Cuo prije puno godina od svog oca – vjerojatno narodna umotvorina
Dragi prijatelji,Moj duhovni ucitelj, Vesna Krmpotic, upitana jednom prigodom tko joj je najveci neprijatelj, rutinerski je izgovorila svoje ime. Ovo pricam za one koji, moze biti, jos nisu osvijestili izvorista svih svojih zgoda i nezgoda, mada svi mi pomalo zaboravljamo i steceno znanje o tomu. U danasnjem tihovanju nam i pjesma iz "Bijele kule" donosi vise svjetla za sudove o dobru i zlu:
102. TI JOS UVIJEK MISLIS Ti jos uvijek mislis: gle, ljudi su dobri prema meni. Shvati: Ja sam dobar prema tebi. Jos uvijek mislis: ljudi mi zlo cine. Zar ne znas - oni to cine s Mojom dozvolom? Mozda ti dajem prigodu da vratis dug bez kamata, a mozda ti dajem prigodu da zaradis s kamatama. Svejedno. Znaj da iza onoga sto zoves dobrim, ili pak zlim djelom, stoji Moja nepokolebljiva dobrota.
"Bijela kula", knjiga 34. Zapisala Vesna Krmpotic Puno pozdrava iz Sombora od Josipa
04.07.2008. (07:10)
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Mugabe has seized the Presidency of Zimbabwe in a sham election. We urgently need our governments to refuse to recognize him this week. Click below to send a message to your head of state:
After a violence-ridden, sham 'election' last Friday, Robert Mugabe has declared himself President of Zimbabwe. Ominous reports of a massive crackdown on all his opponents are circulating. The fate of the country now hangs on negotiations between Mugabe and the legitimate winner of the first round election -- Morgan Tsvangirai.
If governments around the world refuse to recognize Mugabe, and strongly push other governments to do the same, his position will be weakened, and he could be pressured into agreeing to a deal with Tsvangirai that reflects the will of the Zimbabwean people. There's still hope to save Zimbabwe, but every day of silence strengthens Mugabe's position.
So far only a few governments have refused to recognize Mugabe as President -- we urgently need to turn this trickle into a flood, this week. Click below to send a personalized message directly to your head of state or foreign minister, and forward this email to others who could help:
The people of Zimbabwe are desperate for change. The country has been decimated by Mugabe, with 80% unemployment, 160,000% inflation, and rampant fear -- over 30% of the population has fled the country.
The people of Zimbabwe clearly voted for Tsvangirai over Mugabe in the first round of the election, which was more free of violence. Then Mugabe's party waged a campaign of terror and intimidation and Tsvangirai was forced to withdraw after almost 100 of his party activists were murdered. The UN Secretary General and election observers from the African Union and Southern Africa Development Community have condemned the run off election as illegitimate, and the African Union has called for negotiations.
There is now only one path away from the violence -- a negotiated agreement. If leaders from Brazil to Botswana and Indonesia to India reject the regime, there is a chance of an agreement that reflects the will of the people. We have to act fast, it's now or never for Zimbabwe. Send your message now and spread the word:
Thanks for sending a message to your leader asking for a statement of non recognition of Mugabe's regime in Zimbabwe. If Mugabe is isolated, conditions can be created for a legitimate negotiated settlement and an end to the political crisis. Please spread this message, and forward this link to friends:
Ben, Graziela, Ricken, Paul, Galit, and the Avaaz.org team
Avaaz.org is an independent, not-for-profit global campaigning organization that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people inform global decision-making. (Avaaz means "voice" in many languages.) Avaaz receives no money from governments or corporations, and is staffed by a global team based in London, Rio de Janeiro, New York, Paris, Washington DC, and Geneva.
Click here to learn more about our largest campaigns.
Don't forget to check out our Facebook and Myspace and Bebo pages!
You are getting this message because you signed "World leaders: Do not recognise Mugabe" on 2008-07-04 0348 using the email address borivojbukva@yahoo.com.
To ensure that Avaaz messages reach your inbox, please add avaaz@avaaz.org to your address book. To change your email address, language settings, or other personal information, go here, or simply go here to unsubscribe.To contact Avaaz, please do not reply to this email. Instead, write to info@avaaz.org. You can also send postal mail to our New York office: 260 Fifth Avenue, 9th floor, New York, NY 10001 U.S.A.
If you have technical problems, please go to http://www.avaaz.org.
04.07.2008. (09:05)
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Ima vrijeme dozrijevanja i vrijeme branja. I to je Ezopova rečenica. Nije dovoljno da se žrtvuje jedan miš, već da se osvijeste miševi i da svi jurnu! Dakle miševima knjige u ruke!
04.07.2008. (10:43)
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poučna je priča...ja sam baš dana pročitao jednu japansku priču o ednom štakoru koji je zadavao probleme svm mačkama u tom kraju dok se nije pojavila zen mačka
lijepi ti pozdrav
04.07.2008. (15:44)
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Sreca je
Pam Brown, r. 1928.
04.07.2008. (07:08) - - - - - promjene spremljene- uredi komentar - obriši komentar - prijavi ovaj komentar kao spam - zabrani komentiranje autoru ovog komentara- učitavam...
Cuo prije puno godina od svog oca – vjerojatno narodna umotvorina
Dragi prijatelji,Moj duhovni ucitelj, Vesna Krmpotic, upitana jednom prigodom tko joj je najveci neprijatelj, rutinerski je izgovorila svoje ime. Ovo pricam za one koji, moze biti, jos nisu osvijestili izvorista svih svojih zgoda i nezgoda, mada svi mi pomalo zaboravljamo i steceno znanje o tomu. U danasnjem tihovanju nam i pjesma iz "Bijele kule" donosi vise svjetla za sudove o dobru i zlu:
102. TI JOS UVIJEK MISLIS Ti jos uvijek mislis: gle, ljudi su dobri prema meni. Shvati: Ja sam dobar prema tebi. Jos uvijek mislis: ljudi mi zlo cine. Zar ne znas - oni to cine s Mojom dozvolom? Mozda ti dajem prigodu da vratis dug bez kamata, a mozda ti dajem prigodu da zaradis s kamatama. Svejedno. Znaj da iza onoga sto zoves dobrim, ili pak zlim djelom, stoji Moja nepokolebljiva dobrota.
"Bijela kula", knjiga 34. Zapisala Vesna Krmpotic Puno pozdrava iz Sombora od Josipa
04.07.2008. (07:10) - - - - - promjene spremljene- uredi komentar - obriši komentar - prijavi ovaj komentar kao spam - zabrani komentiranje autoru ovog komentara- učitavam...
--- On Fri, 7/4/08, Kuniharu Shimizu wrote:
From: Kuniharu Shimizu
Subject: Re: Fw: Re: haiga - 58th haiga contest
To: borivojbukva@yahoo.com
Date: Friday, July 4, 2008, 12:25 AM
Borivoj san:
Thank you for your haiga submission.
Is it you in the haiga?
all the best,
pozdrav kuniju i haijinima japana!
04.07.2008. (07:11) - - - - - promjene spremljene- uredi komentar - obriši komentar - prijavi ovaj komentar kao spam - zabrani komentiranje autoru ovog komentara- učitavam...
Dear Friends,
Mugabe has seized the Presidency of Zimbabwe in a sham election. We urgently need our governments to refuse to recognize him this week. Click below to send a message to your head of state:
After a violence-ridden, sham 'election' last Friday, Robert Mugabe has declared himself President of Zimbabwe. Ominous reports of a massive crackdown on all his opponents are circulating. The fate of the country now hangs on negotiations between Mugabe and the legitimate winner of the first round election -- Morgan Tsvangirai.
If governments around the world refuse to recognize Mugabe, and strongly push other governments to do the same, his position will be weakened, and he could be pressured into agreeing to a deal with Tsvangirai that reflects the will of the Zimbabwean people. There's still hope to save Zimbabwe, but every day of silence strengthens Mugabe's position.
So far only a few governments have refused to recognize Mugabe as President -- we urgently need to turn this trickle into a flood, this week. Click below to send a personalized message directly to your head of state or foreign minister, and forward this email to others who could help:
The people of Zimbabwe are desperate for change. The country has been decimated by Mugabe, with 80% unemployment, 160,000% inflation, and rampant fear -- over 30% of the population has fled the country.
The people of Zimbabwe clearly voted for Tsvangirai over Mugabe in the first round of the election, which was more free of violence. Then Mugabe's party waged a campaign of terror and intimidation and Tsvangirai was forced to withdraw after almost 100 of his party activists were murdered. The UN Secretary General and election observers from the African Union and Southern Africa Development Community have condemned the run off election as illegitimate, and the African Union has called for negotiations.
There is now only one path away from the violence -- a negotiated agreement. If leaders from Brazil to Botswana and Indonesia to India reject the regime, there is a chance of an agreement that reflects the will of the people. We have to act fast, it's now or never for Zimbabwe. Send your message now and spread the word:
With hope,
Ricken, Alice, Ben, Graziela, Mark, Paul, Galit, Iain, Pascal, Veronique and Milena - the Avaaz.org Team
PS: For more information and sources for the facts above, see:
Regional leaders criticizing Mugabe:
Tanzania's Kikwete - http://allafrica.com/stories/200806200336.html
Rwanda's Kagame - http://allafrica.com/stories/200806190003.html
Kenya's Odinga - http://allafrica.com/stories/200806190949.html
Uganda's Museveni - http://allafrica.com/stories/200806120016.html
Botswana's Merafhe - http://africa.reuters.com/wire/news/usnL01238885.html
Zambia's Mwanawasa - http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2008-06/23/content_8419741.htm
Impact of Zimbabwe crisis on the region: http://www.news24.com/News24/Africa/Zimbabwe/0,,2-11-1662_2349987,00.html
UN Secretary General critique of run off elections: http://afp.google.com/article/ALeqM5iXUQTIzQRDjsPjVN__ZD3EvEYFjA
Election observers on the run off elections: http://allafrica.com/stories/200807010201.html
AU summit resolution on Zimbabwe: http://allafrica.com/stories/200807020018.html
04.07.2008. (07:14) - - - - - promjene spremljene- uredi komentar - obriši komentar - prijavi ovaj komentar kao spam - zabrani komentiranje autoru ovog komentara- učitavam...
ANCHI, i to je život !
Dobro jutro moj Boro.
Znaš ono: kad mačka nema, miševi kolo vode.
Takvi smo mi ljudi.
04.07.2008. (08:57) - - - - - promjene spremljene- uredi komentar - obriši komentar - prijavi ovaj komentar kao spam - zabrani komentiranje autoru ovog komentara- učitavam...
Dear friend,
Thanks for sending a message to your leader asking for a statement of non recognition of Mugabe's regime in Zimbabwe. If Mugabe is isolated, conditions can be created for a legitimate negotiated settlement and an end to the political crisis. Please spread this message, and forward this link to friends:
http://www.avaaz.org/en/zimbabwe_chance_for_peace/97.php?cl_tf_sig n=1
Ben, Graziela, Ricken, Paul, Galit, and the Avaaz.org team
Avaaz.org is an independent, not-for-profit global campaigning organization that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people inform global decision-making. (Avaaz means "voice" in many languages.) Avaaz receives no money from governments or corporations, and is staffed by a global team based in London, Rio de Janeiro, New York, Paris, Washington DC, and Geneva.
Click here to learn more about our largest campaigns.
Don't forget to check out our Facebook and Myspace and Bebo pages!
You are getting this message because you signed "World leaders: Do not recognise Mugabe" on 2008-07-04 0348 using the email address borivojbukva@yahoo.com.
To ensure that Avaaz messages reach your inbox, please add avaaz@avaaz.org to your address book. To change your email address, language settings, or other personal information, go here, or simply go here to unsubscribe.To contact Avaaz, please do not reply to this email. Instead, write to info@avaaz.org. You can also send postal mail to our New York office: 260 Fifth Avenue, 9th floor, New York, NY 10001 U.S.A.
If you have technical problems, please go to http://www.avaaz.org.
04.07.2008. (09:05) - - - - - promjene spremljene- uredi komentar - obriši komentar - prijavi ovaj komentar kao spam - zabrani komentiranje autoru ovog komentara- učitavam...
ANCI i to je život, tebi
04.07.2008. (09:06) - - - - - promjene spremljene- uredi komentar - obriši komentar - prijavi ovaj komentar kao spam - zabrani komentiranje autoru ovog komentara- učitavam...
Ima vrijeme dozrijevanja i vrijeme branja. I to je Ezopova rečenica. Nije dovoljno da se žrtvuje jedan miš, već da se osvijeste miševi i da svi jurnu! Dakle miševima knjige u ruke!
04.07.2008. (10:43) - - - - - promjene spremljene- uredi komentar - obriši komentar - prijavi ovaj komentar kao spam - zabrani komentiranje autoru ovog komentara- učitavam...
mushin munen
poučna je priča...ja sam baš dana pročitao jednu japansku
priču o ednom štakoru koji je zadavao probleme svm mačkama
u tom kraju dok se nije pojavila zen mačka
lijepi ti pozdrav
04.07.2008. (15:44) - - - - - promjene spremljene- uredi komentar - obriši komentar - prijavi ovaj komentar kao spam - zabrani komentiranje autoru ovog komentara- učitavam...
pozdrav tomislavu, boro
04.07.2008. (16:58) - - - - - promjene spremljene- uredi komentar - obriši komentar - prijavi ovaj komentar kao spam - zabrani komentiranje autoru ovog komentara- učitavam...
sreća je biti miran sa samim sobom i biti milosrdan, kad bi bar ja uvijek mogla biti takva =))
05.07.2008. (00:29) - - - - - promjene spremljene- uredi komentar - obriši komentar - prijavi ovaj komentar kao spam - zabrani komentiranje autoru ovog komentara- učitavam...