sijeèanj 1919
gore & dolje, Hitler u sijeènju 1919. u vojnom logoru Traunstein
gore & dolje, Eva Braun (7 godina, sjedi), èetvrta s
desna u prvom redu, 1919. godine i njen školski razred
5. sijeènja 1919. / 1919 January 5
Osnovana Njemaèka radnièka stranka (DAP)
Deutsche Arbeiterpartei.
Osnivaèi su bili Anton Drexler (1884-1942) želj. bravar iz
Munchena & Karl Harrer (1890-1926), sportski novinar iz Munchena.
gore, Karl Harrer (lijevo) & Anton Drexler
The Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (DAP) is founded.
In January 1919 Dietrich Eckart (1868-1923) joined with
Hermann Esser (1900-1981), Gottfried Feder (1883-1941)
and Karl Harrer, to form the German Workers Party (GPW).
Harrer was elected as chairman of the party.
Eckart (above) pointed out: "We need a fellow at the
head who can stand the sound of a machine gun.
The rabble need to get fear into their pants. We can't
use an officer, because the people don't respect them
any more. The best would be a worker who knows how
to talk... He doesn't need much brains.... He must be a
bachelor, then we'll get the women."
Našao ga je...9 mjeseci kasnije.
vidi , za Dietricha Eckarta
Dietrich Eckart, spartacus-educational.com
knjige Dietricha Eckarta
Dietrich Eckart, "Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin: A Dialogue
Between Adolf Hitler and Me", English translation
knjige o Dietrichu Eckartu
Alfred Rosenberg, "Dietrich Eckart, Ein Vermächtnis", Munich, 1928.
Margarete Runte-Plewnia, "Auf dem Weg zu Hitler. Der „völkische“
Publizist Dietrich Eckart", Schünemann, Bremen 1970.
Paul Wilhelm Becker, "Der Dramatiker Dietrich Eckart. Ein Beitrag
zur Dramatik des Dritten Reichs", Diss., Köln 1970.
vidi , za 5. sijeènja, Kershaw, nav. dij., str. 139;
vidi , Roger Repplinger, "Karl Harrer. Wie die
NSDAP den Gründer der DAP aus dem Gedächtnis löschte",
Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft, 62 (2014)
gore, Dietrich Eckart
gore, Gottfried Feder
gore & dole, Hermann Esser
13 -15. sijeènja 1919. Berlin
Karla Liebknechta i Rosu Luxemburg (Spartakovci) su oteli vojnici Freikorpsa, i
odveli ih u hotel Eden u Berlinu gdje su ih muèili i ispitivali par sati, prije nego što
su ih pogubili i njihova tijela bacili u kanal 15. sijeènja 1919. godine.
January 23 - February 11 München
Somewhere between these dates Hitler came back from Traunstein. He went to
München. Hitler said in Mein Kampf that he returned from Traunstein in March
1919, buthe was not telling the truth. The camp was shut down in the beginning
of February. Hitler's fellow soldier Ernst Schmidt said they returned in the end
of January.
Kershaw (1943) piše da se Hitler u Munchen vratio u ožujku 1919. godine.
vidi, Kershaw, nav dij., str. 110 & 117 (...gdje se Kershaw ispravlja...);
vidi, za sijeèanj 1919. godine,
d, Almeida, "Mondeni život u doba nacizma", Zagreb, 2011., Zagreb, str. 31;
veljaèa 1919
gore, Hitler u veljaèi 1919.
1919. February 2. München
Hitler moves to a Oberwiesenfeld Kaserne, after having lived at the Luisenschule, the Amalienschule and the Türkenkaserne.
1919 February 12 München
Hitler becomes a member of the 2nd ‘Demobilmachungs-Kompanie.
1919 February 15 München
Somewhere in February, probably on this date, Hitler is ellected as a trusted
representative of the Demobilmachungs Bataillon des 2. Infanterie Regiment.
This could be called the start of his political career.
1919. February 16 München
According to Anton Joachimsthaler (German historian) Hitler's regiment is
ordered to join or escort a demonstration of the Revolutionären Arbeitersrat on
the Theresienwiese. Othmar Plöckinger (German historian) has doubts about
that. He is probably right. There is no real proof that Hitler was present at the
demonstration, which means that the assumption that Hitler supported the
socialists or communists at this demonstration is not proven.
1919. February 20 München
According to Anton Joachimsthaler (German historian) Hitler becomes a station
guard at the Münchener Hauptbahnhof on this date. His proof is a picture of
Hitler and some other men in uniform inside a ‘Kommandatur’ of some kind.
Othmar Plöckinger shows that the picture is not enough proof for the idea Hitler
was a station guard. The picture must have been taken in France, during the
First World War.
vidi, Kershaw, nav. dij., str. 117;
21. veljaèe 1919. / 1919 February 21 München
Ubijen je Kurt Eisner.
Minister-president of the Bavarian Republic Kurt Eisner is murdered.
vidi, Daniel Siemens, "A New History of Hitler's Brownshirts,
Stormtroopers", London, 2017., str. 7 & 352 (bilj. 25)
gore & dolje, veljaèa 1919. sprovod ubijenog Kurta Eisnera,
židovskog novinara iz Berlina i ministra predsjednika Bavarske
(studeni 1918 – veljaèa 1919); na fotografiji se navodno nalazi
Hitler (prvi desno (na prve dvije fotogarfije), oznaèen strelicom)
ožujak 1919
gore, Hitler u ožujku 1919.
1919 March 8 München
Hitler is back at the Kaserne. He’s no longer a station guard.
travanj 1919
1919 April 4 München
A so called Kasernenrat takes place during the Communist Revolution in München.
Soldiers (Hitler was one of them) were asked to join the Red Army in active duty.
Hitler and most of his friends refused. Partly because it was clear by then that the
communist take-over was not going to be succesful.
1919 April 7 - May 2 München
Period of the communist Räterepublik
14 04 1919 Muchen
vidi, Kershaw, nav. dij. str. 1118;
1919 April 15 München
Adolf Hitler gets nominated as representative of the Kasernenrat.
He remains inside the Kaserne.
1919 April 30 München, Kaserne Lothstraße/Infanteriestraße
On this day the soldiers of the Reichsregierung close the ring around München.
The communists are not longer ruling München. Government troops can take
Hitler's Kaserne on the Lothstraße/Infanteriestraße without any resistance.
svibanj 1919
1919 May 2 München
End of the Räterepublik.
1919 May 7 München
The Münchner Garnison is dissolved. All soldiers leave the army.
Hitler stays in the army.
1919 May 9 München, Luisenschule
Hitler joins the Untersuchungs- und Entlassingskommission, to help find out if
soldiers were part of the Red Army during the revolution in München.
17 05 1919 Muchen
Na skupu DAP-a prisutno 10 ljudi zajedno s èlanovima odbora.
vidi, Kershaw, nav. dij.,str.139;
1919 May 28 München
Hitler is ordered to join in the Antibolsjewistische Lehrgangen. He makes proganda
against communism.
1919. g. za vrijeme Versajske konferencije, èlanovi grupacije
J.P. Morgan, lord Lothian, lord Cecil i drugi èlanovi brit.
Okruglog stola osnivaju utjecajni londonski Kraljevski institut
za meðunarodne poslove i njujorško Vijeæe za inozemne
odnose, kao dvije sestrinske organizcije.
vidi, Engdahl, nav. dij., str. 368;
lipanj 1919
1919 June 5-12 University München
Hitler follows a course to get knowledge about politics
and communism at hall 148 of the University.
vidi, Kershaw, nav. dij.str. 122;
kolovoz 1919
gore & dolje, Hitler u Garmischu u kolovozu 1919. godine;
1919 August 19 München - Lechfeld
Hitler, now a member of the Gruppenkommando, leaves
from the Hauptbahnhof in München to go to Lechfeld for
propaganda speeches.
1919. August 20 Lechfeld
Hitler speaks at the Lager Lechfeld.
vidi, Kershaw, nav. dij., str. 107, 123;
1919 August 23 Lechfeld
Hitler speaks at the Lager Lechfeld.
1919 August 24 Lechfeld
Hitler speaks at the Lager Lechfeld.
1919 August 25 Lechfeld - München
Hitler speaks at the Lager Lechfeld. This is the date of Hitler's first documented
attack on the Jews. His Oberleutnant Bendt mentions it in a message.
Hitler returns to München. After this date he does more speeches for the army,
for instance at the Kaserne in the Lothstrasse, the Marsfeldkaserne,
the Türkenkaserne and in places near München, like Passau.
vidi, Kershaw, nav. dij., str. 125;
gore, Rose Edelstein, Hitlerova novodna židovska djevojka od 1919. do ljeta 1920.
vidi, Sayer & Botting, Hitler & žene, Zagreb, 2005., str 38;
rujan 1919
12. rujan 1919/ 1919. September 12. München
Hitler posjetio skup opskurne politièke grupe Deutsche
arbeite partei (DAP), koja je osnovana u sijeènju 1919. u
Munchenu, po zapovijedi svog zapovjednika Karla
Mayra (1883-1945).
Hitler inspects and speaks at a DAP-meeting in the Sterneckerbrau.
vidi , Kershaw, nav. dij., str. 107, 125, 126, 139, 644 (bilj. 79 za str. 126);
Anton Drexler, "Mein politisches Erwachen. Aus dem Tagebuch
eines deutschen sozialistischen Arbeiters"", Deutscher Volksverlag,
München 1919. Anonimno (Karl Mayr), "I Was Hitler Boss",
Current History, Vol. 1 No 3 (studeni 1941), 193-199.
gore, kapetan Karl Mayr , Hitlerov šef u Reichswehru
1919 September 13 München
Hitler receives a postcard of the DAP with an invitation to a meeting at the bar
Altes Rosenbad on September 16.
1919 September 16 München
Hitler goes to the meeting of the DAP at the bar Altes Rosenbad.
Hitler je odluèio uèlaniti se u DAP i politièki se maksimalno aktivirati.
vidi, Kershaw, nav. dij., str. 126, 127, 131;
vidi, za rujan 1919. godine,
d'Almeida, nav. dij., str. 32;
listopad 1919
1919 October 16 München
Hitler speaks at the Hofbräuhaus in München.
vidi, Kershaw, nav. dij., str. 140, 147, 154, 655 (bilj. 11 za str. 1729;
vidi, za Hitlera u DAP-u 1919/1920, Kershaw, nav. dij., str. 140;
studeni 1919
1919 November 11 or 13 München
Hitler speaks at the Eberlbräukeller in München.
vidi, Kershaw, nav. dij., str. 149;
1919 November 26 München
Hitler speaks at the Eberlbräukeller in München.
prosinac 1919
1919 December 10 München
Hitler speaks at the Gasthaus Zum Deutschen Reich.
vidi, za 1919. godinu za Hitlera & DAP (NSDAP od 1920)
Kershaw, nav. dij., str. 105, 107, 109-141;
James & Suzane Pool, Tko je financirao Hitlera, Zagreb, 1981., str. 16-30;
Eric Kurlender, Hitlerova èudovišta, Zagreb, 2018., str. 81-86;
d'Almeida, nav. dij., str. 31-33;
Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, "The Occult Roots of Nazism", N.Y., 1992.
Werner Maser, "Die Fruhgeschichte der NSDAP. Hitlers Weg bis 1924",
Frankfurt am Main/Bonn, 1965.
Anton Joachimsthaler, "Korrektur einer Bibliographie, Adolf Hitler, 1908-1920",
Munchen, 1989.
Georg Franz-Willling, "Die Hitlerbewegung. Der Ursprung 1919-1922.",
Hamburg/Berlin, 1962.
Albrecht Tyrell, "Vom 'Trommler' zum 'Fuhrer' ", Munchen, 1975.
vidi gore, James & Suzane Pool, "Tko je financirao Hitlera";