

Dodaj komentar (2)


  • www

    Hey, Ana-key! I was worried about you since I haven't heard from you in ages!! I'm glad that you made this so we can keep in contact more often. And yeah, I haven't uploaded my web page for years, true, but I actually made a new webpage, so i am gonna attach that address here. However, I haven't written in on it for ages either! And I bought a new pc because my old one I had in FL was a total mess, so I have nothing on my new pc, so I am gonna open a new webpage! Pretty soon, hopefully. I have been working my ass off. Anyhow, I will check your blog often so I know you're alive, not getting crushed in a car accident! Heehee. Love you and miss you lots, Noriko


    11.11.2004. (16:22)    -   -   -   -  

  • My Playground

    Hey honey! I'm so glad you're ok too. It's been such a long time. But now that I have my blog, You can check up on me any time. Kisses, I'll send you and e-mail, soon :)


    12.11.2004. (11:44)    -   -   -   -  
