

Dodaj komentar (5)


  • Votever

    Uuuuuu....... Axl ROse majica........uuuuuuuuu.......al sam se napal'la..... bash sam se napal'la.... bye bye Mario... babe bye bye.....bye bye Mario... don't u cry....


    13.05.2006. (10:48)    -   -   -   -  

  • young brat padawan

    zao mi je kaj nisam bila. nadam se da je bilo zakon iako je biola oprostajka. falit ce mi taj mulac!! nadam se da si mu prenjela moje pozdrave i zelje.


    14.05.2006. (19:50)    -   -   -   -  

  • Angel dust

    kad je keka već počela...ja ću da dovršim =) ne me ubiti...bar ne čuješ moj glas =)))))
    Talk to me softly
    There is something in your eyes
    Don't hang your head in sorrow
    And please don't cry
    I know how you feel inside I've
    I've been there before
    Somethin is changin' inside you
    And don't you know

    Don't you cry tonight
    I still love you baby
    Don't you cry tonight
    Don't you cry tonight
    There's a heaven above you baby
    And don't you cry tonight

    Give me a whisper
    And give me a sign
    Give me a kiss before you
    tell me goodbye
    Don't you take it so hard now
    And please don't take it so bad
    I'll still be thinkin' of you
    And the times we had...baby

    And don't you cry tonight
    Don't you cry tonight
    Don't you cry tonight
    There's a heaven above you baby
    And don't you cry tonight

    And please remember that I never lied
    And please remember
    how I felt inside now honey
    You gotta make it your own way
    But you'll be alright now sugar
    You'll feel better tomorrow
    Come the morning light now baby

    And don't you cry tonight
    And don't you cry tonight
    And don't you cry tonight
    There's a heaven above you baby
    And don't you cry
    Don't you ever cry
    Don't you cry tonight
    Baby maybe someday
    Don't you cry
    Don't you ever cry
    Don't you cry


    14.05.2006. (20:49)    -   -   -   -  

  • Angel dust

    ps...imam novu adresu


    14.05.2006. (20:51)    -   -   -   -  

  • život običnog tempa...

    a zao mi je, aj jbg... ito se moralo dogodit... e vidis, sad zamisli kak je mjeni kad gledam kak se pracka raspada, jos malo i mrzit cemo taj birc... ipak mi je mario 2 godine tam radio kavu... ;( a fakit... bit ce bolje... eh, i jos jednom hvala za ono u petak ;) pusha, vidimo se u prackici


    15.05.2006. (21:45)    -   -   -   -  
