

Dodaj komentar (20)


  • ja

    ne brini mala, znaš da sam ja uz tebe kao i još mnogo ljudi. razmišljala sam danas o svemu tome što te muči, a komentar jedne naše prijateljice me potaknuo na razmišljanje. shvatila sam da nitko ne može shvatiti taj osjećaj koji se stvori u čovjeku, taj osjećaj kada ništa ne osjećaš i kada ti je za sve svejedno...nitko tko još kroz to nije prošao. zato te shvaćam u potpunosti i znam koliko ti je važna potpora svih nas. volim te. pussa


    15.05.2006. (20:21)    -   -   -   -  

  • Irony TM

    Ajd, mala, zrihtaj se pa nam se vrati sretna i puna inspiracije opet! Pusa! Drž' mi se... ;-)


    15.05.2006. (22:33)    -   -   -   -  

  • sroljo

    a majku mu. ja mislim da ne osjecas zato sto ne zelis, odnosno nemas potrebu osjetit. ne kazem da to nije dobro, to je super, jer jedino na taj nacin neces bit sjebana. kad si flegma. ja ocu bit flegma.


    16.05.2006. (11:22)    -   -   -   -  

  • The empire of my mind

    Želim ti da pronađeš sreću ili da ona pronađe tebe i da budeš ponovno ispunjena! Svakako nam se vrati. Pusa


    16.05.2006. (14:06)    -   -   -   -  

  • dont forget me

    a mala...zakaj ti nikad ne velis kad te nekaj muci,a? sad tek vidim da si ko ja...samo kaj sam se ja pocela mjenjat...promjene su dobre...nemoj stajat na mjestu, trazi i naci ces, nema veze ako ne znas kaj trazis, al idi dalje, mjenjaj puteve..srest ces i dobre i lose stvari na njima al nema veze, uci iz njih, to si ti, tuga je dio tebe, al ne zaboravi da imas i onu drugu stranu..onu svjetlu, punu ljubavi...za onu i ja znam...drz mi se...


    16.05.2006. (22:13)    -   -   -   -  

  • Look for me in a garden of eden...I'll remain the

    hm...oukej.kužim te,i meni je tak bilo.vrati nam se brzo...i super da imaš nekoga.


    16.05.2006. (23:21)    -   -   -   -  

  • ...things in life...

    sretno u pokušaju pronalaska nećega.. odnosno koliko sam mogla skužiti smisla života... razumijem te u potpunosti.. neda ti se smijati kada si sretna..neda ti se pričati sa ikim jer tuđe riječi zvuče kao najveće moguće izgovorene gluposti (neda ti se povezivati pa nema smisla).. nemaš želju pričati sa ikim jer jednostavno nemaš snage i svaki tren bi se rasplakala... i slične stvari...osloni se na prijatelje, i drž se.. jer nije sve tako crno... kizz


    17.05.2006. (09:56)    -   -   -   -  

  • kučka u cvijeću

    Aj drzim ti fige da bude bolje. Neznam kaj da vise kazem. A bude proslo.
    I tvoja kucka iz hir :)


    17.05.2006. (16:48)    -   -   -   -  

  • songs for the deaf

    WasteYour mother came up to meShe wanted answers only she should knowOnly she should knowIt wasn't easy to dealWith the tears that rolled down her faceI have no answers causeI didn't even know youBut these wordsThey can't replaceThe life youThe life you wasteHow could you paint this picture?Was life as bad as it should seemThat there were no more options for you?I can't explain how I feelI've been there many times beforeI've tasted the cold steel of my lifeCrashing down before meBut these wordsThey can't replaceThe life youThe life you wasteDid daddy not love youOr did he love you just too muchDid he control youDid he live through you at your costDid he leave no questionsFor you to answer on your own?Well fuck themAnd fuck herAnd fuck himAnd fuck youFor not having the strengthIn your heart to pull throughI've had doubtsI have failedI've fucked upI've had plansDoesn't mean I should take my lifeWith my own handsBut these wordsThey can't replaceThe life youThe life you waste For YouTo my mother, to my fatherIt's your son or it's your daughterAre my screams loud enoughFor you to hear meShould I turn this up for youI sit here locked inside my headRemembering everything you saidThe silence gets us nowhereGets us nowhwere way too fastThe silence is what kills meI need someone here to help meBut you dont know how to listenAnd let me make my decisionsI sit here locked inside my headRemembering everything you saidThe silence gets us nowhereGets us nowhwere way too fastAll your insults and your cursesMake me feel like im not a personAnd I feel like I am nothingBut you made me so do somethingCause I'm fucked up because you areNeed attention, attention you couldnt giveCause I sit here locked inside my headRemembering everything you saidThe silence gets us nowhereGets us nowhwere way too fastI sit here locked inside my headRemembering everything you saidThe silence gets us nowhereGets us nowhere way too fast PressureI just need this to be all rightI can't feel this another nightI can't take this I come ungluedI might breakdown in front of youNecessary to medicateI'm not sleeping, can't stay awakeCan't see through thisToo much pressureDrowning in thisToo much pressureIf you need me I'll be hereHalf unconscious escape my fearI can't take this I come unglugedI might break down in front of youNecessary to medicateI'm not sleeping, can't stay awakeCan't see through thisToo much pressureDrowning in thisToo much pressureMy head hurtsThis shit isn't getting me highMy chest is so tightAm I going to dieMy stomach's in knotsAnd the room starts to spinAs I wait for this valium to slowly kick inCan't see through thisToo much pressureAnd I'm drowning in thisToo much pressureCan't see through thisToo much pressureDrowning in thisToo much pressure


    17.05.2006. (22:30)    -   -   -   -  

  • neki misaoni izljevi i ostalo.

    dej olvjes kam bak... buahahaha


    18.05.2006. (13:21)    -   -   -   -  

  • kučka u cvijeću



    21.05.2006. (14:59)    -   -   -   -  

  • firebelial



    24.05.2006. (11:43)    -   -   -   -  

  • ... Running My Race ...

    hm... nadam se da ćeš uskoro pronaći sebe i da ćeš se brzo skulirat.. šaljem ti pusu.. pozdrav!


    26.05.2006. (23:07)    -   -   -   -  

  • Sick of crying,tierd of trying..Yeah am smiling bu

    uz tebe smo..samo se brzo vrati....


    27.05.2006. (16:07)    -   -   -   -  

  • The empire of my mind

    hug, pusa & pozdrav :)


    28.05.2006. (23:02)    -   -   -   -  

  • seamaiden

    ajmo krhka ljube...piši mi/nam....željni smo=)


    29.05.2006. (18:43)    -   -   -   -  

  • sroljo

    stara pa de si ti?jos je banana? eh..ajd drz se, prebrodit ces ti to :)


    29.05.2006. (18:43)    -   -   -   -  

  • carmina

    razumijem u potpunosti...samo se nadam da ćeš se vratiti puna inspiracije...ali ne inspirirana tugom...nadam se...


    29.05.2006. (21:35)    -   -   -   -  

  • kučka u cvijeću

    Kae, skupljas komentare, jelii??
    Ajde, ajde priznaj :)
    Ne fakat vrijeme je da nesta napises. inace nebude vise komentara. Amen.
    Ljiiiiizneeeeem !


    31.05.2006. (17:00)    -   -   -   -  

  • browneyedgirl

    ja uvijek bit ću tu


    31.05.2006. (20:03)    -   -   -   -  
