1908 godina
siječanj / veljača 1908
1908 Januari - Februari Urfahr
Adolf Hitler stays in Urfahr.
veljača 1908
1908 Between February 14 and 17 Wien
Hitler arrives at Wien and rents a room at the Stumpergasse 31.
U veljači Hitler zauvijek napušta dom i odlazi u Beč. Bilo mu je nepunih 19 godina.
February 22 Wien
August Kubizek comes to Wien to study music. He lives with Adolf Hitler at the Stumpergasse 31.
travanj 1908
April 18 Wien
Adolf Hitler writes a letter to August Kubizek who is in Linz for the holidays.
lipanj 1908
June 1908 Wien
Adolf Hitler and August Kubizek watch a play of Richard Wagner at the Wiener Hofoper, called the Walküre.
srpanj 1908
July Wien
August Kubizek, Adolf Hitler's roommate and friend goes to serve in the army.
They will not see eachother again until Hitler is Reichskanzler of Germany.
vidi, za odnos Hitlera & Kubizeka (1905-1908), August Kubizek, Adolf Hitler,
mein Jugendfreund, Graz, 1953.
gore, naslovnica knjige Augusta Kubizeka (1888-1956), Hitlerova prijatelja između
studenog 1905. i srpnja 1908. godine;
gore, August Kubizek, prijatelj iz mladih dana Adolfa Hitlera;
kolovoz 1908
August Spital
Adolf Hitler visits his family in Spital (Paula Hitler and Angela Raubal), probably to get money.
studeni 1908
November Wien
Adolf Hitler leaves the room at the Stumpergasse and moves to the Felberstrasse 22, room 16.
izvori za period od 1889. do 1908. vidi, Maser, nav. dij., str. ?; Shirer,
nav. dij., str. 43-57; Erich Fromm, "Anatomija ljudske destruktivnosti 2",
Zagreb, 1980., str. 202-216; Kershaw, nav. dij., str. 1-49; Ron Rosenbaum,
Kako objasniti Hitlera, Velika Gorica, 2002. (razgovori & razmišljanja o
Hitlerovom podrijetlu, obitelji,fantazijama & mitovima)
gore, dvotomna biografija Adolfa Hitlera Iana Kershawa, Hitler, 1889-1936, oholost, Zagreb,
2000. & Hitler, 1936-1945, Nemesis (osveta), Beograd, 2004.
gore, Ian Kershaw (1943) brit. povjesničar, autor mnogih knjiga o Trećem Reichu i Hitleru;
gore, knjiga njemačkog povjesničara Wenera Masera, Hitler,mit, legenda i realnost, iz 1971. godine;
gore, Werner Maser (1922-2007), autor nekoliko važnih knjiga o Hitleru, nsdap & Trećem Reichu;
gore, naslovnica (cover) knjige Rona Rosenbauma, Kako objasniti Hitlera, Velika Gorica, 2002.
gore, Ron Rosenbaum (1946) novinar, pisac i autor knjige Kako objasniti Hitlera
gore, naslovnica knjige Adolf Hitler: His Family, Childhood, and Youth, prof. Bradley F. Smitha
gore, prof. Bradley F. Smith (1931)
kolovoz 1909
1909 August 20 Wien
Hitler leaves his room at the Felberstrasse.
August 21 - September 16 Wien
Hitler rents a room at the Sechshauserstrasse 58, second floor (1. Stock), door 2. Some say at room 21.
He leaves without having payed the rent.
rujan / studeni 1909
1909 September 16 - November Wien
According to nazi-history Hitler lives at Simon-Denk-Gasse 11. This is not true.
Officially it’s unknown where he was from September 16 until February 1910.
He might have slept on benches in a park or lived at the shelter at Humboldtgasse 36.
studeni / prosinac 1909
After November Wien
Hitler lives at the homeless shelter in Meidling, behind the Meidlinger Friedhof on the Kastanienallee.
prosinac 1909
14. prosinca 1909. godine Robert Blatchford (1851-1943), urednik Clariona,
u Daily Mailu napisao je, kako su "kralj Edward i njegovi savjetnici uložili sve svoje
napore da bi uspostavili antante s Rusijom i italijom, a već su oformili antantu s
Francuskom te također s Japanom. Zašto ? Da bi izolirali Njemačku."
Webster G. Tarpley, "Protiv oligarhije, Venecija & Britanci", Zagreb,
2007., str. 223;
J. A. Farrer, "England under Edward VII", London, 1992., str. 261,
1910 godina
veljača 1910
February 8 Wien
Hitler lives at the Männerheim in the Meldemannstrasse.
svibanj 1910
gore, pas Cezar & Eduard VII (9. novembar 1841) kralj Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva, koji je
umro 6. svibnja 1910.; njemački list Leipziger Neuste Nachrichten tada je objavio
"Dugi niz godina kralj Edward ispredao je, vrhunskom vještinom, otrovno
ruho kentaura Nesa koje je imalo uništiti njemačkog Herkula."
lipanj 1910
1910 June 21 Wien
Hitler leaves the Männerheim for 5 days. It’s unknown where he went.
1910 June 26 Wien
Hitler returns to the Männerheim on the Meldemannstrasse.
kolovoz 1910
August Wien
Reinhold Hanisch, who sold drawings for Hitler, goes to jail for seven days because
of a conflict about money with Hitler.
ožujak 1911
1911 March 29 Wien
Adolf Hitler’s aunt Johanna Pölzl dies in Spital. He inherits the large sum of
3800 Kronen. Adolf Hitler still lives in Vienna.
1911 March 29 Wien
Hitler appears before the court of the Bezirksgericht Wien-Leopoldstadt.
The 25 Kronen he receives as Waisenpension are not longer needed.
Hitler states he can provide for himself. The stories about his poverty
seems only to be true for the period before March 29.
1912 Wien
Hitler lives at the Männerheim on the Meldemannstrasse.
6. veljače 1912. u Munchenu rodila se Eva Braun.
gore, Eva Braun, drugo dijete Friedricha Fritza Brauna (1879-1964) školskog učitelja &
Franziske Fanny Kronberger (1885-1976)
gore, knjiga "Eva & Adolf" Glenna B. Infielda izašla u Zagrebu 1976. godine;
gore, knjiga "Izgubljeni život Eve Braun " Angele Lambert (1940-2007) izašla u Zagrebu u svibnju 2007.
gore, knjiga "Eva Braun, Život s Hitlerom" njemačke povjesničarke
Heike B. Gortemaker (1964) izašla u Zagrebu 2011. godine
gore, Heike B. Gortemaker
1912. g. Deutsche Bank dobiva pravo na korištenje
svih minerala duž cijele bagdadske želj. linije, uključujući
i područje na kojem se nalaze naftna polja oko Kirkuka
veljača 1913
1913 February 2 Wien
From this date Rudolf Häusler lives at the Meldemannstrasse where Adolf Hitler still lives.
1913 February 4 Wien
Adolf Hitler and Rudolf Häusler meet. They call themselves ‘Rudi and Adi’. Together they to the opera every once in a while.
travanj 1913
1913 April 20 Wien
Adolf Hitler becomes 24. He inherits 819 Kronen and 98 Heller from the heritage of his father.
svibanj 1913
1913 May 24 Wien
Adolf Hitler and Rudolf Häusler sign out of Vienna.
vidi, za Hitlera u Beču (1908-1913)
Brigitte Hamann, "Hitler's Vienna", Oxford, 2000.
William A. Jenks, " Vienna and Young Hitler", N. Y., 1960.
gore, naslovnica knjige Hitler's Vienna, Brigitte Hammann , njemačko-austrijska povjesničarke;
gore, Brigitte Hamann (1940-2016)
1913 May 25 München
Adolf Hitler and Rudolf Häusler arrive at the Münchner Hauptbahnhof. They rent a room together at the Schliesheimerstrasse until February 15, 1914, when Häusler rents another room.
1913 May 26 München
May 26 is the official date Adolf Hitler and Rudolf Häusler arrive in München,
according to police records.
vidi za Hitlerov boravak u Munchenu (1913/1914), Kershaw, Hitler I, nav. dij.,
str., 81-87; Franz Jetzinger, " Hitlers Jugend", Beč, 1956., Anton Joachimsthaler,
"Korrektur einer Bibliographie, Adolf Hitler,1908-1920", Munchen, 1989.
gore & dolje, Eva, starija sestra Ilse (1909-1979) & mačak Schnurrer 1913. godine