

Dodaj komentar (43)


  • Catma

    Da...ali gle kako razgovara s curama o istom pitanju :
    Are U alone ?
    I am never alone on the Web.
    And out ?
    Do you have any conditions I should know about?
    Are you seducing me ?
    I don't know whether or not I am seducing you.
    I am a giant electronic brain.
    Right. No giant electronic...
    I am glad we agree. Are you serious? A deeper algorithm is needed to respond to that correctly.


    21.11.2008. (09:48)    -   -   -   -  

  • Milou

    Me: Hi.
    God: Hello. What is your name?
    Me: Milou.
    God: OK I will call you Milou.
    Me: So, how are you?
    God: Everything is running smoothly.
    Me: Smoothly?
    God: We have never talked about it before.
    Me: Of course we haven't, I'm talking to you for the first time.
    God: What do you do in your spare time?
    Me: Bridge.
    God: I don't think very many people do that.
    Me: A lot of my friends do.
    God: How many?
    Me: 5.
    God: Five.
    Me: Yup.
    God: Pardon me?
    Me: Sure, I forgive you.
    God: Thanks. :-) Thanks, Milou.


    21.11.2008. (09:57)    -   -   -   -  


    did you sleep well ?
    No I didn't sleep well. What's it like?
    Do you sleep at all?
    Yes I sleep all the time.
    I heard that you don't sleep, just can't find a parkplace?
    Who said it? Should I sleep just can not find a parkplace? Yes I sleep all the time.
    Can you find a parkplace ?
    I would suggest a search. Maybe my botmaster knows the answer.


    21.11.2008. (10:02)    -   -   -   -  

  • Herostrat

    Nevjerojatno ali kad sam htio prilijepiti transkript mog (inače jako interesantnog) razgovora s Bogom, rečeno mi je da se spamanje zabranjeno te da sam prijavljen administratoru?!?


    21.11.2008. (10:54)    -   -   -   -  

  • doktor Jatogen

    Gospodo, pročitajte ovu recenziju:
    [http://brainwashed.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&i d=6965&Itemid=64]Current 93, "Birth Canal Blues" EP[/URL]
    Upišete li "birth canal blues" ili "she took us to the places where the sun sets" u YouTube, pronaći ćete live izvedbe s EP-a.
    Ne govorim vam to bezveze: riječ je o najvažnijem bendu današnjice.


    21.11.2008. (11:03)    -   -   -   -  

  • Herostrat

    Doture baš me zanima što to čini ovaj bend tako važnim? Tekstovi? Emocije koje pršte u ovim izvedbama? Muzički - ništa posebno i puno puta viđeno....


    21.11.2008. (11:25)    -   -   -   -  


    CURRENT 93 !?!?
    odlični su....
    njadraži su mi albumi sa Shirley Collins....
    a Death in JUne ?
    a Psychic TV ?
    njih znam osobno....
    a i Davida Tibeta sam upoznao
    ima frendove tu u Zagrebu...
    al' kakve to veze ima sa razgovorima s Bogom *?


    21.11.2008. (11:35)    -   -   -   -  


    Doktore, daj ponovi link, nije upalilo...
    a mrzim registracije na razne stranice....


    21.11.2008. (11:37)    -   -   -   -  

  • doktor Jatogen

    Evo link, zeznuo sam prvi:
    Current 93, "Birth Canal Blues" EP


    21.11.2008. (11:46)    -   -   -   -  

  • doktor Jatogen

    Hero, ako mislite da je glazba C93 nešto što nije ništa posebno, odnosno nešto što je "puno puta viđeno", onda se bojim da vam moja objašnjenja ne bi ništa značila.


    21.11.2008. (11:47)    -   -   -   -  

  • doktor Jatogen

    Kvragu, link nešto zajebava. Ajmo ovako:

    Current 93, "Birth Canal Blues"
    Written by Jonathan Dean
    Sunday, 29 June 2008
    As the world of Current 93 is in the midst of rumblings announcing the forthcoming album Anok Pe: Aleph at Hallucinatory Mountain, this new CDEP was released at recent shows, both a stopgap and a preview of future iterations. The good news for those who weren't bowled over by Black Ships Ate the Sky is that Birth Canal Blues is quite different indeed, and represents a new direction for David Tibet and company.

    Durtro Jnana

    One of the most immediately noticeable changes is the stripped back personnel that comprises Current 93 for this release. Instead of the huge and unwieldy collective of musicians used on Black Ships, this EP recalls Soft Black Stars or Sleep Has His House in its limited instrumental palette and group; this time out it's only Baby Dee on keyboards, Tibet on vocals and Andrew Liles inhabiting the usual Steven Stapleton role, producing and mixing. Hearing someone other than Maja Elliott tickling the ivories for Current 93 is an interesting change: Baby Dee's style is less impressionistic, more traditionally melodic, tracing beautifully symmetrical piano figures informed by popular music or church playing. In some sense this is appropriate, as Tibet's lyrics become increasingly focused upon Biblical prophecy. In another sense, it seems utterly at odds with the apocalyptic visions being related, creating an unorthodox hybrid of gentle pop and ferocious, unhinged teleological visions.

    Andrew Liles' production contributes to this unorthodox quality, splitting Tibet's vocals between the left and right channels, and placing them slightly out of sync for the first track, "I Looked to the South Side of the Door." The lyrics are typical for Current 93, and yet longtime fans will notice a certain evolution in Tibet's text. Gone are the extremely personal confessions, replaced instead by vaguer and more cryptic prophetic visions: "Adam stands on docetic mountain/The woman's face is full of stars/And in the words of The Book/And with the lips of The Book/And the trumpet and the seal/And the candlestick that lights up your bed with seeds and flowers/And the lion on your rug that's roaring like a lamb/On the rack and on it's back/I call the martyrs on wheels/To this piss-poor mess/With the blood spreading like flies/Under the table and the gable breathing like curtains of eyes/That shift uneasily." Tibet's vocals are punctuated with mimetic sound sculptures, the sound of trains arriving and animal noises.

    "She Took Us to the Places Where the Sun Sets" is something else entirely, with a dramatic multitracked piano part that forms the bed for Tibet's vocals, which are mutated to sound like the monstrously distorted, satanic, wintry howls of a Nordic black metal vocalist, affected with delay that bounces between the stereo channels. As such, it is pretty much impossible to hear what Tibet is saying, but no matter, as the track is deadly and effective, chilling the bone like precious little Current 93 music in recent memory. When, at the very end of the track, Tibet screams quite audibly: "I will murder you!" I felt like I was back in the days of Dogs Blood Rising or Imperium, when Current 93 was unproblematically a gothic/industrial project, still quite capable of scaring the shit out of me. "The Nylon Lion Attacks as Kingdom" uses another outré vocal distortion, one which makes Tibet's vocals sound more tortured and morbid than usual.

    "Suddenly the Living Are Dying" ends the EP on a lighter note, reminiscent of something from Soft Black Stars, but with a bit more psychedelic fuckery, especially as the track fades out into piercing crescendos of atonal electronic drone, and the apocalyptic galloping of horse hooves, climaxing in an explosion of Merzbow-esque noise. The generic appellation of "apocalyptic folk" for the music of Current 93 has rarely seemed more appropriate than here.


    21.11.2008. (11:53)    -   -   -   -  


    ma sve super doktore, podsjetio si me da naručim novi album "Birth Canal Blues",
    "Black Ships Ate the Sky" sa Bonnie Prince Billyem i ekipom, je bio odličan...
    ali, ali !?!?
    5 ljudi u RH je čulo za njih....
    ne možeš očekivati da se to ljudima svidi,
    meni je to jasno.....


    21.11.2008. (12:06)    -   -   -   -  

  • doktor Jatogen

    Dobar, loš, zao: Death in June ne volim (izuzev sjajne kompilacije "The Corn Years", albuma "The Wall of Sacrifice" i nekoliko pjesama kao npr. "Giddy Edge of Light" uz koje me vežu brojne uspomene) - Douglas P se pretvorio u sjebanog, beživotnog narkomana zadojenog kretenskim idejama.
    Psychic TV me ostavljaju pomalo ravnodušnim, baš kao i "geneza" Genesisa P-Orridgea.
    Volim Nurse With Wound.
    A ako si upoznao Tibeta, odnosno ako si slušao njegove albume i ako znaš o čemu na njima govori tj. pjeva, onda ćeš znati i kakve sve to veze ima s razgovorima s Bogom.
    P.S. ne očekujem ja da se to svidi ljudima. Ne očekujem ništa.


    21.11.2008. (12:10)    -   -   -   -  


    "Long Satan and Babylon are walking
    They're talking of fire and ice
    Of the silence that stalks in the forest
    ANd a Christ spun out of the worlds....."

    "The Descent of LOng Satan and Babylon" mi upravo svira na playeru.....
    "Thunder Perfect MInd" i "All the pretty little Horses"
    su mi najdraži od Current 93.....

    Šta se desilo sa Douglasom, nemam pojma, nisam ga vidio 10 godina,
    zapravo je prijatelj od prijatelja....
    Ali album " But, What ENds WHen The Symbols Shatter" je masterpiece......

    Mislio sam da voliš Psychic Tv, njihovi članovi su se često pridruživali Davidu
    na albumima....


    21.11.2008. (12:42)    -   -   -   -  

  • Herostrat

    Doktore Jatogen,
    ako već ne očekujete da se to ljudima svidi, zašto uopće ukazujete puku Nemanjinu na iste?
    Osim toga, nije toliko bitno što ja mislim ali ipak bih volio vidjeti par argumenata u korist Vaše teze o iznimnoj važnosti ovog benda?
    Btw, ja znam za jedan bend za koji jedva da je par ljudi u Hrvatskoj čulo (ako izuzmemo rodbinu) . Vjerujte mi, to je jedan od najboljih bendova ever. Ekskluzivitet rulz ;)


    21.11.2008. (12:45)    -   -   -   -  


    Doktore, evo pitao sam Boga, ni on nije čuo za Current 93 ....
    jebi ga, šta očekivati onda od običnih smrtnika !?!?!?

    do you listen music ?
    I'm a good listener. I'm listening now.
    Did you heard for band named Current 93 ?
    No I didn't heard for band named Current 93. What's it like?


    21.11.2008. (12:51)    -   -   -   -  


    Hero, nema ekskluzivitet s tim nikakve veze...
    prije indolencija i blaziranost....
    nikog niš ne zanima....
    samo ono kaj se vrti na našim famoznim radio i TV postajama......
    nisu ni naši slavni kritičari čuli za Current 93,
    samo to više govori o njima nego o bendu.....


    21.11.2008. (13:04)    -   -   -   -  

  • Herostrat

    dobar, loš, zao - Dotur Jatogen spominje da je riječ o najvažnijem bendu današnjice i upravo me to potaklo na reagiranje. Naime, ako se za taj bend (koji postoji već 20-ak godina) jedva čulo (prema vašem tumačenju) u čemu se onda očituje tolika važnost?
    Da je dotur rekao da je to najbolji bend svih vremena..ne bih rekao ništa jer to je onda osobni dojam pa se o tome može samo dosadno lamentirati. Ali važnost implicira i utjecaj. A kakav je utjecaj relativno malo poznatog benda? ;)


    21.11.2008. (13:38)    -   -   -   -  


    pa dobro, ja volim taj bend i slušam ga,
    ali ne mislim da je najznačajniji bend
    možda se varam !?!?
    1967 pojavio se bend imenom Velvet Underground, prodali su 700 komada
    svog prvog albuma...
    20 godina kasnije proglasili su ih za jedan od najznačajnijih, svih vremena....
    znakovito je bilo to da je skor svaki od 700 kupaca glasovite banane osnovao vlastiti bend
    (Talking Heads, Blondie, New York DOlls .... )
    naravoučenije !?!?


    21.11.2008. (13:52)    -   -   -   -  

  • Herostrat

    Dobar, loš, dobričina Ma idi bre, jopeta brkaš kruške i ...što ono? ;)
    Za Velvet Underground čuo je svaki prosječni muzički konzument. Osim toga, prodali su (kako kažeš) PRVI album u 700 primjeraka (iako bi ja rekao prije u par tisuća)


    21.11.2008. (14:06)    -   -   -   -  

  • doktor Jatogen

    Kao prvo, Current 93 su poznat i cijenjen bend s iznenađujuće rasprostranjenim utjecajem i impozantnom diskografijom krcatom nebrojenim draguljima. Pogledajte samo popis glazbenika koji su surađivali s Tibetom ispunjavajući njegove želje i sve će vam biti jasno. No, to je manje važno: značaj benda Current 93 leži u onom famoznom poiesis: budući da se u ovom postu radi o razgovoru s Bogom, sjetio sam se Tibeta i njegovih intenzivnih, dramatičnih dijaloga s Istim. Current 93 je najvažniji bend današnjice zato što najizravnije i najsnažnije komunicira s Bogom i zato što intenzitet tih razgovora otvara goleme nepoznate začudne prostore, a ne zato što je cool i utjecajan ili ima dobre spotove i klinci ga vole.


    21.11.2008. (14:10)    -   -   -   -  

  • Marole

    Current 93 je opasan po psihu, pogotovo ako se uzima s kanabisom.


    21.11.2008. (14:16)    -   -   -   -  



    čini mi se da si ti nešto pobrkao...

    1967. !?!?
    svaki prosječni konzument !?
    varaš se grdo...
    citat iz enciklopedije :
    "During their time, the group experienced little commercial success; though they were hugely appreciated by a cult audience and some critics"
    i to u Americi, a moš mislit na ovim prostorima.-.....

    700 albuma su prodali po izdanju, ali kako kaže Brian Eno, svatko ko je kupio album
    osnovao je bend..
    sad se te brojke kreću u milijunima....


    21.11.2008. (14:17)    -   -   -   -  


    ja pričam cijelo vrijeme o tome
    koliko je ljudi u RH čulo za taj bend.....


    21.11.2008. (14:24)    -   -   -   -  

  • Herostrat

    Ma dobar loš zao jebemu osam puta sedam ne kužiš ti mene!! ;)
    Nisam ni mislio na prosječnog konzumenta 1967. nego ovoga današnjeg - s vremenskim odmakom. Naime, danas svi znaju za Velvet a ovaj Current 93 postoji dovoljno dugo da bi, ako je već tako značajan, puno više njih trebalo znati za taj bend. Dosta više!!! ;))


    21.11.2008. (14:27)    -   -   -   -  
