

Dodaj komentar (12)


  • GiRL iN tHe BoX

    ovo je tako....
    ah,predivno,tako se ja često osjećam,jako jako često,
    možda i previše u posljednje vrijeme.
    ne znam,tužno je to...
    ali vjerojatno svi mi imamo neki skriveni cilj na ovom prokletom planetu...
    možda.ja svoj još uvijek nisam pronašla.


    08.12.2006. (10:56)    -   -   -   -  

  • Leviathan

    ej poz....you're lost...ovo su....lijepe stvari....imaš svoj stil....nice...inače(za druge možda) malo nerazumljivo...al kužim sve....barem ja....pjesme su baš zakon...nastavi i dalje pisat...možda ti je bolje, but I think it's not enough....i da, samo razgovor s nekim ljudima isto nije dovoljan...da te znam i da znam točno tvoje probleme napravio bi nešto....but I don't know you....daj pliz reci kolko imaš god. i iz kojeg si grada?...you don't have to if you don't want to...neću se ljutit ni niš takvo...


    08.12.2006. (13:44)    -   -   -   -  

  • Voice_Of_Death

    Trying to close my eyes against the shame....everytime I fail...
    Tired....so tired....falling back....feigning sleep....just leave...
    Why won´t you leave me alone?
    But....I´m afraid....Afraid of the loneliness....
    ..to be surrounded with people and yet complitely alone....
    I´m just a confuzed little girl...so fragile...easily hurt...reaching out,but no one´s there...
    Sorry.....I´m sorry for everything I´ve done...

    svi se mi ponekad osjecamo samo kao malo dijete koje se nalazi negdje duboko u nama, sakriveno...nezasticeno...


    08.12.2006. (20:37)    -   -   -   -  

  • Leviathan

    ja isto imam 16....i iz karlovca sam....da li možda znaš nekog po imenu Matija Galetić?


    09.12.2006. (10:49)    -   -   -   -  

  • kalthir

    on one hand. cannot resist urge to ridicule pansy lyrics. on other hand. must preserve the sanity of people who tend to write in anglo-saxon dialects. dillema.

    knew person like you once. knew many people like you at many points in time. point *is*. self pity is all good and well, when done in solitude or in the company of trusted invididuals. self pity shown to complete strangers is pathetic. of course chance exists words are merely words, not feelings. further possibility that words are merely a farce. making ridicule fair game. unlikely, though.

    naturally, further possibility:songs a 'mating call' of sorts. portraying vunerability in order to attract males. not a bad tactic. fairly effective. do carry on.


    09.12.2006. (13:41)    -   -   -   -  

  • Beaut|fully_Chaot|c

    I would like to personally thank you for your thorough analization...It was a real revelation!
    I did not know that my macabre thoughts that I am trying to soften with a slight admixture of simple,almost paltry descriptions are viewed in such a way...
    I am grateful that you have pointed out my mistakes that I am making and that the whole existence of my blog seem pathetic in the eyes of a stranger.I can assure you that I did not intent to display anything similar to a `mating call´ and that I am deeply sorry if I have offended you unknowingly...
    Further more,my songs that you have mentioned(though I see them as mere thoughts,but thank you for your obvious compliment ^^) exist for my friends that are the only ones who read my blog.They represent sort of an insight to them...I am sorry that you cannot understand the deeper meaning of it as expected from a complete stranger...
    And to conclude,I allowed myself the liberty to admonish you that we are living in the 21st century and that writing poems on a sheet of paper is unnecessary and quite..mortal...
    With the help you have given me by directing me to the right path,I will try to correct my misdeeds and improve my writing to become an example for all those out there similar to me...
    I thank you again and wish that you could continue with your condescending presence on this page for I still believe that I would need your occasional guidance to prevent my possible future riot....
    I will be awaiting your response to my query...


    09.12.2006. (18:17)    -   -   -   -  

  • kalthir

    the correct phrase here is 'oh muthafuckin' *zing*. them's some badass pwnage right there, nigga'.
    i concede! admit defeat! set, point and match! white flag! towel in the ring! well played indeed, gosu ^^
    i shall trouble you forthwith nevermore.


    09.12.2006. (23:56)    -   -   -   -  

  • Beaut|fully_Chaot|c

    Why thank you...^^
    I do believe in a civilized way to solve a dissidence....
    But I would really be honoured to have such a sage reading my blog..
    Untill next time...stay well..^^


    10.12.2006. (10:42)    -   -   -   -  

  • kalthir

    ...i think i brokes it :(


    22.12.2006. (19:42)    -   -   -   -  

  • Voice_Of_Death

    ej sretan božić ako slaviš i nova godina
    buno sreće u slijedećoj godini


    25.12.2006. (19:24)    -   -   -   -  

  • Idilični Tulipan...

    Sis... why aren't you anwsering...?


    27.12.2006. (02:49)    -   -   -   -  

  • Beaut|fully_Chaot|c

    I am not answering ye brother for I want to leave ye alone for awhile...Rest yer battered body and ease yer abused mind....Prepare yourself for tomorrow!!When I´ll glomp you and tackle you down with the famous ´Wuchya` rub...
    Umm..yea.... -.-"


    27.12.2006. (20:39)    -   -   -   -  
