

Dodaj komentar (50)


  • ...ChiKi...AvRiL....

    Bravo! Dajem ti 4. Imala si grešku nije Helly Xexls 01(tako se zove bolest),a žena je zapravo
    Helly Xexls, ja mislim da si prepisala.
    ALI dobro


    27.09.2008. (14:41)    -   -   -   -  

  • Prof. Jale-Obrana od mračnih sila

    Prvo probajte nači na internetu što više o oklumenciji ako nema na hrvatskom probajte na engleskom pa prevedite... i onda koristite taj materijal a ako vam toga ponestane onda možete nešto nadodati ali u blagim mjerama i ono što bi djelovalo realno za čarobnjčki, tj HP svjet


    28.09.2008. (08:33)    -   -   -   -  

  • Jale-drevne rune

    Dođi na prvo predavanje...


    28.09.2008. (11:25)    -   -   -   -  

  • Jale-drevne rune

    Occlumency is the act of magically closing one's mind against Legilimency. It can prevent a Legilimens from accessing one's thoughts and feelings, or influencing them.


    The most basic form of Occlumency, judging from Severus Snape's early lessons on the subject to Harry Potter, involves clearing one's mind — making it "blank and empty" — in order to prevent a Legilimens from perceiving one's emotions and thoughts. More advanced Occlumency involves suppressing only the thoughts, emotions, and memories that would contradict whatever it is an Occlumens wishes a Legilimens to believe; hence, it is not obvious that Occlumency is being used even if the person is lying. It requires a great deal of will power, as with resisting the Imperius Curse, as well as a high degree of mental and emotional discipline. It is also one method of resisting the influence of Veritaserum.[1]

    Occlumency is not taught at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and appears to be a rare and difficult skill.


    28.09.2008. (15:14)    -   -   -   -  

  • Jale-drevne rune

    The word "occlumency" comes from occlude, "to conceal", and mens, Latin for "mind". Literally it means "to close the mind."


    Severus Snape: "It appears there is a connection between the Dark Lord's mind and your own. Whether he is, as yet, aware of this connection is for the moment unclear. Pray he remains ignorant."
    Harry Potter: "You mean if he knows about it then, he'll be able to read my mind."
    Severus Snape: "Read it, control it, unhinge it... Used properly, the power of Occlumency will help shield you from access or influence. In these lessons I will attempt to penetrate your mind. You will attempt to resist. Prepare yourself! Legillimens!"
    — Snape and Harry during an Occlumency lesson[src]

    In the 1995 school year, Albus Dumbledore had Severus Snape teach Harry Potter Occlumency in an effort to prevent his mind from being penetrated and influenced by Lord Voldemort. Snape was a highly skilled Occlumens, being able to successfully deceive extremely accomplished Legilimens Voldemort, but his lessons with Harry were ultimately unsuccessful. Harry was not able to repel most attacks, though it is likely that the personal enmity between him and Snape as well as the stressful events in his life that year hindered his ability. He eventually gave up attempting to learn. Snape himself also employed the practice, to hide his loyalty to the Order of the Phoenix from Voldemort.[1]

    In 1996, Bellatrix Lestrange trained Draco Malfoy in Occlumency so that he could keep his mission to kill Albus Dumbledore a secret. Draco became skilled enough to repel Snape's attempts at Legilimency.[2]


    28.09.2008. (15:15)    -   -   -   -  

  • Jale-drevne rune

    I tako ima još puno toga ali sam na engleskom pa si moćete prevest na hrv... samo upišite riječ Occlumency i vidit ćete..alo kraća predavanja radite pa ćete imat materijala...


    28.09.2008. (15:17)    -   -   -   -  

  • ._¤.uLLa La..=)...-->kiSsS mE=)*

    .fora ti je blog.
    .ja sam ti belj sa četa.


    28.09.2008. (21:16)    -   -   -   -  

  • Hiperaktivno dijete

    ei kako je bilo na cijepljenju???


    29.09.2008. (19:40)    -   -   -   -  

  • [= MwaWa Sa TrsAta =]

    fora blog
    e i ja sam iz rijeke
    iz kojeg si djela
    odg plz


    03.10.2008. (16:06)    -   -   -   -  

  • http://ludi-svijet-male-plave.blog.hr/

    Isprika prihvaćena i vratio sam vas u Raveclaw..


    08.10.2008. (16:44)    -   -   -   -  

  • http://ludi-svijet-male-plave.blog.hr/

    I trebate napisat predavanje iz oklumencije


    08.10.2008. (16:57)    -   -   -   -  

  • http://ludi-svijet-male-plave.blog.hr/

    Naravno... možete odmah početi i napisati dva predavanja odjednom jer malo zaostajete pa da budete u istom tempu kao i ostali predmeti... raspored vam je u utorak ali vi možete napisati prvo i drugo predavanje akda želite... i ono će biti jednom u dva tjedna


    09.10.2008. (19:30)    -   -   -   -  

  • Petra Bktee -.-''

    new post.=)


    10.10.2008. (11:32)    -   -   -   -  

  • Učionica skrbi za magična stvorenja!

    Ako vas zanima tko je optužio moj dom (a ni sama ne znam zašto) slobodno pogledajte komentare u domu Slytherina slyytherin.blog.hr...Hvala


    10.10.2008. (20:02)    -   -   -   -  

  • http://ludi-svijet-male-plave.blog.hr/

    Ja bi vas lijepo po zadnji put zamolio da se više jednom odlučite šta želite a šta ne želite biti!!!


    10.10.2008. (20:29)    -   -   -   -  

  • http://ludi-svijet-male-plave.blog.hr/



    10.10.2008. (22:26)    -   -   -   -  

  • http://ludi-svijet-male-plave.blog.hr/

    Oboje nemožete biti a prefekta već imamo a mislim da i predstavnicu već imamo a ono tko se prvi javio to nemojte zamjeriti jer ja više ništa nisam znao vezi vas, vi ste bili učenica pa i profesorica ali ne učenica pa onda opet oboje, pa ste predavali oklumenciju pa sad više ne a ne želim da se opet predomišljate pa je to razlog.


    11.10.2008. (14:37)    -   -   -   -  

  • http://ludi-svijet-male-plave.blog.hr/

    i napišite link za učionicu.


    11.10.2008. (14:46)    -   -   -   -  

  • mawa tužna curica

    ejj..evo da ti vratim komove...


    12.10.2008. (11:07)    -   -   -   -  

  • .*.NeLLa_aka_TaTiNa mAzA.*.

    ey..hwala na kommu..
    mislim totalno ste ufurani u harry pottera..
    al ok..was ziwot..


    12.10.2008. (12:21)    -   -   -   -  

  • mawa tužna curica

    ej super ti blog


    13.10.2008. (14:42)    -   -   -   -  

  • mAwA_nIkY...

    pa znam


    13.10.2008. (14:51)    -   -   -   -  

  • sta blejis ljepota nije prijelazna

    eej njuw blog
    svrati i kommaj


    13.10.2008. (15:38)    -   -   -   -  

  • mawa tužna curica

    ej..evo da ti jos malo komam


    13.10.2008. (20:19)    -   -   -   -  

  • mawa tužna curica

    i kak si ti meni??!


    13.10.2008. (20:20)    -   -   -   -  
