

Dodaj komentar (2)


  • fak

    nice, very nice
    i just don't know how to comment on this rosana "friend" chick, i mean, dude, she's fourteen (last time i checked, it was still statutory rape, so watch out)
    and, yes, she is hot, very
    you should wait, i mean, you have to, unless you like DOUBLE DAMAGE in the state penitentiary
    you can try what Cartman did, he had to wait for the new Nintendo Wii to come out so he froze himself in the snow, only problem was he stayed frozen for 500 years, that's because stupid Butters didn't unfroze him, all you have to do is tell some1 responsible to unfroze you, some1 like me :)
    and when you recover from being frozen and from my piss (i like pissing in the snow, especially when there's a person in it) you're can get it on with rosana, she will be ready for action (by action i mean extensive talking, duh)
    or maybe rosana is just al illusion so ppl wouldn't think that you're actually into hannah, or maya, or maybe even chax (bash mi je jebozovan zadnjih dana)


    30.03.2007. (09:53)    -   -   -   -  

  • Hannah

    You know me too well... And don't worry, I'm not planning to do something like the thing a week ago, no more lies, promise. I like you too much to lose you over something as stupid as that was. So... Thank you for being there everytime I need you.

    Btw... Hey, I'm not playing hard to get!


    30.03.2007. (16:01)    -   -   -   -  
