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    uuuu sjebbb.....al ja bih voljela da mene moji zaborave....jer sam rodjena u 7:10 tako da me svaki fucking rodjs bude u zoru ....pa nema smisla...pozz....cooooool blog


    29.06.2007. (23:24)    -   -   -   -  

  • gunner

    ideš novi blog,i nisi rekla
    joj joj
    sretan rodjendan još jednom


    29.06.2007. (23:44)    -   -   -   -  

  • ekonomistica

    hej.. novi blog.. lijepo.. da.. sretan rockas jos jednom!


    30.06.2007. (19:15)    -   -   -   -  

  • ekonomistica

    idem.. zurim.. fik me ceka.. ;) dodi u zabok.. castim, dobre sam volje.. papa.. kiss!


    30.06.2007. (19:16)    -   -   -   -  

  • Anonymous


    A term used as a sweeping reference to all teenage girls on the Internets their juvenile gossip, teen angst, excitement over pop culture and incoherent posting using strange expressions, unusual typing styles, and aLtCaPs. They are also a known producer of anti-lulz, the disease that causes AIDS.

    Sixteen-year-old girls represent some 90 percent of the teen population and are ubiquitous on the Internets. They typically have several journals or blogs, and specialize in creating fan signs and eljay whorage. It's easy to confuse them with fifteen-year-old girls, who are fairly similar.

    Tip for Forum Administrators: If you invite one 16-year-old girl to your forum, she will invite all her stupid friends to come too, because, like, oh my god, this place is so CUTE!!! This technique must only be used in emergencies, since it will either make your forum almost as n00bish as OtakuWorks, or turn it into the next MySpace before 2008.
    [edit] Conversations

    Sixteen-year-old girls have a tendency to call you late at night to talk about stupid nonsense thinking that they're convincing you of how intellectual they are. As part of their irrational desire to attract older men, even the ones in special-education programs will try to convince you that they're really mature for their age.

    First, they'll tell you how much they love the pointless, pretentious, nonsensical, and edgy mind-fuck movie they just watched. They'll also bring up whatever shitty band was just on TV. Then they'll try to discuss philosophy without having ever studied philosophy.

    Sitting through this is like stabbing your dick repeatedly, which cancels out the subsequent, albeit dubious benefits of acquiring 9,001 MySpace friends.
    Most 16 year old girls give themselves away by producing a neverending stream of mallcore tripe about subjects like sXe, shit bands, trying miserably for the attentions of bois that ignore them (see emo), and jesus. A high proportion of this sort of posting combined with huge numbers of camwhore pics is at least 100% accurate at predicting the presence of a 16 year old girl.

    Some specimens, however, take on a coy persona. They may make their journals friends only, but these coquettish underage vixens can nonetheless be identified using the following probability chart:

    * site or journal in tiny font nearly the same color as the background

    * see also: MySpace whore
    * if all lower case: see emo
    * if altcaps: see suburban hXc

    90% probable

    * site or journal layout includes text like "1024x768. internet explorer. css. frames. respect for what's mine."

    93% probable

    * if this line includes "tolerance for [...]"

    95% probable

    * site or journal layout includes the cropped corner of an internet disease photo or a photo of celebrities, overlaid with fancy script fonts, spraypaint brushes, and/or small stars or ghey sparkles

    97% probable

    * if the link to the bio page is the word "girl" instead of "bio" or "about me"

    98% probable

    * if a veiled reference to cutting or being ana is present in banner/links

    99% probable

    * and finally, if the site or journal layout changes your mouse pointers from the default to something retarded

    100% probable

    Using this handy guide, you can instantly identify the owner of this placeholder page as a 16 year old girl. Note the mouse pointers. It's 100% certain and was later verified!

    In a less virtual capacity, signs to spot 16 year old girls are: a constant need to hug each other, a constant need to hug some fat faggot no one likes, a constant need to defend a fat faggot no one likes when attacked, speaking at incomprehensible speed, laughing at something that's rude at a high decibel level e.g. OH MY GOD YOU JUST SAID WILLY! DATS FUNNY LOL.


    02.07.2007. (16:08)    -   -   -   -  
