

Dodaj komentar (8)


  • Davide

    News from eurogotv: http://eurogotv.com/index.php?menu=News&archief=1268599540
    "Veliki zimski velikogoricki go-turnir 2010

    Local strongman Mladen Smud 1k won the one-day tournament in Veliko Gorica ('Big Mountain') in Croatia on Saturday 13 with 4-0. Vigor ('Strong') Grego (1k) only lost one game to Mladen ('Young').

    In Big Mountain twenty Croatians played. The tournament is part of their league. Our knowledge of Croatian is mostly non-existing. Nevertheless, we would translate the title as: 'Large Global Big Mountain Go Tournament 2010'. So Smud swept his hill. Fine for him.
    placed by Peter Dijkema at 21:45 Sun 14 March 2010 "

    You can find the same news in short version in the American Go E-Journal
    This author is used to "play" with the translations from other languages, i like to not make comments about that... ;-)


    16.03.2010. (12:25)    -   -   -   -  

  • Mladen

    @Davide - ... ;))) very interesting tramslatacions. You was here. Not any mountain is here. In Croastian language 'gorica' is orso 'vinograd' (winyard). Part of Velika Gorica, there I'm liveing, he names "Podbrežnica", and this mind's 'undermountain'. This all is like big joke, and I'm think joker's give that names in past. In croatian language we have planina, gora, breg, brdo ... like similar, but not exactly...... Maby is Gorica better Hill, but not any hill is here. Next part is Visoki Brijeg like High Mountain. Podbrežnica, and Visoki Brijeg have not conection with 'winyard' in words. The people in past here, I'm think, was joker's, but names is official.
    Thank you for informations, and I'm think is so OK. Best regards ... :)


    16.03.2010. (13:23)    -   -   -   -  

  • Lovro

    Really funny, but he had luck about the names... what would he have done if he had to translate my name? No translation for it that I know about...


    16.03.2010. (15:55)    -   -   -   -  

  • Mladen

    @Lovro - Somethig like hunter...hunter on oponents groups ... :)))


    16.03.2010. (17:34)    -   -   -   -  

  • Lovro

    Oh... lov means hunt, and ro... maybe... never saw it before...


    16.03.2010. (18:05)    -   -   -   -  

  • Lovro

    Sada je dogovor potvrđen. Csaba Mero, 6d će dati 10 lekcija pobjedniku Hrvatske Go Lige, a 5 lekcija drugoplasiranom. Plasman će odrediti knock-out turnir na kojem će sudjelovati 8 igrača sa najviše bodova u ligi kada se ova sezona završi.


    16.03.2010. (20:07)    -   -   -   -  

  • Mladen

    @Lovro - Odlično. Jesmo li mi svoj dio dogovora poštivali? Mislim na izvješća. Pozdrav ... :)


    16.03.2010. (20:14)    -   -   -   -  

  • Lovro

    Došlo je do promjene u dogovoru. Raditi ću intervjue sa igračima koje Csaba izabere...


    16.03.2010. (20:16)    -   -   -   -  
