day
By hand and by brain to earn your pay
Who for centuries long past for no more than your bread
Have bled for your countries and counted your dead

In the factories and mills, in the shipyards and mines
We've often been told to keep up with the times
For our skills are not needed, they've streamlined the job
And with sliderule and stopwatch our pride they have robbed

We're the first ones to starve, we're the first ones to die
The first ones in line for that pie-in-the-sky
And we're always the last when the cream is shared out
For the worker is working when the fat cat's about

And when the sky darkens and the prospect is war
Who's given a gun and then pushed to the fore
And expected to die for the land of our birth
Though we've never owned one lousy handful of earth?

[Chorus x3]

All of these things the worker has done
From tilling the fields to carrying the gun
We've been yoked to the plough since time first began
And always expected to carry the can


I wish I had an angel
For one moment of love
I wish I had your angel
Your Virgin Mary undone
I'm in love with my lust
Burning angelwings to dust
I wish I had your angel tonight

Deep into a dying day
I took a step outside an innocent heart
Prepare to hate me fall when I may
This night will hurt you like never before

Old loves they die hard
Old lies they die harder

I wish...

I'm going down so frail 'n cruel
Drunken disguise changes all the rules

Old loves...

I Wish...

Greatest thrill
Not to kill
But to have the prize of the night
Wannabe friend
13th disciple who betrayed me for nothing!

Last dance, first kiss
Your touch my bliss
Beauty always comes with dark thoughts

I wish...


This is me for forever
One of the lost ones
The one without a name
Without an honest heart as compass

This is me for forever
One without a name
These lines the last endeavor
To find the missing lifeline

Oh how I wish
For soothing rain
All I wish is to dream again
My loving heart
Lost in the dark
For hope I`d give my everything
Oh how I wish
For soothing rain
Oh how I wish to dream again
Once and for all
And all for once
Nemo my name forevermore

My flower, withered between
The pages 2 and 3
The once and forever bloom gone with my sins

Walk the dark path
Sleep with angels
Call the past for help
Touch me with your love
And reveal to me my true name

Oh, how I wish...

Nemo sailing home
Nemo letting go

Oh, how i wish...


It is the end of all hope
To lose the child, the faith
To end all the innocence
To be someone like me
This is the birth of all hope
To have what I once had
This life unforgiven
It will end with a birth

No will to wake for this morn
To see another black rose born
Deathbed is slowly covered with snow

Angels, they fell first but I'm still here
Alone as they are drawing near
In heaven my masterpiece will finally be sung

Wounded is the deer that leaps highest
And my wound it cuts so deep
Turn off the light and let me pull the plug

Mandylion without a face
Deathwish without a prayer
End of hope
End of love
End of time
The rest is silence

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Safely away from the world
In a dream, timeless domain
A child, dreamy eyed,
Mother's mirror, father's pride

I wish I could come back to you
Once again feel the rain
Falling inside me
Cleaning all that I've become

My home is far but the rest it lies so close
With my long lost love under the black rose
You told I had the eyes of a wolf
Search them and find the beauty of the beast

All of my songs can only be composed of the greatest of pains
Every single verse can only be born of the greatest of wishes
I wish I had one more night to live

A saint blessed me, drank me deeply
Spitting out the misery in me
Still a sinner rapes 1000 saints
Sharing the same hell with me

Sanest choice in the insane world:
Beware the beast but enjoy the feast he offers

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Heartborne, 7th Seeker
In me the Wishmaster


A dreamy-eyed child staring into night
On a journey to storyteller`s mind
Whispers a wish speaks with the stars the words are silent in him
Distant sigh from a lonely heart
"I`ll be with you soon, my Shalafi"
Grey Havens my destiny



Sla-Mori the one known only by Him
To august realms, the sorcery within
If you hear the call of arcane lore,
Your world shall rest on Earth no more
A maiden elf calling with her cunning song
"Meet me at the Inn of Last Home"
Heartborne will find the way!


Crusade for Your will
A child, dreamfinder
The Apprentice becoming...



I want to see where the sirens sing
Hear how the wolves howl
Sail the dead calm waters of the Pacific

Dance in the fields of coral
Be blinded by the white
Discover the deepest jungle

I want to find The Secret Path
A bird delivered into my heart, so

It`s not the end
Not the kingdom come
It is the journey that matters, the distant wanderer
Call of the wild
In me forever and ever and ever forever

I want to love by the Blue Lagoon
Kiss under the waning moon
Straying, claiming my place in this mortal coil

Riding the dolphins
Asking the mountains
Dreaming Alaska
The Earth can have but Earth

I want to find...

It`s not the end...

Drown into my eyes and see the wanderer
See the mirrors of a wolf behold the pathfinder

subota, 31.03.2007.

Hvalospjev za dvoje klipana

Necete mi virovati ali postoje dva klipana koje me vole.... Dobro, ovo je vjerojatno dosta neobican pocetak za post, ali morala sam ovo reci... Prije 5 minuta sam pricala sa Zulom i obecala joj da cu pisati novi post, da bi ona imala sto citati....
Moja obicna zanimacije subotom u ovo vrijeme je gledati tv, ali moji dosadni starci okupiraju kauc i gledaju neki dosadni film... Tako da meni jedino ostaje da zu agresivne i depresivne zvukove (ili rifove) Maidena, evanescense-a, nightwisha i kompanije pisem ovaj post....
Ljudi ne znam ssto da vam govorim... Imam nekako ludi predosjecaj da ce ovi praznici biti ful ludi... a da ne ljetni nece biti gori.... Zulkaca i ja marljivo planiramo.... he, he, he bit ce tu svasta....
Evo da vam za kraj da jos jedan vise ili manje pametan izljev mojih misli:
Cijeli svijet mi se cini kao da je samo iluzija. Losa holografija koja se polako rusi. Mozda se to meni cini jer odrastem i zapravo se ne rusi svijet nego se mjenjaju moja stajlista. Ne znam, zbunjena sam!Jednom bilo je sve savrseno. Imala sam odlicne ocjene u skoli, imala sam decka, znala sam sto zelim, tko sam i sto sam i znala sam koje ljudi me vole a koje ne. No, sad je sve nekako drukcije. Sad mi je savrseno kad mogu profesore ili druge odrasle naljutiti. Ocjene su mi popsli u k.............. Radije idem s prijateljicama van nego da jednu mimutu ostajem doma. Doma idem samo jer tamo imam mjesto za spavanje, jer tamo bezplatno dobivam hranu i zato sto su mi tamo knjige. Ja obozavam citati! Imam osjecaj da me moji roditelji uopce ne poznaju (to me zapravo ne smeta).
Ni prijatelji nisu ono sto su jednom bili. Jedino sto me sacuva da ne poludim, su moji dva klipana koje me vole! Oni su jos uvijek isti. Ludi, neobicni, legendarni, jednostavno neopisivi. Prijatelji su kao zvijezde, nekad ih nevidis, ali znas da su uvijek tu. Svaki put kad mislim daleko pobjeci od civilizacije opet zavrsim kod tih klipana. Bas neobicno, ali ti klipani mogu pomoci u svakoj situaciji. No, jos je vise tajanstveno da oni ne trebaju nista drugo ciniti nego postjati da bi mi pomogli.
ZIVJELO PRIJATELJSTVO, ljubav i moji klipani!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S: Zulkaco: Da sutra umrem, nebi zalila, jer ja sam ljubav zivota imala.... Kuzis me jelda?

Hug for all you!

- 20:57 - komentiraj... (2) - printaj - reFrEsh..

četvrtak, 29.03.2007.


Uskoro stizu uskrsni praznici..... I ekskurzija.... Ja sam vjerojatno jedina nenormalna osoba koje se ne veseli tome, zapravo nije da se ne veselim, ali ono.... Idemo u Umag.... Jucer sam isplanirala sto cu raditi preko praznika (dok ne budem na ekskurziji) jer sam primjetila da cu biti prilicno usamljena.... Ne tuzim se na nikaoga, nek se nitko ne nade uvrijedenim.... Isplanirala sam tako da ce mi biti prilicno zanimljivo....
Ostalo nema bas nesto puno novosti... Nigdje mi ne cvijetaju bas ruze, ni u skoli, ni doma.... Ali jebiga, navikla sam se....
Moram vam ovaj tekst objaviti.... Nekako sam poludila za tekstovima.... Ah i jos ta simbolika..... Hhhhmmmm.....

Let3 - (Bombardiranje Srbije i Čačka, 2005) -

Riječke pičke

Podravina, Posavina, Banat, Bačka, Srijem
Panonija, Slavonija, Pelagonija
Pomoravlje, Povardarje, Podunavlje, Posavlje
Kordun, Lika, Boka, Vranje
Gorenjsko, Dolenjsko

Šumadija, Dalmacija, Istra, Kosovo
Međimurje, Prekomurje, Bosna, Zagorje
Herceg Bosna, Potisje, Negotinska Krajina
Štajerska, Koruška, Kvarner, Sandžak

Nigdje takvog grada nisam vidio
Nigdje takvog grada nema

Riječke najbolje su čke, čke
Vole svoje dečke
I daju meni pičke
pičke , čke

Šumadija, Dalmacija, Istra, Kosovo
Međimurje, Prekomurje, Bosna, Zagorje
Herceg Bosna, Potisje, Negotinska Krajina
Štajerska, Koruška, Kvarner, Sandžak

Riječke najbolje su čke, čke
Vole svoje dečke
I daju meni pičke
pičke , čke


Moja Rijeka je najljepši grad
U njoj vlada rokerski sklad
Gitaru svira i star i mlad
I dok na lukobranu galebovi klikću
Ja najviše štujem
Riječku pičku

Nigdje takvog grada nisam vidio
Nigdje takvog grada nema

Riječke najbolje su čke, čke ...

Toliko od mene.....
Ah skoro sam zaboravila jednu vaznu novost..... Nagovorila sam konacno roditelje da se smijem krstiti.... Zvuci ludo, ali cekajte da vam objasnim... Tata mi je hrvat i katolik, a mama njemica i luteranka, iako to znaci da su oba dvoje krscani nisu se mogli odluciti u koju cu ja skupinu pripadati..... Rekli su da cu ja to sama odluciti....... I odlucila sam se ja vec prije nekoliko mjeseci, ali niko me nije htio ozbiljno poslusati..... Toliko sam ih ispilala da mi je mama napokon rekla da ce mi ispuniti tu moju zelju.....


- 19:16 - komentiraj... (5) - printaj - reFrEsh..

utorak, 27.03.2007.

Mozes imat moje tijelo....

Zabranjeno Pušenje - (Fildžan viška, 1997) -
Možeš imat' moje tijelo

Gdje sam rođen tu je sve sirotinja
Vuk je u nas domaća životinja
Škrta zemlja nikoga ne hrani
Da preživiš moraš radit vani

Šljakao sam ja u tuđoj zemlji
Sanjao sam o voljenoj ženi
Sa arbajta kad bih doša doma
Gledao sam kako raste ona

Mislio sam sreću kupit novcem
Sredio sam stvar sa njenim ocem
Prenesoh je preko kućnog praga
Mislio sam da biće moja draga

Rekla mi je prvo veče, rekla mi je sve
Možeš imat moje tijelo, ali dušu ne

Samo tijelo ništa mi ne znači
Kraj banhofa takve mogu naći
Želio sam da me stvarno voli
Da joj ljubav nije aerobik

Kad je sa mnom da ne skriva pogled
Da ne gleda uvijek negdje pored
Zagrljeni kada zora sviće
Da budemo kao jedno biće

Rekla mi je prvo veče, rekla mi je sve
Možeš imat moje tijelo, ali dušu ne

Nije mogla dugo da zanese
U nas nije bilo graje djece
Sporo su nam prolazili dani
Za večeru kad bi sjeli sami

Razboli se, Bog je mladu uze
Pamtim vječno njene zadnje suze
I šaptaje :"Ti si čovjek vrijedan,
Ali život, život on je bijedan..."

Rekla mi je prvo veče, rekla mi je sve
Možeš imat moje tijelo, ali dušu ne

Ova me pisma nekako dirnula, ne znam..... Nekako mi je tekst super.... Bas depresivna....
Rado bih vam napisala jos nesto osobno, ali ovaj tekst je bas rekao sve.... Bilo bi glupo jos ista rec.....

- 19:55 - komentiraj... (4) - printaj - reFrEsh..

nedjelja, 25.03.2007.

Ah.... ta nedjelja....

Ah ta nedjelja.... Kako je dosadno.... Ali barem imam vremena napisati novi post.... Imala sam nastup u Zagrebu i tako puno treninga, a zadniji tjedan me ful bacio s noge..... SSSSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOORRRRRRYYYYYYYY...... Ali da vam kazem dobru vijest: jos samo dva tjedna i komp ce opet stat u dnevnom boravku....
Inace nema puno toga zanimljivog... Starci se stalno svadaju i tako to....
Poznata sam po tome da sam luda za literaturom, pa evo vam jedan simpatican tekst, koji bas odgovara mom raspolozenju....
Ivan Cvitanovic
Svi smo upuceni jedni na drugi

Kad u nicijem oku ne postojis, da li tada uopce jesi? Kad u nicijem srcu ne zivis, kojim koordinatama je moguce izmjeriti tvoje postojanje?Kad drugi tvoju slobodu ne potvrduju, kako mozes uopce ustanoviti da si slobodan? I sto ce ti sloboda koja ti u svoj mir ne uvlaci drugoga? I sto ce ti sloboda, koja se ne mjeri tudom slobodom? I sto ce ti drugi ako nemas prostora u svom srcu da ga tamo uselis?

Bas poucno, jelda?....
Ali sad se moram jos nesto napisati, neka kuzi tko kuzi.......

Obecala sam ti da se necu ubit,
I ziva sam....
Obecala sam ti da necu plakati,
I ne placem.....
Obecala sam samoj sebi da cu biti jaka,
I bit cu...
Samo jedno ne mozes ocekivati od meine.....

Veoma velika, veoma balva cmoketina svima......

P.S.: Zulkaco moja..... Tila ti ja komentirat blog, ali znas da moj kompjuter nije bas najbrzi.... Pliz nemoj se ljutiti.... Tebi njaveca, najnalavija cmokentina....

- 14:40 - komentiraj... (2) - printaj - reFrEsh..

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