Dragi prijatelji,
Kada vam kazem da pjesma iz "Bijele kule" za danasnje tihovanje ilustrira ozracje darsana u Prashanty Nilayamu, onda ce to razumijeti oni koji su bilo kada bili nazocni toj milosti Bozjoj. Medjutim, to vazi i za svaku drugu euharistijsku svetkovinu u kojoj se covjek nadje srcem:
Mi smo leprsali
u toj dolini modroga zraka,
kao rijetki leptiri.
Svaki nam je cvijet kazivao svoje ime,
svaki miris svoju misao.
Nije bilo tajne: jer mi sami od sebe
znali smo da je nas let vjecan,
a krila da su prolazna.
Leprsali smo modri u modromu zraku.
Omamljeni onim o cemu smo mislili,
mi smo o tomu mislili,
sve dok nasa misao nije postala ono,
o cemu je mislila.
Leprsali smo u toj dolini modroga zraka,
kao znak modrine u obliku leptira,
svakoga casa spremni izgubiti svoj obris.
"Bijela kula", knjiga 37. Zapisala Vesna Krmpotic
Puno pozdrava iz Sombora od Josipa
Puno hvala gospodinu Borivoju Bukvi iz Rijeke sto nam je proslijedio priloge O SVIJETLO STO NAD NAMA SVICES sa molitvama za mir sa svih meridijana i PUT SAMOPROMJENE.
06.07.2010. (08:17)
- - promjene spremljene- uredi komentar - obriši komentar - prijavi ovaj komentar kao spam - zabrani komentiranje autoru ovog komentara- učitavam...
----- Original Message ----- From: "Ekologija.com.hr" To: Sent: Monday, July 05, 2010 12:34 PM Subject: Peticija: Potvrdite vaše potpisivanje peticije 'Zabranimo uporabu plastičnih vrećica u Hrvatskoj'
> Hvala vam na vašem potpisu. Morate potvrditi da ste vlasnik ovog maila tako što ćete posjetiti sljedeću adresu: > > http://www.ekologija.com.hr/?petition-confirm=e1c82a2652914ffb > > Srdačan pozdrav, > > Ekologija.com.hr >
06.07.2010. (08:27)
- - promjene spremljene- uredi komentar - obriši komentar - prijavi ovaj komentar kao spam - zabrani komentiranje autoru ovog komentara- učitavam...
Go to Previous message | Go to Next message | Back to MessagesMark as Unread | Print ReplyReply AllMove...adresarblago istre Flag this messageHappy Birthday Dalai LamaTuesday, July 6, 2010 8:27 AMFrom: This sender is DomainKeys verified"Alice Jay - Avaaz.org" Add sender to ContactsTo: "borivojbukva@yahoo.com" Make sure Avaaz alerts reach your inbox: click "Add to Contacts" to add avaaz@avaaz.org to your address book, and click the "Not Spam" button if you found this email in your spam folder. If you prefer to leave the Avaaz list, just click here to unsubscribe.
Dear friends,
The Dalai Lama turns 75 today. For decades he has given us all hope -- setting a generous example of wisdom, non-violence and compassion for a better world.
Now we can return the favour -- let’s send the Dalai Lama a birthday tribute from millions of us worldwide! It will be delivered personally to him on a “wall of warm wishes” outside the temple in Dharamsala and broadcast around the region.
Let's take this moment to honour the Dalai Lama together and make his birthday last as long as we keep signing! -- click here to sign the tribute -- then forward this alert to everyone so they can do the same:
Imagine all of our names together on a massive public tribute to the Dalai Lama, from Brazil to Ghana, Italy to Indonesia -- tens of thousands of messages of hope, gratitude and encouragement streaming in from all around the world!
The spiritual leader of Tibet has spent over 50 years in exile, and he continues to preach peace and compassion. Let's share with him how much the world values him and is inspired by his life. Click here to sign the global birthday tribute to the Dalai Lama:
http://www.avaaz.org/en/dalai_lamas_birthday/?vl With hope,
Alice, Pascal, Ben, Graziela, Paul, Iain, Mia and the rest of the Avaaz team
PS: The Avaaz community has been supporting radio stations, bloggers, and censorship avoidance technologies to ensure information comes in and out of closed Tibet. We will work with these partners in the coming days to ensure our global birthday messages of hope, gratitude and encouragement from around the world reach hundreds of thousands of Tibetans and Chinese.
Support the Avaaz community! We're entirely funded by donations and receive no money from governments or corporations. Our dedicated team ensures even the smallest contributions go a long way -- donate here.
06.07.2010. (08:44)
- - promjene spremljene- uredi komentar - obriši komentar - prijavi ovaj komentar kao spam - zabrani komentiranje autoru ovog komentara- učitavam...
Osma izvedba Mednarodnega festivala sodobne umetnosti ART STAYS 2010 je posvečena odnosom in razlikam med umetnostjo, zvokom, prostorom, znanostjo in tehnologijo. Tokratni festival dopolnjuje prva poletna akademija, ki bo od 20. do 29. julija 2010 v obliki predavanj in delavnic o praksi in teoriji umetnosti potekala na Ptuju. Predavanja in delavnice bodo vodili mednarodni profesorji, kustosi in umetniki. Lynn Book (zvočna performativna umetnica in profesorica na inštitutu Transart v Berlinu), BridA (Tom Kerševan, Sendi Mango, Jurij Pavlica) (umetniška skupina), Giancarlo Busato (direktor Grafične delavnice Busato, Vicenza, Italija), S. Chandrasekaran (vodja oddelka za likovno umetnost na Akademiji za likovno umetnost Nanyang, Singapur), Gary Cass (profesor na Fakulteti za naravne in kmetijske vede in v učnih laboratorijih Univerze Zahodne Avstralije v Perthu), Mauro Ceolin (umetnik), Raphael Di Luzio (izredni profesor novih medijev na University of Maine New Media Program), Dušan Fišer (umetnik, kustos in profesor na Gimnaziji Ptuj), Manuel Frara (profesor novih medijev na Akademiji za likovno umetnost v Benetkah), Omar Mirza (kustos, Nitra Gallery), Igor Molin (slikar, profesor na gimnaziji Riva v Trentu), Domenico Papa (arhitekt, kustos in profesor psihologije umetnosti na Akademiji za likovno umetnost v Benetkah), Laszlo Revesz (umetnik, kustos in profesor na Akademiji za likovno umetnost v Budimpešti). Devet dni dogodkov, razmišljanja, akcije in delavnic. Poletna likovna akademija ponuja možnost za poglobitev obstoječega znanja in pridobitev novih znanj na področju vizualne umetnosti, video umetnosti, glasbe, performansa, freske, globoke grafike javne umetnosti, "site-specific" projektov, estetike, umetnostne zgodovine in novih medijev. Program se bo za vsakega sodelujočega umetnika zaključil z realizacijo projekta, ki bo predstavljen na skupinski razstavi pod imenom Poletna akademija. Udeleženci bodo istočasno imeli možnost spremljati Mednarodni festival sodobne vizualne umetnosti Art Stays 2010, kar jim bo omogočilo primerjavo mednarodnih umetnikov in odprlo nove možnosti za debato o dejanskem stanju na področju umetnosti.
Pričakujemo: umetnike vseh starosti in narodnosti. Uradni jezik: angleščina / slovenščina
VEČ: www.artstays.si akademija / academy
The eighth edition of the International Festival of Contemporary Art ART STAYS 2010 is dedicated to the relations and differences between art, sound, territory, science and technology. This edition is accompanied by the Summer Academy, which will be held in Ptuj from 20 to 29 July 2010 and will consist of lectures and workshops on the practices and theories of arts that will be taught by international professors, curators and artists. Lynn Book (sound performance artist and Professor at the Transart Institute in Berlin), BridA (Tom Kerševan, Sendi Mango, Jurij Pavlica) (art group), Giancarlo Busato (Director of Stamperia d'arte Busato. Vicenza, Italy), S. Chandrasekaran (Head of the Department of Fine Arts at Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, Singapore), Gary Cass (Professor at the Faculty of Natural & Agricultural Sciences, Teaching Laboratories, University of Western Australia, Perth), Mauro Ceolin (artist), Raphael Di Luzio (Associate Professor of New Media at the University of Maine New Media Program), Dušan Fišer (Artist, Curator and Professor Gimnazija Ptuj), Manuel Frara (Professor of New Media at the Academy of Fine Arts, Venice), Omar Mirza (art curator, Nitra Gallery, Nitra), Igor Molin (Painter, Professor at the Gymnassium Riva, Trento), Domenico Papa (Architect, Curator and Psychology of Arts Professor at the Academy of Fine Arts, Venice), Laszlo Revesz (Artist, Curator and Professor at the Budapest Academy of Fine Arts).
Nine days of events, reflection, actions, workshops. The Academy offers an opportunity to deepen one's knowledge of visual art, video art, music, performance, fresco, graphic (calcography), public art, site-specific projects, aesthetics, history of arts and new media. The program is concluded by each participant/artist with the realization of a project that will be presented at a group exhibition under the section SUMMER ACADEMY. Each participant will be asked to follow the International Festival of Contemporary Art ART STAYS 2010, which will take place at the same time and will provide the opportunity for a comparison of international artists in residence and create further opportunities for discussions about the realities of the field.
We expect: artists of all ages and nationalities. Official language: English / Slovene
MORE: www.artstays.si akademija / academy
Cena za posamezno delavnico / Cost per Workshop: 80 EUR (material je vključen v ceno / materials for each course are includ
06.07.2010. (16:38)
- - promjene spremljene- uredi komentar - obriši komentar - prijavi ovaj komentar kao spam - zabrani komentiranje autoru ovog komentara- učitavam...
Dragi prijatelji,
Kada vam kazem da pjesma iz "Bijele kule" za danasnje tihovanje ilustrira ozracje darsana u Prashanty Nilayamu, onda ce to razumijeti oni koji su bilo kada bili nazocni toj milosti Bozjoj. Medjutim, to vazi i za svaku drugu euharistijsku svetkovinu u kojoj se covjek nadje srcem:
Mi smo leprsali
u toj dolini modroga zraka,
kao rijetki leptiri.
Svaki nam je cvijet kazivao svoje ime,
svaki miris svoju misao.
Nije bilo tajne: jer mi sami od sebe
znali smo da je nas let vjecan,
a krila da su prolazna.
Leprsali smo modri u modromu zraku.
Omamljeni onim o cemu smo mislili,
mi smo o tomu mislili,
sve dok nasa misao nije postala ono,
o cemu je mislila.
Leprsali smo u toj dolini modroga zraka,
kao znak modrine u obliku leptira,
svakoga casa spremni izgubiti svoj obris.
"Bijela kula", knjiga 37. Zapisala Vesna Krmpotic
Puno pozdrava iz Sombora od Josipa
Puno hvala gospodinu Borivoju Bukvi iz Rijeke sto nam je proslijedio priloge O SVIJETLO STO NAD NAMA SVICES sa molitvama za mir sa svih meridijana i PUT SAMOPROMJENE.
06.07.2010. (08:17) - - - - - promjene spremljene- uredi komentar - obriši komentar - prijavi ovaj komentar kao spam - zabrani komentiranje autoru ovog komentara- učitavam...
----- Original Message ----- From: "Ekologija.com.hr"
Sent: Monday, July 05, 2010 12:34 PM
Subject: Peticija: Potvrdite vaše potpisivanje peticije 'Zabranimo uporabu plastičnih vrećica u Hrvatskoj'
> Hvala vam na vašem potpisu. Morate potvrditi da ste vlasnik ovog maila tako što ćete posjetiti sljedeću adresu:
> http://www.ekologija.com.hr/?petition-confirm=e1c82a2652914ffb
> Srdačan pozdrav,
> Ekologija.com.hr
06.07.2010. (08:27) - - - - - promjene spremljene- uredi komentar - obriši komentar - prijavi ovaj komentar kao spam - zabrani komentiranje autoru ovog komentara- učitavam...
Hvala vam na vašem potpisu. Morate potvrditi da ste vlasnik ovog maila tako što ćete posjetiti sljedeću adresu:
Srdačan pozdrav,
06.07.2010. (08:33) - - - - - promjene spremljene- uredi komentar - obriši komentar - prijavi ovaj komentar kao spam - zabrani komentiranje autoru ovog komentara- učitavam...
Go to Previous message | Go to Next message | Back to MessagesMark as Unread | Print
ReplyReply AllMove...adresarblago istre Flag this messageHappy Birthday Dalai LamaTuesday, July 6, 2010 8:27 AMFrom: This sender is DomainKeys verified"Alice Jay - Avaaz.org" Add sender to ContactsTo: "borivojbukva@yahoo.com" Make sure Avaaz alerts reach your inbox: click "Add to Contacts" to add avaaz@avaaz.org to your address book, and click the "Not Spam" button if you found this email in your spam folder. If you prefer to leave the Avaaz list, just click here to unsubscribe.
Dear friends,
The Dalai Lama turns 75 today. For decades he has given us all hope -- setting a generous example of wisdom, non-violence and compassion for a better world.
Now we can return the favour -- let’s send the Dalai Lama a birthday tribute from millions of us worldwide! It will be delivered personally to him on a “wall of warm wishes” outside the temple in Dharamsala and broadcast around the region.
Let's take this moment to honour the Dalai Lama together and make his birthday last as long as we keep signing! -- click here to sign the tribute -- then forward this alert to everyone so they can do the same:
Imagine all of our names together on a massive public tribute to the Dalai Lama, from Brazil to Ghana, Italy to Indonesia -- tens of thousands of messages of hope, gratitude and encouragement streaming in from all around the world!
The spiritual leader of Tibet has spent over 50 years in exile, and he continues to preach peace and compassion. Let's share with him how much the world values him and is inspired by his life. Click here to sign the global birthday tribute to the Dalai Lama:
With hope,
Alice, Pascal, Ben, Graziela, Paul, Iain, Mia and the rest of the Avaaz team
PS: The Avaaz community has been supporting radio stations, bloggers, and censorship avoidance technologies to ensure information comes in and out of closed Tibet. We will work with these partners in the coming days to ensure our global birthday messages of hope, gratitude and encouragement from around the world reach hundreds of thousands of Tibetans and Chinese.
Support the Avaaz community! We're entirely funded by donations and receive no money from governments or corporations. Our dedicated team ensures even the smallest contributions go a long way -- donate here.
06.07.2010. (08:44) - - - - - promjene spremljene- uredi komentar - obriši komentar - prijavi ovaj komentar kao spam - zabrani komentiranje autoru ovog komentara- učitavam...
Namig za poletne dni!!!
Osma izvedba Mednarodnega festivala sodobne umetnosti ART STAYS 2010 je posvečena odnosom in razlikam med umetnostjo, zvokom, prostorom, znanostjo in tehnologijo.
Tokratni festival dopolnjuje prva poletna akademija, ki bo od 20. do 29. julija 2010 v obliki predavanj in delavnic o praksi in teoriji umetnosti potekala na Ptuju. Predavanja in delavnice bodo vodili mednarodni profesorji, kustosi in umetniki.
Lynn Book (zvočna performativna umetnica in profesorica na inštitutu Transart v Berlinu), BridA (Tom Kerševan, Sendi Mango, Jurij Pavlica) (umetniška skupina), Giancarlo Busato (direktor Grafične delavnice Busato, Vicenza, Italija), S. Chandrasekaran (vodja oddelka za likovno umetnost na Akademiji za likovno umetnost Nanyang, Singapur), Gary Cass (profesor na Fakulteti za naravne in kmetijske vede in v učnih laboratorijih Univerze Zahodne Avstralije v Perthu), Mauro Ceolin (umetnik), Raphael Di Luzio (izredni profesor novih medijev na University of Maine New Media Program), Dušan Fišer (umetnik, kustos in profesor na Gimnaziji Ptuj), Manuel Frara (profesor novih medijev na Akademiji za likovno umetnost v Benetkah), Omar Mirza (kustos, Nitra Gallery), Igor Molin (slikar, profesor na gimnaziji Riva v Trentu), Domenico Papa (arhitekt, kustos in profesor psihologije umetnosti na Akademiji za likovno umetnost v Benetkah), Laszlo Revesz (umetnik, kustos in profesor na Akademiji za likovno umetnost v Budimpešti).
Devet dni dogodkov, razmišljanja, akcije in delavnic. Poletna likovna akademija ponuja možnost za poglobitev obstoječega znanja in pridobitev novih znanj na področju vizualne umetnosti, video umetnosti, glasbe, performansa, freske, globoke grafike javne umetnosti, "site-specific" projektov, estetike, umetnostne zgodovine in novih medijev. Program se bo za vsakega sodelujočega umetnika zaključil z realizacijo projekta, ki bo predstavljen na skupinski razstavi pod imenom Poletna akademija.
Udeleženci bodo istočasno imeli možnost spremljati Mednarodni festival sodobne vizualne umetnosti Art Stays 2010, kar jim bo omogočilo primerjavo mednarodnih umetnikov in odprlo nove možnosti za debato o dejanskem stanju na področju umetnosti.
Pričakujemo: umetnike vseh starosti in narodnosti.
Uradni jezik: angleščina / slovenščina
VEČ: www.artstays.si akademija / academy
The eighth edition of the International Festival of Contemporary Art ART STAYS 2010 is dedicated to the relations and differences between art, sound, territory, science and technology.
This edition is accompanied by the Summer Academy, which will be held in Ptuj from 20 to 29 July 2010 and will consist of lectures and workshops on the practices and theories of arts that will be taught by international professors, curators and artists.
Lynn Book (sound performance artist and Professor at the Transart Institute in Berlin), BridA (Tom Kerševan, Sendi Mango, Jurij Pavlica) (art group), Giancarlo Busato (Director of Stamperia d'arte Busato. Vicenza, Italy), S. Chandrasekaran (Head of the Department of Fine Arts at Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, Singapore), Gary Cass (Professor at the Faculty of Natural & Agricultural Sciences, Teaching Laboratories, University of Western Australia, Perth), Mauro Ceolin (artist), Raphael Di Luzio (Associate Professor of New Media at the University of Maine New Media Program), Dušan Fišer (Artist, Curator and Professor Gimnazija Ptuj), Manuel Frara (Professor of New Media at the Academy of Fine Arts, Venice), Omar Mirza (art curator, Nitra Gallery, Nitra), Igor Molin (Painter, Professor at the Gymnassium Riva, Trento), Domenico Papa (Architect, Curator and Psychology of Arts Professor at the Academy of Fine Arts, Venice), Laszlo Revesz (Artist, Curator and Professor at the Budapest Academy of Fine Arts).
Nine days of events, reflection, actions, workshops. The Academy offers an opportunity to deepen one's knowledge of visual art, video art, music, performance, fresco, graphic (calcography), public art, site-specific projects, aesthetics, history of arts and new media. The program is concluded by each participant/artist with the realization of a project that will be presented at a group exhibition under the section SUMMER ACADEMY.
Each participant will be asked to follow the International Festival of Contemporary Art ART STAYS 2010, which will take place at the same time and will provide the opportunity for a comparison of international artists in residence and create further opportunities for discussions about the realities of the field.
We expect: artists of all ages and nationalities.
Official language: English / Slovene
MORE: www.artstays.si akademija / academy
Cena za posamezno delavnico / Cost per Workshop: 80 EUR (material je vključen v ceno / materials for each course are includ
06.07.2010. (16:38) - - - - - promjene spremljene- uredi komentar - obriši komentar - prijavi ovaj komentar kao spam - zabrani komentiranje autoru ovog komentara- učitavam...
"Hodanje Stazom Svjetla, Ljepote i Mira"
Unutarnji Put... pitanja i odgovori...
Rijeka: subota, 10. srpnja, 18h
"Makrovega" - makrobiotička i vegetarijanska hrana.
Matije Gupca 7, 1. kat
06.07.2010. (16:41) - - - - - promjene spremljene- uredi komentar - obriši komentar - prijavi ovaj komentar kao spam - zabrani komentiranje autoru ovog komentara- učitavam...
tvoj maslacak
:-*) .....HVALA ti na predivnim knjigama........PUSA
06.07.2010. (20:31) - - - - - promjene spremljene- uredi komentar - obriši komentar - prijavi ovaj komentar kao spam - zabrani komentiranje autoru ovog komentara- učitavam...