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  • Lovro

    Našao sam neke vijesti o vama na sajtu od EurogoTV-a! Čestitam dečki!

    Zoran Simeounovic Swept Samac

    Zoran Simeunovic 5d from Bosnia won the 5th championship of Samac in Bosnia undefeated 5-0. Dragan Barisic 5d (Bosnia) was second with three wins and Robert Jovicic 3k of Zagreb (HR) finished third with four wins.

    Remarkably, all other participants from Zagreb won also 4-1: Mato Tausan 9k and the family Pejanovic - Fran 11k and Filip 13k.

    In Samac last weekend of February, 25 from 8 clubs in 4 different countries took part. Rado Babic (left) 12k from Austria entered the results in the European Database.
    placed by Peter Dijkema at 20:00 Sun 07 March 2010


    14.03.2010. (16:36)    -   -   -   -  
