

Dodaj komentar (13)


  • HacHi

    Oj..ovo mi se svidja....Zimaaaa..aw ja inace volim snijeg toooliko punooooooooo...ne znam zasto..


    15.02.2008. (14:33)    -   -   -   -  

  • HacHi

    i ova slika druga po redu ja mislim..jest^^ predobra mi je


    15.02.2008. (14:34)    -   -   -   -  

  • HacHi

    e da i ono je novi dizajn^^ tj samo sam drugu sliku stavila^^


    15.02.2008. (14:35)    -   -   -   -  

  • La Boîte noire

    Zanimljiv spoj engleskog i hrvatskog, neobično i uklapa se.Ista vibracija misli u oba jezika.
    Neobično mi je drago biti ovdje, i sama uzgajam neke sitne ljubavi prema Japanu, nešto kao ehoi prošlosti, tako da, rado ću svraćati u pećine tvojih misli.Dizajn mi se posebno sviđa kao i izbor fotki.Pozdrav.


    15.02.2008. (17:22)    -   -   -   -  

  • Asuriell

    The summer never left, only in your head


    16.02.2008. (12:29)    -   -   -   -  

  • Just A Drop In The Sea

    Neh... Onee-chan.
    It's awful. To feel the cold constantly. That when we think we feel warmth, it' actually the cold seeping in our skin so harshly that it feels like burning... But it's coldness nevertheless. It does not stop, it does not have mercy, it does not let you warm yourself up. Despicable. The only help we try to give ourselves are the warm thoughts, hopes and dreams of our own minds... But so often, the coldness does not give us even that, but seeps in our brains and freezes whatever spark of warmth we've lit...
    But ya know... There's still some warmth... and light... Outside, there still is the sun. Covered with thick clouds... But we must bask in whatever is given to us... We have no choice.
    Still, maybe there is one more choice... Just... to live... And freeze together with our feelings and thoughts... Jut to float in the peace and cold serenity of it all. After all, ice is a beautiful thing to look at.
    But compared with the summer... It's nothing.

    No, daaaaijouuuubu yo! ^^ It's just that this week has been a little different than usually so I was leaving home early at the times we usually meet on the station ^__^ Gomen. Been thinking 'bout you too! I hope we'll get to meet anyways ~~~~ Nihaha. What's up with your net? And msn? I hope you fixed it so we could at least meet like that! ^^ See ya! Kisu!


    16.02.2008. (12:51)    -   -   -   -  

  • Beaut|fully_Chaot|c

    You wreck havoc upon me,angel,with your waggling bait.
    How can you utter such obscene lie when the shattered truth speaks the opposite?
    Yes..perhaps the summer hasn´t left,but it sure is far away,unreachable.
    Let me bask in my fragmented memories for just awhile,until I return to the wretched comfines of mortality..since it was destined so.
    Enough with the drama,right?^^

    I wish you an enjoyable windy day.


    16.02.2008. (13:14)    -   -   -   -  

  • Asuriell

    OMFG, there were no lies! You are the one that makes it hard for you, if you could just open your mind and listen, you would see how everything can work the way it is... But ako želiš entropiju, onda je to tvoja stvar-mazohizam. All what I said wasn't a lie, I meant every single syllable. I'm sick of always justifying my actions towards you! Why do you believe so much that I'm not telling the truth, that I'm a bastard, you believe it with all your heart... But when you realize you can trust me, then you force yourself not to, you fight to the death with yourself.
    Why do u think that I'm trying to hurt you all the time, that all that we ever share is "my plan to hurt you" ?
    It really really torments me, it really does. My whole week sucked when I realized you were again sad because of me, that it's my fault again. You see, I do care, it's in my mind constantly. I cant get it out. So please, just think about everything, and learn, I will do so too...
    Cherry blossom on Tušk? Let's make it bleed



    17.02.2008. (10:25)    -   -   -   -  

  • HacHi

    e ja sam te dodala na msn...samo da znas x3


    18.02.2008. (20:03)    -   -   -   -  

  • Monica

    ostavljam krvavi trag...
    fascinira me ovaj blog...baš ti hvala...čitam te,pusa.
    "I'm not like them,but I can pretend..."


    27.02.2008. (09:04)    -   -   -   -  

  • medo

    ima nešto stravično u svemu tome... i sviđa mi se to...
    ne volim ljeto... ima previše ljudi... da...


    28.02.2008. (11:37)    -   -   -   -  

  • Monica

    hello my love...
    evo me opet,samo da znaš da sam uvijek tu...
    "the sun is gone but I'm havin light..."heh


    04.03.2008. (14:58)    -   -   -   -  
