

Dodaj komentar (2)


  • Xeloda

    Scientists from the group of Dr. Klaus Hansen (Klaus Hansen) from the University of Copenhagen (University of Copenhagen) have just shown that external factors can cause cells in a state of stress by regulating the activity of our genes.

    We found that the stress-activating factors may regulate the activity of our genes, including those that must be silent. It is very important that some genes are switched on, I turned off the other to ensure normal fetal development and adjust the function of our cells throughout later life, - said Hansen.


    14.04.2011. (07:21)    -   -   -   -  

  • Xeloda

    Stress can be perceived as something that affects your whole body and mood, for which there are so many reasons. But if we leave before the building "blocks" of our body - our cells, stress and its causes will be determined somewhat differently. Stress can occur at the cellular level from exposure to pollution, cigarette smoke, bacterial toxins, and more when under stress cells should respond in such a way to survive and maintain their normal function. In the worst scenario, cellular stress can lead to the development of the disease.


    14.04.2011. (07:24)    -   -   -   -  
