

Dodaj komentar (18)


  • jurop

    u nekim se dijelovima slažem s tobom. iako sam osobno za ulazak Rh u EU što prije, mislim da ova vlada (i sve ostale) na tome inzistiraju jer jednostavno ne znaju na koji način riješiti goruće RH probleme. i to je strašno


    09.03.2005. (11:33)    -   -   -   -  

  • Hedgehog

    Da, Sanader je sve karte stavio na ulazak u EU - jednostavno, sve ono što je govorio pred izbore nije ostvario, niti zna kako će, niti može bez korijenitih promjena...


    09.03.2005. (12:24)    -   -   -   -  

  • anarhija weekly

    upravo tako. Moja je teorija da se nijedna vlada do sada nije ozbiljno uhvatila u koštac sa gospodarstvom (strategijom razvoja zapravo) jer nitko od dosadašnjih premijera nije bio gospodarstvenik, ekonomist, poduzetnik ili slično, a jako je teško isfurati nešto ako u tome nisi "kod kuće". Sanader je diplomat i trenutno radi to što najbolje zna. Što se tiče gospodarstva i on i Račan prije njega su apsolutni neznalice (u najmanju ruku) i teško je da će netko od te ekipe pokrenuti gospodarski rast...


    09.03.2005. (15:34)    -   -   -   -  

  • If this so called "war hero" has done nothing wrong, why is he such a coward that he doesn't go to the Hague and defend himself in court. You Croatians are going to have to realize that if you want to be a part of the west you will have to deal with your past. At the moment, most people in the west see you as a Russian look alike country.


    10.03.2005. (05:27)    -   -   -   -  

  • (((Q)))

    Yes, and we see you, so called 'civilised westerners' (who invented the wars, crime, atomic bomb, annihilation, destruction of all kind, pollution of air, water and food, who invented mad cow disease... who invented death of hunger by beeing selfish... etc, etc, etc) very primitive people... ha!... europe is full of poisons that wil kill you at the end... I can't say that I'm sorry for you... I feel pitty!!!! We don't need you!!!! :-P


    11.03.2005. (09:52)    -   -   -   -  

  • (((Q)))

    And, there is another thing: you didn't even leave your nick in the commentary above... that tells everything about you... western looser :-PPPP


    11.03.2005. (09:57)    -   -   -   -  

  • Since I don't speak serbocroatian, like you guys (yes it _is_ the same language) I don't know how to fill in these fields correctly "kosnko ome" "vlado smanimak" etc. and requiem, fine, if you wanna continue to be a second world country, that's fine, because you're not welcome in the west with your macho bullsh!t culture


    12.03.2005. (02:15)    -   -   -   -  

  • (((Q)))

    ... hahaha... our language is called 'croatian'... serbian language is different - don't you know?... my god!... you dare to judge us? How many people are dying from hunger at this moment? At least 25000 children are dying every fuckin day! And who is to blame? You! YOU and your selfish, materialistic so called 'civilized' western nations. How many people are dying from guns and weapons? Millions! And who are the biggest arm production nations? YOUR 'civilized' western nations. I say: I rather be a macho bullshit guy then a mutilator of human beings, animals, vegetation, the whole planet like YOU! Keep your stupid commentaries for your self, stupido!... Open your eyes before is too late, or we will have to visit you in hell... :-P


    12.03.2005. (13:21)    -   -   -   -  

  • Well "civilized requiem", in my country (sweden) we don't rape and murder our neighbours, like you do in croatia. I remember very well the pictures of crimes commited by croats against serbs in krajina: those poor people, who had to flee for their lives, were surrounded by "civilized croats" who were yelling "go home you monkeys". I wonder who the real monkeys were in that scene... according to a poll i read about the other day, 70% of the croats oppose to arresting the warcriminal Gotovina. this shows that 70% of the population, more or less, support the crimes commited against serbs during the war. it seems to me that a majority of the croatian people is retarded. what's wrong with you guys? you are like two generations behind! why did your country stop developing? why are you still living in the 1930s? Fortunately there are 30% sensible croats as well, among others one of my best friends (who is living in sweden)... I was travelling with him in croatia two summers ago, and he was really embarrased about his country, when we saw all these t-shirts with "Gotovina war criminal-niet.. hero-da". He's the one who told me in the first place that serbian and croatian are two dialects of the same language. If you claim the opposite, you're a real idiot. How about going to the library and comparing one dictionary of "croatian" and one of "serbian" (in roman letters). and one last question: why is it that you're so keen on putting the EU sticker with "HR" in the middle on your cars' registration plates, if you already decided you don't want to be a developed country, but prefer to stay two generations behind?


    13.03.2005. (05:32)    -   -   -   -  

  • (((Q)))

    đizus, koji kreten... you don't know what is really happening here. You are filled with disinformation what your stupid mainstream media (lobbied by serbian lobby) says. And you have no brains: off-course that in war both sides make atrocities, and I'm not aprooving any violence (If Gotovina is guilty, than he must go in the Hague - if he knew he will be prosecuted fairly he would be there wright now - but how can you be fairly prosecuted with double standard prosecutors?). Alas, if serbs didn't atack us FIRST, nothing of this would of happen. But they did attack - with permission of your beloved 'civilized' European and USA leaders. If your 'civilized' nations did something to stop crazy serbs, nothing of this would of happen. But they gave the green light to Milosevic to kill MOSTLY CIVILIANS and few policemen that were couragous enough to confront much better equipped army! So, now we are guilty that we defended ourselves from aggresion? Yes, we are guilty and we are proud! But you must know that 70% people here, lost someone in the fightings (and a lot of them still don't know where their loved ones are!!!). It is undenstandable that those people see one general (it is called human psychology, stupido - if someone massacred your bare handed mother, father, 2 year old brother with knives - in front of your eyes - and with other serbian inhuman methods like nailing people to wooden crosses, you would think that Gotovina is the fucking hero!). But, no general can control every soldier on the field (can your tiny little brain comprehend this? - I'm afraid not), so there were bad things done as a revenge from our soldiers (serbians did much, much, worse things!! - it is understandable than, that every country have bad guys)...BUT, do you remember Sarajevo massacres and Srebrenica massacre? More than 8000 people massacred by SERBIAN militia in Srebrenica - and your 'civilized' neiboroughs Dutch UN soldiers didn't move even their little finger to save them - if Sweden troops were there, would they try to save them? I think not. And tell me: WHERE IS THE FUCKING DUTCH UN GENERAL WHO, IN FACT HELPED SERBIANS TO MASSACRE MORE THAN 8000 INNOCENT PEOPLE? IS HE IN ANY COURT OR JAIL FOR HIS CRIME? NO, HE IS NOT!!!!!!!! WHY? BECOUSE 'CIVILIZED' EUROPE APROOVED - AND IS STILL APROOVING THE ATROCITIES SERBS MADE!!!!! YOU should be embarrased too, and you are rapist and mutilator too stupido, becouse you didn't do anything to stop this (and other atrocities that were made and are still made in the name of 'western civilization' around the globe. We are you're neibhorougs - don't we live on the same planet, you moron? YOU rape(d) and kill(ed) us - don't you understand, tinybrain??!!!!!!! And you call yourselves 'civilized'. I could now go on and on to tell you informations through the history about western 'civilized' atrocities, billions innocent killed, and very few (or none) western war-crime generals (of some who live today like kings) stand trials and why are they not in the jail for war-crimes. But I will not waste my energy on you any more. We are maybe few generations behind (we have been under comunist rule, remember stupido?), but you're 'better than others' mentality is from neanderthal stone age. You just have better technology tools now, nothing else - we are HUMANS all the same - don't you know, you primitive fool?... About the sticker: I don't have a car (I can afford it, but I won't) so I don't know what are you talking about. About la


    13.03.2005. (14:02)    -   -   -   -  

  • (((Q)))

    ...nguage: every language that takes a year or so to learn letters and written words (it is called ćirilica) is very different (allthough we understand each others most of the time). BTW... my ex girlfriend visited Sweden a few years ago. She was welcomed and treated very badly on the airport by your 'Sweden civilized peacefull policeman'. And she told me that you are a crazy alcoholics. Maybe you do not comprehend what is going on around you becouse alcohol destroyed your brain?... hahaha... so long, you fool, and thanks for all the (poisoned) fish... :-P


    13.03.2005. (14:16)    -   -   -   -  

  • (((Q)))

    ps... were you treated badly here in our 'primitive little country'?... tell me, stupido! :-P


    13.03.2005. (14:25)    -   -   -   -  

  • (((Q)))

    ... your scilence speaks volumes! :-PPPP


    14.03.2005. (10:44)    -   -   -   -  

  • anarhija weekly

    requiem, svaka čast. za ovo je trebalo strpljenja i truda...


    16.03.2005. (17:06)    -   -   -   -  

  • (((Q)))

    ... hvala... teško je kad je netko pun dezinformacija i onda ti soli pamet... no, bitno je suprotstaviti se tim jadnicima koji misle da su viša bića naspram drugih (a u biti je stvoritelju draža obična muha koja papa drekec)... hahahaha... ((-:-))


    19.03.2005. (17:14)    -   -   -   -  

  • Hey requiem, did it take one year for you to learn the cyrillic alphabet? wow, you can't be sharp in the head. I can tell you straight away, don't bother about studying Japanese (like me), because you simply don't have the capacity for it... "one year to learn the cyrillic alphabet", that's the most ridicilous thing I've ever heard... it sooner takes one hour to learn it (if one already knows serbocroatian like you, so that the words make sense). the serbic and croatian keyboardlayouts are the same, so you could sit down right now with your computer, and just change the layout, and write an e-mail with the cyrillic alphabet to your cousin "Damir" in Beograd... hehehe


    17.05.2005. (09:26)    -   -   -   -  

  • Bruno


    Du Arschloch mit deine englich kenntnise, kannst du mir Arsch lecken.
    Du bist ein schwachsinige Trotel,Drecksack,dreibeinige Depp ohne eigene Kopf !
    Hast du fergesen deine Mutter Sprache,oder ist du noch immer Heu aus die Krippe ?


    01.02.2008. (19:31)    -   -   -   -  

  • Bruno


    He-he-he (:-)


    01.02.2008. (19:34)    -   -   -   -  
