

Dodaj komentar (24)


  • Paris

    baj baj


    19.07.2006. (19:38)    -   -   -   -  

  • 012 STATION posada

    slažemo se, a nisi nas posjetio :(


    19.07.2006. (19:45)    -   -   -   -  

  • heimthra

    da, nevjerojatno kako je ljeto brzo prošlo...
    tj. kako prolazi.
    ovo možda najbrže dosad


    19.07.2006. (22:08)    -   -   -   -  

  • photo_domina

    hev fan


    20.07.2006. (08:52)    -   -   -   -  

  • Pinkeye

    heh, blago tebi:) uzivaj!


    20.07.2006. (20:18)    -   -   -   -  

  • Nisam inventivna...

    E ovaj yourbestfriend je brutalan... IDIOT!!!!! kljaiću uživaj na moru i see you in zg!!!!


    20.07.2006. (23:09)    -   -   -   -  

  • ...danijela...

    jaaako zanimljiv blog...slušaš great grupe...a ja ti znam saksofonistu iz antenata...ide samnom u glazbenu...pozzzzzz


    22.07.2006. (22:47)    -   -   -   -  

  • bea

    Uživaj na moru!! Ja još neću! Brzo nam se vrati...Ipak je tvoja dužnost da nam pišeš :)


    23.07.2006. (22:59)    -   -   -   -  

  • ante_os

    dobar blog


    24.07.2006. (12:04)    -   -   -   -  

  • spermi man

    dobar blog


    24.07.2006. (12:05)    -   -   -   -  

  • slaven178

    nemoj tako ima još cijeli avgust


    24.07.2006. (17:36)    -   -   -   -  

  • PodRoom

    @nisam inventivna- jebesh budalu! @...danijela...- koju muzičku? @Bea- moja je dužnost da nemam dužnost!


    26.07.2006. (07:45)    -   -   -   -  

  • me

    heeeey.....znash kak mi falish...a nije proslo ni 24h.....buhahahahahah.....hm,da.....znash,bilo nam je prejebeno....da nemoram shljakat u ovoj retard.ageniciji i da nemoram skupit pare zas koncert peppersa,sad bi ja bila u zg-u....shmrc shmrc kaj nisam....a jebiga....da jucer navecer je meni fakat pocelo tek ljeto...jebiga malo kasnim.....al bolje ikad nego nikad...ti uzhivaj na vrucini zagrebačkog asfalta....pussa....i falish mi....


    26.07.2006. (17:49)    -   -   -   -  

  • PodRoom

    @me- i ti meni isto ali kaj mislish da bi bilo pametno da pishes o tih 24h?
    e da i inache, za ostale... I'M BACK!!! ali samo na 2 tjedna i onda se vracam na more na neodredjeno!


    26.07.2006. (18:18)    -   -   -   -  

  • PodRoom

    Can't stop addicted to the shin dig
    Chop top he says I'm gonna win big
    Choose not a life of imitation
    Distant cousin to the reservation
    Defunkt the pistol that you pay for
    This punk the feeling that you stay for
    In time I want to be your best friend
    Eastside love is living on the westend
    Knock out but boy you better come to
    Don't die you know the truth is some do
    Go write your message on the pavement
    Burnin' so bright I wonder what the wave meant
    White heat is screaming in the jungle
    Complete the motion if you stumble
    Go ask the dust for any answers
    Come back strong with 50 belly dancers

    The world I love
    The tears I drop
    To be part of
    The wave can't stop
    Ever wonder if it's all for you
    The world I love
    The trains I hop
    To be part of
    The wave can't stop
    Come and tell me when it's time to

    Sweetheart is bleeding in the snowcone
    So smart she's leading me to ozone
    Music the great communicator
    Use two sticks to make it in the nature
    I'll get you into penetration
    The gender of a generation
    The birth of every other nation
    Worth your weight the gold of meditation
    This chapter's going to be a close one
    Smoke rings I know you're going to blow one
    All on a spaceship persevering
    Use my hands for everything but steering
    Can't stop the spirits when they need you
    Mop tops are happy when they feed you
    J. Butterfly is in the treetop
    Birds that blow the meaning into bebop

    The world I love
    The tears I drop
    To be part of
    The wave can't stop
    Ever wonder if it's all for you
    The world I love
    The trains I hop
    To be part of
    The wave can't stop
    Come and tell me when it's time to

    Wait a minute I'm passing out
    Win or lose just like you
    Far more shocking
    Than anything i ever knew
    How about you
    10 more reasons
    Why I need somebody new just like you
    Far more shocking than anything I ever knew
    Right on cue

    Can't stop addicted to the shin dig
    Chop top he says I'm gonna win big
    Choose not a life of imitation
    Distant cousin to the reservation
    Defunkt the pistol that you pay for
    This punk the feeling that you stay for
    In time I want to be your best friend
    Eastside love is living on the westend
    Knock out but boy you better come to
    Don't die you know the truth is some do
    Go write your message on the pavement
    Burnin' so bright I wonder what the wave meant

    Kick start the golden generator
    Sweet talk but don't intimidate her
    Can't stop the gods from engineering
    Feel no need for any interfering
    Your image in the dictionary
    This life is more than ordinary
    Can I get 2 maybe even 3 of these
    Coming from space
    To teach you of the pleiades
    Can't stop the spirits when they need you
    This life is more than just a read thru


    26.07.2006. (18:20)    -   -   -   -  

  • PodRoom



    26.07.2006. (20:20)    -   -   -   -  

  • portugal

    nice blog!


    27.07.2006. (13:55)    -   -   -   -  

  • PodRoom

    nice spam! :-)


    27.07.2006. (14:03)    -   -   -   -  

  • me

    10 more reasons
    Why I need somebody new just like you
    Far more shocking than anything I ever knew
    Right on cue



    27.07.2006. (19:42)    -   -   -   -  

  • PodRoom



    27.07.2006. (19:56)    -   -   -   -  

  • Danči

    Ajde sretan put i zbari koju češnjakinju!


    28.07.2006. (13:16)    -   -   -   -  

  • PodRoom

    nebi nikad, smrde...


    28.07.2006. (18:51)    -   -   -   -  

  • ssbo

    užas koja slika... tješim se misleči da je to samo kuharova ruka koja gnječi rajčicu...


    10.08.2006. (12:48)    -   -   -   -  

  • sometimes I feel like I dont have a partner sometimes I feel like my only friend is the city I live in the of angels lonely as I am together we cry I drive on her streets cause shes my companian I walk through her hills cause she knows I am she sees my good deeds and she kisses me windy


    16.08.2006. (03:31)    -   -   -   -  
