

Dodaj komentar (30)


  • fidel

    the end skuzis kad se napljugas ili sl :)


    26.09.2006. (19:53)    -   -   -   -  

  • me

    HelOu My LUv.... eTo MenE dA kOmeNtIraM... :-p Za PoCeTak,UcHItAVaNJe I sCrollaNjE Je UzHaSno sPOrO...Bar Na moM koMpu....DruGO,THIS IS THE PLACE:Ne RaDI,....,BLOWIN THE WIND:NE RaDI,....,WONDERFUL TONIGHT:NE rAdi,....,TrEChe,nISu PromIJENE Nego PROMJENE,....,Nije IZVOđAĆ Nego izvođaČ,....,NIJE «DOdATI Ću» nEGo «dOdAT ĆU ga»....(moLim Vas Da Ove PRIMJedbe PrihvaTite s DozoM HUMORA Da Opet NE iSPADnE dA bLatim PoDrooma).... :-p a SaD Kaj se TicHe Liste:1.PjesMA O Drogi:»rhCp:CHARLIE»,.....,ostALO Sve JE PreJEBENO.... Be GOOd,stAy gOOd.....PUSSA....


    26.09.2006. (20:18)    -   -   -   -  

  • me

    I'm an ocean in your bedroom
    Make you feel warm
    Make you want to re-assume
    Now we know it all for sure

    I'm a dance hall dirty breakbeat
    Make the snow fall
    Up from underneath your feet
    Not alone, I'll be there
    Tell me when you want to go

    I'm a meth lab first rehab
    Take it all off
    And step inside the running cab
    There's a love that knows the way

    I'm the rainbow in your jail cell
    All the memories of
    Everything you've ever smelled
    Not alone, I'll be there
    Tell me when you want to go

    Sideways falling
    More will be revealed my friend
    Don't forget me
    I can't hide it
    Come again make me excited

    I'm an inbred and a pothead
    Two legs that you spread
    Inside the tool shed
    Now we know it all for sure

    I could show you
    To the free field
    Overcome and more
    Will always be revealed
    Not alone, I'll be there
    Tell me when you want to go

    Sideways falling
    More will be revealed my friend
    Don't forget me
    I can't hide it
    Come again get me excited

    I'm the bloodstain
    On your shirt sleeve
    Coming down and more are coming to believe
    Now we know it all for sure

    Make the hair stand
    Up on your arm
    Teach you how to dance
    Inside the funny farm
    Not alone, I'll be there
    Tell me when you want to go


    26.09.2006. (22:26)    -   -   -   -  

  • Njata

    Ja imam prijedlog makar je možda malo glup..
    Za naj pjesmu o sexu ja bi još stavila od Azre "Fa fa la" ili kak se već pjesma zove, brijem da je kao točan naziv "Fa fa fa".. i još jedna za to područje, a to je soundtrack iz Američke pite 3, Matt Nathanson-" Laid"->meni je ta pjesma prejebena pa predlažem da ak imaš mogućnost da ju skineš ili poslušaš nekak...


    26.09.2006. (23:50)    -   -   -   -  

  • shund

    najbolje pjesme o prekidu: queens of the stone age:- another love song
    -gonna leave you
    -go with the flow


    27.09.2006. (07:43)    -   -   -   -  

  • ramona

    baš dobro. sviđa mi se ovdje.


    27.09.2006. (10:18)    -   -   -   -  

  • PodRoom

    @fidel- da svaki put kad sam se napljugao sam ga na drugi način skužio... :-)
    @me- ljubavi moje, kao što znaš, sad nisam u mogučnosti ispravljat greske zbog toga kaj nemam česti pristup internetu...
    @njata- prijedlog uopće nije glup, ali se uopče nisam sjetio hr. rocka jer ga ima malo kvalitetnog ali Azra to stvarno je... razmislit ću o tome...
    @bludna kći- zanimljiva kategorija, ali to nisu NAJBOLJE pjesme za tu kategoriju...
    @ramona- onda češće navrati! :-)


    27.09.2006. (16:16)    -   -   -   -  

  • ny here i come

    ej... pa jel mi se cini il si ti opet s me? =) aj, bas lijepo... =)
    jedva cekam pon =)) poz


    27.09.2006. (19:23)    -   -   -   -  

  • ...naked...

    ej... samo da te pozdravim... nismo se dugo citali...


    27.09.2006. (20:09)    -   -   -   -  

  • shund

    meni jesu, ne mogu biti objektivna ;)


    27.09.2006. (21:17)    -   -   -   -  

  • MIKI



    27.09.2006. (23:43)    -   -   -   -  

  • Akasha

    Ciao, ne mogu a da ti komentiram neke sitnice vezane za tvoj post o seksu. Kao prvo i muškarci postižu svoj vrhunac poput žena a to se svakako ne zove erekcija. Erekcija je ukrućivanje muškog spolnog uda(da ti to na najljepši način objasnim i pristojno), pa zar te drugi to još moraju učiti. Drugo, homoseksualizam, nekrofilija i ostalo što si navela/o nisu vrste seksa nego seksualne orjentacije ili točnije poremećaji.
    Dalje, moram ti komentirati vezano za seks. Možda jesam žena ali ovaj put moram stati na stranu muškaraca. Nitko tebe ne može forsirati na seks ako i ti to ne želiš(ne "prihvaćaš", nego "želiš"). Ja to nikad nisam radila a da to nisam željela u onolikoj mjeri koliko i muškarac. Swing je po tvojem objašnjenju jednak orgijama("dva ili više parova") a definicija je zamjena partnera. Ali...slažem se sa zadnjom izjavom... Pozdrav


    28.09.2006. (15:44)    -   -   -   -  

  • Unbeliever

    Ok... ostale neću komentirat, ali najbolja pjesma o buntu - Rebel Yell? .. hm.. još da si stavio u obradi C.o.B.-a bi nekako i prešao preko toga (bolje zvuči).. ali ovako.. ;) .. Neće ići. 0 bodova. Keep it up...


    28.09.2006. (15:44)    -   -   -   -  

  • anonimus

    moj prijedlog je najpjesma o samoubojstvu:Everybody Hurts(rem), Hurt(Nine Inch Nails), Relevation(U2), Otherside( RHCP), Coma(GNR) itd. itd. itd.


    28.09.2006. (21:04)    -   -   -   -  

  • Sadako's apprentice

    eh, da sam imam adsl.
    mada mislim da su ove pjesme precijenjene. iz iskustva znam da su ovim pjesmama opsjednute osobe koje žele biti cool i "old school" itd. a zapravo sve to nema smisla.
    umoran sam. ne mogu misliti.


    28.09.2006. (23:34)    -   -   -   -  

  • juxtapose

    "najbolja" pjesma o seksu je Foxy Lady(od Hendrixa) i After Dark(Tito & Tarantula), ljubavna Love Buzz(od Nirvane, što se lyrics-a tiče...)
    ...a The End... Morrison je inteligentan, sarkastičan i samodestruktivan pa drugačiju pjesmu ni nemožeš očekivati..uz to je i realan.. svemu kad tad dođe kraj, bilo ono lijepo ili ružno


    02.10.2006. (21:16)    -   -   -   -  

  • saguAro

    odlican post! svaka cast! e i zakooon izbor muzike! :) nego zasto je "This is a place"-file error i nece da sviri :((((((((! odlicno stvarno! ;)


    03.10.2006. (10:02)    -   -   -   -  

  • Lea

    Ne priznajem ovu listu- NEMA GUNSA!!!! No eto.... hm....


    03.10.2006. (10:47)    -   -   -   -  

  • PodRoom

    Nažalost moram najaviti zbog određenih "poteškoća" s internetom i poslovima na faksu, ovaj blog na neko vrijeme prestaje s funkcioniranjem... ali kao što se kaže... što nas ne ubije, nas ojača...


    04.10.2006. (11:21)    -   -   -   -  

  • Doctor Gonzo

    ja bih za jos najbolju pjesmu kojoj ne znamo znacenje stavio CECU - GROME MOJ!!! pa, uvrsti je. heheheh ;O)))))) iz Bosne sam se vratio sa puno narodnjaka u glavi! hehehe


    05.10.2006. (18:42)    -   -   -   -  

  • PodRoom

    Eto, svi problemi riješeni... I'M BACK! :-)


    07.10.2006. (09:46)    -   -   -   -  

  • nika jelaska

    Nic Cave - pjesma se zove "Into My Arms"
    najiskrenija pjesma o ljubavi, nadahnucu i umjetnosti (i vezi izmedju to troje)

    Nick Cave
    "There She Goes, My Beautiful World"

    The wintergreen, the juniper
    The cornflower and the chicory
    All the words you said to me
    Still vibrating in the air
    The elm, the ash and the linden tree
    The dark and deep, enchanted sea
    The trembling moon and the stars unfurled
    There she goes, my beautiful world

    There she goes, my beautiful world
    There she goes, my beautiful world
    There she goes, my beautiful world
    There she goes again

    John Willmot penned his poetry
    riddled with the pox
    Nabakov wrote on index cards,
    at a lectem, in his socks
    St. John of the Cross did his best stuff
    imprisoned in a box
    And JohnnyThunders was half alive
    when he wrote Chinese Rocks

    Well, me, I'm lying here, with nothing in my ears
    Me, I'm lying here, with nothing in my ears
    Me, I'm lying here, for what seems years
    I'm just lying on my bed with nothing in my head

    Send that stuff on down to me
    Send that stuff on down to me
    Send that stuff on down to me
    Send that stuff on down to me

    There she goes, my beautiful world
    There she goes, my beautiful world
    There she goes, my beautiful world
    There she goes again

    Karl Marx squeezed his carbuncles
    while writing Das Kapital
    And Gaugin, he buggered off, man,
    and went all tropical
    While Philip Larkin stuck it out
    in a library in Hull
    And Dylan Thomas died drunk in
    St. Vincent's hospital

    I will kneel at your feet
    I will lie at your door
    I will rock you to sleep
    I will roll on the floor
    And I'll ask for nothing
    Nothing in this life
    I'll ask for nothing
    Give me ever-lasting life

    I just want to move the world
    I just want to move the world
    I just want to move the world
    I just want to move

    There she goes, my beautiful world
    There she goes, my beautiful world
    There she goes, my beautiful world
    There she goes again

    So if you got a trumpet, get on your feet,
    brother, and blow it
    If you've got a field, that don't yield,
    well get up and hoe it
    I look at you and you look at me and
    deep in our hearts know it
    That you weren't much of a muse,
    but then I weren't much of a poet

    I will be your slave
    I will peel you grapes
    Up on your pedestal
    With your ivory and apes
    With your book of ideas
    With your alchemy
    O Come on
    Send that stuff on down to me

    Send that stuff on down to me
    Send that stuff on down to me
    Send that stuff on down to me
    Send that stuff on down to me
    Send it all around the world
    Cause here she comes, my beautiful girl

    There she goes, my beautiful world
    There she goes, my beautiful world
    There she goes, my beautiful world
    There she goes again


    07.10.2006. (20:38)    -   -   -   -  

  • kreten čina

    najbolje antiratne masters of war- dylan, stinking bombs- bodycount
    o prijateljstvu im gonna get by with a little help from my friends
    najbolja pijesma koju nitko ne razumije why does it hurt when i pee- frank zappa
    o buntu working class hero- ljennon


    08.10.2006. (21:33)    -   -   -   -  

  • kreten čina

    o drogama


    08.10.2006. (21:37)    -   -   -   -  

  • nemoj me farbat!

    bas sam mislila takav post napisat, al sad necu :D
    .. naj pjesma o ratu - zombie (cranberries)
    pozz.. :))


    09.10.2006. (17:14)    -   -   -   -  
