Ma koliko fotka dobra bila, prijašnji Logo mi je bolji, daleko bolji, a taj siromašni GIMP.....napraviš nekaj OVAK, kaj nebuš sa 6 Photo Shopova napravil
Sam negdi u njega ubaciš ovo
######################################## ## Droste Effect code for Mathmap ## ## Original Code by Breic (Ben) ## ## Adapted by Pisco Bandito (Josh) ## ## Version 4.0 ## ## This version for Windows and Linux ## ########################################
#You may need to alter the values of the following 9 variables to suit your image.
r1=.4; # r1 is the inner radius. r1 is greater than zero and less than r2 r2=1; # r2 is the outer radius. r2 is greater than r1 and less than 1
p1=1; # periodicity - the number of times the image will repeat per cycle p2=1; # number of strands - the number of "arms" the spiral will have
# procedural scaling and rotation zoom=.1; #Between .1 and 10 rotate=-30; #Between -360 and 360
# Procedural Shifting xShift=.2; #Between -1 and 1 yShift=0; #Between -1 and 1
## # To avoid framing problems on the largest annulus when tiling based on transparency, look # outside (levelsToLookOut) levels to see if something farther out should cover up this pixel # Try setting to 0 to see framing errors; 1 should be sufficient unless you have three or more # image layers contributing to some pixel (in which case set it to 2 or more). Larger values # slow the code down, and may lead to floating point errors. ##
############################################### ############# ############################################################ ## You should not have to change anything below this line ## ############################################################ ############ ################################################
imageX=W; # image size, in pixels imageY=H; minDimension=min(imageX, imageY);
## User Variables, set these on the User Settings Tab ## retwist=user_bool("Do Not Retwist (Leave Unchecked for Droste Effect)"); retwist=!retwist;
## # Tiling can be based on transparency (if the input image is a tiff), or simply based on the # radius. Using transparency, there can be protrusions between different annular layers. # Tiling based on transparency, you can decide whether you want to look inward or # outward from a transparent pixel. For example, with a frame you'll want to look inward, # while for a flower you'll want to look outward. ##
tileBasedOnTransparency=user_bool("Tile Based on Transparency?"); transparentPointsIn=user_bool("Transparency Points In?");
##Correct the Rotation Variable rotate=pi/180*rotate;
## # Droste-effect code starts here # Set Droste effect parameters ## alpha=atan(p2/p1*log(r2/r1)/(2*pi)); f=cos(alpha); beta=f*exp(I* alpha);
# the angle of rotation between adjacent annular levels if (p2 > 0) then angle = 2*pi*p1; else angle =-2*pi*p1; end;
## # Code to set up the viewport properly ## if (retwist) then xbounds=[-r2,r2]; ybounds=[-r2,r2]; else ybounds=[0,2.1*pi]; xbounds=[-log(r2/r1), log(r2/r1)]; end;
if (retwist) then # only allow for procedural zooming/scaling in the standard coordinates zinitial=z; z=xymiddle+(z-xymiddle)/zoom*exp(-I*rotate); else zinitial=r1*exp(z); # save these coordinates for drawing a frame later zinitial=zinitial*zoom*exp(I*rotate); end;
## # The Droste effect math all takes place over the next six lines. # All the rest of the code is for niceties. ## if (retwist) then z2=log(z/r1); else z2 = z; end;
logz=z2; # save these coordinates for drawing a grid later z=p1*z2/beta; rotatedscaledlogz=z; # save these coordinates for drawing a grid later z=r1*exp(z);
## End Droste effect math
## Tiling if (tileBasedOnTransparency && levelsToLookOut > 0) then if ( transparentPointsIn) then ratio=r1/r2*exp(-I*angle); end; if (!transparentPointsIn) then ratio=r2/r1*exp( I*angle); end; z=z*exp(levelsToLookOut*log(ratio)); end;
## # When tiling based on transparency, color is accumulated into the colorSoFar variable, # while alphaRemaining tells how much remains for lower layers to contribute (initially 1, # finally 0). ## colorSoFar=rgba:[0,0,0,0]; alphaRemaining=1; ix=minDimension/2*z[0]; iy= minDimension/2*z[1]; color=origValXY(ix,iy); colorSoFar = colorSoFar + (color*(alpha(color)*alphaRemaining)); alphaRemaining=alphaRemaining*(1-alp ha(color));
# do we need to look inward from the current point, or outward? sign=0;
if (tileBasedOnTransparency) then if ( transpare
23.03.2014. (11:54)
- - promjene spremljene- uredi komentar - obriši komentar - prijavi ovaj komentar kao spam - zabrani komentiranje autoru ovog komentara- učitavam...
I trebaš paziti na Lengviđ, jer za preglupe komputore ti je razlika jel je nekaj 1.000.000,00 ili 1,000,000.00 anglosaxonski, ili hrvatski....redosljed točaka i zareza, oznaka na decimalama. Program je fantastičan i tu mač komplikejtid, tak da ti se divim , tvojoj kuraži, kaj si se ufatil u koštac s njime. Više si pročitaj TU.
23.03.2014. (12:02)
- - promjene spremljene- uredi komentar - obriši komentar - prijavi ovaj komentar kao spam - zabrani komentiranje autoru ovog komentara- učitavam...
Već sam tvrdio i opet ponavljam: i kad nemaš novu epizodu, komentari kod tebe svejedno stižu. A to znači samo jedno: s nestrpljenjem se čeka nova epizoda! A znam i zašto kasni: pržiš na vatri onu dvojicu...helou Washington, helou New Jersey - You are in Trouble Now!
23.03.2014. (14:41)
- - promjene spremljene- uredi komentar - obriši komentar - prijavi ovaj komentar kao spam - zabrani komentiranje autoru ovog komentara- učitavam...
Ah, sorry, evo za mene: Gluva nana čuva nas dva, čuva nas dva... ili, malo "klasike":
23.03.2014. (16:12)
- - promjene spremljene- uredi komentar - obriši komentar - prijavi ovaj komentar kao spam - zabrani komentiranje autoru ovog komentara- učitavam...
Alex, slažem se da je ovo konfekcija i da se ne može mjeriti sa višesatnim crtanjem i bojanjem. Vratiću ja njega prije ili kasnije.
Antune, već sam ti rekao da mi je nakon što pogledam Antuna mlađeg neugodno reći da se i ja kao bavim nekom glazbom
23.03.2014. (19:09)
- - promjene spremljene- uredi komentar - obriši komentar - prijavi ovaj komentar kao spam - zabrani komentiranje autoru ovog komentara- učitavam...
Spiže,evo, sad je i meni neugodno, kad je tebi, neke se vrste glazbe jednostavno, ne uspoređuju! A neke se uopće ne smiju ni poželjeti čuti:
23.03.2014. (22:40)
- - promjene spremljene- uredi komentar - obriši komentar - prijavi ovaj komentar kao spam - zabrani komentiranje autoru ovog komentara- učitavam...
A ok. Ja ću Psihomodo Pop - Donna. :)))
23.03.2014. (08:22) - - - - - promjene spremljene- uredi komentar - obriši komentar - prijavi ovaj komentar kao spam - zabrani komentiranje autoru ovog komentara- učitavam...
Ja ću Bohemian Rhapsody. Naravno, Muppet style.
23.03.2014. (10:55) - - - - - promjene spremljene- uredi komentar - obriši komentar - prijavi ovaj komentar kao spam - zabrani komentiranje autoru ovog komentara- učitavam...
Ma koliko fotka dobra bila, prijašnji Logo mi je bolji, daleko bolji, a taj siromašni GIMP.....napraviš nekaj OVAK, kaj nebuš sa 6 Photo Shopova napravil
Sam negdi u njega ubaciš ovo
## Droste Effect code for Mathmap ##
## Original Code by Breic (Ben) ##
## Adapted by Pisco Bandito (Josh) ##
## Version 4.0 ##
## This version for Windows and Linux ##
#You may need to alter the values of the following 9 variables to suit your image.
r1=.4; # r1 is the inner radius. r1 is greater than zero and less than r2
r2=1; # r2 is the outer radius. r2 is greater than r1 and less than 1
p1=1; # periodicity - the number of times the image will repeat per cycle
p2=1; # number of strands - the number of "arms" the spiral will have
# procedural scaling and rotation
zoom=.1; #Between .1 and 10
rotate=-30; #Between -360 and 360
# Procedural Shifting
xShift=.2; #Between -1 and 1
yShift=0; #Between -1 and 1
# To avoid framing problems on the largest annulus when tiling based on transparency, look
# outside (levelsToLookOut) levels to see if something farther out should cover up this pixel
# Try setting to 0 to see framing errors; 1 should be sufficient unless you have three or more
# image layers contributing to some pixel (in which case set it to 2 or more). Larger values
# slow the code down, and may lead to floating point errors.
############################################### #############
## You should not have to change anything below this line ##
############ ################################################
imageX=W; # image size, in pixels
minDimension=min(imageX, imageY);
## User Variables, set these on the User Settings Tab ##
retwist=user_bool("Do Not Retwist (Leave Unchecked for Droste Effect)");
# Tiling can be based on transparency (if the input image is a tiff), or simply based on the
# radius. Using transparency, there can be protrusions between different annular layers.
# Tiling based on transparency, you can decide whether you want to look inward or
# outward from a transparent pixel. For example, with a frame you'll want to look inward,
# while for a flower you'll want to look outward.
tileBasedOnTransparency=user_bool("Tile Based on Transparency?");
transparentPointsIn=user_bool("Transparency Points In?");
# Miscellaneous variables
##Correct the Rotation Variable
# Droste-effect code starts here
# Set Droste effect parameters
beta=f*exp(I* alpha);
# the angle of rotation between adjacent annular levels
if (p2 > 0)
then angle = 2*pi*p1;
angle =-2*pi*p1;
# Code to set up the viewport properly
if (retwist) then
xbounds=[-log(r2/r1), log(r2/r1)];
xymiddle=ri:[0.5*(xbounds[0]+xbounds[1]),0.5*(ybounds[0]+y bounds[1])];
xyrange=xy:[xbounds[1]-xbounds[0], ybounds[1]-ybounds[0]];
x bounds=[xymiddle[0]-0.5*xyrange[0],xymiddle[0]+0.5*xyrange[0]];
z=ri:[(xboun ds[0]+(xbounds[1]-xbounds[0])*(x+W/2)/W)+xShift,(ybounds[0]+(ybounds[1]-ybo unds[0])*(y+H/2)/H)+yShift];
if (retwist) then # only allow for procedural zooming/scaling in the standard coordinates
zinitial=r1*exp(z); # save these coordinates for drawing a frame later
# The Droste effect math all takes place over the next six lines.
# All the rest of the code is for niceties.
if (retwist) then
z2 = z;
logz=z2; # save these coordinates for drawing a grid later
rotatedscaledlogz=z; # save these coordinates for drawing a grid later
## End Droste effect math
## Tiling
if (tileBasedOnTransparency && levelsToLookOut > 0) then
if ( transparentPointsIn) then ratio=r1/r2*exp(-I*angle); end;
if (!transparentPointsIn) then ratio=r2/r1*exp( I*angle); end;
# When tiling based on transparency, color is accumulated into the colorSoFar variable,
# while alphaRemaining tells how much remains for lower layers to contribute (initially 1,
# finally 0).
iy= minDimension/2*z[1];
colorSoFar = colorSoFar + (color*(alpha(color)*alphaRemaining));
alphaRemaining=alphaRemaining*(1-alp ha(color));
# do we need to look inward from the current point, or outward?
if (tileBasedOnTransparency) then
if ( transpare
23.03.2014. (11:54) - - - - - promjene spremljene- uredi komentar - obriši komentar - prijavi ovaj komentar kao spam - zabrani komentiranje autoru ovog komentara- učitavam...
I trebaš paziti na Lengviđ,
jer za preglupe komputore ti je razlika jel je nekaj
1.000.000,00 ili
anglosaxonski, ili hrvatski....redosljed točaka i zareza, oznaka na decimalama.
Program je fantastičan i tu mač komplikejtid, tak da ti se divim ,
tvojoj kuraži, kaj si se ufatil u koštac s njime.
Više si pročitaj TU.
23.03.2014. (12:02) - - - - - promjene spremljene- uredi komentar - obriši komentar - prijavi ovaj komentar kao spam - zabrani komentiranje autoru ovog komentara- učitavam...
Već sam tvrdio i opet ponavljam: i kad nemaš novu epizodu, komentari kod tebe svejedno stižu. A to znači samo jedno: s nestrpljenjem se čeka nova epizoda! A znam i zašto kasni: pržiš na vatri onu dvojicu...helou Washington, helou New Jersey - You are in Trouble Now!
23.03.2014. (14:41) - - - - - promjene spremljene- uredi komentar - obriši komentar - prijavi ovaj komentar kao spam - zabrani komentiranje autoru ovog komentara- učitavam...
Ah, sorry, evo za mene: Gluva nana čuva nas dva, čuva nas dva... ili, malo "klasike":
23.03.2014. (16:12) - - - - - promjene spremljene- uredi komentar - obriši komentar - prijavi ovaj komentar kao spam - zabrani komentiranje autoru ovog komentara- učitavam...
Alex, slažem se da je ovo konfekcija i da se ne može mjeriti sa višesatnim crtanjem i bojanjem. Vratiću ja njega prije ili kasnije.
Antune, već sam ti rekao da mi je nakon što pogledam Antuna mlađeg neugodno reći da se i ja kao bavim nekom glazbom
23.03.2014. (19:09) - - - - - promjene spremljene- uredi komentar - obriši komentar - prijavi ovaj komentar kao spam - zabrani komentiranje autoru ovog komentara- učitavam...
Spiže,evo, sad je i meni neugodno, kad je tebi, neke se vrste glazbe jednostavno, ne uspoređuju! A neke se uopće ne smiju ni poželjeti čuti:
23.03.2014. (22:40) - - - - - promjene spremljene- uredi komentar - obriši komentar - prijavi ovaj komentar kao spam - zabrani komentiranje autoru ovog komentara- učitavam...
26.03.2014. (21:09) - - - - - promjene spremljene- uredi komentar - obriši komentar - prijavi ovaj komentar kao spam - zabrani komentiranje autoru ovog komentara- učitavam...