

Dodaj komentar (5)


  • Berini dnevnici

    E pa jebem Darwina: Do jučer je bio bog bogova Olympia, a danas bi Core DUO. Malo kurca, eto. Ajmo malo KGB - A???? Pa da drukaj mamu, tatu, seku, bracu. Zemi vodku pa se napij i ne diži bune. To su metode !! A dajte mi ISPRINTANO ! Jer sam star i nemoćan pa ne znam kako ću pročitat, ma hadje čitaj ti meni nemam naočale.. A u kurac krasan, što bi ti malu bebu, a di je mala beba ???? Eno ti je u Villachu.. De đorni, par milijunčića, neće niko vidit, a neće kurac. Ono spika za potrošit WC papir. U kurac i Darwin. Aj mi nabavi 2-3 duge deve da si mogu pucat u glavu kad me pronađu.


    23.03.2007. (09:29)    -   -   -   -  


    Ovo je stav prema ljudima i svijetu, to ja vas pitam! Čitajte:

    Clearing their plates, the Waitress spills a drink. It
    soaks the napkin Price is writing on and pours into his

    I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

    You know... we are what we do in
    this world, sweetie, and you're a
    waitress. All that requires is
    that you bring the food and drink
    to and from the table without
    making a mess. That's it. So
    when you screw up something so
    incredibly simple as that...
    well that just doesn't say a whole
    helluva lot about you, does it?
    Stunned, the Waitress carries the dishes to a nearby
    wait-station where she breaks down and cries.

    Women like that I give dumb a bad

    as he watches the Waitress cry, then turns to appraise
    Price, who doesn't skip a beat as he grabs a new napkin.

    They should fire her.
    I always say -- a bad hire
    strengthens the competition's
    hand. A good general feeds off
    his enemy.

    Actually, Sun Tzu said the last
    line, in The Art of War.

    Did he? Interesting.


    23.03.2007. (10:08)    -   -   -   -  

  • DerzaFanistori

    Eto filmskog odgovora: Sweet November, 2001.


    23.03.2007. (10:08)    -   -   -   -  


    Da, cijeli je slučaj zbilja čudan i vrijedi da ga se prepriča:

    Derza i ostali kojima je stori fani!

    Molio bih malu kolegijalnu filmofilsku pomoć!
    U filmu čijega se naslova ne mogu sjetiti Frank Langella* igra nekog opasnog tipa koji se zatekne na kavi u nekom kafiću/restaču ili sl.. Konobarica donosi kavu no ruke joj zadrhte i kava se prolije na tanjurić. I sad počne...Langella, nevjerojatno sadistično, započne svoju predilekciju o općem poretku bića u univerzumu u kojem jadnica ima neznatnu ulogu donositeljice i odnositeljice kava do i sa stolova gospode, pa ako ni to nije u stanju...
    Jasno, sirota se žena rasplače!

    Kako se zove taj film? Popizdit ću od muke. Ne mogu se dosjetiti već danima.
    Mislim da je film snimljen devedesetih. Za stolom je s Langellom još jedan muškarac, mislim protagonist filma. Ničega se drugog ne mogu sjetiti, jer mi je na pamet pao samo taj sumanuto prijekorni monolog. Pomoć! Molim ostavite odgovor i na mome blogu. Hvala!
    * Frank Langella was best known early in his career for his success in the title role of Dracula in the Broadway production designed by Edward Gorey. In a recent interview Langella, commented that people (in fact, mostly men) always complimented him on the sexual energy of his stage performance as the Count, telling him, "Boy, did my wife make love to me that night!" after seeing him onstage.

    NEMANJA • 23.03.2007. u 09:45

    Našao sam! Ne biste vjerovali.
    Nakon što sam danima pretraživao net, jednostavno sam upisao Waitress, Langella, i pronašao sam sljedeće:
    "Sweet November (2001):
    Someone must like movies like "Sweet November," because they keep getting made. Keanu Reeves and Charlize Theron play mismatched lovers who spend a whirlwind month together while Theron wastes away from a fatal yet impossibly glamorous disease. It's "Love Story," only crappier. Or, to be more precise, it's "Sweet November" circa 1968 with Sandy Dennis and Anthony Newley, only crappier. Reeves plays a successful ad exec (read: asshole) in San Francisco who falls madly in love with Theron's kooky, madcap free spirit and learns to live life to its fullest through cavorting with puppies and small children. No, really - he cavorts with puppies and small children, and whatever your feelings about Reeves, you have to admit that's just cruel to do to an actor. Reeves reaches an epiphany about his high-pressure lifestyle over a business lunch with a ruthless titan of the ad industry (Frank Langella); when Langella berates a waitress until she runs off in tears, Reeves realizes that, hey, he really doesn't want to work for this guy, and walks out of the restaurant a liberated free spirit. Which is several notches less helpful than actually comforting the poor sobbing waitress or defending her against Langella's harangue, but I suppose every epiphany is unique.

    NEMANJA • 23.03.2007. u 09:53

    Clearing their plates, the Waitress spills a drink. It
    soaks the napkin Price is writing on and pours into his

    I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

    You know... we are what we do in
    this world, sweetie, and you're a
    waitress. All that requires is
    that you bring the food and drink
    to and from the table without
    making a mess. That's it. So
    when you screw up something so
    incredibly simple as that...
    well that just doesn't say a whole
    helluva lot about you, does it?
    Stunned, the Waitress carries the dishes to a nearby
    wait-station where she breaks down and cries.

    Women like that I give dumb a bad

    as he watches the Waitress cry, then turns to appraise
    Price, who doesn't skip a beat as he grabs a new napkin.

    They should fire her.
    I always say -- a bad hire
    strengthens the competition's
    hand. A good general feeds off
    his enemy.

    Actually, Sun Tzu said the last
    line, in The Art of War.

    Did he? Interesting.

    NEMANJA • 23.03.2007. u 10:11

    Uz cijeli ovaj slucaj derza fanistori. Ali, tko bi mi to vjerovao!


    23.03.2007. (10:20)    -   -   -   -  


    Derza, tek sam danas shvatio kako su stvari duboko povezane. Obrati pažnju na moj jučerašnji opis Hitchova svjetonazora: "dobro, a zakaj glavinjate tu, po mom svijetu, u tom kolopletu budalaština, umjesto da se stavite i dovedete u red! Ionako se od vas očekuje samo to da na trenutak tu budete, i ništa više! Ostalo ću ja učiniti, ako ne uprskate stvar.
    Usporedi to sad s opaskom Edgara Pricea: All that requires is that you bring the food to and from the table without making a mess.
    Ovo without making a mess je progonilo Hitcha: sve što trebate jest donijeti i odnijeti kavu, Isuse, samo nemojte nekaj unerediti! Nemojte nekaj na svoju ruku! Pustite motivaciju, to piše u MOM scenariju! Vasa je motivacija 'Your salary': na kraju života dragi će vam Bog udijeliti manču za to što niste napravili nikakav mess, i to je sve! Raj kao napojnica! Kakva ideja! Fantastično. To je zaista ultimativna mizantropija, ta ideja da Bog zapravo gleda s visoka na ljude, da ih prezire a ne ljubi: to je izravan napad na srž kršćanskog učenja: "Uistinu, Bog je tako ljubio svijet te je dao svoga Sina Jedinorođenca da nijedan koji u njega vjeruje ne propadne, nego da ima život vječni" (Iv 3,16)! Hitch je bio zaista duboko dirnut svojim jezuitskim odgojem, ahahahahaha....


    23.03.2007. (11:18)    -   -   -   -  
