

Dodaj komentar (8)


  • [...kaja...]

    "when you're felling down, and the world seems like a dark and empty place, your special friend lifts your spirit and makes that dark and empty world suddenly seems bright and full!"
    ...and if you find such a special friend, you have a special friend for life, and life is special...

    -I love you-


    28.05.2007. (19:52)    -   -   -   -  

  • [...kaja...]

    dobro jutro!! :)
    danas sam baš ok!! ;)
    vidla sam ovaj dizajn još jučer, ali nisam stigla ostaviti komentar. kad ti je moj braco poslal poruku na msn-u, ja sam iza ležala u krevetu i čekala tvoj odgovor. i onda sam lijepo zaspala...:)
    u četvrtak idem k tebi! prije 12! prvo idem na ispit iz autoškole, pa ostajem u zaboku...i idem do tebe.... jeeeeej! napokon!
    ajde, čujemo se!
    lov ju!


    29.05.2007. (11:58)    -   -   -   -  

  • *-*-*Natasha*-*-*

    eeeeeeeeeeeeej..novi dizajn vidim :)) lijepo... a pjesma...da...sad te razumijem i znam da ti nije lako...pa zato plači..kad isplačeš suze bit će ti lakše...i aj sam uvijek tu za tebe malena..ajd pozzić,čujemo se...


    29.05.2007. (16:33)    -   -   -   -  

  • no melody

    ej! ne znam te, al lijepi blog! i fala kaj si meni komentirala! drž se, čitamo se, .... pusa


    29.05.2007. (22:00)    -   -   -   -  

  • [...kaja...]

    ma sve je to isto: a ja biii, i ja biii! hehe...
    zoveš ti onaj broj? veliš, zauzeto je? hm...pa nije valjda krivi broj...?
    čujemo se!
    fališ! :(


    30.05.2007. (12:45)    -   -   -   -  

  • ...pebble...

    ej ljepoto, samo da te pozdravim...
    veli mi mala pticica da dolazis na dane piva... hm, ali pazi stubicanci su ti jako opasni...
    hehe ajde vidimo se


    30.05.2007. (15:01)    -   -   -   -  

  • Dj Tiesto

    When it seems like the world around you is breaking
    And it feels like there's no-one else around you
    And it's quiet, there's a silence in the darkness
    And it sounds like the carnival is over

    As you walk in the crowded empty spaces
    And you stare at the emptiness around you
    You wanna go to the city and the bright lights
    Get away from the sinners that surround you

    'Cause I won't be there
    But you will be there
    And we'll find each-other in the dark
    But you will see
    And I'll see it too
    'Cause we'll be together in the dark

    'Cause if it's coming for you
    And it's coming for me
    'Cause I will be there
    'Cause we'll meet each-other in the dark

    And if it terrifies you
    Then it terrifies me
    'Cause I will be there
    So we've got each other in the dark

    As I look into the sky
    The stars bright as ice
    You want me to take you over there
    I want you to stay with me
    I'm sure I'm not the only one, the only one

    No, no
    Don't worry
    You're not the only one

    'Cause if it's coming for you
    Then it's coming for me
    'Cause I will be there
    'Cause we'll meet each-other in the dark

    And if it's panicking you
    Then it's panicking me
    And I will be there
    So we've got each-other in the dark

    In the dark, in the dark
    We'll meet each-other in dark
    In the dark, in the dark
    We'll hold each-other in the dark

    Now we're saved together in the dark
    'Cause we've got each-other in the da


    30.05.2007. (21:09)    -   -   -   -  

  • Fuck the love and life...

    ej..čini se po ovome da si stvarno zužna..ok neču ulaziti u tuđe sudbine, i ja imam par dana kad imam osječaj da mi se svijet ruši, a to je vrlo često..ne tuguj, postoje i bolji dani!!!! živi za bolje dane - brže če ti proči tužni dani ( dani kada ti se ruši svijet i ljubav...)

    dojđi do mene...i komaj..pusaa, bye


    11.11.2007. (13:08)    -   -   -   -  
