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  • Optionmaster

    Imam primjedbu samo na upotrebu engleske rijeci CREDIT koju navodis kao prevod naseg KREDITa iako se radi o 2 razlicite stvari. Nas KREDIT se prevodi engleskom rijeci LOAN (posudba, zajam) a engleska rijec Credit oznacava cijeli niz stvari od kojih nijedna nije LOAN nego upravo suprotno tome -
    The deduction of a payment made by a debtor from an amount due.
    b. The right-hand side of an account on which such amounts are entered.
    c. An entry or the sum of the entries on this side.
    d. The positive balance or amount remaining in a person's account.
    e. A credit line.
    Osim toga Kredit moze znaciti:
    Belief or confidence in the truth of something. See Synonyms at belief.
    2. A reputation for sound character or quality; standing: It is to their credit that they worked so hard without complaining.
    3. A source of honor or distinction: This exceptional athlete is a credit to our team.
    4. Recognition or approval for an act, ability, or quality: gave them credit for a job well done.
    5. Influence based on the good opinion or confidence of others.
    6. An acknowledgment of work done, as in the production of a motion picture or publication. Often used in the plural: At the end of the film we stayed to watch the credits.
    Dakle kad u engleskom jeziku kazes : "Give me some credit!" ti u stvari NE trazis zajam novca nego bukvalno kazes "DAJ MENI PRIZNANJE ILI MENI PRIPISI ZASLUGU ZA NESTO ili IMAJ POVJERENJA TOLIKO U MENE"!


    16.03.2007. (14:27)    -   -   -   -  
