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  • The Long Dark Tea-time of the Soul

    haha, I've just read that one... from Novi List, right? where it says Anakin MIGHT become the naughty Darth Vader?? lol... no, wait. I'm not laughing. that actually pissed me off... how can they be INACCURATE when it comes to the greatest saga ever??? >=/ no fair... oh well. tell yuo kitty I said hello =) I used to be terrified of dogs... then puberty messed me up... now they're scared of me =) *cough scarface cough*... ahem. I'm NOT a scarface you little- ok. this is turning into a boring inner monologue, so I'll leave it... p.s. rituals are good =) I'm a schizoid, so I'm supposed to love them =)


    12.03.2005. (15:45)    -   -   -   -  
