

Dodaj komentar (14)


  • Led zeppelin

    Znam da fali... Fali nemoguće... I nisi jedina koja još plače... Teško mi se naviknit da je otiša, jer je uvik bio tu za mene kad god mi je nešto tribalo... Bio mi je najbolji prijatelj, brat, rođak, mama i tata u jednom... On me doslovno odgojio... A sad ga nema... I to užasno boli... Želin samo da znaš da nisi sama u svemu ovome.


    09.10.2007. (23:47)    -   -   -   -  

  • Darkheart

    I wrote a poem dedicated to Brane and I will post it here because I don't know the language of this site and I don't know how to post it otherelse:

    Death stroked so close to my home yesterday,
    Was the last day of someone I’ve cared,
    Petrified faces in a second turned dark
    And terrified eyes slowly closed up their light
    As remain unexpectedly bared.

    Unpredicted she came, crawling faster through grass,
    Letting no guilty footsteps behind,
    Like a robber approached, like a thieve then she left,
    Holding tight in her fangs alive proof of heartbreak,
    Disappear in the blankness of mind.

    The sun was sparkling through million of leaves,
    Drawing pure, shinny diamonds on our skin,
    Warming our hands became suddenly cold,
    And my heart felt empty, confuse and so old
    Like ages has buried within.


    11.10.2007. (13:48)    -   -   -   -  

  • xsorrowx

    thank you for your poem...
    It is really beautiful...
    Feel free to post here,anytime you want...
    BTW-who are you,and where r u from?


    11.10.2007. (21:46)    -   -   -   -  

  • Darkheart

    Thank you so much XSORROWX! I am so glad I find someone to talk about this and maybe explain to me what was happened in that day. On the Net are only sites in croatian language and I don't speak it, so I can only guess things. Anyway ... I love poetry and metal and I was searching some lyrics on the Net last sunday - 07.10.2007. I discovered a band named Embrio on a site and it was stunning! The sound, the lyrics, THE VOICE ... I didn't found something so beautiful for a very long time. I've started to search more things and I found other Embrio songs and I definitely felt in love of the band. I even found something about a band named Sentiment - also Brane was singing in there. And I found ... that the miracle I just discovered was ended before to begin for me! I am sorry ... the tragedy you lived then, I live now. I cannot listen the songs without feel a deep sorrow for Brane. I didn't know him, but I know him now, through his wonderful voice. It's just ... I wish entire world had been known him, because he really deserved!


    12.10.2007. (18:20)    -   -   -   -  

  • friend

    hey, I regulaly read this blog because I loved that guy...;) and I wanted to maybe just thank you for liking his songs, his music,,,, because music was a big part of his life, and his dream was to mean something in the world of music,,, he left this world too early to achive that,,, but maybe its not too late yet,,, he wrote,composed and sang wonderful songs,,, I wish people could see and hear that,,,, and not just a great musician , but an amazing person, big,great friend,,,, one and only,,,


    12.10.2007. (22:18)    -   -   -   -  

  • xsorrowx

    That is true...
    And since that day,it is impossible to live anymore,because our Angel,and my best friend died...
    Memory remains,that is true,but the memory is so painfull...
    Yes,Embrio and Sentiment were his bands...And yes,everybody agree,he had beautiful,perfect voice...But before all of that-he was such a nice person,great musician and greatest friend of all times...He was light in life of many people....

    Btw-if you wanna talk,leave your msn here,if you have one?


    12.10.2007. (22:20)    -   -   -   -  

  • Darkheart

    I am really honoured to get answers from people who really had known Brane and was his friends! To friend and XSORROWX: I didn't know he was such a complete musician, that he wrote and composed those great songs! There are yet many things that I hope to find about him in time, but you realise how great he was and how much power he had if he continue to amaze people like me beneth the grave? I am sure people will find his greatness someday and the world will realise how empty were without his amazing talent. You were his best friends, please think of a way to let people to find Brane! If you do that, it means he is still here and will be here forever!
    My MSN is: darkpoessis@hotmail.com. I didn't had an msn until now, I just created it, I hope it will go.


    14.10.2007. (14:00)    -   -   -   -  

  • Darkheart

    I cannot help it to listen Brane every day ... I wrote this and i will writte more, 'cause I feel it this way. Hope you don't mind to post again here.

    I hope you’re in heaven and drown into light,
    Because the hell remains here for torture our mind.
    Not with hot fire and not with ice cold,
    With simply the memories of all words untold,
    With memory of things so close to be done,
    And with heaviest stone of … you’re being gone.
    I wonder from now if every suns rise,
    Could be the light went down from your eyes …
    I wonder if black night spread into the air
    Is really the night or the dark of your hair?
    If rain falls so violent to wash all the fears,
    I wonder if raindrops are truly your tears …
    The moon are still shinning for light up the ends
    And sorrow and pain became our friends,
    Made their nest deep down in the hearts,
    Keep ripping our souls into small, tiny parts.
    The heaven is there and now is your home
    You have now the angels and sky is your throne,
    Cruel fate didn’t let us to make other choice,
    But we have your memory alive and your voice.


    16.10.2007. (21:43)    -   -   -   -  

  • elaine

    the rain is falling so violent wright at this moment, here where his soul still lives so strongly.. but it s not washing away all of the tears...
    I hope raindrops are not truly his tears … he s happy
    it s our tears that fall like this rain, down on his grave, down on these streets he jused to walk through......
    May the angels be with you ...


    18.10.2007. (23:51)    -   -   -   -  

  • xsorrowx

    Elaine & Darkheart- tnx for this comments,they are so beautiful...I know he is happy because there are so many beautiful posts written for him...
    Yes,his body is gone,but his soul will live eternaly in our hearts,and minds...
    And his spirit is everywhere,in wind,trees,water,everywhere...
    He will never be forgoten...

    He is our Angel,and our friend,love and everything...
    He will be my best friend forever and ever...

    Brane,I know you are still here...
    Like an Angel,but you are here...
    Together we'll be someday,again


    19.10.2007. (13:16)    -   -   -   -  

  • Darkheart

    For Elaine: I know he is happy and I know that from there, from heaven, he is watching and protecting all his beloved ones .... A man like he was had left his heart here, to show everyone who have eyes to see what it means to be a great man ... I know only two people in this world who put their heart into songs and verses and sent it to the world. One of them is Brane! And the angels is with him because I undestood he was an angel from always ...

    For XSORROWX: I know he will never be forgotten because he will live forever through you. His spirit and memory will always be a big part of you and of anyone who had the chance to know him. I am from another country and I didn't had the privilege to met him. For me, he will always live through his fascinating, beautiful, perfect voice. His voice is almost running through my veins with blood from the moment I found him. I spoke to many people about him. They listened his voice and were amazed. And with every new person that find him I feel that Brane is more and more here and he will stay here for ever. I don't know why I have this connection with him and why he affect me this way, but I intend to keep his memory alive, too ... "He was light in life of many people" you said so sensitive and delicate ... I am sure he will enlight life of many people from now on, too ... Mine surely ...


    20.10.2007. (22:38)    -   -   -   -  

  • xsorrowx

    I am glad to hear it...
    Yes,we have to keep memory alive,to keep his music,his talent-HIS LIFE alive..
    Because,it was his dream,his love...His passion...
    That was him...
    He was the best friend I ever had,I know I will never have privilege again,to meet someone so special like him,because he was unique...
    I just hope,that he cares for me from heaven,like he did on this world...
    I hope he won't forget me,and I hope he is happy now..
    Btw-I never see you on msn?
    If you want,send me message when I am offline,and I will respond to you after I see the message...


    21.10.2007. (00:10)    -   -   -   -  

  • Darkheart

    For XSORROWX: I really want to talk to you and I have so many questions and things to find. But, unfortunatelly, my skills are not in the computer area so the only thing I did was to create an e-mail address (darkpoessis@hotmail.com). I have no idea how to find your e-mail address or MSN, please don't laugh, but yes, in this century are people that still aren't used with the "wonder of technology" .... like me ... If you will send a message to me on this address, I promise I will writte you soon!


    21.10.2007. (23:18)    -   -   -   -  

  • Tipster analitičar

    bravo svaka čast


    22.09.2010. (17:43)    -   -   -   -  
