

Dodaj komentar (4)


  • Canada

    I know of two tragic histories in the world - that of Ireland, and that of Macedonia. Both of them have been deprived and tormented - Roger Casement (Irish Patriot)


    03.04.2008. (03:28)    -   -   -   -  

  • DeeJay - Dance House Music Blog, Makedonija,muzika

    @ Canada: Thank you for the comment.


    03.04.2008. (04:34)    -   -   -   -  

  • dimitrios

    Why discombobulate archeological and historical facts to justify your nation state? Anchoring
    your raison d’ĂŞtre to fables will surely only postpone the eventual day of reckoning. I would encourage you to have more confidence on your own accomplishments as a people and cultivate your own identity. Greece and its people have no territorial claims on you. In fact it’s your other neighbors that should give you cause for concern. Bulgaria considers you a non identity, an extension of their nation and discounts your language, the Serbs see you as nothing more than a buffer zone, a component of their people, why else would their Church not recognize you as uniquely macedonian. As for the Albanians they realize your illegitimate claim to a quarter of your population and want changes. Your problem is not with Greece but with your own identity and survival. For were you to admit to the disconnect with the preslavic history of Macedonia your own people and the world would consider you nothing more than another Slavic people with a large Albanian minority. Given the birthrate and interagency kosovar part II is inevitable. Why else seek the security of NATO?

    You have no claim to Macedonian and Hellenic patrimony any more than the newly minded kosovars have to a Kosovar identity. Will your government recognize Kosova as a unique nation state or as an Albanian nation state? Do you consider them ethic Albanians or Kosovars? The similarities to your situation are sticking.
    You hark back to the possibility that Macedonians existed as a distinct identity prior to the 18th century and yet there is no evidence in your religion. You have always belonged to the Patriarchate of Constantinople and later on Serbian or Bulgarian Orthodox church. Religion which has been so integral to identity in the Balkans and it fails to live up to your illusions. Could it be that your own church never considered itself Macedonian, separate from Serbia and Bulgaria? Why wait till the 20th century to claim your autocephalous status? Why no Macedonian Monastery at Mount Athos. The Serbs, Russians, Bulgarians, Roumenians even the Georgians have their own. Did not your kings, nobility, and clergy take pride in your Macedonian identity and bequeath to establish even a skete?

    Where is your archeological evidence that your Slavic language was used prior to your migration to the region? In Pella, Vergina, in the mosaics of Saint Demetrios in the writings of Saint Palamas? You can no more logically claim any link to the historical heritage to Macedonia than a French Québécois has on native Americans or Afrikaners have on native south africa.
    It’s baffling why you don’t consider yourself part of the great slavic tradition and state the obvious. Even the Afrikaners see themselves as just one people or tribe of the Republic of South Africa. They and others make no absurd claims to justify their existence. Even the designation of New Macedonia is acceptable as a geographic designation.
    It’s in the interest of Greece and its people that you maintain your state and prosper. Basing your survival on a falsehood only undermines your own position.


    03.04.2008. (18:47)    -   -   -   -  

  • DeeJay - Dance House Music Blog, Makedonija,muzika

    @ dimitrios: Thanks for your opinion.
    But let me take some time to reply on your copy-paste comment that for sure you attached at lot of other websites/forums. :))
    Is this some kind of mold comment cooked in an Greek factory!? ;)


    04.04.2008. (10:11)    -   -   -   -  
